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Reds No Longer Allow White People In To Their Camp


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Next it will be reds under the bed, is this fear of the reds linked to the brain washing that has gone on in the us of a?

Sorry, I'm not American. And as I've stated in many other threads, if it truly was a red "socialist" movement I'd probably support it.

However, this is about what was experienced by a couple of people today downtown, in what seems like a security clamp-down. I'm just curious as to its connections with race. Maybe I should take Lumumba up on his offer, and join him down there to see if we can get in. As people get off work, there will be a need for people to go through the red barricades, hopefully they are allowed to go through to their homes.

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So let me get this straight, these people know many of them will be dead before the month is out and are preparing to give their lives, and now there are some tweeting wannabe journalists blaming them for getting a bit on edge?

I see. :)

Excuse me, but I find your bias very nauseating. These reds are illegally occupying a prime section of Bangkok for weeks now. They have caused massive economic damage. They have killed soldiers of the Kingdom of Thailand. They are gathering weapons right now to kill many more government soldiers. They are not innocents! They are all criminals. To avoid violence, they need to do just one peaceful thing. Walk away. Or if they can't do that, lay down in the street when the soldiers come. Do not resist violently. People will NOT get hurt if they just lay down and wait for arrest. Peaceful protest is a wonderful thing. Civil disobedience done with honor and non-violence has a noble history. These occupying reds are nothing like this. Anyone trying to sell them as anything like that must think there are more stupid people out there than really exist.

Edited by Jingthing
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So let me get this straight, these people know many of them will be dead before the month is out and are preparing to give their lives, and now there are some tweeting wannabe journalists blaming them for getting a bit on edge?

I see. :)

Excuse me, but I find your bias very nauseating. These reds are illegally occupying a prime section of Bangkok for weeks now. They have caused massive economic damage. They have killed soldiers of the Kingdom of Thailand. They are gathering weapons right now to kill many more government soldiers. They are not innocents! They are all criminals. To avoid violence, they need to do just one peaceful thing. Walk away. Or if they can't do that, lay down in the street when the soldiers come. Do not resist violently. People will NOT get hurt if they just lay down and wait for arrest. Peaceful protest is a wonderful thing. Civil disobedience done with honor and non-violence has a noble history. These occupying reds are nothing like this. Anyone trying to sell them as anything like that must think there are more stupid people out there than really exist.

The American Revolutionists were violent and the result today is that they are looked on as being heroes, American being apparently the World's greatest democracy. Winners write the history books. Sort of like how leaders of the PAD went onto to fill cabinet positions in the Democrat government :D. Its currently two groups of armed men attempting to force their vision of democracy on the other. Thai police officers are "kidnapped" whereas Red Shirts are "arrested". All rather silly.

Edited by TheItaliann
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I was just noticing two re-tweets from George's twitter:

Dany.k: Farangs not permitted to enter the red base at silom. Media is fine I think. I was stopped! @tulsathit #redshirts #redtweet

Captain W: @tulsathit Reds don't like luk kruengs at their base too! I went to take pics, and tried to buy a hat. They refused, told me to leave!

but he'll be so disappointed :D


Looks like this bloke is looking for another Leo. :)

think he needs the free fod and 300 baht a day.Did the government issue a warning to non thais,that if they supported the reds and marched with them,they would get a big fine and/or jail/deportation

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I think there was a bit of a backlash following the 10th when it became clear that the foreign media and independent operators had filmed and were broadcasting material that suggested the Reds were not entirely the innocent victims of a savage army massacre instigated by Abhisit.

In fact, I think that the foreign press has generally dealt with the Reds more than fairly but the reporting of the 10th wasn't entirely what the Reds had expected. From now on, they'd rather pick and choose the times that foreigners are able to get such close access.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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STILL awaiting confirmation (pro or con) of the previous info reported by a poster that red shirt rebels (along with the promise of cash payment) are being told that all foreigners will be expelled after a red victory with a 30 day notice (how generous of them).

With virulent anti red posts by the likes of jingthing and the majority of the farang posters on this forum it's not surprising that the read are suspicious of of farangs. You have only yourselves to blame.

Yeah right. So the "good" foreigners are the ones supporting Thaksin and the terrorist reds. Just the facts, man. This story was reported by a credible poster here, and I am still seeking confirmation. I reckon by your logic the anti-Nazi expats in Berlin in the 1930's brought their forced repatriation upon themselves as well. ALL foreigners and most Thais for that matter are in fact pawns in this grand drama ...

Jingthing were you critical of the Yellow's occupying government house and the airports, or was that ok. If they had been cracked down on at the time, maybe we would'nt have this problem with the Reds.

