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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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Red shirts cheered the news of pink injuries it is reported.

This is the saddest thing of all

Yes, and just as sad (or telling) is whenever a group of Thais are injured or killed during a politically charged scenario, as happened on April 10th. Thaksin and his minions only express regret as it applies to their side, i.e. the Reds who were injured or killed. They never express an iota of concern for others, whether innocents or security personnel who were injured or killed in the same fracas. Proof again that T and the Reds are just in it for their own personal gain, and don't give a hoot for fellow Thais on the other side of the fence.

Plus, neither T nor any Reds (leaders or minions) ever make a mention of people in Thailand who are more downtrodden than themselves. Namely, the hundreds of thousands of hill tribers, some of whom can trace their lineage within Thailand - back several generations. Of course, why should T or the Reds care one iota for hill tribers who can't vote and have no economic clout. They don't matter in their view.

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At least the IRA had a sense of decency and werent cowards. Unlike the red shits, they at least claimed responsibilty for their actions.

Come on you lyingc lowns. Declare your true objectives.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

Pity they didn't crackdown on the reds previous to the yellows. If they had, maybe subsequent difficulties might have been avoided. Triple standards.

"We are open to talks to end the crisis, but not with the government," one of the "red shirt" leaders, Jaran Ditapichai, told Reuters in an interview.

Who is he? Never heard of him before

Further googling will reveal that Jaran Ditapichai was expelled as a member of the National Human Rights Commission for his role in the violent July 22, 2007 riot in front of Prem's house that resulted in hundreds of injuries.

He became a criminal litigant for those actions along with other red shirt leaders (and which, AFAIK, these charges after nearly 3 years are still not resolved).

For his riot co-leader status, he was impeached by a vote of 156 to 1, with 3 abstaining.

Human Rights Commission member and Riot Leader. Nice mix.

For TheOldWolf, there's not a lot of photos of Jaran out there compared to the other leaders, but here he is on the far right along with his fellow red shirt leaders (back when they were white shirts) - Weng, Jakrapob, Nuttawut, and Jaran.

*click on the photo to enlarge*


July 23, 2007

Amazingly, they were speaking at a press briefing to condemn the police suppression of the group’s riot in front of Prem's house. A riot in which 200 policemen were injured by the red shirts/white shirts, which were being led by... a member of the Human Rights Commission.


At least the IRA had a sense of decency and werent cowards. Unlike the red shits, they at least claimed responsibilty for their actions.

Come on you lyingc lowns. Declare your true objectives.

1 dead

Sad indeed

Bombing a train is terrorism.

Yes it is. And the red leader Jatuporn had threatened to do this before. They are going for broke. Of course it was the reds who did the bombing. Can there be any question?

Grandpops and Che are among the few desperate voices who predictably and nonsensically deny the Reds could/would do anything as gauche as toss bombs. Well, you guys have typecast yourselves as indelibly allied to the Red mob - and therefore you're compelled to echo whatever the Red leaders shout over their PA systems. If the Red leaders tell their minions; "Any bad thing that looks like it's done by a Red shirt is really a Yellow shirt dressed as a Red shirt" (essentially what they said last month) .....then Red apologists are compelled to ape that line. If bombs get propelled and bullets shot from the Red side and the Red leaders say it can never have happened, then Red apologists will have to believe that ridiculous concept also.

To borrow a line from an old Niel Young song; "It's so hard to make love pay, when you're on the losing end....." (substitute the phrase 'mob rule' for 'love' and you get the picture)

.....Some guys are on the losing end. ....Now if the security forces would find their backbones and get to doing their jobs .....Bangkokians and Thais can get back on track.

I firmly condemn any kind of violence, whatever colors it comes from and not only today but the past years also... but what the government is doing now ?

Army repeat and repeat to reds to move or be ready to be dispersed.... but nothing... yellows supporters gave an ultimatum to government, if nothing is done within this week they will go out manifest also... and since 2 days multi colored peoples came in the same area manifest and defi the reds, the same area forbidden to stay for the reds but multicolored can come manifest without any legal advice and warning... and army do nothing, no intervention to disperse, no intervention to don't let a clash between civilians opposed side...

All the time passed is in advantage for the PM and government... as if something happens from the reds he can say it's their fault... but he preferr to let the job to civilians multicolored or yellows to confront and fight with the reds and perhaps lose their life... so you really think that the PM and the government care of the Thai peoples, whatever colors they could be ? or wherever they come from... nothing, he use multi colored and yellow supporters as human shield also for protect his as*

to mods:

shut down this thread. 1 person died. 75+ injured.

& ppl still feel incited to spill opinion.

shut down this thread.

Why don't you have a nice cup of cocoa and get some rest?

