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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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Thaksin ordered killing of thousands of innocent people yet never got prosecuted for it. Does this give Abhisit automatic right to kill all the redshirted protesters? Afterall Thaksin did it.

The war on drugs? Sure Thaksin killed people there, but then again methamphetamine usage was a pandemic of hitherto unheard of proportions at the time. School kids were buying it to cram for their exams, taxi drivers were tweaking on it so that they could work all hours, families were split apart by it. It was a menace that was causing havoc, and Thaksin won wide popular support for controlling it where others had failed.

On the killing and saving lives subject, let's balance this a little. Thaksin did bring in a system of healthcare, as well as making antiviral drugs available to around 50,000 AIDS sufferers, giving them back their lives. He also (according to the World Bank) halved rural poverty.

For all his heavy handed tactics, Thaksin is still seen as a man who got things done, a man who helped the average Thai more than countless years of inept democrat party squabbling coalitions could ever do. This is why Abhisit is afraid even now to hold an election - he knows that he can connect to the majority of his people, that his people don't like him, and that he would be defeated.

A taste of what Red democracy will be like- extra-judicial killings rationalized. Abhisit is not afraid to hold an elecction. He is smart enough to see that an election held in an unmanageable time frame would be bad news for the country. And with the reign of terror being propagated by the Reds at the moment, you think their popularity is rising? It's getting to the point where the Reds have no choice but to carry this through to the violent end - they can't win any other way.

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Thaksin had 6-years to start or implement these things. And do you think the reds are too stupid to know what is good for them? They are not asking for any of these things or have eluded to wanting anything of these things in their year+ aggressions.

This is the traditional way of yellow shirt/democrat reply...not very constructive.

1- I am not a Thaksinist

2- Thaksin is the past, you have to update your clock

3- When you enter in a government, you take over whatever is the situation. 16 months after Abhisit is in Power: he has full responsability. He should have assessed the situation and implemented the solutions. We used to say 100 days for starting a new policy, 6 months to start implementation. We should be in the first year of this new policy.....

4- To be Minister is to be at the service of his Nation, not only to get a nice salary, honours and have his picture everywhere (Even if you are nice looking).

Abhisit = 16 months = insuficient results= partisan leadership, ignoring 42% of the polpulation, focusing only on Bankokian Upper/Midddle Class

That just sounds plain wrong to me.

Do you think Abhisit has had a free hand over the last 16 months?

Seems to me that he has been constantly fighting un-democratic forces and dealing with a global recession

How does his education and health policies benefit only 42% of the population?

Which of his policies benefit only BKK upper/middle classes?

However, please tell us what policies you would like to see implemented?

The pro-government Yellows harp on about the thug-like nature of the Reds. If the Reds are indeed thugs, who created them? Are the PAD thugs? Why not? Is it because they never had time to become thugs? Is it because they got wanted they wanted within 9 days the last time they protested? The "thug" never came out in them.

The PAD benefited from a coup in 2006, and in 2008 they were able to persuade the courts to change the democratically elected government to an engineered one in just 9 days by besieging an airport. The Reds don't want another coup and they don't want the courts to engineer another government. That's why they are protesting! The Reds want fresh elections and they will remain on the streets until they achieve this goal.

Unlike the Yellows who don't mind a coup or a rearrangement of parliamentary seats to favour them, the Reds just want fair elections where the MPs elected are representative of the people of the whole country. Why is this concept so difficult for the pro-government Yellows to understand?

Agree. Another interesting thing was Abhisit said that Somchai should resign when the yellow protests were taking place, however, when faced with a similar situation he refuses to budge. The PM has zero integrity.

You hit the nail on the head Russ. Thais hold hypocrites in contempt just as much as we in the west do.

It was OK for Abhisit to grab power on the pretext of protests, but now that he is faced with losing power for the same reason he tries to wriggle out of the standard that he himself set, hanging himself in the process. In normal circumstances, a prime minister would receive support from all sides if a minority pressure group shut down the capital city, but not Abhisit. The international community knows that he is a two-faced weasel, and lacks a democratic mandate from the people that he claims to represent. They don't support him because of that.

This is also why the yellow lot try to censor the media - their case is flawed and doesn't stand logical scrutiny, so they whitewash their lies with more lies.

Thaksin ordered killing of thousands of innocent people yet never got prosecuted for it. Does this give Abhisit automatic right to kill all the redshirted protesters? Afterall Thaksin did it.

