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Expat Retiree Cost Of Living--higher And Higher


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Tnx a lot for some good information on my question. Nice to hear that the Euro is to be considered as not overpriced towards the TBHT.

Can't wait to get here, but OMG, are decent Houses-for-rent really have to be priced at 25 KBht al least or more?

I need a 2 bed, two bathrroom house (detached would be great) with a nice (not big) garden-space, and it can be located off the beaten road i.e. at a distance of even 6-10 mls/15 kms from downtown Pattaya.

(south-Jomtien or North of Pattaya f.e.) Preferred a quiet location, semi-rural or in the hills east?

(near that big lake I saw on Google earth -nice area?)

Renting : for at least one year if I/we like it.

Any offers/possibilities?

I'm serious here.

Bye !


Watch the TV Classifieds, just use the drop down for Pattaya. If you are planning to live outside of Pattaya (the darkside) I hope that you are prepared to purchase and maintain a car

Or a motor bike.

It is very difficult so say: this area is the best. Different people different taste(s). Its best to rent a hotel room first and then go around a look for yourself. Don't worry there are LOTS of houses to rent, so you can easily find something that suits you, don't just jump into something you might not like after two weeks.

Well we are way off OP topic again, Rimmer is proberly getting angry :D

Motor bike during the rainy season to get into town to do shopping, what a pleasant thought

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Tnx a lot for some good information on my question. Nice to hear that the Euro is to be considered as not overpriced towards the TBHT.

Can't wait to get here, but OMG, are decent Houses-for-rent really have to be priced at 25 KBht al least or more?

I need a 2 bed, two bathrroom house (detached would be great) with a nice (not big) garden-space, and it can be located off the beaten road i.e. at a distance of even 6-10 mls/15 kms from downtown Pattaya.

(south-Jomtien or North of Pattaya f.e.) Preferred a quiet location, semi-rural or in the hills east?

(near that big lake I saw on Google earth -nice area?)

Renting : for at least one year if I/we like it.

Any offers/possibilities?

I'm serious here.

Bye !


Watch the TV Classifieds, just use the drop down for Pattaya. If you are planning to live outside of Pattaya (the darkside) I hope that you are prepared to purchase and maintain a car

Or a motor bike.

It is very difficult so say: this area is the best. Different people different taste(s). Its best to rent a hotel room first and then go around a look for yourself. Don't worry there are LOTS of houses to rent, so you can easily find something that suits you, don't just jump into something you might not like after two weeks.

Well we are way off OP topic again, Rimmer is proberly getting angry :D

Motor bike during the rainy season to get into town to do shopping, what a pleasant thought

What do you think the Thais are doing during the rainy season? Stay home? You can buy cain coats here.

I only bought a car because of my son, shopping- going places- before that only transportation was m. bike.

If you got a budget on app. 70 k bath, how can you afford a car on that?

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Anyone remember the recent scandal of the trumped up cooking oil scam? Soy bean oil & more importantly palm oil was IIRC 32 baht a liter. After Abhisit put his people through 4 weeks of hell now the market is fully supplied at 45 baht a liter or a 50% price hike. It only takes a few of these to get prices shooting skyward.

I wonder what will happen when the diesel price fixing scheme runs out of cash? Does anyone know the first product which will see massive price inflation? Answer MILK. So then butter cheese yogurt & many other products will skyrocket.

I wonder if the government sets the price of a bushel of soybeans? I wonder if farmers are seeing any of that 50% hike? Or just speculators middle men & refiners? mmmmm

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What do you think the Thais are doing during the rainy season? Stay home? You can buy cain coats here.

I only bought a car because of my son, shopping- going places- before that only transportation was m. bike.

If you got a budget on app. 70 k bath, how can you afford a car on that?

My point exactly, if that is how tight your budget is then don't think that you can come here and rent a house on the darkside. Lower your plan, get a condo, and move on

If Dutchieman can live like a Thai, then there is really no problem, but I don't think he can and I think you are doing him a disservice by expecting him to

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I have to wonder why anyone would want to live in Pattaya!

2-3 times more expensive than up north, beaches are awful, high crime rate, too humid, there are girls all over Thailand if that is what you are after.

My 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with small lawn and driveway costs 5,000bht a month 8km from CM town centre.

I have a very nice lake 1km away, but there is a 20bht entrance fee.

>>I have to wonder why anyone would want to live in Pattaya!<<

I live in Chiang Mai ,( for over a year now ) but would rather be back in Pattaya if i was single again . :rolleyes:

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What do you think the Thais are doing during the rainy season? Stay home? You can buy cain coats here.

I only bought a car because of my son, shopping- going places- before that only transportation was m. bike.

If you got a budget on app. 70 k bath, how can you afford a car on that?

