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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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If the charges are true, then Abhisit benefited from the illegal acts and as such he has to resign.

Where or where have all the hypocrites gone? it wasn't too long ago that the anti red shirt groups were insisting that the various PMs on the opposing side hd to go for far worse crimes, like Samak's cooking show (fiend that he was - cooking on national TV, the horror).

How will TV's bully brigade spin tis to excuse the Dems and of course find a way to blame it on Thaksin. The Dems played hardball and got the hit right back at the pitcher's nuts. This is going to be painful to watch.

I am an Abhisit supporter, in general. If the OAG and then the CC rule that the Dems should be resolved, then that is what should happen. None of us has all the facts in the case. If there was corruption involved and Abhisit is banned for 5 years then that too is fully acceptable. The law is the law and it should be applied evenly and fairly.

That is my position as well but I will admit I hope that doesn't happen. My guess is many coming events will supercede all that.

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As I said earlier, this is all likely just for "show".

It means its very likely a Yellow backed coup is going to occur. That will be the only reason they have decided to finally, at the 3rd time of asking, many years late, dissolve the Democrats.

Expect Yellow on the streets soon, and riots and then a nicely timed Yellow backed coup thanks to Yellow attacks on Reds (however be wary the "MIB" will be waiting for the attempted coup and launch a counter coup).

Could be heading for the Honey Dew Melons VERSUS the Water Melons.

I suggest everyone gets out of Bangkok and heads to somewhere a lot safer while this game edges towards a major battle.

Yes, it is interesting that we haven't had any periods of time with both significantly large Red protests AND Yellow protests in the city. One or the other has always dominated the street scene. It could get really scary if and when both groups start marching significantly large mobs around the streets.

I have a questions for you and ask you to do some research.

Yellows protest at Sanam Luang.

Reds chose Rajaprasong,

Why did the Reds not use the Yellows place ? Aha...... do some research and see if you can find a reason why the Reds chose Rajaprasong.

I think its all to do with Siam Paragon and shopping :) , but perhaps there are other reasons ?

Anyway, someone told me to look into it, I will, and will let you know if I find anything :D ? or maybe not !!

It it happens, Yellow will be back to Sanam Luang and Reds will be at Rajaprasong.

I will be a very safe distance away from the potential civil war.

Will there be an increase in 'keyboard violence' in the coming days?

I am expecting more of this


in the coming days.

Good bet!

With a little bit of :D thrown in


so it's game over then is it?

NO. The real game has just started. :)

Most likely this is excruciatingly true.


All race horses reach a date when they go off to stud.

Some earlier some later. Back a winner when he's winning.

And buy one of his colts later one, because good seed is good seed.

If one were to accept the red analysis (at least as articulated by some in the leadership) there is an 'establishment' in this country that 'takes care' of the society- and which is content to permit elected governments to operate -until its own priviledge and/or security is threatened (and both require a reasonably functional society) -

The irony (among several) is that the red leadership actually views this as 'justice'- when in fact, it MAY be merely one more instance of a cunning application of 'law' in the interest, not of 'justice'- but expedience.

That is one of the most astute posts I've ever read on T/V concerning the current political situation in thailand. Unfortunately it is one which points more to where the problem lies than where the solution is to be found.

FWIW; I am anti-red, and anti-thaksin, but the redz and the demz (note I said the demz, NOT the rabid yellowz) both have merit in parts of their ideology and beliefs on how the country needs to move forward.

But the facts are; thailand has had 2 classes of people far longer than it's had what passes for democracy in this part of the world. I seriously doubt who ever is next in line to be in charge will change that in our lifetimes. Maybe they'll throw money at the poor with their financially unsupportable schemes and give the disenfranchised people some more pipe dreams to believe in, but solve the real underlying problems of the entire system, nope. .. Not a chance I don’t care what color shirt you wear.

Remember, IF on the oft chance, Abhisit gets banned by the Constitutional Court (not a sure thing at this point for sure!), lest we forget, we need only look as far as Veera Musikapong. He was found guilty of lese majeste in 1986, but royally pardoned in 1988. However people found guilty of criminal offenses are banned from politics for 5 years. That was a LESE MAJESTE charge, not an illegal campaign contribution, a cooking show, or vote buying charge!! You can't get much higher than that charge in this country.