How stupid can this "double standard" discussion get?

Thaksin ordered the killing of these people who were believed to be drug runners. It has nothing to do with what's happening now. Why bring this into the debate?

WOW, WOW....... WOW!!!!! You are saying that orders to kill thousands of relatively poor Thai citizens, without proof, with out evidence, without any legal representation for a crime that does not carry the death penalty is OK, no problem?? Mai-pen-rai???

Ordered by the man who is now behind the violence, killing, and sabotage of the countries infrastructure. This is OK, not related?

WOW. bangkoklightsout

Seriously, Thaksin is a mini hitler. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands, most of whom had no connection to drugs as it turned out. They went about using the new rules to eliminate anyone they dam_n well pleased. Want that guys house? Label him a drug dealer and gun him down. Then Thaksin was responsible for the execution of the muslims at Tak Bai where they stacked 80 men on top of eachother like logs and suffocated them all to death slowly. Talk about a terro filled disgusting way to die just for protesting. What was next for that guy? Gas chambers? Thaksin is a blight in our universe and needs to be removed.

People are still missing the real issues that in much of the country (particularly Isaan and much of the north) that there are political machines that control local politics. Thaksin managed to buy off many of these groups for a period of time, but they have since abandoned Thaksin. These groups are out for themselves and the folks that deliver them votes and control in their local areas.

Jerry is still missing that the current government has done more for the plight of the rural poor in 15 months than Thaksin did in 5 years, He is also glossing ovr the violence of the red movement and the violent rhetoric of the red leadership. Apparently anything is acceptable to the reds on this board even when they scream about the past and things that other groups did or may have done. Quit with the "double standards" folks ... if it is a BAD thing then it is a bad thing! What happened in the past does not change that the violent red mob is a BAD thing.

Once more the past is the past. Northern Population is waking up you cannot continue the modern slavery with a ratio of one to 69 between the 20% richest people and the 20% poorest people of Thailand (Bank of Thailand 2006 Source). Wake up... do some concessions urgently... They are waking up... if not you will loose a lot more....that is the lesson of History.

What concessions do you suggest?


More stability.

Farmers now gathering outside Army barracks (un-related to red protest :) ) demanding he see them personally or they will not disperse!!!

What was the monty python song. "when danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned away and fled, brave brave khun abhisit)" They'll be saying Nii, next :D:D

What on earth do they think the country think of them and the CRES hiding in a bunker fortified only to keep the Thai people at bay!!

Army spread even thinner.

Pattani notice this and increase in attacks.

Go Abhisit or the Cambodians will take all their disputed territory away next. Army would have killed all the reds by now if they were going to.

Give it up and lets have and election with the UN involved.

The pro-government Yellows harp on about the thug-like nature of the Reds. If the Reds are indeed thugs, who created them? Are the PAD thugs? Why not? Is it because they never had time to become thugs? Is it because they got wanted they wanted within 9 days the last time they protested? The "thug" never came out in them.

The PAD benefited from a coup in 2006, and in 2008 they were able to persuade the courts to change the democratically elected government to an engineered one in just 9 days by besieging an airport. The Reds don't want another coup and they don't want the courts to engineer another government. That's why they are protesting! The Reds want fresh elections and they will remain on the streets until they achieve this goal.

Unlike the Yellows who don't mind a coup or a rearrangement of parliamentary seats to favour them, the Reds just want fair elections where the MPs elected are representative of the people of the whole country. Why is this concept so difficult for the pro-government Yellows to understand?

Agree. Another interesting thing was Abhisit said that Somchai should resign when the yellow protests were taking place, however, when faced with a similar situation he refuses to budge. The PM has zero integrity.

You hit the nail on the head Russ. Thais hold hypocrites in contempt just as much as we in the west do.

It was OK for Abhisit to grab power on the pretext of protests, but now that he is faced with losing power for the same reason he tries to wriggle out of the standard that he himself set, hanging himself in the process. In normal circumstances, a prime minister would receive support from all sides if a minority pressure group shut down the capital city, but not Abhisit. The international community knows that he is a two-faced weasel, and lacks a democratic mandate from the people that he claims to represent. They don't support him because of that.

This is also why the yellow lot try to censor the media - their case is flawed and doesn't stand logical scrutiny, so they whitewash their lies with more lies.

Two faced weasel? Not only slanderous, a bit childish don't you think?

