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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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They are trying to bring and end to the class system. The class system has little to do with the government, since most people do not work in government and work in private industry. Gordon brown can not bring an end to class system in the uk by changing the government. The class system is deeply en-grained into the society subconsciously.

They aren't REALLY trying to bring down the class system. They are just using that rhetoric to rile up poor people to risk their lives for the red Thaksin elite, a pure corrupt money and power grab, if they win there will be massive misery.

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Elections will come... it's inevitable - so why not sooner rather than later - the government (<SNIPPED INANE REMARK>) is undemocratic - Abhisit has admitted as much - waiting will lead to more problems - let the people SPEAK, and of course, yellows are unlikely to be elected - but this has nothing to do with this lot clinging onto power? oh no!

Of course elections will come. Why not sooner rather than later? Hmm let's see if we can work that out without me resorting to drawing frickin' pictures for you with colored pencils :) ;

Here's a quick recap for the thick :D ;

Samak (who ran on the incredibly inventive "I am Thaksin's nominee" platform); who was subsequently axed for receiving money for hosting a cooking show, and then who conveniently died before his GUILTY verdict could be heard on appeal didn't have a majority when elections were held either, but he made a coalition of smaller parties to garner a majority of MP's who voted for him as PM, letting him 'run the government'.

Likewise Somchai (who replaced Samak under the equally inventive "I am Thaksin's brother-in-law" platform), didn't have a majority either. Again relying on a coalition of parties to garner a majority of MP's to vote for him as PM giving him the chance to 'run the government'.

Now when the banned politician and former best buddy of Thaksin; Newin Chidchob FLIPPED sides, he took with him his coalition of smaller parties to the 'other team', (which is perfectly legal in thai politics). That gave the Dems a majority of MP's to vote for Abhisit, and by rights should actually give him a chance to 'run the government' too. All this is post coup stuff, and is how things worked out.

Can you perchance post a link to where Abhisit actually "has admitted as much" in regard to the government being undemocratic? (even one in thai will do :D ) By rights barring the OAG/Constitutional Court ruling against the Demz they should be in power until the END of 2011, but Abhisit said he would be willing to hold elections early "for the good of the country".

Unfortunately for the rabid reds, the definition for "the good of the country" does not include catering to the gun-boat diplomatic demands of what is clearly a minority splinter group who cry that Abhisit must do so immediately just because they don't like (or maybe even don’t understand :D ) how thai politics works.

Last time elections were held the people did speak, they voted for MP's, in the case where MP's were banned or disqualified, those people got to vote again for another MP. Now the MP's can vote and side with who they see fit (one might believe it is for the benefit of their constituents :D ).

Another news flash, the Democratic party is NOT "the yellows", that would actually be the PAD who have their own political party, just with no MP’s. :D

(edited for factual errorz and sa-pelling)


Tourism is 4th as a percentage of GDP (6%)behind

Automobiles and Automotive parts (11%), Financial Services (9%), Electric appliances and components (8%).

However it is all intertwined. You kill tourism, investment confidence will take a massive hit, which would affect financial services, industrial investment and output, etc.

Now, let's study numbers in Thailand. I suppose some people here think that nobody is oppressed, right? Seems like I see a few people making that claim. I suppose that if they are not on chains, they are not oppressed? Growing 100KG of rice for 400baht, no oppression? Having to sell the loto to make a living, no oppressed? Going to get a higher education to get paid $10K THB a month, not oppressed? Having to send their daughters to the big city to make ends meet, not oppression? Having to see old, fat farangs with some money as 'economic opportunities', not oppression? Having to drink 10 to 20 shots a night in order to make money, no oppression? Having to work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day for 8-9K THB cleaning rooms at a 5 star hotel, no oppression? Having to pay the police in order to sell your trinkets on the street, no oppression?

Heck no, after all the government claims that Thailand has an unemployment rate of 1.5%!! That's lower than Japan, lower than any industrialized country in the world! Why are they so unhappy if they are all gainfully employed and making a good living!!! Yeah! What shallow, self serving vision of the world you must have if you think that people making LESS than 4,000 baht a month working the farm should not feel oppressed. Go read a little bit about all the class and rural upheavals in the history of the world and you will see all the same patterns.

May be I should be asking the question - what do you think is oppression to you, aside from being on chains?

Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

I submit the people who are losing their patience are the ones that are happy with the status quo ,, have shops and businesses etc that are loosing money ,, RIGHT ??

What you and they don't get is the fact there are millions of Thais who have lost patience about the directon their lives are going in and the lack of democracy here.

