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Girlfriend Has A Drug Problem?


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PM simon43 - he went through this with his now ex-wife. I believe it nearly ruined him

What do you mean - nearly?!!

czGLoRy, you have received honest and very good advice on this forum. She will maybe start to listen to advice when she has hit rock bottom, and even that is not guaranteed.

Everyone has to make their own choice in life, and sometimes the acts of a good samaritan are rejected or exploited by the recipient.

I believe there are some wats where treatment can be obtained (sorry, I do not have the details, but they were posted previously on this forum). Get these details, give them to her and then exit stage left (or right) as fast as you can. Up to her if she wants to follow up on your advice


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There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

It is "only" a head thing and as i know more easy to stop taking amphetamins then to stay away from alkohol.

Do may go with her / send her for some time to a other, new place. May holliday on a beach, or ....., where she has no access to the drog.

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hi there, i have been in a similar situation and thank God, i have a good lawyer, we arranged a divorce at the ampuer and that lawyer made her sign a lot of papers in which she agrees not to claim any land [was on her name before] or house nor goods or motorbikes etc and also gave me custody of our own daughter[2+half yrs]. she has another daughter [7yrs] living with us for several years, went to school etc etc but now she wants that daughter to move back to her own mother's house, which means that she will not seperate ourselves but also our daughters who grew up together... all this because she met the wrong people when she went out by herzelf and now heavily into drugs. we went to koh samed for a "family-holiday" because she said she missed the kids so much, but after the first day she started to vomit several times a day, which means that her body asks for dope that she could not get there...

the dpe she takes is ya-ba, ganja[personally i have no problem with that when it's smoked in moderation] extacy, crack and coke, and maybe even heroine, because she don't know herself what it all is... by the way: what is "ice"??? some degenerated heroine-waste-product similar as crack?? anyways, i did support her for a while, but the debts got bigger and bigger because she also likes to play cards in illegal casino's... so now i have stopped paying her anything more... she's completely out of control, her mind and body is controlled now by drugs and she can't think straight anymore... whenever i talk to her by phone she askes in a conversation: 'what day is today?' in other words: off the real world... also my question: how does she pay for this dope, by "rendered services"??? we went to the maharaj-hospital in chiang mai to make a appointment with a psychiatrist, but on the day of the appointment she refused to go there... so still in the denial-fase... difficult, because we have children, but i agree with the previous speakers: you've got to be tough, this is a battle you can't win, she needs professional help: maharaj-hospital, martin-building[next to sripat] - female-doctor: surinporn ! good luck and otherwise break all the ties, because you can't help her anymore, you are emotionally to close to her... i've learned my lesson -as many of us- and i have a good "mae-ban" who took over the mother-role, she feeds the little one, bathes her and sleeps with her, so there is still a kind of family-situation... this won't disrupt her brains to much and next month she goes to nursery-school, then she can play with kids of her own age and forget about what her real mom is going through... her mom has to rock the real bottom first and maybe end up in jail where they put her in a cel for a week of two and without help let her rehab by herself, that's the hard way! the easier and more effective way is the maharaj-hospital.

take my advice: either professional help or pack your bags!

good luck!

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I understand all this and I am leaving. I am leaving the country for a few months in about a week, and thats when it is ending. I am looking for someone I can get her in contact with who can help her. She has basically withdrawn from her family entirely, so she doesn't really have them to fall back on. I think without some sort of support from a clinic or something she is pretty doomed, but apparently there is nothing like that. I am in the chiang mai area fwiw.

SOmeone from Narcotics Anonymous might take an interest; but I doubt it, unless she has an interest in stopping herself. I suppose you could try to get their contact details for when she does want to stop...


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You should leave her at once. It is your life that you should worry about - you're NOT in your own country. Being caught with illegal drugs in your own house will put you in jail - yes Thai Jail. If you're convinced she is taking drugs - her and her alone will have to accept it and get help. You can only recommend places for her to get help but you cannot drag her there - it must be her own will. Tough Love, Dont' be an enabler, leaver her at once.