Thaksin had 6-years to start or implement these things. And do you think the reds are too stupid to know what is good for them? They are not asking for any of these things or have eluded to wanting anything of these things in their year+ aggressions.
<snip>Abhisit = 16 months = insuficient results= partisan leadership, ignoring 42% of the polpulation, focusing only on Bankokian Upper/Midddle Class
You really could not be more wrong. In fact policies introduced, and passed through the house whilst most have been transfixed by the red theatre have been expressly designed to create a better environment [political, fiscal, educational, health] for ALL Thais irrespective of political allegiances. Interestingly these policies do have a negative impact for those who want the status-quo-ante, such as those who through market exploitation have gathered to themselves fiefdom like powers. This government is trying to be a government for all Thais [recall PM Thaksin's comment about why should he help 'the south' since they did not vote for him] however, I do despair of the PR operation of getting these facts out into the public conscious.

For example the government's new farmer price support scheme has ensured that over four million farmers nationwide receive fair prices for their produce. However, it has faced fierce opposition from millers who were the chief beneficiaries of similar schemes under Thaksin. Those were designed to benefit those who supported [and to a degree mobilised] TRT, not the individual farmer. One of the core issues is how produce is managed, in most case through monopolistic top down operations. This is the real reason for the 'always poor' farmer, not indolence, but UDD which has close alliances to these operations, will strive to ensure this truth does not make it on to the airwaves. As another example the Finance Ministry's push for a new land tax, which was approved in cabinet approved a week or so ago, will over time structurally do more to address issues of economic inequality than Thaksin's populist handouts, especially since it will not push individuals into the welcoming arms of the illegal money lenders [who also are noted supporters of UDD]. Does the timing of this upsurge in activity have anything to do with the surprisingly effective push instigated by this government against these lenders?


The pro-government Yellows harp on about the thug-like nature of the Reds. If the Reds are indeed thugs, who created them? Are the PAD thugs? Why not? Is it because they never had time to become thugs? Is it because they got wanted they wanted within 9 days the last time they protested? The "thug" never came out in them.

The PAD benefited from a coup in 2006, and in 2008 they were able to persuade the courts to change the democratically elected government to an engineered one in just 9 days by besieging an airport. The Reds don't want another coup and they don't want the courts to engineer another government. That's why they are protesting! The Reds want fresh elections and they will remain on the streets until they achieve this goal.

Unlike the Yellows who don't mind a coup or a rearrangement of parliamentary seats to favour them, the Reds just want fair elections where the MPs elected are representative of the people of the whole country. Why is this concept so difficult for the pro-government Yellows to understand?

Agree. Another interesting thing was Abhisit said that Somchai should resign when the yellow protests were taking place, however, when faced with a similar situation he refuses to budge. The PM has zero integrity.

You hit the nail on the head Russ. Thais hold hypocrites in contempt just as much as we in the west do.

It was OK for Abhisit to grab power on the pretext of protests, but now that he is faced with losing power for the same reason he tries to wriggle out of the standard that he himself set, hanging himself in the process. In normal circumstances, a prime minister would receive support from all sides if a minority pressure group shut down the capital city, but not Abhisit. The international community knows that he is a two-faced weasel, and lacks a democratic mandate from the people that he claims to represent. They don't support him because of that.

This is also why the yellow lot try to censor the media - their case is flawed and doesn't stand logical scrutiny, so they whitewash their lies with more lies.

That must be the Montenegro led international community

Otherwise zero content and the usual red blather.

And then why do you constantly bring in the airport takeover - according to your logic, that would have nothing to do with the Red anarchy going on now.

LOL! I give up with these pro-government Yellows, I really do. Bless their little minds.

So, it's funny how Abhisit had milk and cornflakes, and egg on toast for breakfast this morning, isn't it? That's how much he represents Thai people! What about his Khao Dtom? Double standards or what!

Seems to me that man shows intelligence!

With Thailand's political history, bringing in someone with an Oxford (or Harvard or INSEAD etc) education is no bad thing!

Ironic that UK elections are going on right now. You may laugh at some of the scrapping but you must admit it's good to see a mature democracy in action!

People are still missing the real issues that in much of the country (particularly Isaan and much of the north) that there are political machines that control local politics. Thaksin managed to buy off many of these groups for a period of time, but they have since abandoned Thaksin. These groups are out for themselves and the folks that deliver them votes and control in their local areas.

