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Red Shirts' Bangkok Fortress Becomes Tourist Hot Spot

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I was down at Sala Deang this afternoon; two things stood out:

i. the amount of people taking photographs of the red barricade and couple dozen riot police standing at the junction. Some were media, most were tourists - both Asia and Western.

ii. the amount of support local people were giving the troops. About every 20 minutes people were going to the bottom of the barricaded staircases to the overhead walkway and delivering free drinks, bags of shopping, cigarettes, almost anything and everything you could buy in 7/11 or Tops. Every time I saw people ( invariably females) giving over these handouts, they were accompanied with 'thank you's' and blessings to take care and have good luck to the soldiers.


Well I took a tour of a Rio favela that is often a war zone between the police and the drug lords, so I kind of understand the appeal. In the Rio case there is a deal made between the tour people and the drug lords so they have permission.

Can someone contact the Darwin Awards. There could be a few entries quite soon.

P.T. Barnam said "There is one born every minute." meaning gullible fools.

But that was in the 1800s seems the birth rate is up and the mean IQ of all isn't keeping pace ...

This describes some of the stupidest behavior one can see.

But am NOT gonna go there to watch them do it.

Darwin Awards: Incoming!



RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 21, 2010: After this mornings cowardly attack on peaceful redshirt protesters by the government where canisters of teargas were dropped in the dark from helicopters endangering the lives of unarmed women and children, we are hearing reports of further illegal acts.

Troops are reportedly being moved around the Ratchaprasong protest site in ambulances – a clear breach of international conventions, while the government has used hospitals as staging areas in the past.

Taking a leaf out of the Iranian government following the farcical 2009 elections, we have been informed that tonight soldiers will dress in yellow-shirts and travel around the Ratchaprasong protest area in groups on motorbikes attacking red-shirt protesters wherever they are seen – and of course out number the peaceful protesters.

Who can forget scenes broadcast internationally last year of hooded and black-clad Basji beating defenseless pro-democracy protesters on the streets of Tehran with hoses, clubs, iron bars, truncheons and sometimes firearms?

According to our sources these groups of fake yellow-shirts will attempt to incite unrest amongst red-shirt protesters and aim to target stragglers and those around the edges of larger groups of protesters. Red-shirt guards have been informed of the threat and additional security arrangements have been put into place to deal with the threat.

Meanwhile, earlier today, Army chief General Anupong Paochinda was quoted by newswire Agence France Press (AFP) as saying the red shirts are ‘’not criminal offenders’’. He went on to say whatever the army does the outcome would be good for the country and we can uphold the law with no people dead or injured.


veen_NT RT @kinovino: FrThe Nation: "white shirts" (as opposed to April 10's "black shirts") have infiltrated the anti-reds.Precautions for journos.


RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 21, 2010: After this mornings cowardly attack on peaceful redshirt protesters by the government where canisters of teargas were dropped in the dark from helicopters endangering the lives of unarmed women and children, we are hearing reports of further illegal acts.

Troops are reportedly being moved around the Ratchaprasong protest site in ambulances – a clear breach of international conventions, while the government has used hospitals as staging areas in the past.

Taking a leaf out of the Iranian government following the farcical 2009 elections, we have been informed that tonight soldiers will dress in yellow-shirts and travel around the Ratchaprasong protest area in groups on motorbikes attacking red-shirt protesters wherever they are seen – and of course out number the peaceful protesters.

Who can forget scenes broadcast internationally last year of hooded and black-clad Basji beating defenseless pro-democracy protesters on the streets of Tehran with hoses, clubs, iron bars, truncheons and sometimes firearms?

According to our sources these groups of fake yellow-shirts will attempt to incite unrest amongst red-shirt protesters and aim to target stragglers and those around the edges of larger groups of protesters. Red-shirt guards have been informed of the threat and additional security arrangements have been put into place to deal with the threat.

Meanwhile, earlier today, Army chief General Anupong Paochinda was quoted by newswire Agence France Press (AFP) as saying the red shirts are ''not criminal offenders''. He went on to say whatever the army does the outcome would be good for the country and we can uphold the law with no people dead or injured.


veen_NT RT @kinovino: FrThe Nation: "white shirts" (as opposed to April 10's "black shirts") have infiltrated the anti-reds.Precautions for journos.

No wonder Weng hasn't been seen on stage for a few days, must be taxing inventing all this propaganda BS all day. Poor fella.


When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

21st of April

Not all tourists are quite so impressed by the Red Shirts....

I have just been reading my local home newspaper in the UK.

There is an item about a group of 15 tourists, including children, who are stranded in Bangkok because of current the volcanic flight disruptions.

They have been stuck in Bangkok for a week, and Thai Airways have booked them on the next available flight on the 7th of May.!

They have had to find their own accomodation, which as I understand it correctly, is the responibility of the Airline, if they operate anywhere into the European Union.

The leader of the group claims that the British Embassy cannot help the group, and failed to give them any advice regarding current the civil unrest.

One of the Mothers in the group said that they are now frightened to go out on to the streets, after a group of Red Shirts started shouting at them when they visited the local 7/11 store.

