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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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"THE NATION: Redshirts stratgy today is to hound multicolour shirts: starting fr tomorrow they will go wherever the other group goes. - INN"

so the colours go home, will the reds follow suit.. I think not.

this forum really needs a system to show general location of people who post things so we can see differentiate between overseas trolls and people with a genuine interest of what is happening in the county many of us chose to make our new home

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I was just looking at that army supplied chart of the plot against the monarchy. I dont know where this is all going but it is quite worrying. Take a look at it. It includes more than just Giles and Red Siam or something and includes pretty much the whole opposition by naming Peau Thai Party. We are really in uncharted territotry now. Do all of these people really want to change the system?

By the way you can get it with English translation via BPundit blog

It is indeed very worrying. Thaskin got himself in the cross-hairs when he looked at the riches of the Kingdom, and then decided he could make it his. I believe the wealth contained therein is about the top in the world.

Why do you think a few days ago when the stickers came out "Thaskin for President" it was so vehemently repudiated?

Who does the army say they owe loyalty too?

I and my wife have substantial investments in Thailand. This could have catastrophic reprecutions for us and our family here.

Back at the start of the month there were some fairly simple solutions that could be taken to buy time and defuse the situation. Once the protesters changed from just people meeting and protesting to being a para-military force, with a law unto themselves and answering to no one, the solutions become difficult, unless you are willing to do the hard things that will be necessary. Does Abhisit and the General have the stones for it.....time will tell.

TAN Network: Reporters are revealing that red leaders claiming that BTS blockage was not ordered; protesters are acting on their own accord

Have they condemned this action of their followers? Have they expressed sorrow (for the victims) or condemned the acts of grenades being launched on civilians at the BTS?

They have said they didnt want to disrupt commuters - the other thousands that are put out by there rajaprasong occupation apparently dont commute.

By the way you can get it with English translation via BPundit blog

could you provide a link for the english translation please? I've found the original article with the chart but I can't find the english translation of the chart.

It says underneath the chart or at the bottom of the article, forget now, click here for translation, or something like that. I dont think we can link to blogs on here so I wont but as he put the effort into translation mention his site as a gateway

I don't know how any westerner can actually support the red protestors with how they are acting now.

Red supporters condemn the government, the army, the elite and the yellows. There are some good reasons to condemn these groups for their actions in the past.

But you support the lawlessness of the reds.

You support them shutting down a city of 10 million people.

You support them searching individuals going about their daily lives.

You support them shutting down roads around the country.

You support them bringing down the economy which will affect all Thais, and especially the poorer ones, for years to come.

Is this the sort of country that you want to live in?

A country where a small minority can do anything that they want? I am not talking about the grass roots red supporters, the poor farmers, the factory workers, the construction workers.

I am talking about the thugs searching people, searching cars, blockading highways. If they can do this now, what will they be able to do if their leaders control the government, the police and the army?

Support the poor. Condemn the elite.

But don't support the thugs ruining the country.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

Just curious ... how many days out of the year do they actually work the farm? And who is forcing them to live in farm country?

Edit: Oh yea, and what ideas or polices have the red shirts been demanding to create more opportunity?

Wow..another gem of objective reporting. Red thugs terrorizing law abiding citizens almost nation wide no less.

It was just a few short weeks ago when all the self proclaimed experts were predicting that the UDD protest was a "total failure"

They are not getting the numbers....they will run off home when the sticky rice runs out...or when the police crack down on them blah blah blah

Now we are told they are bringing the whole country to its knees....how did this remarkable transition happen?

I see crowds of reds almost daily (outside Bankok) and have never been threatened or felt in any danger. Of course if you just hate flag waving

mulam music and the smell of fermented fish.....you would probably feel terrorized. Good job Nation....nothing like the unbiased truth in journalism.

ER, at the top it says "Opinion"...


By the way you can get it with English translation via BPundit blog

could you provide a link for the english translation please? I've found the original article with the chart but I can't find the english translation of the chart.

