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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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Wake up man. I work with two people who are supposedly educated (doctors (PhD)) and all they talk about is that "Thaksin is the only person who can save this country." "he was punished for forgetting to pay taxes".

They are completely brainwashed and will do anything to support the red cause.

"Two people" is not Thailand. I imagine the bashing if I was working with Jdinasia or Yoshiwara.....some people even with a high level of education are stubborn, are unable to get a controversial approach. Think about the bashing of the German elite by Hitler, only few people were resisting the ambiant indoctrination.

"Two people" is not Thailand

Correct and neither is 100,000. This is a minority protest financed by an ex PM who wants to return to his beloved Thailand and continue his dictatorship. Were you actually living in Thailand when Thaksin was PM?

Cheers, Rick

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yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

OMG! You guys are unbelievable! You are turning this debate into a "Have you ever been to Thailand?" forum and "He gets all his information from his girlfriend in Pattaya" forum. This isn't a laughing matter. Your replies are irrelevant, besides being untrue. If YOU do actually live here and if YOU do only live in Bangkok (as I do), you don't need to be Einstein to know that the Reds here aren't dimwits who can't think for themselves. If YOU think this and if YOU actually live here, YOU must be walking around with a blindfold on.

this is your lucky day. i respond. exactly _one_ time.

you're clueless. you can't even follow-up on arguments. you just throw in your occasional noise to stir up volatile situation. you're a trouble maker.

thank you.

After the diversion from some people who need to enlarge their knowledge about Thailand, I would like to come back to the escalating situation and the topic.

- The yellow shirts are back in the circuit, (called by Government for protecting itself) the atmosphere is going to be more electric in the coming days, It has a dangerous decision to call them, lack of poltical maturity, stubbordiness ...

- Anupong seems to be the moderate who can stop the escalade. Tomorrow he will assess the Army internal situation through the Convocation he has sent. But he is trapped between those who want an action and the predictable consequences of such an action. Observers state that Army is split... It will be confirmed tomorrow.

-On another side, obviously police want to stay neutral. It confirms what I have stated at the beginning of the unrest: an Anti Riot Police Force is missing in this Country, it is not the job of Army, Army is Symbol of Unity and should not be involved: failure to understand this may have the worse consequences if battalions are joining each side....(More true even with conscrits)

This is certainly not a situation in which a confrontation has to be organised: the entry in the uncontrollable is highly probable if the overexcited Partisans of violent actions against red shirt people succeed to get the decision to move in........

Anupong seems the key to War or Peace. I wish Peace will prevails.

in general i like your posts, at least there's reason (now & then).

1) you say, " The yellow shirts are back in the circuit, (called by Government for protecting itself)"

1.a) you have _any_ source to corroborate your "claim" government called pad to protect itself?

1.:) when, in public, it's pad (as udd) threatens gov? denies gov authority "to be in charge"? same same as udd "we want it now"-kindergarten claims to have power & legitimacy to call for an ultimatum?


2) all rest of your post is not even analysis, but merely chewing on your own perception-inclinations & assumptions.


3) but i'd like to comment:

3.a) you state, "the entry in the uncontrollable is highly probable if the overexcited Partisans of violent actions against red shirt people succeed to get the decision to move in"

3.a.I) i'm not sure i get what you wanna say. if you throw in everybody who's opposed to mob-rule, disregard of law, enticement for war & anarchy as... opposed to "red shirt" - you simply are run by a very simple mind, i guess you call that your own & are proud of it.

3.a.II) we've a "multi-colored" faction, which is different from "pink shirts". pad today even stated they'll mingle with "multi-colored" ones - that is, they _do not_ control or manage or direct it. we've a growing fb-community opposing house-dissolution. it went from 170,000 to 334,000 in about a week! yes, obviously that's middle-class: they've access to computer, are aware of fb - do you want to _deny_ these people _their_ rights to voice&express their opinion?

3.:D "violent action", the term you used, has been propagated again & again... _not_ in gov discourse or activity - but in daily hate rants by red shirt leaders. to make it easy: i differentiate between "red shirts" & "red shirts leaders", dai mai?


wish you bright loving heart & calm mind na khrap

You just look the photos of the "multi colored" crowd: the dominant is yellow. Nobody is fool, we have understood...

Who is calling those people to protect the 11th Infantry?

