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An Embarrassing Fiasco For Thai Government

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It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

They are now pinning their hopes on the Army. Are the Army going to run the country now if the Police can't?

Want to see serious loss of income, support and face for Thailand? Then let the Army go on a killing spree.

I think the smart move for the Reds is to negotiate with the Army. Then they all win, Army, Reds and business district. Leaves Mark and Thaugsabun out in the cold hoping that their 300,000 facebook supporters are enough to outvote 30 million red supporters!!

Mind you, stranger things have happened here.

Facts Mr. Snidepop facts. He is overweight and he was clumsy, I've seen the video,

and some young, fit guy had to help him get his leg over the balcony just to do it.

Hillary Clinton would never be in a position to have to do this, and so her fitness wouldn't be called into question.

He did it and his fitness was seen by all as below par. His days of a macho singing star are far behind his behind.

Those were not shots of the SC Park shot up, not with that cheap ass furniture, just propaganda pics to muddy the waters.

The only killing spree we have seen is the Black shirts shooting army commanders and likely a smattering of unlucky red protestors.

The army aren't in charge of administration, just put in charge of correcting a security situation beyond Suthep's abilities.

The only logical thing you have said is Reds should negotiate, otherwise they will be over run shortly.

We know thew police are useless for this, so the army will have no choice, but to act to counter enemies

within and without the country is their job. so be it. Just because they are also citizens and say they are democratic,

doesn't mean they are not a minority trying to use illegal extra-democratic methods to bring down the government.

An internal threat to order.

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It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

What a load of nonsense.The reference in the Nation to the fatness of Arisaman was completely relevant in context, namely the pictures of him scrambling awkwardly out the window.Obviously gratuitous insults are unacceptable but really some people are just too thin skinned on the fat issue.

Interesting that Bangkok Pundit considers the arrest of Arisman by the authorities to be completely justified, given his actions.

Another rare instance of agreeing with Jayboy 100%...

must have fallen through the looking glass. :)


Given the way the rest of the world now sees the Thai police force for their inability to to anything effectively except collect bribes, no matter what happens now the army cannot do any worse.

As was said some time ago "The revolution will be televised". Now what will be the outcome?

Shouldn't this topic have been called an embarssing fiasco for the police?

Yes much more apropos. But this was the newspaper title I think.


This was a fiasco waiting to happen. It's like watching a train wreck, you don't want to see it, but can't take your eyes off it. Make you wonder what side the police are really on. This really show how incompitent the police really are.

Now with Gen Anupong in charge of Security, this really put him in the hot seat, inaction will definitely paint him red, but yet he'll face revolt in the force if he pushes too hard. I'm pretty sure that most of the army's ground troops (privates, etc) are RED, as with some officers, who rose up with the Thaksin croonies.

Personally, call me a socialist or whatever, we should go back to either absolute monarchy or military rule, Thais are obviously not ready for total democracy yet. We don't want to oppress people, and this is the result, SO GET OPPRESSING and maybe we'll get PEACE


whatever your view can't we leave the guy's weight out of it? argue your case but personal jibes are a bit off really - I thought watching the movie on BBC last night was more like Benny Hill running around to that music? (no comment on his weight either)


Gill Scott Heron -

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

The revolution will not be televised

You will not be able to stay home, brother.

You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.

You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,

Skip out for beer during commercials,

Because the revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox

In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.

The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon

blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John

Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat

hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.

The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be brought to you by the

Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie

Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia.

The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.

The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.

The revolution will not make you look five pounds

thinner, because the revolution will not be televised, Brother.

There will be no pictures of you and Willie May

pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run,

or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance.

NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32

or report from 29 districts.

The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down

brothers in the instant replay.

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down

brothers in the instant replay.

There will be no pictures of Whitney Young being

run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process.

There will be no slow motion or still life of Roy

Wilkens strolling through Watts in a Red, Black and

Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving

For just the proper occasion.

Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville

Junction will no longer be so damned relevant, and

women will not care if Dick finally gets down with

Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people

will be in the street looking for a brighter day.

The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock

news and no pictures of hairy armed women

liberationists and Jackie Onassis blowing her nose.

The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,

Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom

Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth.

The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be right back

after a message about a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.

You will not have to worry about a dove in your

bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.

The revolution will not go better with Coke.

The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.