Anotherof their concerns, are the possible overstay fines that they may incurr. I assume these have been waived, as per the last Swampy Airport unpleasantness.?

I really don't know what the British Embassy does these days.

They have franchised out UK visa applications.

Hong kong looks after passport applications.

And now it would seem that they are not carrying out their responsibilities, to take care their citizens, and dispense sound local advice..


RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 21, 2010: After this mornings cowardly attack on peaceful redshirt protesters by the government where canisters of teargas were dropped in the dark from helicopters endangering the lives of unarmed women and children, we are hearing reports of further illegal acts.

Troops are reportedly being moved around the Ratchaprasong protest site in ambulances – a clear breach of international conventions, while the government has used hospitals as staging areas in the past.

Taking a leaf out of the Iranian government following the farcical 2009 elections, we have been informed that tonight soldiers will dress in yellow-shirts and travel around the Ratchaprasong protest area in groups on motorbikes attacking red-shirt protesters wherever they are seen – and of course out number the peaceful protesters.

Who can forget scenes broadcast internationally last year of hooded and black-clad Basji beating defenseless pro-democracy protesters on the streets of Tehran with hoses, clubs, iron bars, truncheons and sometimes firearms?

According to our sources these groups of fake yellow-shirts will attempt to incite unrest amongst red-shirt protesters and aim to target stragglers and those around the edges of larger groups of protesters. Red-shirt guards have been informed of the threat and additional security arrangements have been put into place to deal with the threat.

Meanwhile, earlier today, Army chief General Anupong Paochinda was quoted by newswire Agence France Press (AFP) as saying the red shirts are ‘’not criminal offenders’’. He went on to say whatever the army does the outcome would be good for the country and we can uphold the law with no people dead or injured.


veen_NT RT @kinovino: FrThe Nation: "white shirts" (as opposed to April 10's "black shirts") have infiltrated the anti-reds.Precautions for journos.

Explosions going off in Silom as I type!!! I live 5 mins from Sala Daneg and can hear it clear as anything!


Tourist are the last people that should be down there.

I watched an urban riot unfold once. It is dam_n fascinating and somewhat entertaining until all order and common sense breaks down. At that point, believe me, you do not want to be around. The rules of the game totally change.

Go down to silom and take a look if you want, but understand, if your timing is off, you can be in a place blows up, people running everywhere, emotions way high, commotion, bullets, people screaming off on motorcycles and cars fearing their lives, large crowds swarming small areas, tear gas, bombs, complete chaos.

Most tourist do not know the area, the people, the language, the culture, the depth of this conflict. In a sense they are clueless. You do not want to be clueless in the middle of riot or large police/military operation.

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

Grandpops, while I agree with you about the Morons wandering around and getting what they deserve cos' they shouldn't be there, I see from your posts, that you both are Red Supporters,Well I don't care Red or yellow,I'm a Farang and keeping my nose out where it don't belong. Both of you are rambling on about the situation when you should really keep your traps shut tight unless you are a THAI national. :)


...And, here we go. According to a first hand report from Mark MacKinnon (East Asia correspondent for Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail.):

What I saw/heard were fireworks fired from Red side over police barricade. Not M79s, as some reporting.

The news as it stands now is that a Thai and a foreigner were injured. This is what happens when foreigners think it would be cool to take part in something that is outside of their experience. The reds wanted to scare away the ABR group, ("AnythingButRed" - my vote for what the currently multi-coloured group should be called, its easier to type), but curious foreigners get caught in the crossfire.


I got the report from his twitter, http://twitter.com/markmackinnon


I know, the baldfaced lies from the reds are amazing. I'll bet we will soon hear how "fake-reds" or soldiers in hiding set off the rockets/grenades tonight. Unbelievable.

I know, the baldfaced lies from the reds are amazing. I'll bet we will soon hear how "fake-reds" or soldiers in hiding set off the rockets/grenades tonight. Unbelievable.

I've already seen some thais on facebook saying this, trying to troll the yellows facebook page.

I tried to go into Redland this morning but was told that farangs were not welcome any more.

First the black shirt and red scarf Khmer rouge uniform and now the attitude.

That reminds me Thaksin's friend in Kampuchia is Hun Sen, mmm, If I remember his past, it makes a good story.


THE NATION: Suthep: Govt has ordered restoration of order in the area.

Hmm, haven't we heard this kind of 'order' from Suthep before, while Anupong sits next to him saying the army will do nothing to uphold the law.

I was at Sala Daeng this afternoon and the troops there haven't got the firepower to move through the red shirts barricade; its totall defensive. They'll need APCs at least, and even those can get burn out by enough molotovs and a grenade or two. They're not equipped for this and the reds know it - hence the lawlessness.


There has to be a high number of nasty bastards among the red shirts as indeed there would have been among the yellow shirts. It is surely common sense to stay as far away from them as possible. :)

Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.

Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.


Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.