Hmm, last time I checked; Veera seemed to be doing okay for himself. .. :)

As I understand it this donation to the Democrat party took place before Abhisit was at the helm. The ship is sinking and it is taking an outstanding captain with it....

Abhisit deserves a better end to his career.

Is it possible that Abhisit won't be banned then?

No, Mr. clueless, there is no way out. He was the deputy leader.

I fell still a litttle bit sad for Abhisit, he was promising.

On the other hand it was crystal clear what the EC will recommend the dissolution.(Crystal clear at least for that super smart objective me, i spotted no-one else at this English farang board who saw the signs)

This makes the loss of the last weekend even more terrible. Abhisit turned to be one of the worst PMs Thailand ever had.

The govt supporter at this board who still supported Abhisit left the field of democracy and started to spread ugly lies resorted to disgusting propaganda spins.

They deserve all the mockery that will come over them.

How rude!

Truely we don't deserve someone of your talent and forsight and in particular 'Ego' to be on this site. We are not worthy!

I got the most rudest treatment you can imagine on a web board. I got totally ignored, not even called a troll. :D I tried very hard to bring the coming dems dissolution into consideration of the debate, nobody listen. I found nobody else who saw that coming too.

I am not a red shirt, i never complained about double standards. The red shirts key argument is evidently void since today. Still, the reds have a party, running the parade. But I, where is my thunder? NVM, i don't worry. Nice, that finally somebody saw me and replied. :)

Indeed, if i had place a bet with the odds according to what the TVF community think i would be something worthy and could spend my leisure time with other activities than having here the last laugh. :D

Folks, I think you need to keep in mind the whole end game here is that Taksin doesn't make a comeback. There are many ways for the that to happen. If a few PAD and politicians need to take one for the team. They will. With lastest developments it may actually come to that but I'm not ready to commit just yet.


If the reds accept that the Dems go down for electoral corruption, then they are snared on the same hook for past Thaksin's party organisations.

The banning of the Thaksin parties is further legitimised ex post facto.

In short, when an election takes place, no parties associated with corruption will either be able to run and in addition run the risk of being disqualified post voting.

Once the reality kicks in, Thaksin will be back on the phone.

Not in his script.

I reapet my question to the red supporters. Cany you answer it or are you to bust pukin g?

Shall the red leaders have immunity?

I don't see how granting immunity gets anything to move forward and it sets a ridiculous precedent.

Whilst I don't like to feel that the "establishment" is meddling in the system, undoubtedly they were, are and will for the forseeable future. What they didn't expect was that after the dismantling of TRT and Thaksin that a tangible force would rise up from those ashes. I think they underestimated the power of the handlers of the reds and the loyalty of the political support they had.

For me, the establishment thought a coup, an election and we get back to normal and erase TRT/PPP and Thaksin from the history books and let Abhisit get on with it. Well, we all know that hasn't happened. It also shows that the way to clear up ALL of these problems is through the rule of law (which should be handed down equally to ALL) so an amnesty is a ridiculous precedent to set.

The only reason I can see for granting them amnesty is that it will get Sondhi and the rest of PAD off the hook and give them all a reason to stay at home. A very Thai and a very unsatisfactory end to 3 or 4 years of unprecedented mob protest that has essentially brought Thailand to its political knees.

But then again who am I. TIT after all.

The timing is interesting to say the least. I don't pretend to know what is going on with the EC. My position has consistently been anti-red/anti-Thaksin rather than portraying the democrats or Abhisit as perfect saints. If they indeed violated the laws of Thailand, justice should be served. No complaints from the reds about double standards on this, now are there? What about the arrest warrants for the red leaders? Shouldn't they turn themselves in? The reds are OK with the law when it serves them, but when it doesn't, they feel immune to it. Now that is a double standard, eh?

A side note, whatever political system Thailand has somehow doesn't seem to working.