It says underneath the chart or at the bottom of the article, forget now, click here for translation, or something like that. I dont think we can link to blogs on here so I wont but as he put the effort into translation mention his site as a gateway

thanks. don't i feel the fool. it was there all the time but the image on the page was small so i couldn't tell that the added blue text by BP was the english version. anyway, sorted now.

Perhaps things will change but outside of Bangkok, I do not see any anarchy at all. In fact nothing has changed in the least.. It does seem sometimes that Bangkok is separate from the rest of Thailand. Personally, I hope there is no more violence in Bangkok or anywhere else. But if their is violence in Bangkok, I do not believe this will necessarily lead to a civil war. As long as farmers have crops and vendors can sell their goods I think life will just go on.

Sadly Abhisit and Suthep and the Yellow side want blood and death, nothing else can explain their actions.

It will likely start on Friday evening or Saturday morning (perhaps the most likely is Saturday morning as they will attempt during 12 hours of daylight to get the protest site back).

The ramping up of the Yellow propaganda machine is all about attempting to make things seem so bad they can say they were justified to go on their killing spree of innocent protesters.

Expect the Yellow propaganda machine to work more and more in the days ahead, and expect many "fake Reds" action designed to upset the people of Bangkok in order to get the acceptance that Reds must die and so use force is ok.

You can see that the media is already trying to spout the same excuses used some years back for killing all the students.

Someone appears to want to get the reputation of "Butcher of Bangkok".

Military Coup, Judicial Coup, Parliamentary Coup and now perhaps a more open "Slaughter" is going to happen.

Shame on them all if they do.

Again you are wrong.

If they wanted a blood bath they would have waited outside them homes a month ago for the Red Leaders to do the statesman like thing and pour it on them.

As for the any impending crackdown, won't be on a Friday or Saturday as the during the week the numbers are much lower than on weekends.

Any action when it comes will most likely be targeted at the Red Leadership and Guards after a warning is given out to all to leave. Hopefully the red leaders let the more moderates in their camp do so.

As far a reputation goes, your Red leaders have plenty of material now to pen a few books in the coming years to satisfy their egos - let's face, they want to go down in history as something important - at least in their own minds.

Get real.

April 10th they tried with force and live ammo.

However the army commanders got killed and the leaderless Army retreated.

They have tried once with force and live ammo and it killed 25 people.

These people have no exercised restraint, they have tried and failed. I think you can be sure next time if these blood hungary people call another crackdown, you will see many many more dead as they use excessive force.

Remember this.


If they are so desperate for a blood bath, why have not attacked the red compound since April 10? More than 2 weeks and a lot of pressure from various groups and still no attack.

Hmmmm, this would suggest they are actually trying desperately to AVOID a blood bath, after the attempted clear-out on April 10 caused so much death and injury.

It seems that Levelhead is more interested in a blood bath than the PM or army, because of the number of times he has so confidently and eagerly predicted the time of the next massacre ... and been spectacularly wrong EVERY time!

And it was nice to see the red leaders FINALLY admit this morning that some red shirts are taking things into their own hands without the permission of the leaders, rather then blame those rascally "fake reds" like they usually do. I can't help wonder when else this might have happened ... grenades launched at Sala Daeng springs to mind.


Does anyone else (apart from the current governement) think that Aung San Suu Kyi is on Thaksins payroll?

I don't think so.

The problem with the region in general is that there is a transition from feudal politics towards more representative forms of government. The downside is that in countries where the traditional rulers have been removed, the replacement (ie Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar) has been a new breed of oppressive and dictatorial elite. People have never been allowed to think, to have opinions and tend to follow whoever buys them or controls them. The result is either self-appointed and self-perpetuating dictatorship or elected dictatorship. In each country there is an establishment propaganda machine, opposition is 're-educated', repressed or eliminated and a firm grip is maintained using military power.

I was just looking at that army supplied chart of the plot against the monarchy. I dont know where this is all going but it is quite worrying. Take a look at it. It includes more than just Giles and Red Siam or something and includes pretty much the whole opposition by naming Peau Thai Party. We are really in uncharted territotry now. Do all of these people really want to change the system?