Whats more important ,, keeping luxury shopping centers open for tourists and spoiled rich bangkok elites to make a profit ,,, or the overall direction of the whole country and the desires of millions of people who by the way represent the majority.

I say ,,, let the shops stay closed ,,, this is the only weapon the reds have while Abish__it's weapon is the tank and live bullets

May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



Sorry to tell you my friend

You Ferang

Even flee on family pet more important tan you

welcome to Thailand

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Exactly it appears to be a lawful attempt to arrest a fugitive.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Certainly the Reds authorized the use of live ammunition... all those death and injuries were not the cause of the military.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Name just 50 sites that you know they shut down.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

People go missing every day. The 2nd sentence is off topic regarding this issue.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Show us some homework... go get the facts. Prove it and then we'll show you ours.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

What comes to mind is Toxins war on drugs... is that what you're referring us to?

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

I don't recall any deaths from the coup or the recent PAD rallies.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

You're the one who can't forget the coup and the PM is indeed legally elected.

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Ok enlighten us with your deep understanding of Thai history and Thai culture. Tell us what you know? You may be Thai for all we know... and well you misspelled fascist.

Cheers, Hummy :)


Letter to Anupong from the peoples group.

Gen Anupong should have realised this and must “restore his dignity as a career soldier”, the letter said, adding that the people hope that they would not have to walk back empty-handed and chase the protesters away by themselves

So the peoples group are saying that if the Army do nothing they will take action to chase the reds out of Bangkok. This could force the Army leaders hand.

Cheers, Rick


I was just told of someone that saw the escape and said it looked like a giant used feminine hygenic product hanging on a string , outside the hotel window...

Anyone remember the emblem of the flag with the coiled snake entwined with the saying " Don't Thread on Me "

The reds may want to resurect this emblem and flag with the saying " Don't Tamp on Me "

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Another intelligent alien


That 3 starlet hotel ,used by shortimers and backpackers alike.hardly recommanded joint,owned by taxin,mayby his wife.

Notice to the guests,

The lift has broken down,use balcony and rope provided or use shower cord.

Letter to Anupong from the peoples group.

Gen Anupong should have realised this and must "restore his dignity as a career soldier", the letter said, adding that the people hope that they would not have to walk back empty-handed and chase the protesters away by themselves

So the peoples group are saying that if the Army do nothing they will take action to chase the reds out of Bangkok. This could force the Army leaders hand.

Cheers, Rick

You're right about that.


According to Tulsathit from the Nation, the operation that began at dawn involved plain-clothed commandos who intended to slip in, take the leaders out quietly, and slip out again. But two things foiled them-

1) They actually asked the front desk for the key, which led to the UDD being alerted to the operation

2) The untimely (or timely, whichever way you look at it) arrival of an uninvited group of noisy riot policemen which brought the media along with them

The question is was this a screw up on the part of the police force, or outside help for the UDD?

I'd say he was well out of the window before the police got to the room. No doubt he had spotters on the ground, and inside the hotel.

Not an assassination attempt, a couple of pins out of stun grenades and an empty 12 gauge SG shell, pretty standard way to open doors with special forces and tac response teams - 12 gauge at the hinges and kick the door down. The shot carried through the door and hit the top of the bar fridge.

A botched operation no doubt. Maybe Abhisit should get the Brits or Aus SAS boys to show him how it's done !

Does any one know... Where is Sifu Mcinnes .. He can do it ! :)

I was just told of someone that saw the escape and said it looked like a giant used feminine hygenic product hanging on a string , outside the hotel window...

Anyone remember the emblem of the flag with the coiled snake entwined with the saying " Don't Thread on Me "

The reds may want to resurect this emblem and flag with the saying " Don't Tamp on Me "

:):D:D:D Post of the day!

.... and further more he should have put a girdle on first...... to hide his fat a$$ and stomach


Fat GUT = Corrupt person. Never done a day's work in his life, What a scared frighten asshol_e.

Anybody who thinks that things are likely to get better for the Thai people if fellows like Arisman and Jatuporn manage to bludgeon their way into power has their a*se so far out of the window it could be mistaken for a weather balloon....

Yea,, I guess you are right.

So why don't we just accept the status quo,, and ignore whats going on ,, because after all.. nothing will change if they have new elections. Right ?

So lets ignore the millions , the rural poor who are demanding new and fair elections and go with the current fascist government .

Lets sweep all that is going on under the rug and just hope those stupid mobs of red shirts will just get tired and go home . Right ? Is that what you are thinking ??