See this as the establishment releasing the pressure valve. It is a repeat of PPP/PAD. If you take a step back you could even analyse it as such: there are the functionaries eg poltical parties and while some may be favoured over others by the establishment at the end of the day they are functionaries to be sacrificed. The esatablishment is to be protected. Remember right now there is basically no law and oreder in the capital and there is an armed group around plus a bunchg a of demonstrators and another bunch of potential demonstrators and the government have been given up on by all. Equals power vacuum and power vacuumsd are both an opportunity for a player and a very dangerous thing especially for mere mortals

It seems so that there is much more to this than appears on the surface.

If one were to accept the red analysis (at least as articulated by some in the leadership) there is an 'establishment' in this country that 'takes care' of the society- and which is content to permit elected governments to operate -until its own priviledge and/or security is threatened (and both require a reasonably functional society) -

The irony (among several) is that the red leadership actually views this as 'justice'- when in fact, it MAY be merely one more instance of a cunning application of 'law' in the interest, not of 'justice'- but expedience.

Isn't government by the ruling oligarchy the same in every country? Communist or Capitalist the "money elite" of the country make all of the important decisions. We're the suckers that have to scrape and scour for whatever advantages we can, and if we look like getting above ourselves they make a "law" to put us back in our place...do you really think you can make a difference???? :):D:D:D

The timing is interesting to say the least. I don't pretend to know what is going on with the EC. My position has consistently been anti-red/anti-Thaksin rather than portraying the democrats or Abhisit as perfect saints. If they indeed violated the laws of Thailand, justice should be served. No complaints from the reds about double standards on this, now are there? What about the arrest warrants for the red leaders? Shouldn't they turn themselves in? The reds are OK with the law when it serves them, but when it doesn't, they feel immune to it. Now that is a double standard, eh?

A side note, whatever political system Thailand has somehow doesn't seem to working.


It is far from over, 2 more rounds to go, but it does jigger the playing field un-subtly.

The reds are OK with the law when it serves them, but when it doesn't, they feel immune to it. Now that is a double standard, eh?
100% agreed here.

Before they dissolve one major order of business;

Jatuporn must be impeached and stripped of immunity.


Whilke we are discussing the nicety of a court appointment for the Dems we shoudl also rememebr that there is still a big street demo going on. Thereis little law in Bangkok. There is a counter demo announced. Some element sof the military will be chomping at the bit. There is a heavily armed militia lurking around somewhere etc etc There a few obstacles t get ovber before a nice little court case in 6 months or a years time or soemthing

Don't worry. The military will sort it all out and decide what's best for everybody.

That's about as comforting as an acid enema.

Ascorbic hopefully. While in TVF we get acerbic.


As I was saying earlier, Thais (as many as possible) like to be on the winning side, and if that means changing sides late in the game... so be it.

Take today, the army are now on the same side as the reds, and the election commission appear to be also. It's Thai style and discussions about the next allocation of trough space will be much easier now they are one!

Winning side? if the Army couldn't move the reds, the police were on the reds side anyway, who, but who, is still in Abhisits corner.

BTW, I think he set a new blinking and twitching record again tonight.

The timing is interesting to say the least. I don't pretend to know what is going on with the EC. My position has consistently been anti-red/anti-Thaksin rather than portraying the democrats or Abhisit as perfect saints. If they indeed violated the laws of Thailand, justice should be served. No complaints from the reds about double standards on this, now are there? What about the arrest warrants for the red leaders? Shouldn't they turn themselves in? The reds are OK with the law when it serves them, but when it doesn't, they feel immune to it. Now that is a double standard, eh?

A side note, whatever political system Thailand has somehow doesn't seem to working.

See this as the establishment releasing the pressure valve. It is a repeat of PPP/PAD. If you take a step back you could even analyse it as such: there are the functionaries eg poltical parties and while some may be favoured over others by the establishment at the end of the day they are functionaries to be sacrificed. The esatablishment is to be protected. Remember right now there is basically no law and oreder in the capital and there is an armed group around plus a bunchg a of demonstrators and another bunch of potential demonstrators and the government have been given up on by all. Equals power vacuum and power vacuumsd are both an opportunity for a player and a very dangerous thing especially for mere mortals

No doubt very close to the truth.