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I walk through the Red Shirt camp every morning to get to the office ... never been stopped. The black-uniformed security guards tend to check on Thais not foreigners. It felt more like an outdoor concert than a poltical rally ..... but the atmosphere may be a bit darker tomorrow morning?

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Yall should be happy, they might just be saving your life when the military opens up on them.

You mean, before they retreat backwards leaving their weapons and vehicles behind?

No I was thinking more along the lines of this branch of the military....


Not all of the Thai military grew up in the rice patties.

But one must be cognizant of the situation at hand. Get a some loyal Thai gunship pilots, (preferably from a Bangkok background and long standing family history of officership) to light up the mobs of terrorists on the ground with accurate machine gun and low ordinance fire to minimize damage to property while still effectively cutting through the mob.

2 choppers would be enough to bust up the scene to the extent that the ground troops could then be called in to neutralize the MUCH smaller pockets of resistance and even offer assistance to the wounded who surrender. Those who surrender can be tagged, identified as enemies of the state, and shipped back to Issan or to prison depending on their ranks. And you will then have a huge data base of potential terrorists and dissidents in the future.

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So based on a few Tweats you open a new thread accusing Reds of being racist. mmm

There was a Ferang on stage the other day talking so its not racism.

Probably more to do with Ferang being sent in to spy and print bias reports in yellow rags.

Sometimes i despair at some of the posts here.


The red shirt party before was thai rak thai

thai love thai

did we have a problem with the reds when they were in power????

When looking at your joining date I'm not sure if you were even around when TRT was in power but I was here and remember the reports that the cost of work permits,used only for foreigners as you probably understand,went up tenfold only a few months after thaksin entered the scene.

Another introduction during his governing period was the tenfold entrance prices to national parks etc. for foreigners.

Only allowed to stay 90 days in a 180 days period.

Much bigger restrictions on all kind of visa's.

But you are correct in the case that they didn't shoot us all.At least not in public.

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STILL awaiting confirmation (pro or con) of the previous info reported by a poster that red shirt rebels (along with the promise of cash payment) are being told that all foreigners will be expelled after a red victory with a 30 day notice (how generous of them).

With virulent anti red posts by the likes of jingthing and the majority of the farang posters on this forum it's not surprising that the read are suspicious of of farangs. You have only yourselves to blame.

Yeah right. So the "good" foreigners are the ones supporting Thaksin and the terrorist reds. Just the facts, man. This story was reported by a credible poster here, and I am still seeking confirmation. I reckon by your logic the anti-Nazi expats in Berlin in the 1930's brought their forced repatriation upon themselves as well. ALL foreigners and most Thais for that matter are in fact pawns in this grand drama ...

Jingthing were you critical of the Yellow's occupying government house and the airports, or was that ok. If they had been cracked down on at the time, maybe we would'nt have this problem with the Reds.

I am sure jinting will tell us that was different.

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That is asking for a transfer some entries from the news forum to be quoted here:

Red insurgents -- GO HOME!
Time for justice for the mob inciters and time for the gullible mercenary farmers to GO HOME!
Red insurgent Thaksinistas -- the government has offered you transport home. Take it!

Now it makes at least somehow sense.

Surprising who make here the 'go home' comments, right?

Farangs telling Thai people in Thailand to 'Go home'. What kind of xenophobic paranoia is that?

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That the Reds didn't let foreigners anymore into their camp has probably security reasons and is in the best interests of the foreigners. Another crackdown attempt can happen any time and may become very nasty. Nobody wants you get hurt.

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I read all this and I am living up nort,as fare as you can come nearly.

I must say,that I never-once,have meet other then nice,sweet and helpfull people up here-I diddent see,that kind of racisme some in here,are talking about-I think that,if you respect Thai people and so,you will get the same in return-same all over the wold,I think.

But if you came whit an attitude-I am farang,and I have mony to do what I wont-then ofcourse,you will meet that kind of stuff-but dont you think,that wood be the same every where in this wold.?

I can only say,that I love Thailand,and the Thai people-in must of my experience,they are alot more kind,helpfull and loving,then alot of those farangs,I have seen out here.

But I think,that alot of farangs,just are looking at-aah-now we are loosing mony...and maby status-and thats to bad.


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The last time we had a "Red uprising", stories quickly emerged about how there were pick-up trucks loaded with Red Shirts roaming the countryside looking for farangs to bash and some people got quite excited/upset at that prospect, so much so that the UK Embassy was contacted in order to verify the story (which was of course false). For whatever reason, maybe it's insecurity or maybe it just adds some excitement into otherwise dull lives, some farangs seem to revel in this kind of scaremongering, sad really.

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Oh come on. Lets face reality.Anyone who has lived in Thailand any length of time knows that most Thais are xenophobic and racist to a certain extent. Whether that becomes toxic or not is another matter. Foreigners are ALWAYS a potential scapegoat here. Of course, Thailand isn't the only country that scapegoats foreigners, but we are talking about Thailand here, and the current political crisis.