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Good that you decided to leave her. I don't think it matters that you'd like to help her. It is not within your power to control since she's clearly not ready to receive your help. In that regard I fully agree with Simon43. The usual pattern is that they have to hit rock bottom and wanting help. Even then it is a long, painful process and absolute no garanties given. Everyone walks his own path. Good luck.

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PM simon43 - he went through this with his now ex-wife. I believe it nearly ruined him

What do you mean - nearly?!!

Well I was being kind mate, but least you can hold your head-up and say you went the extra mile. I'm sure under past reflection - you realize nothing you could really do for her.

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There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

It is "only" a head thing and as i know more easy to stop taking amphetamins then to stay away from alkohol.

Do may go with her / send her for some time to a other, new place. May holliday on a beach, or ....., where she has no access to the drog.

Why are you posting the same inaccuracies on two threads?

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Sounds like you need to offer her Tough Love. You have done what you can, now she has to face the consequences alone. You cannot help people who do not want help. While the money is there and easy then why should she stop. Lots of users say "Yes I want to stop" but its only because its what people want to hear

Heed the warnings from others. Drugs/falang means long time in jail. If she gets wind you may be off she could plant some drugs in your place or somewhere. Remember the saying a woman scourned etc.

You can go with a clear concious knowing you tried to help and maybe once away you can help via email etc. But remember people on drugs can be very manipulative and womans tears can be very powerful

Good luck and keep safe

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There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

It is "only" a head thing and as i know more easy to stop taking amphetamins then to stay away from alkohol.

Do may go with her / send her for some time to a other, new place. May holliday on a beach, or ....., where she has no access to the drog.

Why are you posting the same inaccuracies on two threads?

Indeed.... :)


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At first I thought it wasn’t that bad. She stayed skinny and really liked sex. But as I became more familiar with the transition that was going on I realized the major harm that was taking place.

It is a perfect drug for BG’s. Read that wiki article.

How is it available? In my experience some mamma sans push it to the employees. Or it is never farther away than the local motorcycle taxi man.

I know a lady who works in Singapore. She makes 50k baht per month and comes home after a month with no money left.

My own personal experiences were crazy. She attacked me for no reason. In clubs, at home, in restaurants. I ran away. She found me and I ran away again. There is no winning.

It is changing Thailand. It is changing Thailand fast. The growth of addiction in the past 5 years has been phenomenal. It is even in grade schools.

It is completely changing the usual norm of working girls sending money home. It doesn’t go home any more and they don’t care. It has touched my life ten times in the past five years.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the red shirt movement was partly a result of the money not making it up north anymore.

The OP should have gotten all the information he needs and I can only add my voice to the others. It is a no win situation. Too bad. Nothing you can do about it.

You can read all over Thai Visa in threads on every forum and of every description the same old story about hard working ladies sending money home to kids and parents. It used to be true. But it’s not anymore. Now it all goes to ya dealers.

It may be the single biggest problem Thailand faces today. I don’t see any solution on the horizon. Too bad.

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I had a girl the same.I thought I could change her, I supported her for three years, sent money every month, while I was not in Thailand, Repatriated her with her family because she had not seen them for five years, I got her off the drugs, I know because I stayed in the jungle with her and her family for five months, Got her All her papers, ID card which she had never had, passport, blue book the lot , even got her a job in a Hotel. I went home the last time, I got a message that she was back on the yabba and Es, anything she could get her hands on, I just kept kidding myself for a further year until I returned to Thailand, I stay in Thailand anywhere from three months to five months every year, I returned and she could not be bothered even to come and see me for three days, the first thing she wanted was money, I said no and she got violent , So I just said I have had enough and told her good luck we are finished, She walked off and did not give a stuff, after every thing I had done to try and help her, I see her about now and again , thin and not so radiant she could be, Because of Yabba and other drugs, You have a job on your hands and I don't think you will win, Save yourself a lot of hart ace and walk away because she will never change, After a year I found out a lot about her, more than I thought I knew when I was with her, its amazing how Thai girls open up when they know you a little. all what they told me reaffirmed what I had done was the right thing. Looking back I could have been in Bangkok Hilton now, or have aids herpes and all the rest that comes with the drug habit. have along hard think, best of luck mate hope you can sort it, or move on ,