Violent action, read the analysis posted by webfact....

the Middle class should listen to the lower class and Red Shirts will go back home. But it is too much for the middle Class because they need to maintain the lower class down: if not, they cannot build their wealth as fast as they have planned.

I wish Middle Class is understanding that they have to do some concessions. Yes, the Red Shirts need to get the Power in order to implement some reforms....


Jerry -- this isn't France --- this is Thailand. The people you are supporting are calling for violence and the only reason that they are doing that is for Thaksin. Anything else just can't be explained by the reality we see on the streets. Sae Daeng's Ronin ---- Arisaman's petrol bombs --- the leaders call for violence from the stage. The paid protestors. The failed negotiations because the red leadership (Thaksin) can't accept a compromise. The reds attacking Thaicom with petrol bombs, invading parliament,attacking 1st Regiment.... etc

The red movement has absolutely no credibility when it is financed to the benefit of Thaksin and NOT for the benefit of the rural poor.

I live in ISSAN half of the year, Province of Nakhon Phanom: I know those people: they are pacific in their overall majority. Like in every group, you have few excited. Obviously on this forum we have also few excited probably some ex-warriors with nostalgia of the old times. But most of us are reasonable people. Do not generalise few extremists to the whole group. You need a more controversial approach.

If you are too much Partisan, you loose credibility and you cannot convince anybody.

You have already a label throughout this forum:

Jdinasia, Yoshiwara are two unconditional partisan of Abhisit,Abhisit is their cheer leader.

Thank you

Jerry ----- we are discussing the LEADERSHIP --- the shotcallers that work directly for Thaksin.

Sae daeng --- leader --- ronins --- grenades, Video evidence of him with Thaksin frequently.

Arisaman ---- leader --- petrol bombs --- out on bail from the AsEAN conference fiasco -- video evidence of him extolling people to bring empty bottles to BKK and fill them with petrol there to "burn BKK to the ground"

Weng --- liar, Maoist, called for violence from the red stage.

Veera -- "new Thai state" Burn down the NCCC

Jatuporn --- preaches violence from the stage --- winds up the audience with bodies that he and the other leaders are responsible being there in the first place.

The reds have NO credibility while these are the leaders.

You never once addressed why the Reds would not compromise and take a win with elections being offered 1 year early. Why didn't they take that deal? (Thaksin's SMS telling them "no"?) You talk about Peace but support a group with leadership like that ..... really really sad.

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

He has done nothing to hurt the Thais and indeed has done many positive things since being in power. The economy was in good shape until this nonsense began.

Cheers, Rick


Jerry -- this isn't France --- this is Thailand. The people you are supporting are calling for violence and the only reason that they are doing that is for Thaksin. Anything else just can't be explained by the reality we see on the streets. Sae Daeng's Ronin ---- Arisaman's petrol bombs --- the leaders call for violence from the stage. The paid protestors. The failed negotiations because the red leadership (Thaksin) can't accept a compromise. The reds attacking Thaicom with petrol bombs, invading parliament,attacking 1st Regiment.... etc

The red movement has absolutely no credibility when it is financed to the benefit of Thaksin and NOT for the benefit of the rural poor.

I live in ISSAN half of the year, Province of Nakhon Phanom: I know those people: they are pacific in their overall majority. Like in every group, you have few excited. Obviously on this forum we have also few excited probably some ex-warriors with nostalgia of the old times. But most of us are reasonable people. Do not generalise few extremists to the whole group. You need a more controversial approach.

If you are too much Partisan, you loose credibility and you cannot convince anybody.

You have already a label throughout this forum:

Jdinasia, Yoshiwara are two unconditional partisan of Abhisit,Abhisit is their cheer leader.

Thank you

Jerry ----- we are discussing the LEADERSHIP --- the shotcallers that work directly for Thaksin.

Sae daeng --- leader --- ronins --- grenades, Video evidence of him with Thaksin frequently.

Arisaman ---- leader --- petrol bombs --- out on bail from the AsEAN conference fiasco -- video evidence of him extolling people to bring empty bottles to BKK and fill them with petrol there to "burn BKK to the ground"

Weng --- liar, Maoist, called for violence from the red stage.

Veera -- "new Thai state" Burn down the NCCC

Jatuporn --- preaches violence from the stage --- winds up the audience with bodies that he and the other leaders are responsible being there in the first place.

The reds have NO credibility while these are the leaders.