Jerry is still missing that the current government has done more for the plight of the rural poor in 15 months than Thaksin did in 5 years, He is also glossing ovr the violence of the red movement and the violent rhetoric of the red leadership. Apparently anything is acceptable to the reds on this board even when they scream about the past and things that other groups did or may have done. Quit with the "double standards" folks ... if it is a BAD thing then it is a bad thing! What happened in the past does not change that the violent red mob is a BAD thing.

Once more the past is the past. Northern Population is waking up you cannot continue the modern slavery with a ratio of one to 69 between the 20% richest people and the 20% poorest people of Thailand (Bank of Thailand 2006 Source). Wake up... do some concessions urgently... They are waking up... if not you will loose a lot more....that is the lesson of History.

What concessions do you suggest?

the concessions are a large and significant part of the Budget transferred from the Mega Projects/ MoD to Northern Infrastructure investments and Agriculture subsidised until it is at International standards: Prices of rice, rubber and main agricultural products subsidised until Agriculture is modernised maintaining the farmer incomes independantly of the international Market, subsidised banking system for supporting investments in agriculture equipment at the condition farmers are regrouping their activities through associations/cooperatives.

Insurance funds for covering exceptional very bad weather (drought,floods,storms...). Initially, advance from Government budget then progressively becoming a mandatory professional insurance/ solidarity funds, with a minimum income guaranteed per family

And decentralisation (eventually forced) of Industries throughout the Country. As example, Paris Industrial suburb belt has been obliged to move elsewhere with financial support to de-localise. (for example immediate North West suburb was a small engineering hub: has entirely disappeared)

Didn't expect such a response on a post that was to highlight that the "double standards" debate is getting ridiculous.

Both sides have a lot of ammunition, and instead of looking at who did what in the past to justify the actions that followed, the energy would be better spent looking at what to do now and how it will affect the future.

couldnt agree more...

Two faced weasel? Not only slanderous, a bit childish don't you think?

The fact that you are bringing the “slander” card into this debate means that you are the child. The grown ups here can accept a bit of name calling.

I think that if you had read the BIG RED PRINT at the top of the page that says it's an OPINION piece, hence it should never be confused with objective reporting.

Do you understand the difference?

Its like the 1970's in the UK when we only had 2 TV channels!

But seeing as even talking about the redshirts now is treason according to the government... I guess the PAD people have the microphone now.

I can't believe the majority of my moobaan are all revolutionaries! shocking behaviour!

More stability.

Farmers now gathering outside Army barracks (un-related to red protest :D ) demanding he see them personally or they will not disperse!!!

What was the monty python song. "when danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned away and fled, brave brave khun abhisit)" They'll be saying Nii, next :D:D

What on earth do they think the country think of them and the CRES hiding in a bunker fortified only to keep the Thai people at bay!!

Army spread even thinner.

Pattani notice this and increase in attacks.

Go Abhisit or the Cambodians will take all their disputed territory away next. Army would have killed all the reds by now if they were going to.

Give it up and lets have and election with the UN involved.

You are completely &lt;deleted&gt;-ing Bonkers. :)

Thaksin ordered killing of thousands of innocent people yet never got prosecuted for it. Does this give Abhisit automatic right to kill all the redshirted protesters? Afterall Thaksin did it.

How stupid can this "double standard" discussion get?

Thaksin ordered the killing of these people who were believed to be drug runners. It has nothing to do with what's happening now. Why bring this into the debate?

"thaksin ordered the killing of thousands of innocent people..."??????????????

is there an archive where we can research on this killings???????????

"thousands ", eh?

and, "all innocents" , too

holy toledo, oh jesus, oh budhha, oh-my-god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where is the the records, photographs, evidence, wwitnesses,etc.etc.


That's only the half of it....he has also been stockpiling nuclear weapons, has committed at least 2 genocides, and is thought to be responsible for melting of the Greenland ice floe. The nuclear weapons will be supplied to Issan villages when he comes back to power.....................oh sorry sorry....I was just having a Yellow moment there....sorry.