If you take a step back. Most refuse since stepping back means lost face.

Roll with the punches and adjust your views based on current information.

Or remain lock-step in the past, with no hope for the future.

Losing a really good man Abhisit will put Thai politics back twenty years in progress , He thinks out of the box not like these red thugs and he was on the right track of trying to get Thailand recognised as a good country in all ways .

You can't be serious. I'm going to puke.



Britmaveric, this is not a football match, this is the government of a Nation falling down.

No it isn't, it's a bunch of evil, corrupt politicians being exposed for what they are. I know it hurts you, but the Dems are now exposed as being just as slimy and money-grabbing as Thaksin and his mob.

Of course, we wait with bated breath for the usual suspects to squirm they way out of this fiasco......! :)


Dudes forget the red versus Abhisit stuff for a minute and think. Every worthwhile poltiican on team TRT has been taken out and now it looks like the same will happen to the Dems. Not talking abouyt Abhsiit and Suthep here but all the technocrats that run things. So there wont be any poltician worthwhile left to run for parliament on any side and poltiicians of all ilk are utterly discredited. Wonder who this suits? Or does it just create the conditions for a massive amnesty and resurrection of business as usual? Either way the string pullers have power.

Only true believer, blinds and clueless didn't saw it coming. The EC decision was on schedule to be announced this month. Abhisit knew it was coming, that make the action of last weekend even more disgusting

Which one are you or can we select more than one option? If I recall correctly the decision was not due this month, but after our red friends paid them a visit and did the intimidation routine they agreed to bring the decision forward to April 20. Today is April 12.

So did they suddenly started working efficiently, or did someone put the screws on the EC to make a decision even faster than the April 20 deadline the reds bullied out of them?

Someone who only needs to ask.

Not kidnap CEO's to get things done.

As I said earlier, this is all likely just for "show".

It means its very likely a Yellow backed coup is going to occur. That will be the only reason they have decided to finally, at the 3rd time of asking, many years late, dissolve the Democrats.

Expect Yellow on the streets soon, and riots and then a nicely timed Yellow backed coup thanks to Yellow attacks on Reds (however be wary the "MIB" will be waiting for the attempted coup and launch a counter coup).

Could be heading for the Honey Dew Melons VERSUS the Water Melons.

I suggest everyone gets out of Bangkok and heads to somewhere a lot safer while this game edges towards a major battle.

Yes, it is interesting that we haven't had any periods of time with both significantly large Red protests AND Yellow protests in the city. One or the other has always dominated the street scene. It could get really scary if and when both groups start marching significantly large mobs around the streets.

How about August and Sept 2008 around Samaks SOE... for instance.

Remember those machettes, sling shots and madness running the streets from one park to the other...


^wonder if a national reconciliation maybe in the works?? Reds/Yellows/Dems/TRT - maybe revert back to 2005? :D (include Khun T, and Abhisit)

Nah can't see it happening no way, no how? All the crap that went on to get here since the last coup - just wipe it away and start fresh for everyone???? :)

If the charges are true, then Abhisit benefited from the illegal acts and as such he has to resign.

Where or where have all the hypocrites gone? it wasn't too long ago that the anti red shirt groups were insisting that the various PMs on the opposing side hd to go for far worse crimes, like Samak's cooking show (fiend that he was - cooking on national TV, the horror).

How will TV's bully brigade spin tis to excuse the Dems and of course find a way to blame it on Thaksin. The Dems played hardball and got the hit right back at the pitcher's nuts. This is going to be painful to watch.

I am an Abhisit supporter, in general. If the OAG and then the CC rule that the Dems should be resolved, then that is what should happen. None of us has all the facts in the case. If there was corruption involved and Abhisit is banned for 5 years then that too is fully acceptable. The law is the law and it should be applied evenly and fairly.

Yes the rule of the law should be applied to all. The reds don't really believe that though or they wouldn't cling to Thaksin and now their leaders evading arrest.

Don't mix up different cases.