You never once addressed why the Reds would not compromise and take a win with elections being offered 1 year early. Why didn't they take that deal? (Thaksin's SMS telling them "no"?) You talk about Peace but support a group with leadership like that ..... really really sad.

Are you sure it was a SMS from Thaksin?

why General Chavalit has also refused? General Chavalit is a "moderate and reasonable man.

First as some academics have underlined, it was a big error to make the negotiation in front of Cameras. Because, the 2 sides have to show they respect their platform to their supporters. Have you participated in a social negotiation? I have and at one moment both parties must leave their positions and go to a middle one different from what they were supposing to maintain.

In the public show as underlined by professionals, the conditions were not favourable for concessions by any side.

Due to the various events from the coup to the Abhisit election, even if Abhisit has been correctly legally elected, his legitimaticy is doubtful. The best is Elections to clean this tumultuous past.

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

What I am not at all happy with Abhisit it is the way he conduct this conflict, escalation instead of defusing the situation: the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact. Obviously as I have already written "The boots are too big for him". He is not the Stateman such a situation requires, he is under influence of his partisans, unable to take altitude and unable to put the interests of Thailand over everything else. We are now in a situation with high probability of a wider conflict and risk to destroy Thailand.

Yougoslavia was a wonderful country in the beginning of the 80's. As European, I was never believing even when the conflict was imminent that this Country could explode: it was the destination for holidays with wonderful people, I was thinking "we are europeans, nobody want a war in Europe": the worst has happened in Europe at the end of the 20's Century. You have to live once such an experience to change your mind, the worst is not impossible, it may happen tomorrow even in a charming country. your neighbour may shoot at you and you may return the fire. It is why, we have to consider the current situation as very dangerous and the worst at our door.

Abhisit, as stateman, should be working on Unity not on provocations and divisions. He is now fully disqualified for leading the Country to Peace.

At the beginning it was easier, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, it is the paradox, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is driving Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

Well, Wellington took care of Napoleon... But what amuses me the most about the Red supporters here is their constant referrals and comparisons to the Red leadership and their cause with dictators... Mao, Stalin, Mussolini and now Napoleon.

I'm nobody's supporter apart being a supporter for the rural Thai poor. It's about time they climb up the ladder and grab their part of the cake.


Strangely enough, you got something right! 43% of thai workers do labour-intensive work and produce very little worth. Why? they aren't slaves or even serfs, they have chosen a low-pay career, maybe for the lifestyle, to stay home with mum, who knows. But they are quite free to join the army, move, try their hand at something that pays better. No, they prefer a 6-7 month a year work ethic of a rice farmer, or sitting under a tree watching a couple of cows. Get a haircut and get a real job!

You have a poor knowledge about Thai society....."chosen a low-pay career..." really? :)

It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.



Sorry, can't be bothered to read 26 pages of crap. Does anyone know if the army is any closer to coming up with a real plan to disperse the red shirt protesters or are we back to playing chess?

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

The way he conduct this conlict, escalation instead of defusing the situation, the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact.

At the beginning it was easier for Abhisit, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is conducting Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

How do you diffuse a situation when the other side refuse to negotiate? Abhist has been open to talks since this situation began and is still open to talks, but the Reds won't bend. Abihist offered to run elections a year early, but again this was turned down by the reds (Thaksin). The Government have used a softly softly approach all the way through this trouble, but we will soon see this change. My heart goes out to the mass of protesters from Issan who are being used in a political game, by someone who has a completely different agenda to democracy.

Cheers, Rick


Gotta love Jerry ---- always just skips over the big issues --- like the red leadership's constant call for violence. Like the fact that the negotiations were transparent (almost a FIRST for Thailand!) Or like the fact that only one side made any compromise at all and that was the government.

Chevalit --- :) The proposed leader of Thaksin's People's Army of Thailand? The guy that fell on his sword after he botched the October 7th crackdown on the PAD?

When one side negotiates in good faith --- PUBLICLY --- and the other side doesn't budge at all .... but goes out of the meeting room and starts calling for violence again .... well .....

Face it Jerry -- the leadership of the group you want is the cause of all the violence and they won't be happy until they get more. Remember Veera has already spent time in jail for backing a failed coup ....

edit ---- jerry added this ---

Obviously as I have already written "The boots are too big for him". He is not the Stateman such a situation requires, he is under influence of his partisans, unable to take altitude and unable to put the interests of Thailand over everything else. We are now in a situation with high probability of a wider conflict and risk to destroy Thailand. Abhisit, as stateman, should be working on Unity not on provocations and divisions. He is now fully disqualified for leading the Country to Peace.