As I've said elsewhere, a snap election would be an extension of the ongoing blood and guts chaos we're currently mired in. The Redshirts would do anything and will do anything to win a snap next election and to make it the county's final election. The Redshirts would slash and burn their way to coming out ahead in a snap election and then ensure it would be the country's last election. The Redshirt captains of Thaksin will go beyond the vote buying of the pretend elections of the past - they will intimidate, execute violent acts, seize what they can't buy and do it nationally as we see the Redshirts presently are doing beyond Bangkok. This seizure of central areas of Bangkok, army trains up north etc etc aren't the actions of democrats, they are the actions of militant radicals who are fixed on gaining control of the government and who wouldn't ever yield government power and authority if they ever were to seize control of the government and the institutions of the state. The days of even pretend democracy in the country would be over, gone, history. A new Redshirt government established by whatever means necessary and controlled by Thaksin from abroad would be a forever regime unchecked by even the usual pretend elections we know so well.

I hear big claps of thunder in northern Bangkok. Maybe an early monsoon will calm things down a bit. :)

Yes let the gods have a go at them. Its been Pi__ing it down in Pattaya this morning. :D

Seriously, Thaksin is a mini hitler. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands, most of whom had no connection to drugs as it turned out. They went about using the new rules to eliminate anyone they dam_n well pleased. Want that guys house? Label him a drug dealer and gun him down. Then Thaksin was responsible for the execution of the muslims at Tak Bai where they stacked 80 men on top of eachother like logs and suffocated them all to death slowly. Talk about a terro filled disgusting way to die just for protesting. What was next for that guy? Gas chambers? Thaksin is a blight in our universe and needs to be removed.


Have the PAD ever protested about Thaksin killing thousands of innocent people in his so-called war on drugs? How on Earth is this relevant here? And how did a German leader enter this debate?

LOL! I often wonder about these Yellows, I really do.

I'm waiting for the vote buying top trump next!


The pro-government Yellows harp on about the thug-like nature of the Reds. If the Reds are indeed thugs, who created them? Are the PAD thugs? Why not? Is it because they never had time to become thugs? Is it because they got wanted they wanted within 9 days the last time they protested? The "thug" never came out in them.

The PAD benefited from a coup in 2006, and in 2008 they were able to persuade the courts to change the democratically elected government to an engineered one in just 9 days by besieging an airport. The Reds don't want another coup and they don't want the courts to engineer another government. That's why they are protesting! The Reds want fresh elections and they will remain on the streets until they achieve this goal.

Unlike the Yellows who don't mind a coup or a rearrangement of parliamentary seats to favour them, the Reds just want fair elections where the MPs elected are representative of the people of the whole country. Why is this concept so difficult for the pro-government Yellows to understand?

Agree. Another interesting thing was Abhisit said that Somchai should resign when the yellow protests were taking place, however, when faced with a similar situation he refuses to budge. The PM has zero integrity.

You hit the nail on the head Russ. Thais hold hypocrites in contempt just as much as we in the west do.

It was OK for Abhisit to grab power on the pretext of protests, but now that he is faced with losing power for the same reason he tries to wriggle out of the standard that he himself set, hanging himself in the process. In normal circumstances, a prime minister would receive support from all sides if a minority pressure group shut down the capital city, but not Abhisit. The international community knows that he is a two-faced weasel, and lacks a democratic mandate from the people that he claims to represent. They don't support him because of that.

This is also why the yellow lot try to censor the media - their case is flawed and doesn't stand logical scrutiny, so they whitewash their lies with more lies.

Two faced weasel? Not only slanderous, a bit childish don't you think?

Think about what you are saying. I was lampooning Abhisit, and lampooning politicians and bringing them down to earth is a vital part of any democracy. Take a look at any newspaper in any democracy and you will see politicians being ridiculed left, right and centre in equal measure.

Your accusing me of slander, simply for deriding Abhisit as a two-faced weasel is just another symptom of the malaise that is afflicting Thailand at the moment. First the democratic right of the Thais is taken away for 'the greater good'. Then, we are forbidden to criticise the government. Next up, 're-education', imprisonment or worse, all 'for the greater good'

History is littered with examples of repression, and it all starts in the same way.


Two faced weasel? Not only slanderous, a bit childish don't you think?

Think about what you are saying. I was lampooning Abhisit, and lampooning politicians and bringing them down to earth is a vital part of any democracy. Take a look at any newspaper in any democracy and you will see politicians being ridiculed left, right and centre in equal measure.

Your accusing me of slander, simply for deriding Abhisit as a two-faced weasel is just another symptom of the malaise that is afflicting Thailand at the moment. First the democratic right of the Thais is taken away for 'the greater good'. Then, we are forbidden to criticise the government. Next up, 're-education', imprisonment or worse, all 'for the greater good'

History is littered with examples of repression, and it all starts in the same way.