Beware ,, a change is coming ,, like it , admit it or not .

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Red Shirt leaders flee as Thai forces surround hotel

Nation headline I presume?

Government looks foolish in PR disaster would be more truthful, but we all know what the first casualty of war is, dont we, Khun Thamrong?

According to Tulsathit from the Nation, the operation that began at dawn involved plain-clothed commandos who intended to slip in, take the leaders out quietly, and slip out again. But two things foiled them-

1) They actually asked the front desk for the key, which led to the UDD being alerted to the operation

2) The untimely (or timely, whichever way you look at it) arrival of an uninvited group of noisy riot policemen which brought the media along with them

The question is was this a screw up on the part of the police force, or outside help for the UDD?

TS probably has quite a few friends in the police force.

The Thai gov should have asked Israeli Mosad for a favor when he was in Dubai.

Letter to Anupong from the peoples group.

Gen Anupong should have realised this and must "restore his dignity as a career soldier", the letter said, adding that the people hope that they would not have to walk back empty-handed and chase the protesters away by themselves

So the peoples group are saying that if the Army do nothing they will take action to chase the reds out of Bangkok. This could force the Army leaders hand.

Cheers, Rick

You're right about that.

And you will be the first in the frontlines, I am sure! Don't forget to bring your XBOX controller so you can do some shooting!

.... and further more he should have put a girdle on first...... to hide his fat a$ and stomach


Fat GUT = Corrupt person. Never done a day's work in his life, What a scared frighten asshol_e.

All of these shots are priceless! He'll never live this down :)

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Red Shirt leaders flee as Thai forces surround hotel

Nation headline I presume?

Government looks foolish in PR disaster
would be more truthful but we all know what the first casualty of war is, dont we, Khun Thamrong?

What would you want the headline to be?

Red Shirt Hero Evades Police Raid. :)

Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.


Originality of style is not your strong point is it?

Nice to see that your imagination is even more fantastical than your liar-in-chief Thaksin.

He just lied that the reds were fake reds last Songkran.

You want to go one step further to remove the red stain of violence.

Unfortunately it does not go away.

You are even making a lame attempt to not only go gung-ho on being against corruption (well, more corrupt than Thaksin)

But pushing the they are more violent gig.

Even the drug killings you are trying to push off Thaksin's plate.

Talking of fascists, how is your support for Thaksin's anti-homosexual bigotry?

Thaksin is paying for the protests to advance his opportunity to put his cronies (or family, same, same) into place for the army reshuffle.

The army reshuffle.

You can't talk about that can you?

Mr I Hold You responsible

good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

Red Shirt leaders flee as Thai forces surround hotel

Nation headline I presume?

Government looks foolish in PR disaster would be more truthful, but we all know what the first casualty of war is, dont we, Khun Thamrong?

HaHAHa best post of the day! :D:)

Sorry to tell you my friend

You Ferang

Even flee on family pet more important tan you

welcome to Thailand

Have you been eavesdropping on my boss?

Well if they bothered to wash their pet it wouldn't have fleas. Then where would you be 10027586? :):D


The Government has managed to find a few top cops that will obey its rules.

The rank and file however are having second thoughts.

Like the Italians in the last war, they are capable of more fight than this. Trouble is, the rank and file are mostly red, their families are mostly red.

So much for the offer of talks. No more talks I say, starve the business community out now. All the yellow supporters backers are now loosing big money.

Obama was so concerned yesterday with the Thais running round screaming "Terrorist" that he held a press conference.... and announce a mission to Mars!

"yellow supporters backers are now loosing (losing) big money." Do you think the wealthy work in the hotels & restaurants doing the cooking, cleaning, etc.? It is the poor - that Red Shirt apologists claim are "fighting for Democracy - who are losing money. They don't work (can't b/c of the terrorist animalistic protestors), the don't get paid. These Reds working for the crooked fugitive Thaksin, are causing Thailand to lose face (look bad) all over the world & killing tourism. ALL Thais are hurt by these neanderthals trying to overthrow the government in order to bring the scumbag Thaksin back to power. I can't even call a person a human being who would throw human & pig's blood on government property, on the soldiers/police & on the PM's home. These Reds are terrorists and no other country in the world would allow protestors to commit the crimes they have committed. The Thai police & military couldn't whip a sack of cats. They are cowards & should be court martialed for not carrying out orders to disperse this mob of terrorists. Animals.

Anybody who thinks that things are likely to get better for the Thai people if fellows like Arisman and Jatuporn manage to bludgeon their way into power has their a*se so far out of the window it could be mistaken for a weather balloon....

