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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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Isn't it a bit odd that all or most of the Red Shirt / Thaksin supporters here are new forum members ??? :)

I'm not new....

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THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

You just put the Red leadership in some very interesting company.

dam_n! Hum you beat me too it!

Cheers, Rick

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

I think you might want to look for a different contrast class?

Arisman: "Why should I sleep on the street, did Mao, Stalin or Mussolini?"


Good one


"Thai security forces have tried but failed to arrest several red-shirt anti-government protest leaders.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban had said the police were there to catch "terrorists" - the government's word for an alleged protest hard core. "

I am sorry but this is from the BBC and is indicative of how the the incumbents are not winning the international media over to their side - notice the very careful qualification of "terrorist" and indeed the use of the word "alleged".

It does not matter which side you have sympathy for, as a statement of neutral observation, it has been apparent over the last few days that as much as the government spokespeople trot out their lines, the international media stubbornly refuses to come aboard?


If things continue flaming like on this forum...We have to think to the Boundaries between Red and yellow Thailand. As obviouly Bangkok is circled by a red shirt belt, we have to think at the division, like Jerusalem.....

This is what we are heading for. We are westerner Farangs with a supposed good education, instead to use our brain to try bringing back the peace, everybody is excited and send banderillas to the others... We should use our brain for defusing the situation, I know ....the smell of blood and powder are exciting, but the day after....very sad.

Nice post... The thing we have to teach the Thai's is that they have to SUFFER the corrupt politicians until the next round of elections.

There is no other way yet invented, unless they elect a chairman...

The yellows are obviously anti democratic, and have fought in an underhanded manner, pushing Thailand back into a ruling clique of unaccountable war lords. If they lost the PR war against Thaksin, then tough titty, they need to do better next time.

Oh yellow, aint it pretty, like a flower in bloom.

I would wager that the real power now lies in corporations... for every Thaksin visible, there are twenty more just as power hungry.


The government chose to be in the soft side but I guess that is over now.

I think that they realised that they would have to be tough and exterminate their enemies before they will be disband by the EC.

Oh and don't forget at Rajaprasong they released balloons to stop the helicopters!!

I think someone needs to look at the military's budget.

Democracy and Freedom have a price. I hope democracy starts now..uphold the law, don't give and inch, arrest them all for being pirates and if the Red Shirts cannot police the bad element amongst them, then they are all guilty. Lock them all up or let the water cannons filled with 50% bleach fire all day long. Morons.

This is not how it works. You need to understand that many of the red shirts are protesting for democracy. For better wealth distribution. This is what they believe. This is what they stand for.

Unfortunately it might be quite a long shot from what their leaders have in their agenda.

Bleaching a grandpa and grandma who seriously believe that they are sitting and sleeping on the asphalt road of Rajprasong so that their grandchildren have a better life is taking your frustration against the wrong people.

Yet in the end, if things get out of control, and for some reason I think that very soon they will, it will be exactly these people who pay the ultimate price, while their leaders flee with private jets to Fiji.

I would still like to see a peaceful resolution to this, but at the same time wish for the resolution that won't just swap the tables and change the color of the mob on the streets, but one where Thailand can get back on its feet, where people of different backgrounds can live together in peace and harmony without fear of intimidation, and where not just wealth is better distributed, but also health care and education of all levels is made available to all.

Do I believe that would ever happen?

If Obama wasn't president of US and there wasn't swine flu epidemic last year I'd say "When US elects a black president and pigs can fly".

"releasing ballons to stop helicopters from flying "my foot.Need to spray some rounds and disperse the crowd,then move in,done in Nam.

It takes a blib to do that,besides with the backwash of the rotor blades and hovering for a few minutes,they need to release 10k balloons to have a impact.

Cannot do,downing a "copter (blackhawk down) takes a trained militia with RPG"s.

<Bleaching a grandpa and grandma>,better than killing/maiming them.

I think,pepperspray is more human.

60 % of rowdys in red are metered- taxidrivers/motorcycle taxi drivers, working shifts,they are Taxins army.

A new motorcycle here, a new taxi there, "and bobs your uncle",they demonstrate until Christmas.

(if there are still some alive)

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage.

a David Carradine follower?

On helicopters: They didn't even use helicpoters last year during the violence around victory monument when they were pusing the Reds out of the area while Molotov cocktails were being thrown at them, buses set on fire and people running down little sois. I was in the area where the action took place and I remember being amazed they used no helicopters at all. This was with hundreds of troops marching south towards Ratchaprasong and no way of knowing where their opponents were hiding, which roads they had run down etc. Just another sign of either unbelievable incompetence or no real desire to actually win.


History has given us TERRORISTS who KILL demand $millions$ of dollars, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the deaths of peoples/races of people, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the release from prison of other TERRORISTS.

The Reds have killed nobody except in self-defense and they demand only one truly outrageous thing: that the people of Thailand be able to select their leader NOW via an election.

Hardly terrorists by anybody's definition.

Your posting is not correct

The parliement has already agreed to an early election

and what is this People of Thailand

Please show me the proof you have that 51% of all Thai want this

Oh sorry you have had the red indoctrination

Time to return to White brain now I think

One thing this video also confirms is that the propaganda about low/dwindling number of Reds continues and the propaganda about how they're all at Ratchaprasong now is completely FALSE. I haven't gone out ANYWHERE in the past week without seeing Red supporters driving or walking by every couple of minutes.

