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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

You either have a sghort memory, or you were not around when this whole mess started.

The yellow mob that undemocratically installed Abhisit used exactly the same tactics, and preceded the red mob that you see now. This yellow movement started out as a personal vendetta against Thaksin by Sonthi, who founded the PAD as part of his personal business agenda. As you don't seem to recall, Sonthi was Thaksin's best mate, then fell out with him because his debts were no longer forgiven and he was expected to repay them. This is where this whole thing started - Sonthi was thinking about his bank balance and wanteed to start a fight, not giving a dam_n about the country.

The yellow were the ones who usurped Thailand's democracy and started all this mob rule and culture of intimidation. What you see now is what they started.

It was Thaksin that shut down Shondi's TV stations because he didn't like the critism against himself and his govt. Well... hence the Yellows. Shondi and Thaksin go way way back.

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Supposed photo of the "captured" police. Makes you wonder if the whole exercise wasn't coordinated with the red shirts in advance, complete with dramatic "escape" for PR purposes as well as being able to "disarm" the police and pass the weapons to the reds.

Photo comes from a retweet by the Nation. Speculation is all mine.

New picture just in of the group of crack Thai police commandos planning this morning's raid!


I had the mental picture of 'Dads Army' running through my head. Perhaps 'Faulty Towers' may have been a better one :)


CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country


Posts containing and responding to racial/ethnic slurs have been deleted.

Against forum rules and absolutely unacceptable.

To oppose a political group or the actions of same is an opinion which people are entitled to have and to argue in favor of if they so choose.

Bigotry on the other hand is.....bigotry.

CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

another democratic point of view....... :)

So the reds admit they are amoral criminals but the fact that there have been other criminals in the past excuses everything and anything they do. Thus lies anarchy. You really want leaders like this?

Unfortunately that is human nature - leaders or not. Doesn't take something this big to see that this is how people justify actions - it is called "setting a precendent". The yellows set it, the reds follow it, the military allows/wants it, and we all pay the price of a lawless society. But then again, all we had to do was remember some history and it could have been avoided by putting the initial anarchists in the right place from the start - instead, we now have red anarchists, and before long, as the law and its enforcers are useless, we might have them both trolling our streets while we avoid going out in fear.

Thailand, the Land Of Smiles - nomore.

One thing this video also confirms is that the propaganda about low/dwindling number of Reds continues and the propaganda about how they're all at Ratchaprasong now is completely FALSE. I haven't gone out ANYWHERE in the past week without seeing Red supporters driving or walking by every couple of minutes.

That hotel is nowhere NEAR Ratchaprasong! How did hundreds of supporters instantly show up at the right time? They're just Redshirts who happened to be in the area. They're everywhere!

Not all RED are real RED. Sometime I wear a RED skirt, sometime a RED blouse (my favourate thong also happens to be RED). That does not make me a real RED. Just because I drive a RED Jazz, does that make me a RED too. You see RED driving or walking by every couple of minutes, it could just be one of the many color that they choice to wear.

Believe me, there are not many RED in Thailand. Most people are YELLOW or PINK.

CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

Why don't you do it then? Perhaps you keyboard warriors should go to the Army Barracks and sort this mess out. Sure you will be well received!!

So we are proposing gassing, Helicoporers dropping stuff on them, Anthrax cows I saw yesterday and Navy Seals in Boats treking up Silom!! How about some real seals balancing balloons and blowing kazoos, flapping around the area!!

How about this. Corporal Jones with bayonet fixed.... they don't like it up em Mr Thuagsabun, they don't like it up em! Or Benny Hill music on Thai Tv reports of police raids?

PS, this change in the country is going over your heads and you obviously don't know anything of Thai History or how Thais conduct themselves, even in disputes. Note the smiling faces of the so called Kidnapped CAT boss and the relaxed informal gathering with the Police who were detained this morning.

More Violence is being proposed on this forum that in the offices of the Thais, on both sides!

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

You either have a sghort memory, or you were not around when this whole mess started.

The yellow mob that undemocratically installed Abhisit used exactly the same tactics, and preceded the red mob that you see now. This yellow movement started out as a personal vendetta against Thaksin by Sonthi, who founded the PAD as part of his personal business agenda. As you don't seem to recall, Sonthi was Thaksin's best mate, then fell out with him because his debts were no longer forgiven and he was expected to repay them. This is where this whole thing started - Sonthi was thinking about his bank balance and wanteed to start a fight, not giving a dam_n about the country.