Jerry are you actually blaming Abhisit, who was patient and gracious and tried over and over to deal with the reds and NOT blaiming the Reds who keep escalating the violence? Man you have some crazy set of blinkers on .....

No matter how violent the Reds get Jerry will continue to blame everyone but them. That really is sick!

You just look the photos of the "multi colored" crowd: the dominant is yellow. Nobody is fool, we have understood...

Who is calling those people to protect the 11th Infantry?

Violent action, read the analysis posted by webfact....

the Middle class should listen to the lower class and Red Shirts will go back home. But it is too much for the middle Class because they need to maintain the lower class down: if not, they cannot build their wealth as fast as they have planned.

I wish Middle Class is understanding that they have to do some concessions. Yes, the Red Shirts need to get the Power in order to implement some reforms....

Where do you think the middle class came from, and continues to come from? Do you really think that it just sprung into being one day? Or maybe they're failed elites? Wrong. They are working class people who actually made the effort to better themselves. Maybe their parents saved to send them to a slightly better school, they got slightly better jobs, they sent money home so their younger siblings could go to better schools, and so on. I see it happening daily in Buri Ram. The children of generations of rice farmers moving on and joining that middle class. The number of people I remember as snotty nosed kids, who come home each songkran in their new cars, bringing things for their parents, grows every year. And you know what some of them think? They think why should their lives be destroyed by those who couldn't be bothered trying to better themselves, by those who were happy to sit back in the village, getting money each election, taking short term handouts over long term gain at every chance they got, who are now taking money to shut down places where many of these new middle class people work. I won't tell you how some of them referred to the red protestors, animals being one of the politer terms used, but the vitriol is there.

We anti red posters are often accused of arrogance, of not supporting the poor, of being undemocratic. Those doing the accusing conveniently forget that there are a lot of people in this country whose lives have become a lot harder because of the red protests, who are losing a lot of money they can't afford to be losing because of the red protests, and are extremely bitter about the red protests. It's so very easy to say things like "the middle classes must do (sic) some concessions", but the majority of the middle class have made large sacrifices, or their parents, or their older siblings have, to get to where they are today. Please answer me this: There have been elections in 1988, 1992 (two of them), 1995, 1996, 2001, 2005, 2006 and 2007. If the "rural poor" really wanted change then why did they vote for the exact same political cabals and their proxies (the party names changed, but the faces behind the candidates remained the same) in every one of these elections? They have had nine chances to really make a change to how they live, and in each one have chosen to carry on as before, voting in the same old corrupt politicians who are responsible for keeping them in their place. Is it really such a wonder that those who have said enough is enough, and have made the effort to better themselves, are so angry and condescending towards the current protestors, who they see as not only having themselves to blame for the position they are in, but are actually making it worse by taking money to carry the whole thing on?

After the diversion from some people who need to enlarge their knowledge about Thailand, I would like to come back to the escalating situation and the topic.

- The yellow shirts are back in the circuit, (called by Government for protecting itself) the atmosphere is going to be more electric in the coming days, It has a dangerous decision to call them, lack of poltical maturity, stubbordiness ...

- Anupong seems to be the moderate who can stop the escalade. Tomorrow he will assess the Army internal situation through the Convocation he has sent. But he is trapped between those who want an action and the predictable consequences of such an action. Observers state that Army is split... It will be confirmed tomorrow.

-On another side, obviously police want to stay neutral. It confirms what I have stated at the beginning of the unrest: an Anti Riot Police Force is missing in this Country, it is not the job of Army, Army is Symbol of Unity and should not be involved: failure to understand this may have the worse consequences if battalions are joining each side....(More true even with conscrits)

This is certainly not a situation in which a confrontation has to be organised: the entry in the uncontrollable is highly probable if the overexcited Partisans of violent actions against red shirt people succeed to get the decision to move in........

Anupong seems the key to War or Peace. I wish Peace will prevails.

in general i like your posts, at least there's reason (now & then).

1) you say, " The yellow shirts are back in the circuit, (called by Government for protecting itself)"

1.a) you have _any_ source to corroborate your "claim" government called pad to protect itself?

1. B) when, in public, it's pad (as udd) threatens gov? denies gov authority "to be in charge"? same same as udd "we want it now"-kindergarten claims to have power & legitimacy to call for an ultimatum?