The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,

will not be televised, will not be televised.

The revolution will be no re-run brothers;

The revolution will be live.

I have seen him perform this live twice.

Always powerful.

Now I contrast this with the Red Leaders being so insistent that

THEIR revolution MUST be Televised.

Turn back on PTV, or we rampage in the street.

Without their TV connection with the folks back home, there IS NO SPONTANEOUS REVOLUTION.

No Thakisn video connections, not international support structure for the poor down trodden reds.

No TV = no revolution.... my the worm has turned.

So as noted above : The Revolution WILL be Televised.

Shouldn't this topic have been called an embarssing fiasco for the police?

Yes much more apropos. But this was the newspaper title I think.

I also think this fiasco is what the army chiefs were waiting for.

It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

They are now pinning their hopes on the Army. Are the Army going to run the country now if the Police can't?

Want to see serious loss of income, support and face for Thailand? Then let the Army go on a killing spree.

I think the smart move for the Reds is to negotiate with the Army. Then they all win, Army, Reds and business district. Leaves Mark and Thaugsabun out in the cold hoping that their 300,000 facebook supporters are enough to outvote 30 million red supporters!!

Mind you, stranger things have happened here.

where are the 30 million Red supporters.. 30,000 you mean... and for sure here the Army will go on a killing spree... give us some fun to watch on TV..

30 million red in the face supporters, maybe.


on the payroll 15 thousend,

I guess we will see if Thais really care about losing face. If they do we should see the Thai Police clean house. Right now the international community wouldn't let the Thai police work security at a Backstreet boys concert because they couldn't hold back a mob of teenage girls if they tried.

But But teenage girls Pay great tea money-LOL

I'm not surprised at all. Almost all the "professionals" who did a job for me here in Thailand had much worst skills than amateurs in my home country. Quality is a word that's not in the Thai dictionary I presume. Meticulous planning is also not a common habbit.

I don't understand why so many accept the low quality of various products of mind and hand...

beer Chang is good quality

most things on a day-to-day basis here ,are cheap when compared with the expensive GOOD QUALITY of homw products in the UK etc.

(like jap cars) 100.000 recalls now stopped SUV productions completely

beer chang is good if you poor it directly down the drain ,dont even bother to drink

cheap charlys bourbon


The picture of the Red leaders on the Nation's website holding raised hands looks more like Thailand's national beer drinking squad than the sort of people you'd want to lead you into a civil war.

It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

They are now pinning their hopes on the Army. Are the Army going to run the country now if the Police can't?

Want to see serious loss of income, support and face for Thailand? Then let the Army go on a killing spree.

I think the smart move for the Reds is to negotiate with the Army. Then they all win, Army, Reds and business district. Leaves Mark and Thaugsabun out in the cold hoping that their 300,000 facebook supporters are enough to outvote 30 million red supporters!!

Mind you, stranger things have happened here.

where are the 30 million Red supporters.. 30,000 you mean... and for sure here the Army will go on a killing spree... give us some fun to watch on TV..

30 million red in the face supporters, maybe.


on the payroll 15 thousend,

somebody says Hilary is a lesbian,true or not?and her husband a wanke_r, in case of the internal..what was her name?


You guys sure know how to raise the level of debate on here don't you.

Symptomatic of the fact that the Falangs coming over here are increasingly from the Yob class.

Shouldn't this topic have been called an embarssing fiasco for the police?

Charlie Chaplin would indeed have found it most inspirational ! The BiBs, on a good day, are wonderful ! :D


You guys sure know how to raise the level of debate on here don't you.

Symptomatic of the fact that the Falangs coming over here are increasingly from the Yob class.

Perhaps we need a 'class war' of our own, Nobs vs Yobs, we could sell tickets ! :)


and where are you from.... sir? :D

do you live in korat.... sir? :D

i'll be very happy to donote 100,000 to the charity of your choice.... sir :D

if the redshirts can successfully, as you suggested, negotiate with the army and the biz community.... and

another 100,000 to the redshirt coffer.... if you can prove to the thaivisa community and readers alike that....

there are some 30 mil redshirt supporters around....

i am just curious.... is your attending physician named.... DOCTOR WHENG....? :D

the redshirted doctor wheng was the first to publicly announced during their negotiation with apisit govt that the redshirts has some 20 or more million supporters.... :)

and now grandpops.... you are saying the number has grown to 30 mil....

well.... just prove it to the thaivisa communities.... alright? and i'll be more than happy to donate to your favourite charity.... :D

as far as the 300,000 silent majority supporters on facebook, it is really a surprise to everyone alike.... by now it could have

grown to a much larger number....

as grandpops said.... stranger things happened.... indeed who knows.... grandpops could be right too....?

grandpops dear.... wanna give me a rebuttal here.... :D:D

It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

They are now pinning their hopes on the Army. Are the Army going to run the country now if the Police can't?