Most footage ironically is shot from the Police lines as the press are all on that side of the road. ALL of them without fail and I mean even channel 7 and the Nation have been showing the Silom mob raining a constant stream of bricks and bottles across the road all week. Damaging cars, and fighting with police trying to hold them back.

If even the propaganda arm of the CRES are showing the world this, where do you suppose the world thinks the truth lays? Where was the PM and why was that odious BANNED politician running the show as he saw fit again on TV tonight? Need the Army in and the Democrats in Court on Murder charges as well as the mob they apparantly arrested tonight. Not heard much on it yet.

There really is only one side here provoking trouble. Even TAN are running long sections of violence from the Silom side. Time to change the camera angles me thinks!!!

But, as this is a legal mob got up by businessmen and elites, they will be ok. Infact they are back there now by all accounts.


Was in a marketplace in a very small upcountry village over Songkran and was stunned to see a very sophisticated video projection of the April 10 Battle in Bangkok.

Very impressive agitprop by any standards. If this kind of narrowcasting is going on all over the country, redshirts are definitely going to win the Image War -

undemocratically selected government is seemingly paralyzed by in-fighting and an inability to negotiate a settlement to end the current crisis. Round one to red shirts. :)

Perhaps not great thinking by those going but TIT.It is also, I conjecture, part the Red's plan to dispel the perception that they are all hooligans or "terrorists'.

I am not saying either way but with the world watching, The Reds are picking up the media campaign at the moment.

Yesterday there were hints of compromise by the Reds given coverage on the BBC and Reuters for example and I have just watched an Al Jezeera report that led with pictures of happy campers on motorbikes with those clappy things, none of that 'thug' look, on their way to the UN to present their petition, which then cut to shots from Khon Kaen showing soldiers relaxing and laughing under a train with the red shirts, again the happy clappy variety...no mention of terrorists, hiding in their midst. I will be shouted down but internationally I get no impression that the thug element has been bought and I say this again, any mention of "terrorist" is always heavily qualified by the journalists as being a government and government term only. :D


Black flag operations are not unknown in Thailand, so one should be very careful before rushing to judgement regarding who is doing what to whom! :)

Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.


Most footage ironically is shot from the Police lines as the press are all on that side of the road. ALL of them without fail and I mean even channel 7 and the Nation have been showing the Silom mob raining a constant stream of bricks and bottles across the road all week. Damaging cars, and fighting with police trying to hold them back.

If even the propaganda arm of the CRES are showing the world this, where do you suppose the world thinks the truth lays? Where was the PM and why was that odious BANNED politician running the show as he saw fit again on TV tonight? Need the Army in and the Democrats in Court on Murder charges as well as the mob they apparantly arrested tonight. Not heard much on it yet.

There really is only one side here provoking trouble. Even TAN are running long sections of violence from the Silom side. Time to change the camera angles me thinks!!!

But, as this is a legal mob got up by businessmen and elites, they will be ok. Infact they are back there now by all accounts.

Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.


Most footage ironically is shot from the Police lines as the press are all on that side of the road. ALL of them without fail and I mean even channel 7 and the Nation have been showing the Silom mob raining a constant stream of bricks and bottles across the road all week. Damaging cars, and fighting with police trying to hold them back.

If even the propaganda arm of the CRES are showing the world this, where do you suppose the world thinks the truth lays? Where was the PM and why was that odious BANNED politician running the show as he saw fit again on TV tonight? Need the Army in and the Democrats in Court on Murder charges as well as the mob they apparantly arrested tonight. Not heard much on it yet.

There really is only one side here provoking trouble. Even TAN are running long sections of violence from the Silom side. Time to change the camera angles me thinks!!!

But, as this is a legal mob got up by businessmen and elites, they will be ok. Infact they are back there now by all accounts.

Are you Thai? Can you vote here? Do you really have any rights here as an alien? I'm not Thai, I am considered a legal alien and must abide by the laws of Thailand and I follow their rules, it is their country. I can have an opinion, but I can't even post it here, against the law as well as forum rules. Politics are very different here... So, why get all upset about something you can't do anything about. Chill out, chi yen yen, it isn't really your problem? And how can you help to solve the problems of the the great "Red"/"Yellow" divide? By posting on TV?

It's sad to see the forum descend into a bar-room brawl... if you can't be polite to each other, then maybe the mods should just lock all the threads.

Not a bad idea. This lot is as disgusting in their behaviour as a 70 year old lesbian in a Bangkok bar room!

OMG, are you still watching those?

Get a life before it is too late ! :)


RED mobs is clearly illegal. They will get it (jail) when the smoke settled.

All other mobs (YELLOW/BLUE/PINK/WHITE/MULTI/SILOM) are clearly legal, as they oppose the illegal one.

Also the police/army needs the SILOM mobs as they shower them with gifts and donations.


Given the highly inflammatory nature of some posts and posters in the News forum, we are instituting a zero tolerance policy with regards to posting inflammatory comments, comments advocating violence, trollish comments, and flames. You will receive an automatic posting rights suspension for this behavior in the News forum. Bear that in mind when posting.

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

This has to be the most stupid post I have ever seen on TV, and that is something you can share with your grandkids

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