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Single Foreigners And The Los

Guest IT Manager

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Guest IT Manager

Boy, hasn't young buster got a bee in his bonnet this morning. From the Post, November 10, 2003

Thailand blighted by others' discards

Recent complaints by foreigners regarding the raising of visa prices and changes to Thailand's immigration laws bring to mind an incident that occurred between Cuba and the US in 1980.

At the time, Cuban President Fidel Castro, under immense pressure from the international community to let his citizens travel freely in and out of the country, opened up his prisons, pushed the inmates on to ships, and told every thief, drug addict, prostitute, mentally deranged lunatic, rapist and murderer they could leave immediately for America. The US, unfortunately taken in by this despicable act, turned on its TV cameras, opened its doors to the ``political refugees'', and welcomed the ships into Key West, Florida, where a majority remained.

The parallel with Thailand's expat community is obvious to anyone who dares travel around the streets of Pattaya or any of Thailand's other red light areas. Night after night, not only will you see the stereotypical western sex tourist but also those otherwise unemployable expats _ many of whom are married with children _ who are here for no better reason than to have their egos stroked by prostitutes, for cheap debauched sex, to take advantage of Thailand's lax business ethics and regulations, or to engage in some sort of illegal activity. And now they dare to complain that Thailand is tightening its immigration laws.

Under its present lax laws, Thailand could soon become a dumping ground for other countries' scum, if it hasn't already, as was the case in Florida in 1980 and even Australia in the 1700s.

I understand that some married expats in the local community _ and homosexuals in proven longstanding relationships _ are here through a genuine love of the kingdom, and therefore of valuable service to Thai society, but I challenge any embassy to prove other than a large majority of expats living in the kingdom are single and male.

I'm sure Apec delegates must have been rubbing their hands with glee (akin to Castro in 1980) to see so many of their own undesirables flocking around Thailand's coastal resorts and business centres, instead of destroying the moral fabric of their own societies back home.

Brian ``Buster'' Brown

Phuket :o

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Yeah, I saw it as well early morning. One thought came to my mind, he wrote it to show to his wife that he is different from all the others and "dares to travel around the streets of Pattaya or any of Thailand's other red light areas Night after night" to proof it to himself.

When I read in Thai-Visa/Forum my impression is different. So many talk about their happy marriages, their having just got married a.s.o.

Perhaps the members in here are the real angels among the foreigners living here?

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Guest IT Manager

That's an interesting way of looking at it. I wondered myself how he managed to be out late at night in the midst of his perfect marriage to be able to witness the evils he spoke of so expertly... :o

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Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone He is welcome to his veiws, but I find it rather arrogant to suggest that single men are here for dubious reasons. Is it it not natural that a man should be attracted to beautiful women? Therefore if one can find place where such women abound, what is wrong with being there?

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what is it about sex and masturbation that makes people get on their high moral horse? as far as I am concerned two(three or ten) consenting adults can engage in what ever tickles their fancy. do these righteous people have no life.. or is it a kind of foreplay, with the act to be comsumated later with their prefered moral indignant.

I do not need to go to a prostitute to get anything stroked, though maybe in my waning years when my hand does not work correctly any more.... :o

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All this is true,But the Thai Govt. has made no distinction between the low life that is afore mentioned and the productive person that is a plus to the Thai people and of long term marriages.

In fact they have changed the requirements for married visa's from no specified amount to 250.000 bank acct. and 65,000 per certified income.

Which is more than a standard "O" retired.

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I understand that some married expats in the local community _ and homosexuals in proven longstanding relationships _ are here through a genuine love of the kingdom, and therefore of valuable service to Thai society, but I challenge any embassy to prove other than a large majority of expats living in the kingdom are single and male.... Buster

Okay Buster, so married or long-term-partner gay expats are devine, but single males are by default, criminal scum? Let me guess: you're not a logic professor, right?

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Guest IT Manager

Ugots you need to bear in mind that letters in the post are not vetted for logic. They are vetted for... hmmm... what are they vetted for?

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Under its present lax laws, Thailand could soon become a dumping ground for other countries' scum, if it hasn't already, as was the case in Australia in the 1700s.

the good old days when one only had to steal a loaf bread :o

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Yea they sent all the bread stealing scum to Australia, to the Blue Seas, the beautiful Weather,......................................... while the law abiding citizens stayed in cold wet England........errrrrr...........

Who said crime does not pay!

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I read this letter and thought that Buster had gone 'OTT'. There are some good points though. Pattaya does have a fair share of criminal-types. However they are usually well behaved here because they know they will be thrown out of the Kingdom if they misbehave.

Some of the bars in Pattaya cater especially for football hooligans 'on holiday', although trouble is rare, I am rarely comfortable drinking beer there.

Pattaya at night is O.K. The crime is more likely from Thai gangs after money, I never fear getting mugged by a falang, even if he is the so called 'Scum' Buster describes.

Pattaya is a state of mind. Do what you want to do, there are many falangs, single or otherwise who enjoy the sunshine and golf, eating out, cheap beer and throw in a few bar-beer visits at the weekend.

What is wrong with having a bar-girl massage your ego?