The yellow were the ones who usurped Thailand's democracy and started all this mob rule and culture of intimidation. What you see now is what they started.

thanks for the yellow update but no thanks and i was around when it happened

i have already stated my position in this thread

but just for you here goes:

i have already said i do not know what to be 'yellow' means and do not want it explained to me

i dance to the beat of my own drum and i think the red are bad news

i was brought up to have high morals and strong principles

i think they behave badly and they offend my sensibilities

i have never liked bullies and i think the reds fit into that category

defensive? yes sure

i firmly believe ones principles are worth defending

i respect your wish to do the same but by you doing so, it means that we have to disagree on this subject

thats life, i do not expect to convert you to my way of thinking


Ok with you? or do you intend to try to intimidate me into submission like your comrades are trying to do to this country?


The Colorful Shirts are in front of the 11th. They appear to be having a good time and behaving themselves admirably... Fair sized crown as well. :)

One thing this video also confirms is that the propaganda about low/dwindling number of Reds continues and the propaganda about how they're all at Ratchaprasong now is completely FALSE. I haven't gone out ANYWHERE in the past week without seeing Red supporters driving or walking by every couple of minutes.

That hotel is nowhere NEAR Ratchaprasong! How did hundreds of supporters instantly show up at the right time? They're just Redshirts who happened to be in the area. They're everywhere!

Not all RED are real RED. Sometime I wear a RED skirt, sometime a RED blouse (my favourate thong also happens to be RED). That does not make me a real RED. Just because I drive a RED Jazz, does that make me a RED too. You see RED driving or walking by every couple of minutes, it could just be one of the many color that they choice to wear.

Believe me, there are not many RED in Thailand. Most people are YELLOW or PINK.

darling if that's your photo as your avatar you can wear any colour you want. (oops, smack, slap, kick, bite, ouch)


This gets more amusing by the minute.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Dress up in a red shirt and jeans????

Cheers, Rick


First the airport was taken over from security personnel by a group of NAG's (New Age Grannies) armed with handclappers.

Not to be outdone, the Army surrendered a range of weapons from handguns to army tanks to a group of people with bamboo sticks.

and now the cops are in on the action with a laurel and hardy comedy routine.

Whos writing this material? :)

When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order. I'm certainly not in favor of what happened there then, but the concept is interesting: the outside troops had no compassion for the protesters, so were not afraid to do their assignments.

Compare it to Bangkok: The security forces within Bkk are nearly non-functional. Time to bring in troops from outside. If they're local boys from southern provinces, you can bet they have no love for Thaksin and the Reds who support him (and are paid by T).

Suggestion to Abhisit: shut off the power and water to Thaksin's SC Park Hotel which is providing free room and board to Red leaders.

Also, I spoke with a Thai lawyer a few years ago and he claimed there is no Thai law which outlaws 'harboring a fugitive.' That worked for the General who harbored Chalerm's youngest son who was on the run from murdering a cop, and it can work for whomever is harboring the Red leaders during these troubled times. Time to adjust the law perhaps?

If you look at the Demographics, you will note that they would be

A massively outnumbered by "the boys from the North"


B, split along religious lines between those who perceive themselves and their families to have been oppressed and killed by the Army from Bangkok and Non-Muslims!!!

I had a dream as well..... but thats another story!

The army always has certain units that are screened and especially trained and on which top commanders can rely. The BBC report in another thread specifically identified certain of the reliably loyalist units as the 2nd Infantry, the 12th and the 21st. The government has set up its counter revolution operations center with the 11th Infantry at its facility which is another reliably loyalist unit.

It is common practice in 3rd rate countries, such as the China 1989 slaughter in Tienaman Square, to call in troops from more distant areas of the country to shoot their own citizens, as more local forces tend to get a bit squeamish about it, but the army always has had established elite units which execute coups or carry out special operations such as occurred in 1973 and again in 1976. These special units continue to exist and were utilized by coup leaders in government in 1991 to shoot pro-democracy Thais in the streets (which was the undoing of the military government). If it comes down to that again in the present, with so many Redshirts in the streets, I'd think Abhisit would resign before the event.

The attempt to decapitate the Redshirts of certain of the key people in their leadership is more the Abhisit approach, its bungling is more the typical result of the incompetent and/or unreliable personnel assigned to execute the plan. I'm sure and I'm afraid the failure at the hotel will only lead to worse developments in the streets.