By the way you can get it with English translation via BPundit blog

Insofar as it's supposed to be a diagrammatic representation of those who want to overthrow the ..... it is both silly and a typical piece of 'ganda put out at times like these. At this point it becomes impossible to discuss for legal reasons - which is one the key causes of the problems in the first place :)

I don't know how any westerner can actually support the red protestors with how they are acting now.

Red supporters condemn the government, the army, the elite and the yellows. There are some good reasons to condemn these groups for their actions in the past.

But you support the lawlessness of the reds.

You support them shutting down a city of 10 million people.

You support them searching individuals going about their daily lives.

You support them shutting down roads around the country.

You support them bringing down the economy which will affect all Thais, and especially the poorer ones, for years to come.

Is this the sort of country that you want to live in?

A country where a small minority can do anything that they want? I am not talking about the grass roots red supporters, the poor farmers, the factory workers, the construction workers.

I am talking about the thugs searching people, searching cars, blockading highways. If they can do this now, what will they be able to do if their leaders control the government, the police and the army?

Support the poor. Condemn the elite.

But don't support the thugs ruining the country.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

So your saying, your happy for innocent people to be killed and lives disrupted because there are poor people...

Its funny how a decent size chunk of people who are affected financially by these protests were sending the money they earnt back home...

Bit short sighted isnt it?


This threadis a good example of how passionate is the debate, propaganda no more positive criticism: we are in the worse. How smart people like this website suppose to comprise can go down so low.... Do you realise that you are fuelling the division and aiming to the Civil war....only Anupong has some restraints as he knows his Army is as divided as the Country and if he engages his troops, there is a high probability that Unity of Army will burst and the Country will fall in the hel_l....

We suppose to be between intelligent people here and we should try to promote a third way...

Wow..another gem of objective reporting. Red thugs terrorizing law abiding citizens almost nation wide no less.

It was just a few short weeks ago when all the self proclaimed experts were predicting that the UDD protest was a "total failure"

They are not getting the numbers....they will run off home when the sticky rice runs out...or when the police crack down on them blah blah blah

Now we are told they are bringing the whole country to its knees....how did this remarkable transition happen?

I see crowds of reds almost daily (outside Bankok) and have never been threatened or felt in any danger. Of course if you just hate flag waving

mulam music and the smell of fermented fish.....you would probably feel terrorized. Good job Nation....nothing like the unbiased truth in journalism.

and now....for the latest....

someone is crying anarchy.

someone expects the government to do the dirty job of getting the reds out of bangkok forgetting it was not too long ago how they crippled thais and toiurists alike with their seizure of the airport and walked away scotch-free without paying or compensating anyone.

if anything at all, they brought this present protest and stalmate unto themselves.

ever heard of do unto others what you want others to do unto yourself?

am sure not.

that's why this anarchy cry now.

also, trying to play master puppeteer with abhisit seems not to be working, eh?

include the military, too.

they are not exactly listening,, are they?

and why back now after the 7 days ultimatum?

don't have the numbers , right, to counter the reds?

or is it fear that you may be "slaughtered" if you confront the growing -yes, growing, not dwindling -as you reported previously -number of reds?

come,come, truth be told....is that what true journalism is all about?

controlling the tabloid is one thing, controlling the internet world-wide is quite another! :)

long live thai democracy! long live the kingdom.long live the king!

I don't know how any westerner can actually support the red protestors with how they are acting now.

Red supporters condemn the government, the army, the elite and the yellows. There are some good reasons to condemn these groups for their actions in the past.

But you support the lawlessness of the reds.

You support them shutting down a city of 10 million people.

You support them searching individuals going about their daily lives.

You support them shutting down roads around the country.

You support them bringing down the economy which will affect all Thais, and especially the poorer ones, for years to come.

Is this the sort of country that you want to live in?

A country where a small minority can do anything that they want? I am not talking about the grass roots red supporters, the poor farmers, the factory workers, the construction workers.

I am talking about the thugs searching people, searching cars, blockading highways. If they can do this now, what will they be able to do if their leaders control the government, the police and the army?