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ice is the worst of them all - you should say your goodbyes or prepare for a long and heart wrenching series of events which have a very slim chance of working out for your good.

ice actually is one of the safest of all drugs-its cause not physcial dependance, only psychological

i have friends who have been on it all their life's-living quite happily

there is such disinformation on the whole drug world, and such hypocrisy

mainly in japan, where it was tolerated , it helped them work all day, 6 days per week

my friend is 60 odd, been taking since 24, in fine health,along with his wife

he take it along with plenty of supplements

alcohol is the worst drug, so is nicotine

what is sold here, my Japanese friend tell me is not ice, it may feel and look like ice, but it most certainly is not the same, it is much worse and has a lot of shit in it-this is what cause the damage

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At first I thought it wasn't that bad. She stayed skinny and really liked sex. But as I became more familiar with the transition that was going on I realized the major harm that was taking place.

It is a perfect drug for BG's. Read that wiki article.

How is it available? In my experience some mamma sans push it to the employees. Or it is never farther away than the local motorcycle taxi man.

I know a lady who works in Singapore. She makes 50k baht per month and comes home after a month with no money left.

My own personal experiences were crazy. She attacked me for no reason. In clubs, at home, in restaurants. I ran away. She found me and I ran away again. There is no winning.

It is changing Thailand. It is changing Thailand fast. The growth of addiction in the past 5 years has been phenomenal. It is even in grade schools.

It is completely changing the usual norm of working girls sending money home. It doesn't go home any more and they don't care. It has touched my life ten times in the past five years.

I wouldn't be surprised if the red shirt movement was partly a result of the money not making it up north anymore.

The OP should have gotten all the information he needs and I can only add my voice to the others. It is a no win situation. Too bad. Nothing you can do about it.

You can read all over Thai Visa in threads on every forum and of every description the same old story about hard working ladies sending money home to kids and parents. It used to be true. But it's not anymore. Now it all goes to ya dealers.

It may be the single biggest problem Thailand faces today. I don't see any solution on the horizon. Too bad.

you are right, actually the growth of addiction is far more

what does this tell you

they are still buying

the crooks are still selling and getting rich

the low arrests mean zero

we are paying for all this

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You allow your GF to go on all night drug binges ?

I would have had her stuff packed and outside with the locks changed on my place if my GF did that but thats just me.

spoken just as good old bush would of done- a friend in trouble, once a girlfriend,needing perhaps help and compassion and love

and what do you choose to- turn you back on her

are you a christian?

ever had a problem?- because I am here to tell you have one now-

at least try to help her/someone, show some support empathy , do you know how much the world improves weh help someone trys to help someone in need

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There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

It is "only" a head thing and as i know more easy to stop taking amphetamins then to stay away from alkohol.

Do may go with her / send her for some time to a other, new place. May holliday on a beach, or ....., where she has no access to the drog.

Why are you posting the same inaccuracies on two threads?

Indeed.... :)


Sorry, for posting twice. I did not saw, that the first posting did work. Was a mistake! :D:D

But what i did wright, you can belife me or check the net, it's true!

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ice is the worst of them all - you should say your goodbyes or prepare for a long and heart wrenching series of events which have a very slim chance of working out for your good.

ice actually is one of the safest of all drugs-its cause not physcial dependance, only psychological

i have friends who have been on it all their life's-living quite happily


I have "friends" who have been on it all their lives too, but clearly you live on a different planet where ice is a magical drug which causes no harm and just lets you work harder. Aren't you lucky.

Edited by OxfordWill
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If you use it once in while not much harm is done but ice is so powerful that a lot of people can't control their use and become addicted.

Once addicted it's probably the worst drug to be addicted to in the way it fvk's up your brain and deteriorates your body.