The decision was made not to use helicopters as they might have awakened the people they wanted to arrest. Instead they decided to use a surveillance baloon that was going spare down in the south, so they could approach the hotel quietly. Unfortunately it did not arrive in time and was last reported to be having navigational problems caused by a cloud of volcanic ash.


Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

another democratic point of view....... :)

A realistic point of view - they would not get away with this in the UK or any other European country or the US and would be dealt with accordingly. They are yelling for democracy but are doing the exact opposite. The only reason they want elections now and not wait 6-9 months is obvious, Thaksin needs to have his puppets in power before the re-shuffle.

They are breaking the law of the land. They are not a majority in a country of 61 million people. They do not even represent the majority of the Isanies.

Disperse them now and stop more from coming to Bangkok, arrest and throw into jail the leaders and anyone found to have used weapons. Hold elections in 6-9 months so that the same shit can start again because one side is not going to be happy and will ........

CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

It's against the law to wear a red shirt ???

Ho ho ho


This gets more amusing by the minute.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Dress up in a red shirt and jeans????

Cheers, Rick

These are the people who are claiming that they are going to change everything for the underprivilaged people. Already caught with their hand in the cookie jar - PRICELESS :)

..... Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ...

By the look at the situation, maybe the RED will confiscate the police/army pickup at the check points, not the other way round.

I know this sound funny, but is this possible? A full army cannot get rid of the RED (last Saturday), and you are expecting a few police at the check point to do that?

The Colorful Shirts are in front of the 11th. They appear to be having a good time and behaving themselves admirably... Fair sized crown as well. :)

Hope they are not frightening the inhabitants!!!

As I said in the other closed thread....

Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


Ok I'll type slowly.







Only a few at the top want to do the Governments dirty work. Big loss of face again for em!

Fine.. I can accept your answer...

But why doesn't Aphisit just FIRE the whole bunch of Disloyal Traitors?

Enough is enough!!!!!

How can anyone take anything to do with Thailand seriously again? Who would want to come here to visit or do Business??

FIRE their 2-faced asses and get someone with a little bit of Brains and Balls to do the job!!


Haven't you worked it out yet, he can't fire anyone unless he is told to and what he has been told to do now is NOT to talk to the public. Please note who is giving all the press statements at the moment

This gets more amusing by the minute.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Dress up in a red shirt and jeans????

Cheers, Rick

Well you know how they like to stand in front of the mirror and primp. Certainly the Reds would understand this? :)


If things continue flaming like on this forum...We have to think to the Boundaries between Red and yellow Thailand. As obviouly Bangkok is circled by a red shirt belt, we have to think at the division, like Jerusalem.....

This is what we are heading for. We are westerner Farangs with a supposed good education, instead to use our brain to try bringing back the peace, everybody is excited and send banderillas to the others... We should use our brain for defusing the situation, I know ....the smell of blood and powder are exciting, but the day after....very sad.

The Colorful Shirts are in front of the 11th. They appear to be having a good time and behaving themselves admirably... Fair sized crown as well. :)

Hope they are not frightening the inhabitants!!!

555 ...good one!

Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

Just not true. I have only ever posted under this identity, and have consistently supported the red movement (whilst expressing no white-washng of Thaksin). We are used to being insulted, accused of being paid by some wierd PR outfit in Hong Kong (though that slur seems to have died a death!) and now my 6 years of Forum membership is to be erased!

More Violence is being proposed on this forum that in the offices of the Thais, on both sides!

Amen - what a shame to see how many ex-pats in this country clearly come from a social environment that probably caused their departure from their civilized countries.

And how little their forget that they owe their freedom and sense of independance to people that fought for their freedom centuries ago, at a time when they were labeled terrorists, revolutionaries and criminals.

But then again, they were probably sleeping through history class as well, just as they are sleeping at the keyboard now as a country tries to free itself from the grips of long lasting oppression.

The decision was made not to use helicopters as they might have awakened the people they wanted to arrest. Instead they decided to use a surveillance baloon that was going spare down in the south, so they could approach the hotel quietly. Unfortunately it did not arrive in time and was last reported to be having navigational problems caused by a cloud of volcanic ash.

You mean the big ballon got lost, and now in Iceland?


This gets more amusing by the minute.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Dress up in a red shirt and jeans????

Cheers, Rick

These are the people who are claiming that they are going to change everything for the underprivilaged people. Already caught with their hand in the cookie jar - PRICELESS :)

LOL. The funniest thing is that the Red masses seem to have bought the 'dress up' excuse. Unbelievable.

Cheers, Rick

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