Support the poor. Condemn the elite.

But don't support the thugs ruining the country.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

I felt the same when i was working three temping jobs a day back in blightly to pay off debts and would watch as those with money could eat out an afford the life of luxury while i made it home at 10pm for a pot noodle and a can of coke before hitting the sack to get up the next day. Luxury and Poverty are endemic in every country in the world. Look at India as another example.

Of course the poor need help to get out of the poverty trap. But I haven't heard of one single policy or incentive that Jatuporn et al have put forward IF they win an election to help the poor.

They are going for power - If they get power it's going to be an even bloodier fight to try to rest power from them in the future. If you think elections will do it think again. They'll have the whole system rigged, in a similar vain to what the PAD proposed, except in the reds favour.

An impartial politician - Now that's an oxymoron.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

Are you talking about the corrupt elite in the villages, with the big houses and european cars? Or the corrupt red leaders and the corrupt Thaksin?

Corruption is a huge problem in Thailand. But it isn't just in the domain of the few rich elite in Bangkok.

In reality, if you are against the corruption in Thailand, you can't really be a supporter of Thaksin and the red leaders.

This threadis a good example of how passionate is the debate, propaganda no more positive criticism: we are in the worse. How smart people like this website suppose to comprise can go down so low.... Do you realise that you are fuelling the division and aiming to the Civil war....only Anupong has some restraints as he knows his Army is as divided as the Country and if he engages his troops, there is a high probability that Unity of Army will burst and the Country will fall in the hel_l....

We suppose to be between intelligent people here and we should try to promote a third way...

Here's a third way. Elections in 6 months, not 30 days, not 1.5 years. Middle ground.

This threadis a good example of how passionate is the debate, propaganda no more positive criticism: we are in the worse. How smart people like this website suppose to comprise can go down so low.... Do you realise that you are fuelling the division and aiming to the Civil war....only Anupong has some restraints as he knows his Army is as divided as the Country and if he engages his troops, there is a high probability that Unity of Army will burst and the Country will fall in the hel_l....

We suppose to be between intelligent people here and we should try to promote a third way...

Here's a third way. Elections in 6 months, not 30 days, not 1.5 years. Middle ground.

Sorry bkkjames,

I thought between now and the end of the current govt term was 1.5 years, 18months? Wouldnt 9 months be middle ground?

Is that what the Abhisit goverment has been offering for some time now?



If the gov't and/or military goal was only to clear out the red mob, it is VERY foolish to believe they are incapable of doing this in a matter of hours. However, they are doing their best to avoid casualties of those ignorant poor folk whose minds have been brainwashed by the constant fuel of hatred and lies coming from their red leaders.

Kind of ironic they have convinced them to risk their lives largely for a man (once the richest in all Thailand) who doesn't have guts to even face the Thai criminal justice system over a 2-year sentence that would have surely been suspended if he had not fled and agreed to obey the law in the future. In fact, before the court verdict regarding his money the PM said he would forgive him if he expressed remorse.

Its definately starting to feel like 'Groundhog Day' around here :D:)

Yes, pick your color and start flaming :D Tomorrow pick another one.

No thankyou sir. I mainly observe. Some people are definately long overdue for a cold shower though. :D

I don't know how any westerner can actually support the red protestors with how they are acting now.

Red supporters condemn the government, the army, the elite and the yellows. There are some good reasons to condemn these groups for their actions in the past.

But you support the lawlessness of the reds.

You support them shutting down a city of 10 million people.

You support them searching individuals going about their daily lives.

You support them shutting down roads around the country.

You support them bringing down the economy which will affect all Thais, and especially the poorer ones, for years to come.

Is this the sort of country that you want to live in?

A country where a small minority can do anything that they want? I am not talking about the grass roots red supporters, the poor farmers, the factory workers, the construction workers.

I am talking about the thugs searching people, searching cars, blockading highways. If they can do this now, what will they be able to do if their leaders control the government, the police and the army?

Support the poor. Condemn the elite.

But don't support the thugs ruining the country.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

So your saying, your happy for innocent people to be killed and lives disrupted because there are poor people...