Edited by meom
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Wife of 6 years and Mother of my two kids met some old friends from school.

Result? 12 months later separation.

reason? Ice...

She lost her family, her husband, 17 million baht house, her health, her looks.

What did she get? genitals warts (nearly gave them to me, but I noticed in time) and goodness knows what else.

I spent 12 months trying to help, her whole family were trying to help. But no matter what anyone did she would still stay out for 2, 3 or 4 days at a time, come home looking like she had been non-stop in a brothel.

When she would wake up after 2 days sleeping, I would confont her, her family would confront her and she would go ballistic, attacking me and others with knives, coffee mugs etc etc all in front of the kids. I left and stayed in hotels, she would find me. I finally left the country after being rescued by a friend.

Last i heard from her??? This is an email from the Thai consulate in Hong Kong dated 29 Sept. last year..


At the moment, your wife, Mrs. XXXXXX XXXXXX, is here at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong and wishes to contact you urgently as she claims you may be in imminent danger which we cannot yet prove as true yet, but if you could please phone me back at the Consulate, it would be most helpful to our investigation procedure as well as letting her talk to you in person.


Atthapong Watthammawut


Royal Thai Consulate-General

Mob. +(852) 9748 5008

Tel. + (852) 2532 5114

Fax + (852) 2521 8629

Mate, my wife had everything to live for, beautiful kids, 3 houses (one she lost to pay debts), an international lifestyle, heaps of money etc etc and she gave it all up for the <deleted> Ice.

Get out of it before it is too late for you. BTW the imminent danger I was in was the HK triads had my wife in one of their brothels where they were giving her drugs and she was working the cash off, one of them found out somehow she was married to a farang, they got my number and address from her handfone and she overheard them discussing how to get me to go to HK to"save" her or whatever. She managed to run away and get the police attention who took her to the consulate, I have to give it to her that she did that to make sure I didn't fall into a trap.

This was explained to me by Khun Atthapong Watthammawut from the consulate.

Scary stuff mate. I believe my ex (wife) is now living in Pattaya, my kids are with the Grandparents and I am working.

If she doesn't want to be helped no-one will be able to help. The time is now to help yourself pal...it is not easy, but it will only bring you down.

Simon43, myself and many others have been through it...dont let it happen to you too pal.

Edited by tuky
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If you use it once in while not much harm is done but ice is so powerful that a lot of people can't control their use and become addicted.

Once addicted it's probably the worst drug to be addicted to in the way it fvk's up your brain and deteriorates your body.

nonsense- please, ladys and gents- get your facts right and stop making gross generalizations, which are 100% wrong

my friend has been on it since he was 24 and is now 60, takes it once or twice per week

holds a high position, has a family, has regular health check-= doc says" great heath" sayonara to what you just claimed

oh, and by the way, he does kendo twice per week

takes real "ice" not the stuff sold here

so much nonsense talked about drugs, thats is partly what cause the real damage

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Wife of 6 years and Mother of my two kids met some old friends from school.

Result? 12 months later separation.

reason? Ice...

She lost her family, her husband, 17 million baht house, her health, her looks.

What did she get? genitals warts (nearly gave them to me, but I noticed in time) and goodness knows what else.

I spent 12 months trying to help, her whole family were trying to help. But no matter what anyone did she would still stay out for 2, 3 or 4 days at a time, come home looking like she had been non-stop in a brothel.

When she would wake up after 2 days sleeping, I would confont her, her family would confront her and she would go ballistic, attacking me and others with knives, coffee mugs etc etc all in front of the kids. I left and stayed in hotels, she would find me. I finally left the country after being rescued by a friend.

Last i heard from her??? This is an email from the Thai consulate in Hong Kong dated 29 Sept. last year..


At the moment, your wife, Mrs. XXXXXX XXXXXX, is here at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong and wishes to contact you urgently as she claims you may be in imminent danger which we cannot yet prove as true yet, but if you could please phone me back at the Consulate, it would be most helpful to our investigation procedure as well as letting her talk to you in person.