Yea,, I guess you are right.

So why don't we just accept the status quo,, and ignore whats going on ,, because after all.. nothing will change if they have new elections. Right ?

So lets ignore the millions , the rural poor who are demanding new and fair elections and go with the current fascist government .

Lets sweep all that is going on under the rug and just hope those stupid mobs of red shirts will just get tired and go home . Right ? Is that what you are thinking ??

Beware ,, a change is coming ,, like it , admit it or not .

Yes that's a great idea lets ignore the red bastards. :)

Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Exactly... forget democracy, forget the poor, forget elections - let's let the rich bourgeoisie from BKK have it all

bit like that pathetic rich kid who drove his Porsche into the reds – Daddy bought it for him - no doubt Daddy is a yellow and taught him these 'country folk should get no vote because they are stupid'

This will never end until elections are held (endless record - sorry I know) but you will see.

Even after new elections, this will not end

If reds win next election, you can bet your last dollar

another color will be out protesting that the election

was flawed and they will start demanding another election

They might even threaten to take over and airport or two

Anybody who thinks that things are likely to get better for the Thai people if fellows like Arisman and Jatuporn manage to bludgeon their way into power has their a*se so far out of the window it could be mistaken for a weather balloon....

Yea,, I guess you are right.

So why don't we just accept the status quo,, and ignore whats going on ,, because after all.. nothing will change if they have new elections. Right ?

So lets ignore the millions , the rural poor who are demanding new and fair elections and go with the current fascist government .

Lets sweep all that is going on under the rug and just hope those stupid mobs of red shirts will just get tired and go home . Right ? Is that what you are thinking ??

Beware ,, a change is coming ,, like it , admit it or not .

Yeah! When the rain's come everybody will be back home planting rice. Just give it another month or so.

Letter to Anupong from the peoples group.

Gen Anupong should have realised this and must "restore his dignity as a career soldier", the letter said, adding that the people hope that they would not have to walk back empty-handed and chase the protesters away by themselves

So the peoples group are saying that if the Army do nothing they will take action to chase the reds out of Bangkok. This could force the Army leaders hand.

Cheers, Rick

You're right about that.

And you will be the first in the frontlines, I am sure! Don't forget to bring your XBOX controller so you can do some shooting!

I certainly won't be anywhere near the front lines. I am obviously not Thai and so don't have any rights in this Country. However I can discuss this situation on this Internet forum and state my opinions. I believe that this will end in more bloodshed either caused by the Army doing their duty or an opposing group flushing the red shirts out. Once the talking has stopped the fighting will follow. The Reds have refused further talks so this situation can not be settled peacefully.

Thaksin does not want this to end peacefully and that is why he has ordered the negotiations to cease.

Cheers, Rick


Tourism is 4th as a percentage of GDP (6%)behind

Automobiles and Automotive parts (11%), Financial Services (9%), Electric appliances and components (8%).

However it is all intertwined. You kill tourism, investment confidence will take a massive hit, which would affect financial services, industrial investment and output, etc.

Now, let's study numbers in Thailand. I suppose some people here think that nobody is oppressed, right? Seems like I see a few people making that claim. I suppose that if they are not on chains, they are not oppressed? Growing 100KG of rice for 400baht, no oppression? Having to sell the loto to make a living, no oppressed? Going to get a higher education to get paid $10K THB a month, not oppressed? Having to send their daughters to the big city to make ends meet, not oppression? Having to see old, fat farangs with some money as 'economic opportunities', not oppression? Having to drink 10 to 20 shots a night in order to make money, no oppression? Having to work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day for 8-9K THB cleaning rooms at a 5 star hotel, no oppression? Having to pay the police in order to sell your trinkets on the street, no oppression?

Heck no, after all the government claims that Thailand has an unemployment rate of 1.5%!! That's lower than Japan, lower than any industrialized country in the world! Why are they so unhappy if they are all gainfully employed and making a good living!!! Yeah! What shallow, self serving vision of the world you must have if you think that people making LESS than 4,000 baht a month working the farm should not feel oppressed. Go read a little bit about all the class and rural upheavals in the history of the world and you will see all the same patterns.

May be I should be asking the question - what do you think is oppression to you, aside from being on chains?

Given your list no I don't think that's oppression, I think that's the way it is. Just how do you, or UDD, propose to change it. The only proposal from UDD is dissolution, and that's just a cover for "get Thaksin back". What will change?

And what sort of job do you have to drink 10-20 shots a night? do you need references?

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