2) all rest of your post is not even analysis, but merely chewing on your own perception-inclinations & assumptions.


3) but i'd like to comment:

3.a) you state, "the entry in the uncontrollable is highly probable if the overexcited Partisans of violent actions against red shirt people succeed to get the decision to move in"

3.a.I) i'm not sure i get what you wanna say. if you throw in everybody who's opposed to mob-rule, disregard of law, enticement for war & anarchy as... opposed to "red shirt" - you simply are run by a very simple mind, i guess you call that your own & are proud of it.

3.a.II) we've a "multi-colored" faction, which is different from "pink shirts". pad today even stated they'll mingle with "multi-colored" ones - that is, they _do not_ control or manage or direct it. we've a growing fb-community opposing house-dissolution. it went from 170,000 to 334,000 in about a week! yes, obviously that's middle-class: they've access to computer, are aware of fb - do you want to _deny_ these people _their_ rights to voice&express their opinion?

3. B) "violent action", the term you used, has been propagated again & again... _not_ in gov discourse or activity - but in daily hate rants by red shirt leaders. to make it easy: i differentiate between "red shirts" & "red shirts leaders", dai mai?


wish you bright loving heart & calm mind na khrap

You just look the photos of the "multi colored" crowd: the dominant is yellow. Nobody is fool, we have understood...

Who is calling those people to protect the 11th Infantry?

Violent action, read the analysis posted by webfact....

the Middle class should listen to the lower class and Red Shirts will go back home. But it is too much for the middle Class because they need to maintain the lower class down: if not, they cannot build their wealth as fast as they have planned.

I wish Middle Class is understanding that they have to do some concessions. Yes, the Red Shirts need to get the Power in order to implement some reforms....

ok, let's dance...

1) you don't even reply to my comments. but just go on... "complete ignore"

2) yes, i look at photos of "multi colored" crowd: _even_ _if_ dominant color is yellow - YOU JUST DON'T GET IT! as pad themselves claimed they're not in control of them! obviously you're _unable_ to conceive there are people out there who disagree with what's going on. _but_ YOU CLAIM, "WHOLE WORLD" _HAS TO_ resolve _your_ grievances, immediately, right?

3) you say, "Who is calling those people to protect the 11th Infantry?" - NOBODY! instead of burying your head deep in sand & your mind in your personal cave of experience - these people are just fed up! they want peace, peace of mind & heart, they want to go on with their daily life, routine, drama, challenges, obstacles. they don't want to be _intimidated_, to believe & do as a mob want them to. don't you get that? is that too much to grasp? if a mob like "red shirts" would have occupied city-centers in london, new york, berlin (not to mention beijing) - what do you think would have happened?

3.a) show some gratitude for a pm who shows patience, who tried to engage a mob in negotiation, who implements _real_ policies for betterment of thai society. but _you_ just go on ranting... ;-(

4) you say, "the Middle class should listen to the lower class and Red Shirts will go back home." so, first it was "call for democracy" (though up to now i've not read any strategic policy outline what that might be in "red shirt" terms), then it was fight against "double standards" (btw, a term coined to describe thaksin's regime), then it was fight against "amart" (a fake "class war", suddenly everybody was & is a "phrai"), - & _NOW_ you state it's a fight against middle class?

4.a) you claim to be from rural country, right? so, you know anybody on earth who does _not_ "strive"? to grow, to expand mind & living conditions? maybe later, to share one's wisdom & love as teacher, parents? that is _middle class_. & you _publicly_ claim, "middle class" has to "bow to demands" of - what _you_ identify - as "lower class"? are you crazy? "middle class" is "middle class" due to education...; there's the management skills. there's the entrepreneurial drive & spirit. & _that_ _is_ where _you_ dream & hope & desire to be.

4.B) i guess many on TV identify with red-shirt spirits for social change. now you flatly state, it's not only amart, it's middle class too - that'll have to obey "red dawn". thanks for clarification.

5) you say, "But it is too much for the middle Class because they need to maintain the lower class down: if not, they cannot build their wealth as fast as they have planned." so in essence, you say: I WANT A SLICE OF THE PIE & I WANT IT NOW! i want an air-con condo & bmw - just in case no-one told you: _this_ myth/illusion of "wealth" is collapsing all around the globe. it's not sustainable, it's destructive, actually it's: self-destructive. YOUR children will despise you for that narrow-minded focus that "freedom" equals "democracy" equals "a lot of fancy stuff".