Atthapong Watthammawut


Royal Thai Consulate-General

Mob. +(852) 9748 5008

Tel. + (852) 2532 5114

Fax + (852) 2521 8629

Mate, my wife had everything to live for, beautiful kids, 3 houses (one she lost to pay debts), an international lifestyle, heaps of money etc etc and she gave it all up for the <deleted> Ice.

Get out of it before it is too late for you. BTW the imminent danger I was in was the HK triads had my wife in one of their brothels where they were giving her drugs and she was working the cash off, one of them found out somehow she was married to a farang, they got my number and address from her handfone and she overheard them discussing how to get me to go to HK to"save" her or whatever. She managed to run away and get the police attention who took her to the consulate, I have to give it to her that she did that to make sure I didn't fall into a trap.

This was explained to me by Khun Atthapong Watthammawut from the consulate.

Scary stuff mate. I believe my ex (wife) is now living in Pattaya, my kids are with the Grandparents and I am working.

If she doesn't want to be helped no-one will be able to help. The time is now to help yourself pal...it is not easy, but it will only bring you down.

Simon43, myself and many others have been through it...dont let it happen to you too pal.

PM me NOW, I can get her escorted back to Thailand very soon by qualified security professionals.

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ice is the worst of them all - you should say your goodbyes or prepare for a long and heart wrenching series of events which have a very slim chance of working out for your good.

ice actually is one of the safest of all drugs-its cause not physcial dependance, only psychological

i have friends who have been on it all their life's-living quite happily


I have "friends" who have been on it all their lives too, but clearly you live on a different planet where ice is a magical drug which causes no harm and just lets you work harder. Aren't you lucky.

they must be lucky, because the docs all say they are fine, work is great( one got an award for his work.....), life is great.....

the issue sadly is that your friends are not doing things right, like overeating

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Wife of 6 years and Mother of my two kids met some old friends from school.

Result? 12 months later separation.

reason? Ice...

She lost her family, her husband, 17 million baht house, her health, her looks.

What did she get? genitals warts (nearly gave them to me, but I noticed in time) and goodness knows what else.

I spent 12 months trying to help, her whole family were trying to help. But no matter what anyone did she would still stay out for 2, 3 or 4 days at a time, come home looking like she had been non-stop in a brothel.

When she would wake up after 2 days sleeping, I would confont her, her family would confront her and she would go ballistic, attacking me and others with knives, coffee mugs etc etc all in front of the kids. I left and stayed in hotels, she would find me. I finally left the country after being rescued by a friend.

Last i heard from her??? This is an email from the Thai consulate in Hong Kong dated 29 Sept. last year..


At the moment, your wife, Mrs. XXXXXX XXXXXX, is here at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong and wishes to contact you urgently as she claims you may be in imminent danger which we cannot yet prove as true yet, but if you could please phone me back at the Consulate, it would be most helpful to our investigation procedure as well as letting her talk to you in person.


Atthapong Watthammawut


Royal Thai Consulate-General

Mob. +(852) 9748 5008

Tel. + (852) 2532 5114

Fax + (852) 2521 8629

Mate, my wife had everything to live for, beautiful kids, 3 houses (one she lost to pay debts), an international lifestyle, heaps of money etc etc and she gave it all up for the <deleted> Ice.

Get out of it before it is too late for you. BTW the imminent danger I was in was the HK triads had my wife in one of their brothels where they were giving her drugs and she was working the cash off, one of them found out somehow she was married to a farang, they got my number and address from her handfone and she overheard them discussing how to get me to go to HK to"save" her or whatever. She managed to run away and get the police attention who took her to the consulate, I have to give it to her that she did that to make sure I didn't fall into a trap.

This was explained to me by Khun Atthapong Watthammawut from the consulate.

Scary stuff mate. I believe my ex (wife) is now living in Pattaya, my kids are with the Grandparents and I am working.