Tell me Westerners.

Would you crawl on your knees to talk to another man?


So why it is you think it is OK for Thai people to have to do it?

Are you racists or just ignorant?

Could you please explain <deleted> you are talking about? Oh, you mean a "New Thai State"?

Red shirts cheered the news of pink injuries it is reported.

This is the saddest thing of all

Yes, and just as sad (or telling) is whenever a group of Thais are injured or killed during a politically charged scenario, as happened on April 10th. Thaksin and his minions only express regret as it applies to their side, i.e. the Reds who were injured or killed. They never express an iota of concern for others, whether innocents or security personnel who were injured or killed in the same fracas. Proof again that T and the Reds are just in it for their own personal gain, and don't give a hoot for fellow Thais on the other side of the fence.

Plus, neither T nor any Reds (leaders or minions) ever make a mention of people in Thailand who are more downtrodden than themselves. Namely, the hundreds of thousands of hill tribers, some of whom can trace their lineage within Thailand - back several generations. Of course, why should T or the Reds care one iota for hill tribers who can't vote and have no economic clout. They don't matter in their view.

So you are saying that the Yellows actually care about the poor, aren't power hungry and aren't corrupt? :):D :D :D

Red shirts cheered the news of pink injuries it is reported.

This is the saddest thing of all

Yes, and just as sad (or telling) is whenever a group of Thais are injured or killed during a politically charged scenario, as happened on April 10th. Thaksin and his minions only express regret as it applies to their side, i.e. the Reds who were injured or killed. They never express an iota of concern for others, whether innocents or security personnel who were injured or killed in the same fracas. Proof again that T and the Reds are just in it for their own personal gain, and don't give a hoot for fellow Thais on the other side of the fence.

Plus, neither T nor any Reds (leaders or minions) ever make a mention of people in Thailand who are more downtrodden than themselves. Namely, the hundreds of thousands of hill tribers, some of whom can trace their lineage within Thailand - back several generations. Of course, why should T or the Reds care one iota for hill tribers who can't vote and have no economic clout. They don't matter in their view.

So you are saying that the Yellows actually care about the poor, aren't power hungry and aren't corrupt? :):D :D :D

Yellows and reds all the same

The irony is the reds may end up needing the army to get out of BKK. Noit saying they did the stuff but it is all adding up aginst them and the same single source indoctrination they use will be fired back at them on this one. Nasty

# The photos i've seen are from wire agencies. Our web editor is working on a slide show, which will take a while. 4 minutes ago via TweetDeck

# I've seen one photo of a man in black t-shirt being arrested by troops. 9 minutes ago via TweetDeck

to mods:

shut down this thread. 1 person died. 75+ injured.

& ppl still feel incited to spill opinion.

shut down this thread.


well, just enjoy thread.

sorry, my human life-span is too limited to indulge waste


Sad indeed

Bombing a train is terrorism.

Yes it is. And the red leaders had threatened to do this before. They are going for broke. Of course it was the reds who did the bombing. Can there be any question?

Amazing that some people can write, but they can't read. Nobody bombed a train.

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.


Its starting to get scary I hope the army shows restraint. The reds have a legitimate cause this govt came to power unelected, Iis Thailand a Democracy or dictatorship?

On which planet exactly do you live? The army has shown TOO much restraint in the past couple of weeks. This behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in most other countries around the world.

Army helicopters reprtedly fired on. But dont worry there is an injunction against the government using force agaisnt the protestors. Injured around 50 dont know about dead

That's all I could take, very noisy I know :)

Those photos show cars parked three deep - or are they waiting to move with their engines idling (Thais never turn off their motors when waiting for traffic to move). Glad I'm not in that gridlock or crazy parking grid.

Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

Don't feed the trolls...

I've seen Thaksin supporter Grandpops on before. You would think he is one of the neanderthal uneducated Reds for sure. An Anarchist & maybe a Communist like Hun Sen, Thaksin's buddy. Seems to me like the BBC & CNN have been overly favorable to the Reds. Democracy? The Reds not only can't spell it they don't know what the H--- it is. They are following those radicals paid handsomely by Thaksin. Of course they are being paid to while those working in the hotels, restaurants, etc. are off work because of the Reds blockade and are not getting paid. I cannot even imagine one of those nasty looking, loud mouthed, cowardly Reds I see on Thai TV all the time ruling this country. They don't want peace. They want war. They have been trying to incite the army for weeks. They should be arrested as terrorists for trying to overthrow the government, damage to private and public property, inciting to riot, the list can go on. However, I have never seen an Army or the Police in my lifetime watching riots in countries throughout the world over my 63 years throw their guns down and run like scalded dogs. They should be court martialed and relieved of their jobs. Also, no country in the world would have allowed rioters like the Reds to do what they have done. Even the U.S. would have moved in and cleared them out. I hope that Burma & Cambodia don't see what a weak military Thailand has and decided to take the country. Either could whip the Thai military in less than a week. These Reds need to be moved out, by violence - shooting - if necessary. Camping out like animals for five weeks is enough. Naturally the Red leaders are staying in fancy hotels, not with their troops on the streets. Thaksin is flying around the world on his private jet while paying these neanderthals to do his fighting for him - paying them good however.