Millions of people from every nation visit Thailand every year. Most are good, normal people, who enjoy everything about the country. The sex scene is just an extra. Personally I would come here just for the weather and food alone. Where else in the world can I leave my crash-helmet on my handlebars?

Thailand is safe, if you go carefully, Buster, I think, has had a bad experience, and his vitiolic diatribe in the B.P. reflects his anger.

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That's an interesting way of looking at it. I wondered myself how he managed to be out late at night in the midst of his perfect marriage to be able to witness the evils he spoke of so expertly... B)


Me think this was his answer:-

Not from me, but by a very good friend of mine who wrote this quote to me. God rest his soul - Scot Lansdown.



By Leonard Fink

In the West you go to a bar, drink sixteen Martinis and go home at 3am. No questions asked. In Bangkok you go to a bar, have three beers and get home at 10.45pm and all ###### breaks loose. Sample this standard and easy to follow case for the prosecution.

 Question 1. Is this Bangkok?

 Answer 1. Yes.

 Question 2. Are you male?

 Answer 2. Yes.

 Question 3. Did you go to a bar?

 Answer 3. Yes.

Unless you can produce some fabulous alibi, schnell- schnell, Herr von Wiener, you’re guilty by association and then Baby………. you’re dead meat.

We at GOB have spent the vast majority of our R&D budget analyzing our readership base and by far our least effective reach is in the demographic of those that have been murdered. They rarely pick up our magnificent publication and virtually never go to the exciting places we discover. Put simply, decomposing readers are pretty much a dead loss.

Therefore we present, with great alacrity, a vital, new and positively ground breaking column to keep you at least breathing while the previous wounds heal.


 The barrel of a cement mixer truck fell off the truck and everybody in the taxi, including me, were crushed to death.

 A katoey beat me up for going outside and buying him a bottle of Pepsi.

 There was a fire in the hotel and all the emergency exits were locked.

 I stepped on the toe of a rich politician’s son and he shot me in the face eight times, but I feel better now.

 I walked under an elephant for good luck but she picked me up and savagely threw me straight into another bar. My wallet bought me a beer to calm my nerves.

 There was a flood.

 There was a military coup.

 I was trying to find your favourite durian.

 There was a flood and a military coup while I was trying to find your favourite durian.

 The taxi driver misheard me and took me to Muang Thong Thani instead of Yannawa by mistake.

 Look! I bought you a 7-11 hot dog and a slurpy!

 Here’s 5,000 Baht. Please don’t cut me up.



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Guest IT Manager

OMG Humour, in a thread like this..whatever will happen next.

Perhaps Tizme will decry the use of the word "dead" so many times when "life" is better.

Or ###### will comment on the food aspects of the posts.

Or then again, Greezer will pop in and tell us it will be OK because he has heaps of dosh (again).

Or Dr PP will see the forces of dark influence at work.

Good thread. Keep it flowing. (The thread too).

PS.. what is GOB please?

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OMG Humour, in a thread like this..whatever will happen next.

Perhaps Tizme will decry the use of the word "dead" so many times when "life" is better.

Or ###### will comment on the food aspects of the posts.

Or then again, Greezer will pop in and tell us it will be OK because he has heaps of dosh (again).

Or Dr PP will see the forces of dark influence at work.

Good thread. Keep it flowing. (The thread too).

PS.. what is GOB please?

Well excuse me Khun IT, you started the Homour part and I just helped you along, me think.


Re: Your other quote:- "Or Dr PP will see the forces of dark influence at work."

DR Who ?


Re: Your other quote:-

Perhaps Tizme will decry the use of the word "dead" so many times when "life" is better.


Kan Win :- please read my sign at the bottom of my posts......... B)B)B)

and Yes keep up this good Fred (ooppps I did it again) Thread. Here here Khun IT.


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Guest IT Manager
Well excuse me Khun IT, you started the Homour part and I just helped you along, me think.


Re: Your other quote:- "Or Dr PP will see the forces of dark influence at work."

DR Who ?


Re: Your other quote:-

Perhaps Tizme will decry the use of the word "dead" so many times when "life" is better.


Kan Win :- please read my sign at the bottom of my posts......... B)B)B)

and Yes keep up this good Fred (ooppps I did it again) Thread. Here here Khun IT.


Dear Kan Win,

Please remember, if I am having a real go at someone, I quote what they said. This is true for most posters here I find.

Humour in life is very important to me. At the same time, I find there are times to be serious. But not right here and not right now.

I am starting a class to teach people how to recognise and work with the "Australian sense of humour", which is somewhat different, to the average, being a bit tongue in cheek, uses a touch of irony, and in the worst case, uses sarcasm, but not the biting wit of the French for example. It is neat and laid back.

I will try to put a smilie in whenever I remember which I don't always, so that you know when I am being witty and when I am being serious. Sorry if what I said was taken personally. It wasnt meant to be taken that way. I just forgot the smilie.


By the way, Dr Pat Pong, a regular on here, you may have seen his posts as well.


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Guest IT Manager

First requirement..pay the fee. 8 baht.


Third..laugh at yourself

Fourth.. like yourself enough to enjoy (3) above.

Fifth.. 36D

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