Its funny how a decent size chunk of people who are affected financially by these protests were sending the money they earnt back home...

Bit short sighted isnt it?

in this present context, define "innocent people " for me, an unknowing and not a know-all farang living in thailand in bangkok, not the poor north, for the last 30 years.. :)

This threadis a good example of how passionate is the debate, propaganda no more positive criticism: we are in the worse. How smart people like this website suppose to comprise can go down so low.... Do you realise that you are fuelling the division and aiming to the Civil war....only Anupong has some restraints as he knows his Army is as divided as the Country and if he engages his troops, there is a high probability that Unity of Army will burst and the Country will fall in the hel_l....

We suppose to be between intelligent people here and we should try to promote a third way...

You are as guilty as me and Joe and everyone else Jerrytheyoung. You continually call for dissolution. That is not the way a huge segment of the country feels. That is not a compromise in any way and only further entrenches those opposed.

The only way this can truly be solved is if the redshirts agree to negotiate with all interests including the Democrats, army, police, smaller parties, civil society groups, business groups, etc. The red shirt leaders have emphatically rejected this at every turn. They must cease all illegal demonstrations and disruptions of government in order to reduce the tension and to show their commitment to solving the problems peacefully. If they wish to continue demonstrating they need to move them to neutral ground at a location designated by the authorities.

Immediately following their cessation they must engage in talks to help move the country forward. If they fail to do this the military and police will have no choice but to move in. We all know this will cause further escalation possibly leading to a limited civil war. The onus is on the red shirt leaders. They are the ones who have the power to end this immediately, but there is no sign that they have any intention of doing so.


What I don't understand is the many farangs who support the Reds. Don't they decent from the Thai Rak Thai (Thai Love Thai) group who really would be most happy to see a Thailand with no farangs present? What sense is there for a farang to support such as group? Their ultimate aim is to get rid of us. ???


Here's a third way. Elections in 6 months, not 30 days, not 1.5 years. Middle ground

Can never happen as long as the reds refuse to negotiate unless their demands are met first. Kind of odd too given the PM agreed to sit down and talk to them directly (live on TV at their request) but they ran away from those talks. The reds have also made clear that no policies to help the poor of the country by the current gov't will stop them from demanding the current government be dissolved. People need to wake up and see what this is really about and why the reds refuse to wait for elections and why they want to derails economic prosperity in Thailand and why the cannot allow the current PM to continue to good for Thailand which includes the poor of Thailand. They need a dissolution of the gov't asap before things get too good for folks and they see that his is good for the country.

If the gov't and/or military goal was only to clear out the red mob, it is VERY foolish to believe they are incapable of doing this in a matter of hours. However, they are doing their best to avoid casualties of those ignorant poor folk whose minds have been brainwashed by the constant fuel of hatred and lies coming from their red leaders.

Kind of ironic they have convinced them to risk their lives largely for a man (once the richest in all Thailand) who doesn't have guts to even face the Thai criminal justice system over a 2-year sentence that would have surely been suspended if he had not fled and agreed to obey the law in the future. In fact, before the court verdict regarding his money the PM said he would forgive him if he expressed remorse.

And this is where it all goes wrong.

The Reds are not ignorant.

The Yellows are ignorant when they try to call the Reds "uneducated and ignorant".

The Reds are not "brainwashed", it has been since 2006 non stop brainwashing anti-Thaksin propaganda that has suckered Yellow people in. Anyone who believes the nonsense from the Yellow media and obvious biased Yellow posters on here are the ones who are getting "brainwashed".

If the gov't and/or military goal was only to clear out the red mob, it is VERY foolish to believe they are incapable of doing this in a matter of hours. However, they are doing their best to avoid casualties of those ignorant poor folk whose minds have been brainwashed by the constant fuel of hatred and lies coming from their red leaders.

Kind of ironic they have convinced them to risk their lives largely for a man (once the richest in all Thailand) who doesn't have guts to even face the Thai criminal justice system over a 2-year sentence that would have surely been suspended if he had not fled and agreed to obey the law in the future. In fact, before the court verdict regarding his money the PM said he would forgive him if he expressed remorse.