It's the sort of thing that Thaksin sued people for.

Seriously, Thaksin is a mini hitler. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands, most of whom had no connection to drugs as it turned out. They went about using the new rules to eliminate anyone they dam_n well pleased. Want that guys house? Label him a drug dealer and gun him down. Then Thaksin was responsible for the execution of the muslims at Tak Bai where they stacked 80 men on top of eachother like logs and suffocated them all to death slowly. Talk about a terro filled disgusting way to die just for protesting. What was next for that guy? Gas chambers? Thaksin is a blight in our universe and needs to be removed.


Have the PAD ever protested about Thaksin killing thousands of innocent people in his so-called war on drugs? How on Earth is this relevant here? And how did a German leader enter this debate?

LOL! I often wonder about these Yellows, I really do.

I'm waiting for the vote buying top trump next!


However it is OK for Takki to compare Abhisit with a certain Russian leader.




zipped except

The international community knows that he

That must be the Montenegro led international community

Otherwise zero content and the usual red blather.

I admire your daily perseverance dealing with these guys.

Your dedication to setting the record straight with these types is very much appreciated and respected.

Thank you.


Think about what you are saying. I was lampooning Abhisit, and lampooning politicians and bringing them down to earth is a vital part of any democracy. Take a look at any newspaper in any democracy and you will see politicians being ridiculed left, right and centre in equal measure.

Your accusing me of slander, simply for deriding Abhisit as a two-faced weasel is just another symptom of the malaise that is afflicting Thailand at the moment. First the democratic right of the Thais is taken away for 'the greater good'. Then, we are forbidden to criticise the government. Next up, 're-education', imprisonment or worse, all 'for the greater good'

History is littered with examples of repression, and it all starts in the same way.

I couldn't agree more clockwork. But this repression and brainwashing has been going on for decades, and it all starts in the classroom, I'm sorry to say.


@Clockwork Orange. Please note you are typing in an environment where, for example an allegedly humourous misspelling of a public figure causes the moderation team a fit of editing frenzy. So your submission that 'lampooning.. is a vital part of any democracy', is not the case in TV land.

The other point is you are so wrong. Abhisit is a politician, so expecting consistency is foolish. After all I recall how enthusiastic any opposition politician is for transparency [say a freedom of information law] who upon arrival at the ministerial desk has a Damascene conversion.


Some here have very short selective memories...When Prime Minister Abhisit' wanted to go to Chang Mai just 3 months ago, the threat of violence was so great he had to cancel. Now for those of you that think Thailand is not falling into anarchy, then please explain when the leader of a country wishes to address his countrymen and you have the red shirts making serious enough threats against his appearance that he is forced to cancel? Is this democracy?Maybe the thing to do is the grant Issan independence, and let them have their own country? The could even grant their great patriarch Thaskin citizenship that way. With their black shirt guards, great bastions of learning, I am sure they could show the way to really run a country.
I agree. But include the North as well. Thaksin will become life long President of this new country and make it prosper. LONG LIVE PRESIDENT THAKSIN!
Seriously, Thaksin is a mini hitler. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands, most of whom had no connection to drugs as it turned out. They went about using the new rules to eliminate anyone they dam_n well pleased. Want that guys house? Label him a drug dealer and gun him down. Then Thaksin was responsible for the execution of the muslims at Tak Bai where they stacked 80 men on top of eachother like logs and suffocated them all to death slowly. Talk about a terro filled disgusting way to die just for protesting. What was next for that guy? Gas chambers? Thaksin is a blight in our universe and needs to be removed.


Have the PAD ever protested about Thaksin killing thousands of innocent people in his so-called war on drugs? How on Earth is this relevant here? And how did a German leader enter this debate?

LOL! I often wonder about these Yellows, I really do.

I'm waiting for the vote buying top trump next!


I dont support the yellows either. Or the military, they all have their share of the blame for everything that has happened, as you pointed out, nobody is being held responsible for the drug killings and muslim murders, because too many powerful people involved, this whole country is rotten to the core.

What does Thaksins numerous crimes and human rights violations have to do with the current situation? Oh I dont know, hes exactly the same man that is currently entirely responsible for everything going on right now and everyone that dies so maybe that will clue you in? The guy DOESNT STOP.

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