6) you say, "Yes, the Red Shirts need to get the Power in order to implement some reforms...." what kind of reforms? i have not heard of any ideas? while Abhisit gov actually implements reforms.


wow, you sound scary.

If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

At the beginning,I tolerated their circus. then from April 3rd, my office is closed because it is at Central World. I still felt pity for them. But now enough is enough.

Get off Ratchaprasong. If they dare they should go block the Victory Monument and see what the army does.

They are not fighting for democracy. They are fighting for Taksin. The man who has changed his citizenship. I know this because I have walked thru' the circus and have spoken to them and asked who are you fighting for. Yourselves? the farmers? who?and the answer was Taksin.

Fighting for Taksin is not democracy. I have nothing against him while he was PM. I did well and after the coup my business has gone down too but i have my doubts that even if Taksin was PM problems would be over. Please wake up and realise that he is the one creating all the current problemsin Bangkok.

Thailand is a tourist destination and if you haveno tourists it equates to no business whch means no jobs and therefore no money

I want to know that if your office was closed for 2 weeks what woud your reaction be?

Patient or you would probably be a patient of hypertension.


For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

Strangely enough, you got something right! 43% of thai workers do labour-intensive work and produce very little worth. Why? they aren't slaves or even serfs, they have chosen a low-pay career, maybe for the lifestyle, to stay home with mum, who knows. But they are quite free to join the army, move, try their hand at something that pays better. No, they prefer a 6-7 month a year work ethic of a rice farmer, or sitting under a tree watching a couple of cows. Get a haircut and get a real job!

You have a poor knowledge about Thai society....."chosen a low-pay career..." really? :)

It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.


Correct Laopo education is the key. It appears that some people on this board think that the NE Thais sit around the house at night discussing politics. In reality they sit around drinking Lao chaow watching Thai soap operas. Politics in my experience never enter their minds because they are too busy trying to make ends meet.

TRT manifesto: I will give you 500 baht per man if you tick this box. OK will do where do I tick?

That is the way it is and I am bot being disrespectful to Issan people they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Cheers, Rick

For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

Aren't you the guy that said that the reds should go back home and secede? LOL

Your claims to the government being illegal is simply a lie --- note that no government thinks the way you do! You claims about the court is not only a lie but also is illegal. PPP was disbanded because an Executive was caught on film making payoffs. It was an open and shut case. The fact that PPP could have called for new elections even 1 day before the court gave its judgment seems to be missed by you and the rest of the reds.

You really should listen to the news, do some reading, learn about parliamentary democracies etc .... then come back in a few months.

After the diversion from some people who need to enlarge their knowledge about Thailand, I would like to come back to the escalating situation and the topic.

- The yellow shirts are back in the circuit, (called by Government for protecting itself) the atmosphere is going to be more electric in the coming days, It has a dangerous decision to call them, lack of poltical maturity, stubbordiness ...

- Anupong seems to be the moderate who can stop the escalade. Tomorrow he will assess the Army internal situation through the Convocation he has sent. But he is trapped between those who want an action and the predictable consequences of such an action. Observers state that Army is split... It will be confirmed tomorrow.

-On another side, obviously police want to stay neutral. It confirms what I have stated at the beginning of the unrest: an Anti Riot Police Force is missing in this Country, it is not the job of Army, Army is Symbol of Unity and should not be involved: failure to understand this may have the worse consequences if battalions are joining each side....(More true even with conscrits)

This is certainly not a situation in which a confrontation has to be organised: the entry in the uncontrollable is highly probable if the overexcited Partisans of violent actions against red shirt people succeed to get the decision to move in........

Anupong seems the key to War or Peace. I wish Peace will prevails.

Sadly the choice of more violence or not does not rest in the hands of anyone but Thaksin and his red shirt leaders. They have called for violence and Thaksin NEEDS violence and he obviously doesn't care about

the country at all.

Stop bashing us.

Instead to try brainwashing us with the same kind of statements since the beginning of the unrest, please notice that the situation has evolved; red shirts people in the streets are no more fighting for Thaksin but for themselves. Since last saturday they know their life may be in balance. Please read the numerous interviews of those people.