Want to see serious loss of income, support and face for Thailand? Then let the Army go on a killing spree.

I think the smart move for the Reds is to negotiate with the Army. Then they all win, Army, Reds and business district. Leaves Mark and Thaugsabun out in the cold hoping that their 300,000 facebook supporters are enough to outvote 30 million red supporters!!

Mind you, stranger things have happened here.

See other thread.

BPost: Ex-army chief Chaisit Shinawatra offers to take army chief Anupong Paojinda to visit red-shirts at Ratchaprasong Intersection rally site to see real situation.

More likely than the blood bath you are hoping for.

Another report from TAN is that they are asking the army to clear the Pink bunch away as it might be seen as double standards to kill one group of protesters and encourage another. double standards regarding the PAD, who are as vacuaous as ever and devoid of any tactic other than hiding behind pictures of one who really is way above this despotic little mob.

They are close enough to the Army for them to have a trail run!! Few tons of tear gas over the wall, few cracked gucchi bags and ray bans and the Hhi'so facebook protest is off!!! As likely as a blood bath by Anupong.

In respect to the above comment presenting a " crime", maybe the Reds took a page from the Farang Sexpat community. The hotel allows joiners no questions asked.

Nothing precluded someone from registering for the room and simply handing the key to someon else or inviting a guest..

Fortunately, none of you are prosecutors. Otherwise we would have a lot of innocent people executed and a lot of murderers walking the street due to bumbling incompetence.

The current/past people of title see to have accomplished the innocents demise, and murders, as well as other Riff Raff here at home and abroad, walking the streets, without any assistance from TV members.


Arisaman, Arisaman,

Does whatever a spider can

Spins a web, full of lies,

Attracts fools just like flies

Look Out!

Here comes Arisaman.

Is he strong?

Listen bud,

He's got jugs of pigs blood.

Can he swing from a thread

Take a look overhead

Hey, there

There goes the Arisaman.

In the chill of night

At the scene of a crime

Like an urban blight

He arrives just in time.

Arisaman, Arisaman

Frightening neighborhoods Arisaman

Wealth and fame

He's on board

A pardon is his reward.

To him, life is a great big bang up

Whenever there's a hang up

You'll find Arisaman.

The picture of the Red leaders on the Nation's website holding raised hands looks more like Thailand's national beer drinking squad than the sort of people you'd want to lead you into a civil war.

or actually lead the country.


It seems pretty clear what happened.

1) The redsihrts were tipped off.

2) The police were delayed by elements in their forces and by redshirt supporters on the scene

3) By the time the police reached the leaders they were surrounded by an angry mob who has already shown the willingness to fight security forces.

4) The roads were quickly blocked by hundreds of redshirts.

5) The police were trapped, didn't have the will or the mandate to use force on the redshirt mob who had descended on the scene within minutes, and they were outnumbered.

6) Arisman's stunt was a PR gimmick, performed after the police had already been forced to give up.

Yes, there is some serious egg on the face of the RTP. They are publicly humiliated.

The only way this operation could have worked would have been to get in and out in under 10 minutes. They failed to do this.


I note that the pink shirts rallied yesterday in defiance of the State of Emergency declared by Abhisit...I'm wondering why all the law and order fanatical farangs on here aren't calling for them to be shot by the army as lawbreakers? Perhaps we have a double standard, where it's only members of one side that the law applies to....

I note that the pink shirts rallied yesterday in defiance of the State of Emergency declared by Abhisit...I'm wondering why all the law and order fanatical farangs on here aren't calling for them to be shot by the army as lawbreakers? Perhaps we have a double standard, where it's only members of one side that the law applies to....