My point exactly, if that is how tight your budget is then don't think that you can come here and rent a house on the darkside. Lower your plan, get a condo, and move on

If Dutchieman can live like a Thai, then there is really no problem, but I don't think he can and I think you are doing him a disservice by expecting him to

I think the numbers of expats having cars here is maybe 50% (well thats a guess), the rest use public t. and m. bike to get around. I don't know what it cost to rent a house, I don't check why should I, we have a nice house already.

70 k bath should give you a decent life here, but I will suggest that dutchie comes down here and try for himself and see how he get by with 70k bath pr month.

Not many Thais are earning that much money, wife + husband & kids often live on say 10-20 k bath a month.

There will off-course not be money for sitting in Go-Go's every day and bring a girl home.

If he can live on that money in Holland why not Thailand.

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What do you think the Thais are doing during the rainy season? Stay home? You can buy cain coats here.

I only bought a car because of my son, shopping- going places- before that only transportation was m. bike.

If you got a budget on app. 70 k bath, how can you afford a car on that?

My point exactly, if that is how tight your budget is then don't think that you can come here and rent a house on the darkside. Lower your plan, get a condo, and move on

If Dutchieman can live like a Thai, then there is really no problem, but I don't think he can and I think you are doing him a disservice by expecting him to

Who says he needs a car? I live far out on the dark side. If I was single I would be happy just riding my bike.

I happen to have a family and a car that we use when we go somewhere together, go shopping etc, but if I need to go somewhere alone, not needing to bring anything heavy or bulky, I take the bike. That is a lot faster in the traffic and much less complicated to find parking downtown.

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Well I do NOT need (to buy) a car indééd; I have already one, and through a friend of mine who owns a company that transports goods also to LOS (incl. importing/taxing them etc.) I will to be able to continue driving my own classic Daimler double-six, series III in LOS/Pattaya...! (yes, the A/C. works 100% !! LOL)

I will live ALONE on the aforementioned 70k-Bht/month budget , but can and will share some costs of electricity, water, Internet etc. with a friend who will come with me to live here too in the house that I intend to be renting .

(he is my best friend since the 80's and we consider ourselves to be like real brothers, who just happen to have different parents) and we intend to have some "fun" but maybe only once a week. Only drink beer as alcohol, mainly at home and we will bring also the bigger part of both our furniture to our new house/place to live (through the abovementioned logistics-guy/mate)

So back to topic...: if the costs of living are getting higher and higher indeed will my (yearly inflation-corrected !) income of 70.000 Baht give me a normal life (so NOT as a tourist, f...ing and wining and dining as a millionaire 14 days long) ?

I believe YES, having read the answers on this forum/thread and elsewhere.:rolleyes:

-and yes, I can easily live in Holland on that budget, so how in the world could this not be possible in LOS/Pattaya????? (having checked/read all the prices of food and beverages, rent etc on this forum)

Thus: :partytime2:

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No doubt you could survive on 10,000 baht per month if you had to.

However one trivial little detail not mentioned is, can you meet the yearly visa extension requirements,

800,000 baht in the bank, or an embassay letter showing an income of 65,000 baht per month.

What happens if the mighty Euro drops in value causing your income to be less than the 65,000 baht per month immigration like to see?

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It is greedy falangs and price fixing that is pushing prices up, try opening a gogo in walking street and charging 80-90baht for a beer, you'll be found floating in the tide

beer should never be more expensive than in the west, at least 1/3 of the price and that goes for everything, it's falangs that are ruining it.

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I have a number of expat retirees friends that have complained about the rising costs of Pattaya.

It does seem to be getting much more expensive in Pattaya in Baht terms. The cost of drinks has gone up significantly. Most go-go's now charge 120 B for a bottled beer. It seems like it was about 80 B a couple of years ago. Since one beer is my limit I have not really noticed or cared.

My last couple of weeks observations indicate that things related to bars are up and up and up higher, western rest food is up moderately, apartment rentals are flat, grocery stores prices for western food seem to be much higher. I don't own a car so fueling and other operating costs are unknown.

It does seem to be a lot more expensive to live here compared to 10 years ago.

Do you feel that the cost of living is rising faster in Thailand compared to the US or Europe?

This was the OP folks :)

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somebody mentioned Beans earlier.....Bought in my local shop heere in the smoke..

Branston Baked beans 4 x 410g = £1 (49 Bt)


Moordale Pork BBQ spare ribs 500g = £1.24

Loose fresh red peppers = 34p :D

Agree Patti and Bangers ...peng mak now :(

Me local pub here in the smoke...actually weather is beautiful..does a pint of bitter for £1-60...but I prefer Heinee @ £2-20 :P ...on tit other hand.......

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somebody mentioned Beans earlier.....Bought in my local shop heere in the smoke..