They dont know democray even if it hit them in the face!

Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

What is it exactly that the red will gain? Why force thing now rather than waiting for the proper elections?

to mods:

shut down this thread. 1 person died. 75+ injured.

& ppl still feel incited to spill opinion.

shut down this thread.

Why don't you have a nice cup of cocoa and get some rest?


kinovino : Sick: Jatuporn and #redshirts dancing and merrymaking upon hearing of the injuries at Silom. As heard on 97.25 FM.

Journotopia: "We don't want war," says Rambo Isarn, then warns reds to hold the line & ignore taunts of Silom crowd.

TAN_Network: PBS: Glass bottles, marbles being used as weapons between Silom locals and red shirt protesters as clashes take place at Saladang


now i'l take a rest. i guess u'll sort it out for me :-) thank you PEE

Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

Please enlighten me, what is it exactly that the red will gain?

Blood on the streets.

Nobody wins, and tension is raised and all anyone wants at this point is more blood.

An eye for an Eye and the whole world goes blind.

Everyone needs to chill.

Us, them, red, yellow, multicoloured, Army, police, sillom whatever you want to be called.

All I know is that some sick people tossed grenades and injured many people one is already dead probably be followed by a couple more.

The simple fact of all this friction has ALLOWED all this to happen.

When you have 5 groups in the streets staring at each other tense daring the other to swing first there's always a f*ckwit ready to toss a stone while nobody is looking.

And since everyone is so damned focused on blaming each other we wont know.

Had this been a regular week, no protest no clashes MAYBE we could have caught the culprit. Right now we jsut have some people who get to have their Jolies starting Violence.

to mods:

shut down this thread. 1 person died. 75+ injured.

& ppl still feel incited to spill opinion.

shut down this thread.

Why don't you have a nice cup of cocoa and get some rest?


kinovino : Sick: Jatuporn and #redshirts dancing and merrymaking upon hearing of the injuries at Silom. As heard on 97.25 FM.

Journotopia: "We don't want war," says Rambo Isarn, then warns reds to hold the line & ignore taunts of Silom crowd.

TAN_Network: PBS: Glass bottles, marbles being used as weapons between Silom locals and red shirt protesters as clashes take place at Saladang


now i'l take a rest. i guess u'll sort it out for me :-) thank you PEE

Why are so many Thais feeding the violence? Either by celebrating it or rushing to join in?

So sad...


Looks like the PAD are turning on the cops.. according to twitter

vaitor anti reds really aggressiv... only 30-40 guys - Why is the Police Not acting??

photo_journ Many #yellowshirts smell drunk. Assaulting photogs over flash use. Lge force of riot police in centre of Rama IV


Sounds like they got 4-5 suspects, retired military, spin that red boys.


Won't be long until a 4th party throws a few at rajaprasong.

Suthep: It's obvious from investigation that the M79s were fired from the King Rama VI statute

If this is true, this area is absolutely red territory. If the grenades were fired from this area, I can't see how the reds weren't complicit.

There is no evidence that it was Red Shirts. Certainly, the government benefits in terms of PR from this happening.

Just last week, people were saying that the Red Shirts deliberately killed their own supporters in order to stir up hatred towards the Thai government.

Maybe it was a disgruntled skytrain conductor. Or maybe it was the Easter bunny. I know you want to start a conspiracy theory here but sometimes the ones who did it actually did it. Stop being deliberately stupid. The reds are responsible.

Bet it was Santa, he wear red. :)

I finally joined the matrix... now i understand why folk like twitter...

check out these tweets.

photo_journ #yellowshirts firing marbles at #redshirts in hospital. Chopper overhead @ silom

Excellent. That's just the kind of information I want to be receiving. I am going to join Twitter now too. Hope I can figure out how to get the same feed (or whatever it is called) as you showed. Thanks wr.

Save your time by skipping photo_journ. He's a well-known red sympathizer with a history of exaggerations and untruths.


Unnecessarily inflammatory post removed. Lets keep the fiction out of what is already a nasty situation, cheers.

Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

What is it exactly that the red will gain? Why force thing now rather than waiting for the proper elections?

Thaksin is in a hurry to get back to Thailand!

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