Then please realise than smart people should be able to put aside their differences and try to guide the situation toward PEACE. We have received a good education, better than this poor guys'ones, sleeping today in the streets of Bangkok, in my Christian religion, if God has given us more than the average, we have more responsabilities than the average. I do not know Budhist, but it is also a Peaceful religion, I am pretty sure similar concept must be present.

It is time to take some altitude, to be less Partisan and to work for avoiding the worse.

Thank you

Wake up man. I work with two people who are supposedly educated (doctors (PhD)) and all they talk about is that "Thaksin is the only person who can save this country." "he was punished for forgetting to pay taxes".

They are completely brainwashed and will do anything to support the red cause.

Forgetting???Hahahahahaha :)

For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

You're joking right? I mean, ummm no you must be drunk or something you don't even understand what you are railing against... no point in you even posting anymore you have no clue as to what you are even talking about

Strangely enough, you got something right! 43% of thai workers do labour-intensive work and produce very little worth. Why? they aren't slaves or even serfs, they have chosen a low-pay career, maybe for the lifestyle, to stay home with mum, who knows. But they are quite free to join the army, move, try their hand at something that pays better. No, they prefer a 6-7 month a year work ethic of a rice farmer, or sitting under a tree watching a couple of cows. Get a haircut and get a real job!

You have a poor knowledge about Thai society....."chosen a low-pay career..." really? :)

It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.


Correct Laopo education is the key. It appears that some people on this board think that the NE Thais sit around the house at night discussing politics. In reality they sit around drinking Lao chaow watching Thai soap operas. Politics in my experience never enter their minds because they are too busy trying to make ends meet.

TRT manifesto: I will give you 500 baht per man if you tick this box. OK will do where do I tick?

That is the way it is and I am bot being disrespectful to Issan people they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Cheers, Rick

NE Thais are exhausted every evening after their dinner they watch the TV ten minutes and go to Bed. The village is nearly in total darkness at 8pm. They are saving money (electricity bills) they cannot afford to pay.

They drink the Lao beer, with their friends occasionally the week-end. In average a couple of beer per week, during the week end only, (my in-laws nearly never, just tap water). Beer is considered as a luxurious expense. Only very few alcoholics in the village less than the fingers in one hand. (Around 1000 people in the village)

You have not a clue of the real life in North East Issan, ....

For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

Aren't you the guy that said that the reds should go back home and secede? LOL

Your claims to the government being illegal is simply a lie --- note that no government thinks the way you do! You claims about the court is not only a lie but also is illegal. PPP was disbanded because an Executive was caught on film making payoffs. It was an open and shut case. The fact that PPP could have called for new elections even 1 day before the court gave its judgment seems to be missed by you and the rest of the reds.

You really should listen to the news, do some reading, learn about parliamentary democracies etc .... then come back in a few months.

Doesn't this logic also make the Democrats illegal? After all they accepted donations for over 200 million Baht from a single individual, which is against the law. And Abhisit was the chairman of the Democrat party at that time.

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

What I am not at all happy with Abhisit it is the way he conduct this conflict, escalation instead of defusing the situation: the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact.


At the beginning it was easier, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, it is the paradox, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is driving Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

I think the two issues really must be separated, 1)Thaksin and his cohorts/militia and 2) The rural/urban economic divide in Thailand. They are completely separate issues except where Thaksin has used the country's historical "problems" for his own purposes.

Look at Abhisit's actions over the last 2 years. Study all of Thaksin's sorted history. Can you honesty look in the mirror and say "I believe that Abhisit is the person responsible for driving Thailand to the brink, I do not believe that Mr. Thaksin is responsible for driving Thailand to the brink"

Which ever one it is, that's the problem that needs to be solved first.


I think Thaksin has clearly found the problem of the rural poor Thais and is using it to his advantage. A smart move. Abhisit hasn't found the problem, or didn't think it was necessary to address it, and that's what's leading to his downfall.

yoshiwara is calling everybody supporting the Red Shirt , Thaksinist


How can we call the supporters of Abhisit?

Suggestion: the abyssits

Because of the direction they are driving thailand

What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

What I am not at all happy with Abhisit it is the way he conduct this conflict, escalation instead of defusing the situation: the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact.


At the beginning it was easier, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, it is the paradox, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is driving Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

I think the two issues really must be separated, 1)Thaksin and his cohorts/militia and 2) The rural/urban economic divide in Thailand. They are completely separate issues except where Thaksin has used the country's historical "problems" for his own purposes.