Perhaps because the pink demonstrators did not use grenades, rifles, and other war weapons to kill or injure some 300 security force personnel, threaten to burn BKK buildings, threaten the life of government representatives, assassinate military officers, or block a major area of the CBD in BKK for weeks in defiance of the ISA and SOE.

Just a guess mind you.

I note that the pink shirts rallied yesterday in defiance of the State of Emergency declared by Abhisit...I'm wondering why all the law and order fanatical farangs on here aren't calling for them to be shot by the army as lawbreakers? Perhaps we have a double standard, where it's only members of one side that the law applies to....

Perhaps because the pink demonstrators did not use grenades, rifles, and other war weapons to kill or injure some 300 security force personnel, threaten to burn BKK buildings, threaten the life of government representatives, assassinate military officers, or block a major area of the CBD in BKK for weeks in defiance of the ISA and SOE.

Just a guess mind you.

Why should a law only apply to non reds? Once they are held accountable everyone else should be too. Until then let the pinks show what a real peaceful protest looks like.

Arisaman, Arisaman,

Does whatever a spider can

Spins a web, full of lies,

Attracts fools just like flies

Look Out!

Here comes Arisaman.

Is he strong?

Listen bud,

He's got jugs of pigs blood.

Can he swing from a thread

Take a look overhead

Hey, there

There goes the Arisaman.

In the chill of night

At the scene of a crime

Like an urban blight

He arrives just in time.

Arisaman, Arisaman

Frightening neighborhoods Arisaman

Wealth and fame

He's on board

A pardon is his reward.

To him, life is a great big bang up

Whenever there's a hang up

You'll find Arisaman.



Wish I'd done this!

It seems pretty clear what happened.

1) The redsihrts were tipped off.

2) The police were delayed by elements in their forces and by redshirt supporters on the scene

3) By the time the police reached the leaders they were surrounded by an angry mob who has already shown the willingness to fight security forces.

4) The roads were quickly blocked by hundreds of redshirts.

5) The police were trapped, didn't have the will or the mandate to use force on the redshirt mob who had descended on the scene within minutes, and they were outnumbered.

6) Arisman's stunt was a PR gimmick, performed after the police had already been forced to give up.

Yes, there is some serious egg on the face of the RTP. They are publicly humiliated.

The only way this operation could have worked would have been to get in and out in under 10 minutes. They failed to do this.

Why they didn't temperarily sequester the staff and their cell phones,

'for their own safety' is an open question to the gods of proper law enforcement.

I note that the pink shirts rallied yesterday in defiance of the State of Emergency declared by Abhisit...I'm wondering why all the law and order fanatical farangs on here aren't calling for them to be shot by the army as lawbreakers? Perhaps we have a double standard, where it's only members of one side that the law applies to....

Perhaps because the pink demonstrators did not use grenades, rifles, and other war weapons to kill or injure some 300 security force personnel, threaten to burn BKK buildings, threaten the life of government representatives, assassinate military officers, or block a major area of the CBD in BKK for weeks in defiance of the ISA and SOE.

Just a guess mind you.

Why should a law only apply to non reds? Once they are held accountable everyone else should be too. Until then let the pinks show what a real peaceful protest looks like.

I find it amusing that reds scream for the law to be applied to everyone else but refuse to obey it themselves (ie running from the police, taking hostages etc). It seems to me that the reds are above the law so why should any other group have to stick to the law. This is just a preview of what the reds will get if they get into government, and it's of their own making.

I note that the pink shirts rallied yesterday in defiance of the State of Emergency declared by Abhisit...I'm wondering why all the law and order fanatical farangs on here aren't calling for them to be shot by the army as lawbreakers? Perhaps we have a double standard, where it's only members of one side that the law applies to....

Perhaps because the pink demonstrators did not use grenades, rifles, and other war weapons to kill or injure some 300 security force personnel, threaten to burn BKK buildings, threaten the life of government representatives, assassinate military officers, or block a major area of the CBD in BKK for weeks in defiance of the ISA and SOE.

Just a guess mind you.

If Carabao held a concert and 2,000 showed up but didn't cause a riot,

then you would scream double standard too.

it's not the gathering that matters it is it's avowed intent.

Some can argue that in general people do not create street actions to bring down governments,

and allowing ANY to happen is a double standard. So this government is hewing to a standard of normalcy,

while Samak and Somchai's governments practiced the double standards through incompetence...

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