If she doesn't want to be helped no-one will be able to help. The time is now to help yourself pal...it is not easy, but it will only bring you down.

Simon43, myself and many others have been through it...dont let it happen to you too pal.

we have just called the Royal Thai consulate in HK ( or rather my friends have) and they say they know nothing about this-please clarlify the situation

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we have just called the Royal Thai consulate in HK ( or rather my friends have) and they say they know nothing about this-please clarlify the situation

It was september 29th last year mate. They shipped her back to thailand the very next day, her sister's husband paid for the tickets.

I spoke with Khun Atthapong Watthammawut at the time who was quite concerned, but it all turned out ok. Apparently she was freaking out etc etc

Here is an extract of some of the conversations we had via gmail chat.

10:11 AM Atthapong: Oh, hello there. I was just about to send you an extensive email confirming the events, and that your wife has already arrived back to Thailand

me: ok, is it still possible to send that email?

10:12 AM I am very confused by all this.

Atthapong: i have just done so

10:13 AM as are we, but what is most important is that she was repatriated which is what we managed to do last evening

10:14 AM thanks for sending word, and may i suggest you communicate back to her so that she can relax and set her thoughts straight. i have to go to the Office now, so you may wish to contact me further by email. Have a good day.

10:15 AM me: Thank you very much. Before you leave can I ask...was she harmed?

I appreciate your efforts, thank you for everything.

10:17 AM Atthapong: not that we could discern, but she was emotionally exhausted.. and confused but was stable enough to send back on the airplane so that was a relief

10:19 AM i would suggest her to put some distance between her and this Ms. Sumalee, and but as we did not attempt to contact and confirm her story, we will place Ms. Sumalee in our watchlist just to be on the safe side

10:20 AM me: Ok, once again thank you very much. She has had some terrible friends in the last 2 years. She has put herself in some very bad situations. Involving drugs

Anyway, this isn't about what went on with my wife, but the OP and whether he should stick around and try and help his GF. My story is just something that perhaps he can read and help him to make his own decisions.

However, thanks for the PM and the offer of assitance.

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So now you're changing your tune and saying it's not "real" ice.

If you are going to promote a drug as "one of the safest" then perhaps you should also mention that this "safe" variety of ice is not available in Thailand earlier than in a reply, to a reply, to a reply.

Secondly, your postulation that users don't know how to "properly" use it and it is somehow this ignorance on their part which makes the drug dangerous rather than the drug itself is suspicious at best. The dealers I have come across in my life have not handed out instruction manuals on safe use for their products- but again, thoughtful and considerate drug pushers who ensure their product is "the safe version" and hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery may be a real part of whatever planet you live on. I only wish I was living there.

Edited by OxfordWill
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So now you're changing your tune and saying it's not "real" ice.

If you are going to promote a drug as "one of the safest" then perhaps you should also mention that this "safe" variety of ice is not available in Thailand earlier than in a reply, to a reply, to a reply.

Secondly, your postulation that users don't know how to "properly" use it and it is somehow this ignorance on their part which makes the drug dangerous rather than the drug itself is suspicious at best. The dealers I have come across in my life have not handed out instruction manuals on safe use for their products- but again, thoughtful and considerate drug pushers who ensure their product is "the safe version" and hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery may be a real part of whatever planet you live on. I only wish I was living there.

please remember yuo are talking to a confused old fag...who, although edicated , partly in UK, is dyslexic and lazy!

the problem is dealers are are not interested in anything else other than making money, if we saw what was best we would have centres open where one can go and get consul, test the drugs, and be prescribed supplements

the planet i live on has such centers and the lest amount of deaths attributed to hard drugs

not, this is not "ice" someone earlier said what is reallly is, it looks and feels very similar

the ignorance is due to government policy's

people will always want sand buy, people will always be willing to sell

, but they are unable to know exactly what they are buying due to these backward policy's

ice is not safe, but real ice is a lot less harmful than the ice ,which is not ice, being sold here

flights to my planet are delayed for apx a week! I hope we are getting to understand each other

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