That hotel is nowhere NEAR Ratchaprasong! How did hundreds of supporters instantly show up at the right time? They're just Redshirts who happened to be in the area. They're everywhere!

Not all RED are real RED. Sometime I wear a RED skirt, sometime a RED blouse (my favourate thong also happens to be RED). That does not make me a real RED. Just because I drive a RED Jazz, does that make me a RED too. You see RED driving or walking by every couple of minutes, it could just be one of the many color that they choice to wear.

Believe me, there are not many RED in Thailand. Most people are YELLOW or PINK.

I am somewhat pink (true pink and not like a recent group that wanna hijack that color) and in favor of New Politics which brings back the country to unity.

And there is no question that Suthep and Abhisit have to face their Nuremberg trail for what they have ordered last Saturday.

Sure, but only after Arisman, Nattawut and Jatuporn have had their Nuremberg Rally. Is there a Thai film-maker who might fill the slot of Leni Riefensahl?


Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man, nu?

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Sure. He's been practicing social climbing.

To be fair Arisman may be fat but did you see the state of some of the Thai soldiers? Physical training clearly isn't part of life in the Thai army.

I was giving him credit. If it was me, I would have likely broken my neck.

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man, nu?

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

I think that this must have been a stunt. All the props were provided for the scene and there was for some reason a large crowd in the area to cheer him on. No one has mentioned the 2 bombs found in the room or the bullet holes in the hotel room walls?

Cheers, Rick

To be fair Arisman may be fat but did you see the state of some of the Thai soldiers? Physical training clearly isn't part of life in the Thai army.

Yeah, I don't get it. There just aren't enough doughnut shops to explain it.

"From now all, all red-shirt leaders will not separate from one another," Natthawut said.

Hmmm. Could be good news. Anyone have a really big butterfly net?

"From now all, all red-shirt leaders will not separate from one another," Natthawut said.

Hmmm. Could be good news. Anyone have a really big butterfly net?

LOL. So they are going to sleep together. Sordid!

Cheers, Rick

Stupidfreebadge.jpgsay no more

My Thai wife laughed so much when she see this picture

hahaha i'm glad to hear that! i had to search google to find a good picture and this one was the best one i could find! :D i'm glad she got as much enjoyment from it as i did :)

Well, it's no secret that the police are pro-red. Sending them to arrest the Red leaders is like setting a fox to guard a chicken house.

No, it's like sending Elton John to castrate Ricky Martin. It just won't happen.

One thing that bothers me about this story is, what was Arisman doing with a rope in his hotel room? It's not something that one normally carries in one's luggage.

a David Carradine follower?

Bad joke. Please stop.

David Carradine was just entertaining himself when the accident happened.

CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

And you wonder why so many people despise you arrogant BKK would-be hi-sos? :)

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man, nu?

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

I think that this must have been a stunt. All the props were provided for the scene and there was for some reason a large crowd in the area to cheer him on. No one has mentioned the 2 bombs found in the room or the bullet holes in the hotel room walls?

Cheers, Rick

Given the smug news briefing from Suthep earlier this morning I seriously doubt it was a stunt. If it indeed was a stunt it included fooling the leaders of the country into sending police to a hotel. That would take some serious balls to pull off...

As for sleeping well, I doubt Suthep is camped in a barrack with 16 privates sleeping on the floor.

Well, it's no secret that the police are pro-red. Sending them to arrest the Red leaders is like setting a fox to guard a chicken house.

No, it's like sending Elton John to castrate Ricky Martin. It just won't happen.

While Elton will not do it, Eltons hubby will :)


Line of the day.

THE NATION: It's gettin more hilarious:Arisman questions if police's action this morning is lawful.

I nearly split my sides laughing at this one!

Cheers, Rick

Don't forget the red terror threat to derail a transport train. These people in charge would be a horror show.

You need to start consulting sources that doesn't include ASTV.

Line of the day.

THE NATION: It's gettin more hilarious:Arisman questions if police's action this morning is lawful.

I nearly split my sides laughing at this one!

Cheers, Rick


On helicopters: They didn't even use helicpoters last year during the violence around victory monument when they were pusing the Reds out of the area while Molotov cocktails were being thrown at them, buses set on fire and people running down little sois. I was in the area where the action took place and I remember being amazed they used no helicopters at all. This was with hundreds of troops marching south towards Ratchaprasong and no way of knowing where their opponents were hiding, which roads they had run down etc. Just another sign of either unbelievable incompetence or no real desire to actually win.


History has given us TERRORISTS who KILL demand $millions$ of dollars, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the deaths of peoples/races of people, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the release from prison of other TERRORISTS.

The Reds have killed nobody except in self-defense and they demand only one truly outrageous thing: that the people of Thailand be able to select their leader NOW via an election.

Hardly terrorists by anybody's definition.

Your posting is not correct

The parliement has already agreed to an early election

But they don't want it TOO soon so they can modify the Constitution in their favor. If they think the Thai people want them to lead the govt through this process, why are they scared of an election now?

and what is this People of Thailand

Please show me the proof you have that 51% of all Thai want this

I refer you to the last 3 nationwide elections and, again, the Democrats fear of an election now

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