You shuld evolve a little in your assessment of the situation: red Shirts are no more fighting for Thaksin but for themselves. There are huge problems to fix immediately in northern region. The Country cannot continue its 2 speed development as per the past.

Nor the Red Nor the Democrats can run the Country NOW. We need a transition with very smart people like ANAND at the head. Abhisit has revealed himself as a partisan leader not as a stateman. personnally, I give credit only to Anupong for the correct assessment of the situation and trying to limit the bloodbath.

I don't know how any westerner can actually support the red protestors with how they are acting now.

Red supporters condemn the government, the army, the elite and the yellows. There are some good reasons to condemn these groups for their actions in the past.

But you support the lawlessness of the reds.

You support them shutting down a city of 10 million people.

You support them searching individuals going about their daily lives.

You support them shutting down roads around the country.

You support them bringing down the economy which will affect all Thais, and especially the poorer ones, for years to come.

Is this the sort of country that you want to live in?

A country where a small minority can do anything that they want? I am not talking about the grass roots red supporters, the poor farmers, the factory workers, the construction workers.

I am talking about the thugs searching people, searching cars, blockading highways. If they can do this now, what will they be able to do if their leaders control the government, the police and the army?

Support the poor. Condemn the elite.

But don't support the thugs ruining the country.

Pretty easy really...I sympathize with the red cause because I live in Isan and every day I see the deprived lives of these poor farmers breaking their backs in the field for a pittance...when I contrast that the to life of luxury and privilege of the corrupt elite it makes me vomit...as a farang I'm obliged to keep out of it directly and to avoid discussing it with Thai people.

So be precise. Tell us what policies you would like to see such that poor farmers can do better? Look ahead, if you get a red led government what do you want see them do? Please don't say you want another village handout. If your village is the same as mine then you will know that was massively abused with most money going to pay off gambling debts at usurious interest rates. Not many new tractors were funded or vocational training fees paid.........

Here's a third way. Elections in 6 months, not 30 days, not 1.5 years. Middle ground

Can never happen as long as the reds refuse to negotiate unless their demands are met first. Kind of odd too given the PM agreed to sit down and talk to them directly (live on TV at their request) but they ran away from those talks. The reds have also made clear that no policies to help the poor of the country by the current gov't will stop them from demanding the current government be dissolved. People need to wake up and see what this is really about and why the reds refuse to wait for elections and why they want to derails economic prosperity in Thailand and why the cannot allow the current PM to continue to good for Thailand which includes the poor of Thailand. They need a dissolution of the gov't asap before things get too good for folks and they see that his is good for the country.

Elections in 3 months has been offered by the Reds but was rejected by Abhisit.

It seems Team Yellow think its ok to have a coup just before an election (as happened in 2006).

Democrats feel fine about paying small parties to not run in the election (2005) to void it.

Team Yellow think its fine to have double standards to get your "team" into power.

They are not going to negotiate, the Democrats have been put into power at great expense, lots and lots of money has been paid to facilitate it.

They cannot give it up, this is why they allow people to get killed, money over democracy, that is the Democrats/Team Yellow it seems.

it's terrible that the reds want the end of the monarchy .

how could they advocate such a thing ?

I think this is a figment of "yellow journalism". Kasit and the rest of his degenerates will stop at nothing.

the yellow journalism degenerates are no different from those of hitler's pr people nor the japanese degenerates who brought the a-bombs down on hiroshima and nagaski because of their claim to "superiority" over other races in the mein kmpf and co-asia prosperity sphere in the past.

both events proved how wrong false propaganda and the propangda of fear can be.

sadly though , these lies are still on-going.

maythe force of the untampered internet change it all.

in those events, really innocent people were slaughtered because of a few corrupted and degenrated ones who can often stoop no higher than low in the course of time. :)


I repeat my question to all the Red supporters here; "What will the country look like after you have been able to canvas enough votes again to win elections?" Chavalit for PM, Chalerm swaps seats with Suthep????

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