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Are You A Kiddy Fiddler

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I have seen the evidence from one of the agony sisters - Ann Landers or Abigail VanBuren: the vast majority of kiddy-fiddlers are straight men who rape little girls. The Vatican needs to fire all male priests and ordain only married women who don't seduce teen-aged boys. Your fiddlers are almost all straight.

Gay posting rules apply: gay-bashing will be punished.

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I don't get the anti-semitism comparison with anti-Pope remarks. Is the fact that they are trying to say the public is stereotyping the church's priests based on propaganda, and the Pope sees them as isolated instances that his holiness didn't think deserved much attention? It doesn't surprise me that they pulled the gay comparison. They have a strategy. It's act like they have no understanding of sexual things. Act stupid and, maybe, it will go away. Does anybody really listen to them, anyway? Where's the police? Isn't doing nothing when you have knowledge of a crime called accessory.

Edit: Next, they'll be blaming the children. Where's all the pheadophile hang-em-high crowd?

Edited by Shotime
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The hang-em-high crowd can lay low.

Several points need to made on this issue. First a pedophile is someone who is attracted to pre-pubescent children--either male or female. Once kids reach sexual maturity, it's a whole different kettle of fish from a psychological point of view. The law, however, sets and age and that's what everyone has to live with. These people are sexual abusers, but they are not pedophiles.

Secondly, there are two types of pedophiles, regressed and fixated. A fixated pedophile is someone who has suffered some type of psychological trauma and there emotional development has halted at that age. Fixated pedophiles are almost always attracted to the same sex. If a persons emotional development stops at 9, then he will be attracted to kids around nine. The age range of sexual activity is usually very narrow. If he likes 9 year olds, then 8 is too young and 10 is too old. Be aware that an underdeveloped 10 year old, or an older looking 8 year old will be in their radar. There is no particular treatment that is effective with fixated pedophiles. Therapy, drugs, even castration aren't effective. They have never had an adult-adult relationship and can't relate at that level.

Regressed pedophiles are emotionally immature people who have experienced a recent trauma and literally go backwards in time to a more comfortable period in their life. These people are usually attracted to the opposite sex. These are (usually) men who have been involved in adult relationships, but due to trauma (divorce, separation etc.) begin molesting young girls. Usually once the trauma and related stress are resolved, they can be treated and stop molesting.

There is probably no real strategy for dealing with this phenomenon in the context of the Church. It doesn't allow for marriage, so it will always attract people who cannot be in an adult relationship.

But blaming gays isn't going solve their problem. That's like trying to get an alcoholic to change from whiskey to wine.

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