Look at Abhisit's actions over the last 2 years. Study all of Thaksin's sorted history. Can you honesty look in the mirror and say "I believe that Abhisit is the person responsible for driving Thailand to the brink, I do not believe that Mr. Thaksin is responsible for driving Thailand to the brink"

Which ever one it is, that's the problem that needs to be solved first.

Yes, because of the way he is handling the conflict -

Ihave exposed my point of view previous page and I repeat it:

What I am not at all happy with Abhisit it is the way he conduct this conflict, escalation instead of defusing the situation: the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact. Obviously as I have already written "The boots are too big for him". He is not the Stateman such a situation requires, he is under influence of his partisans, unable to take altitude and unable to put the interests of Thailand over everything else. We are now in a situation with high probability of a wider conflict and risk to destroy Thailand.

Yougoslavia was a wonderful country in the beginning of the 80's. As European, I was never believing even when the conflict was imminent that this Country could explode: it was the destination for holidays with wonderful people, I was thinking "we are europeans, nobody want a war in Europe": the worst has happened in Europe at the end of the 20's Century. You have to live once such an experience to change your mind, the worst is not impossible, it may happen tomorrow even in a charming country. your neighbour may shoot at you and you may return the fire. It is why, we have to consider the current situation as very dangerous and the worst at our door.

Abhisit, as stateman, should be working on Unity not on provocations and divisions. He is now fully disqualified for leading the Country to Peace.

At the beginning it was easier, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, it is the paradox, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is driving Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

Strangely enough, you got something right! 43% of thai workers do labour-intensive work and produce very little worth. Why? they aren't slaves or even serfs, they have chosen a low-pay career, maybe for the lifestyle, to stay home with mum, who knows. But they are quite free to join the army, move, try their hand at something that pays better. No, they prefer a 6-7 month a year work ethic of a rice farmer, or sitting under a tree watching a couple of cows. Get a haircut and get a real job!

You have a poor knowledge about Thai society....."chosen a low-pay career..." really? :)

It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.


Correct Laopo education is the key. It appears that some people on this board think that the NE Thais sit around the house at night discussing politics. In reality they sit around drinking Lao chaow watching Thai soap operas. Politics in my experience never enter their minds because they are too busy trying to make ends meet.

TRT manifesto: I will give you 500 baht per man if you tick this box. OK will do where do I tick?

That is the way it is and I am bot being disrespectful to Issan people they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Cheers, Rick

NE Thais are exhausted every evening after their dinner they watch the TV ten minutes and go to Bed. The village is nearly in total darkness at 8pm. They are saving money (electricity bills) they cannot afford to pay.

They drink the Lao beer, with their friends occasionally the week-end. In average a couple of beer per week, during the week end only, (my in-laws nearly never, just tap water). Beer is considered as a luxurious expense. Only very few alcoholics in the village less than the fingers in one hand. (Around 1000 people in the village)

You have not a clue of the real life in North East Issan, ....

Jerry you are talking crap. My wife of 10 years is from the NE and I have obviously spent time there. I am not talking about beer since you mentioned it. I am talking about 'white alcohol' the preferred tipple because it's very cheap. You missed my point completely about the vote buying and the lack of interest in politics, by the rank and file NE people. if you went around the village today and gave them all a gift you could also be elected head of the village. If you were Thai of course. Poor people are easily bought in any country and believe me I am not having a go at NE people. I am having a go at those who exploit them, the main one historically being Thaksin.

Cheers, Rick

Strangely enough, you got something right! 43% of thai workers do labour-intensive work and produce very little worth. Why? they aren't slaves or even serfs, they have chosen a low-pay career, maybe for the lifestyle, to stay home with mum, who knows. But they are quite free to join the army, move, try their hand at something that pays better. No, they prefer a 6-7 month a year work ethic of a rice farmer, or sitting under a tree watching a couple of cows. Get a haircut and get a real job!

You have a poor knowledge about Thai society....."chosen a low-pay career..." really? :)

It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.


Correct Laopo education is the key. It appears that some people on this board think that the NE Thais sit around the house at night discussing politics. In reality they sit around drinking Lao chaow watching Thai soap operas. Politics in my experience never enter their minds because they are too busy trying to make ends meet.

TRT manifesto: I will give you 500 baht per man if you tick this box. OK will do where do I tick?

That is the way it is and I am bot being disrespectful to Issan people they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Cheers, Rick

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