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Politically Incorrect Or What

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My mia just showed me a cartoon from latest

edition of a TV mag she buys

Firts picture shows police flagging down a car

because they say the film on the windows is too dark

Second picture shows car windows are actually completely

clear when the occupants get out...because they are all black


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  • 2 weeks later...
And then what?


Definintion: **PI** - Politically Incorrect

A [ **PI** countryman goes here ] dies and goes to Heaven. .....

He knocks on the Pearly Gates and St. Peter opens them. ....

"Yes?", asks St. Peter. .

"I am here for Jesus", says the guy from the [ the **PI** country ].

St Peter turns around and shouts, "Jesus, your taxi's here".

Joke of the day

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Second picture shows car windows are actually completely

clear when the occupants get out...because they are all black


They must have been wearing sunglasses and kept their mouths shut then.

Personally I don't see that as offensive, as much a p*ss take of the police as the guys in the car.

But these days we are conditioned to think anything resembling a joke about certain sections of society must be bad forgetting that they too have a sense of humour.

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