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Talking Of Peanuts!


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i dont see why some have a problem with my view. at least others share it.

50 years old no money and a poor family to support? something is wrong with this picture. AND WE TALKING ABOUT A FARANG , NOT SOMCHAI FROM THAILAND!

the guy should grow up, divorce the lady , come back when he has righted the shipp.

Having just reached your last post, I can't resist a further comment.

Why is something wrong with the picture ??

I know many struggling people who are only trying to keep family and situation together in a very difficult environment.

Divorce the woman he loves ??

Who the F are you to suggest that ???

XXXxxxxxXXXXXX I'll let you guess my choice of expletive.


At least the OP is trying his best to find some job, yes maybe if his situation doesn't improved he need to go back home.

But that doesn't mean he need to divorce.

Live has his ups and downs, at the moment OP hase some difficulties to get his finance organised, that can happening nothing wrong with that.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the OP. Ignore that clownish preacher of hate.

yes! he is a model for all us to follow!

we all strive to accomplish what op has :):D .

god have mercy on us all!

im not for socialism but in ops case im all for it!

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the OP. Ignore that clownish preacher of hate.

yes! he is a model for all us to follow!

we all strive to accomplish what op has :):D .

god have mercy on us all!

im not for socialism but in ops case im all for it!

Feel more sorry for you than for the OP my friend.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the OP. Ignore that clownish preacher of hate.

yes! he is a model for all us to follow!

we all strive to accomplish what op has :):D .

god have mercy on us all!

im not for socialism but in ops case im all for it!

Feel more sorry for you than for the OP my friend.


you telling him to go home too!

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the OP. Ignore that clownish preacher of hate.

yes! he is a model for all us to follow!

we all strive to accomplish what op has :):D .

god have mercy on us all!

im not for socialism but in ops case im all for it!

You are pathetic the guy is trying to get some extra money to make it work. He is willing to work and obviously his wife loves him because else she would have left him. Who are you to suggest divorce. He isn't on government support or stealing so what is your problem.

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not trying to kick him down. he needs to realize its time to grow up. whatever he doing it aint working!

the people that need their butts kicked are the wusses......good luck op, you doing fine sir.....yuck!

Sure you are trying to kick him down. You are nothing but a TROLL who has probably been banned from TV a few times now, and keeps coming back under a new name posting your outright nonsensical, idiotic remarks. Why don't you focus on graduating highschool before posting again chump.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the OP. Ignore that clownish preacher of hate.

yes! he is a model for all us to follow!

we all strive to accomplish what op has :):D .

god have mercy on us all!

im not for socialism but in ops case im all for it!

Feel more sorry for you than for the OP my friend.


you telling him to go home too!


Financial status has nothing to do with beeing a good father or husband, and sure nothing to do with love.

Your negative comment without knowing anything else than his request to find a job is Zerro.

So why make negative and disrespectful comments against the OP.

Yes i telling him to go home as well, if the OP doesn't sort out his financial situation.

At this time the OP only request is "if there is a job availeble for him somewhere in Thailand", so if you have any helpfull ideas for the OP so maybe he is able to stay in Thailand with his wife would be much more appriciated than your previous comments.


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sorry but the fella doesnt belong in thailand. thailand doesnt want people like him, they stack the rules against him! to get certain visa you need baht in the bank.......why you think this is?

why get upset at me for pointing out he should leave.

Edited by simpathy
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<SNIPPED OUT MINDLESS CHATTER> thailand doesnt want people like him

What are you the frickin' gate keeper for allowing foreigners in here? :)

Boy you just can't stop posting negative &lt;deleted&gt; in this thread can you? :D

My question is; don't you find it difficult to type your oh-so witty and eloquent responses with both your foot in your mouth and your head up your arse? You must be quite the contortionist. :D

I'm sure your mother's proud of you, now be a good little sock puppet and bugger off this post. :D


The man is trying to do what ever he can to make it work. Who are you to denigrate him?

I think the TEFL and teaching option is about the most viable given the O/P's age which will definitely work against him in about any other endeavor.

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hey im for all the people who sacrificed and saved their money to be able to enjoy thailand.

i dont blame thailand for not wanting deadbeets. makes all of us look dodgy :D:D

You are dodgy. Look back at all of your stupid posts. Congratulations for being the biggest idiot on TV. Your certificate will be mailed to you. :)

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I'm afraid that it looks like teaching would be the quickest solution. Although I have been out of that for so long I am not sure how it works now. I just know that when travelling in the provinces I have had teaching job offers thrown at me. When I explained that I was not qualified, other than being a native English speaker, they said that it did not matter and even said a WP would be provided. Being able to speak some Thai helps.

Who knows, when I am finally forced to retire from my current job, I may be forced to go this way myself.

Edited by GarryP
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sorry but the fella doesnt belong in thailand. thailand doesnt want people like him, they stack the rules against him! to get certain visa you need baht in the bank.......why you think this is?

why get upset at me for pointing out he should leave.

You have a point here Simpathy (maybe change your name, doesn't mach with your comments), how about the OP visa.

He need 400 or 800 K on his bank account to get a longterm visa.

If that is correct, after recieving your visa is there a possibility to drill for a permanent water well, so you don't relay on weather and can expand your business at home.

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There is all sorts of work to be found online. Try odesk.com and other similar sites, it can be slow to get started but 200k/year should be achievable.

How does that work? I don't understand the premise.

Designing and managing websites etc. Long hours for you guessed it....peanuts!

That, and some other stuff.

The money is poor because you are competing with the likes of Indians and Filipinos who are willing to work for, errm, peanuts. Guaranteed payment on most jobs though and as I said before, if the target is only 200K/year, then this is very achievable.

Edited by Moonrakers
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sorry but the fella doesnt belong in thailand. thailand doesnt want people like him, they stack the rules against him! to get certain visa you need baht in the bank.......why you think this is?

why get upset at me for pointing out he should leave.

You have a point here Simpathy (maybe change your name, doesn't mach with your comments), how about the OP visa.

He need 400 or 800 K on his bank account to get a longterm visa.

If that is correct, after recieving your visa is there a possibility to drill for a permanent water well, so you don't relay on weather and can expand your business at home.

yES, IN THIS DAY AND AGE WHO RELIES ON RAIN to irrigate their crops. hook mil to a plough with water bags and you have your water issues solved :):D

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