From the general tone and leanings of all your posts I would say you are worried that your cozy existence in Thailand is under threat.

Thats the one thing you are correct about. Start making alternative arrangements would be my advice cause there is going to be a HUGE nationalist backlash after the end of the civil war.

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Perhaps the redshirts are discouraging foreigners on a jaunt because;

1. They actually care about the foreigner's safety or,

2. Are suspicious of the motives of some foreigners and expect some to be spying/troublemakers or,

3. Are aware that a great many foreigners have hostile sentiments. One need only read TV to understand.

In any case, foreigners should not be trying to enter any of the protest sites now. The forum is filled with finger waggers demanding that there be law and order. Well, the government has instructed that people should stay out of the protest areas. Foreigners visiting the areas are disobeying the government and can be accused of encouraging and abetting the protestors.

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I was at both red camps yesterday afternoon- and the no-colour rally- no problems being a foreinger wandering around anywhere- but... when I attempted to photograph (on 2 occasions) reds with sticks, they dropped the sticks- and didn't look pleased to be photo'd- Aside from that found the red camp at Rajaphrasong a bit friendlier-

But I fully expect that soon all people not identified as being 'red' will be barred from entry. The reds don't want a bunch of clutzy strangers- or worse- stumbling around when things get hot. And they have their own medical facilities- which aren't intended to treat sight-seers. The 'propaganda' war, which saw foreigners with cameras as a vital tool, is over. Now, the serious stuff begins- visiting hours are over.

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It's amusing to read the same people who said foreigners are stupid and deserve to be hurt in the action when things go down in the other thread now spinning things the other way and saying it's discrimination and hate against foreigners.

Maybe, just maybe, the redshirts don't want foreigners around when the clash happens? All it does is create more havoc and eventual bad press when some random tourist gets killed and his country restricts their citizens from going to LOS. In addition to this, they should rightly be suspicious of motives of these people who generally have absolutely no good reason to be there, and generally appear to be very anti-Red.

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You can pretty much guarantee it will turn into Israel-Palestine or a South Thailand situation if the Thai army uses one of those to disperse the protesters.

Not necessarily a bad thing. Israel's a beautiful and enjoyable place to live regardless. And their bad guys are backed by much deeper pockets (not to mention more organized), yet they still can't manage to put any 'progress' together. The local reds are far less formidable. I can see workers being given temporary passes to work in the Bangkok, Samutprakarn, Rayong, Ayutthaya, etc. industrial areas with ghettos set up to house them to keep them separated from the civilized population similar to the system they have set up there.

The local south is a nice little insurgency in a bottle that has been well proven not to affect the lives nor even drawing more than an inkling of international support.


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The last time we had a "Red uprising", stories quickly emerged about how there were pick-up trucks loaded with Red Shirts roaming the countryside looking for farangs to bash and some people got quite excited/upset at that prospect, so much so that the UK Embassy was contacted in order to verify the story (which was of course false). For whatever reason, maybe it's insecurity or maybe it just adds some excitement into otherwise dull lives, some farangs seem to revel in this kind of scaremongering, sad really.

So very true- anyone reading some of the posts attempting to characterize the crowds at Rajaphrasong as little more than hired thugs, goons and women bearing scars of past knife fights- would think that they had stumbled into the wrong camp were they ever to actually visit the red encampments. Until a couple of days ago, I think that most foreigners (especially those with cameras- see flickr postings) were not just tolerated- but welcomed. We ignore reality at our own peril- as every combatant in any venue soon learns- never underestimate the motives, dedication, or abilities of your opponent. No matter how much comfort such simplifying affords.

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what a load of dribble. Why on earth go there??? this is thais business not farangs. You only have to read thaivisa to find out that farangs infact think they have meaning here

Farangs stick to being a farang..you wannabes will never be thais lol

Keep out of the thais business..

Why do people even talk about politics on here?? rubbish and nonsense and also wierd.

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Why do people even talk about politics on here?? rubbish and nonsense and also wierd.

Because it's the same self proclaimed "old asia hands" who claim to know the ins and outs shooting off their stupid mouths. It's the same idiots who fuel dummy columns like Stickman and mango blog or whatever farang flavor of the month nonsense expat forums.

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My thread got moved so ill repost my thing here.....

I was at one of the protests, just looking about a few weeks back and on stage someone was talking about Farangs... i heared them say that farangs dont understand.. blah blah and heared a mention of patpong and "farang kee nok" said a couple of times.

My Thai is not good but I knew there was some resentment from the red leaders.

At that point the farang cameraman left the stage.

Does anyone remember that and what that was about exactly?

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