Branston Baked beans 4 x 410g = £1 (49 Bt)


Moordale Pork BBQ spare ribs 500g = £1.24

Loose fresh red peppers = 34p :D

Agree Patti and Bangers ...peng mak now :(

Me local pub here in the smoke...actually weather is beautiful..does a pint of bitter for £1-60...but I prefer Heinee @ £2-20 :P ...on tit other hand.......

I decided it was a bad beer night here in CNX and went out and bought 2 big Leos for 90 baht from the 7-11 ;)

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somebody mentioned Beans earlier.....Bought in my local shop heere in the smoke..

Branston Baked beans 4 x 410g = £1 (49 Bt)


Moordale Pork BBQ spare ribs 500g = £1.24

Loose fresh red peppers = 34p :D

Agree Patti and Bangers ...peng mak now :(

Me local pub here in the smoke...actually weather is beautiful..does a pint of bitter for £1-60...but I prefer Heinee @ £2-20 :P ...on tit other hand.......

I decided it was a bad beer night here in CNX and went out and bought 2 big Leos for 90 baht from the 7-11 ;)

The bad beer night actually started after you left 7-11 then.

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If you like western food, eating out is cheaper than shopping. I was in Villa last night and the prices shocked me.

You can find a nice western meal for 300 to 400 baht. It is impossible to buy same at comparable price in supermarket especially for single eaters. If you are feeding 10 or more maybe. Then you have to cook and clean up. UGH!!!!!

I order a pizza for Pattaya Pizza for 320B. I can not buy the dough, toppings, and sauce for that price. Even if I could, it would not taste as good and I would have to cook it and clean up. Double UGH!!!!!

Think you should shop around more, Villa is notoriously expensive. I can make 2/3 pizzas at home for your 320 Baht (ingredients from Friendship) and as for washing up, a couple of knives a fork, a plate and a baking tray........hardly the end of the world!

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If you like western food, eating out is cheaper than shopping. I was in Villa last night and the prices shocked me.

You can find a nice western meal for 300 to 400 baht. It is impossible to buy same at comparable price in supermarket especially for single eaters. If you are feeding 10 or more maybe. Then you have to cook and clean up. UGH!!!!!

I order a pizza for Pattaya Pizza for 320B. I can not buy the dough, toppings, and sauce for that price. Even if I could, it would not taste as good and I would have to cook it and clean up. Double UGH!!!!!

Think you should shop around more, Villa is notoriously expensive. I can make 2/3 pizzas at home for your 320 Baht (ingredients from Friendship) and as for washing up, a couple of knives a fork, a plate and a baking tray........hardly the end of the world!

.... and the cost of your oven was ?

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If you like western food, eating out is cheaper than shopping. I was in Villa last night and the prices shocked me.

You can find a nice western meal for 300 to 400 baht. It is impossible to buy same at comparable price in supermarket especially for single eaters. If you are feeding 10 or more maybe. Then you have to cook and clean up. UGH!!!!!

I order a pizza for Pattaya Pizza for 320B. I can not buy the dough, toppings, and sauce for that price. Even if I could, it would not taste as good and I would have to cook it and clean up. Double UGH!!!!!

Think you should shop around more, Villa is notoriously expensive. I can make 2/3 pizzas at home for your 320 Baht (ingredients from Friendship) and as for washing up, a couple of knives a fork, a plate and a baking tray........hardly the end of the world!

.... and the cost of your oven was ?

Free!! It came with the house I rent!

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Well I do NOT need (to buy) a car indééd; I have already one, and through a friend of mine who owns a company that transports goods also to LOS (incl. importing/taxing them etc.) I will to be able to continue driving my own classic Daimler double-six, series III in LOS/Pattaya...! (yes, the A/C. works 100% !! LOL)

The vehicle is not already here ?

Good luck with that and I hope you have real deep pockets.

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What are you guys talking about? 70000 BHT? That is more than enough to live like a king in BKK, in other places even more. Krabi you are a super king. omg

I agree. These guys must be the type that thought that they could come here and live like Bllionares for what it would cost to live like an average Joe back home.

It has never been that way as imported goods are so expensive and there is such a limited supply.

Cars used to be MUCH more expensive compared to prices abroad than they are now.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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  • 5 weeks later...

Depends on lifestyle.

I actually spend considerably more per month in Thailand than I would in the UK but the lifestyles would be quite different and so the comparison would be unfair.

However, I think it's fairly safe to say that it is possible live more cheaply in Thailand than in the west.

Exactly that's what it is!

When I'm back in Europe I also spend less than here in the LOS, but what do I do ??

Nothing, compared to here, at least nothing costly.No meals out, no taxi rides, not even a visit to the corner pub.

Beer and wine in the discount store is cheap, though. That's a consolation.

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