Their parties got disbanded, twice. What you are calling for?

Time to watch how the Dems react.

If you had spend some time to look at the facts in the previous dissolution cases you would know that the Dems dissolution was 100% predictable if you support a firm and fair ruling.

3:2 ruled the judges in the PPP case, now it is 4:1.

Does it bring Thailand forward? Apparently.

^wonder if a national reconciliation maybe in the works?? Reds/Yellows/Dems/TRT - maybe revert back to 2005? :D (include Khun T, and Abhisit)

Nah can't see it happening no way, no how? All the crap that went on to get here since the last coup - just wipe it away and start fresh for everyone???? :)

Thaksin and Abhisit and National Reconciliation.

Can you see the oxymoron.

Of course that would also include Thai Democracy. Peoples Alliance for Democracy, and United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship. But why split hairs.

It really does make you wonder what is the point in courts at all, if it is all so flexible.

Dudes forget the red versus Abhisit stuff for a minute and think. Every worthwhile poltiican on team TRT has been taken out and now it looks like the same will happen to the Dems. Not talking abouyt Abhsiit and Suthep here but all the technocrats that run things. So there wont be any poltician worthwhile left to run for parliament on any side and poltiicians of all ilk are utterly discredited. Wonder who this suits? Or does it just create the conditions for a massive amnesty and resurrection of business as usual? Either way the string pullers have power.

And here's REAL irony- you are describing a system very similar to that which not even the most fervent reactionaries in the PAD would have thought really possible in this day and age- and yet... So, you might cynically ask, is the forthcoming PAD demonstration to counter the Reds- or to celebrate beside them? (don't answer, I'm being facetious- but Hammered has presented a pretty funny scenario= and one that is not entirely implausible. )


So we presume that Anupong has done a deal with the Reds? Happy end to career; it was looking a bit messy under the Dems.

Talk about a quick military switch over. Now to tidy up the bits and pieces and try to not look too obvious.


sorry to burst your bubble, but is this the same Election Commission that Arisman and over 100 reds invaded and terrorised on the 5th April ?

and this ruling has come from the same EC governors who were told to make a decision before the 20th April or else !

seems to me that its possible that you might say anything to kick this political hot potato upstairs for deliberation at a later date

you might even be inclined to follow orders from someone higher up in the food chain to give certain hot headed red folks what they want for now so that they will go home and give everyone a chance to take a breath

its a sophisticated strategy and the reds will swallow it.

Veera is already declaring victory and starting the car

it will never happen though

the higher court will not agree with the EC ruling

the election commissioners will say that they ruled under duress/death threats from the reds and it will all start again with new commissioners

by that time nine months will be up and Songkran 2010 will be a memory

the mercenaries boss, SD will be dead or exiled

the mercenaries will have been rounded up, tried for murder or killed in the process of capture

Thaksin will likely be dead from cancer

Anapong will be retired somewhere quiet.

in the interim period everyone who needs/wants money in the country, from rice pickers to Generals will have been filling their pockets with the countries money topped up with Thaksins millions

there will be a general election

Abhisit will win the election outright

You do realize you should not do drug in thailand right ???

you must be smoking something to come out with a post like that :)

So we presume that Anupong has done a deal with the Reds? Happy end to career; it was looking a bit messy under the Dems.

Talk about a quick military switch over. Now to tidy up the bits and pieces and try to not look too obvious.

I can't presume, but I can't also believe that his superiors (and I don't mean Abhisit) approve. If he has done this, then one would wonder who are the jockeys and who are the owners. Loyalty??? Pah.....

Are Reds going to leave now?

If the Reds leave, this is definitely a victory for the Dems. They can drag out a ruling, go back on it, prepare for next election, etc.

The Reds were demanding an immediate house dissolution and it looked like the Thai gov would have had no choice... as how else could the Reds be removed?.. Now Reds will go home without even a guarantee of the Dems dissolution?

Not before the court rules which makes sense.

Edit: Lets hope they get there skates on !!!

All you reds out there think this is over already.

There's a few more chapters to play out yet.

Its not over and the reds do not think it is over.

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