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Thai Forces Fire Warning Shots In Standoff With Red Shirts

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Bangkok Post forum about the hospital incident had 24 replies. Everyone condemd the reds. Usualy there are about 60-40 against the reds.

OMG. Exactly the same squad of 6-7 internet warrior that always come up with the same stories is there active too.

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Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

Maybe britmaveric can tell us in 6 words and 3 emoticons or less why freedom fighting "lads" need to force their way into a hospital and intimidate staff and patients? Maybe they're doing it for the "dosh"? Or maybe they're just immoral thugs.

Just stay tuned to your favorite twitter channel. Will tell you everything you wanna know. Don't miss if someone hears a firecracker near whatever sounds important.

Over 100 red shirts still linger around at the hospitals since the emergency room invasion ofApril 10, refuse to walk home. yesterday another batch was delivered.

why is the gov not acting? deafening silence ...

this is unbelievable. It is probably long enough to close our financial year with red ink all over.

Ever heard the saying

Dammed f you do

Dammed if you don't

No matter what they do they will have mass critisim of what they did

Please tell us as you have such great wisdom what should they do

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Not forget the nobody-died-when-we-shot-a-them-show and the disappearing dead from last year.

Sickening murderous regime, could not even win an election with the help of the Junta.

The reds on this board get more and more desperate .......


I just had to share this...

a genuine photo from the other newspaper, shot on the day of this confrontation.


Is this proof te army where not using guns ha ha

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

Certain hospitals chose to become political by refusing to treat police injured by PAD, so it would be fair to say they become political targets before the redshirts came along.

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Not forget the nobody-died-when-we-shot-a-them-show and the disappearing dead from last year.

Sickening murderous regime, could not even win an election with the help of the Junta.

The reds on this board get more and more desperate .......

Since Thaksin recently accused the Songkran 2009 rioters as fake reds, the forum Thaksin cheerleaders have taken their cue from the master.

Lie and repeat. Mix and bake.

Meanwhile they exhalt their 'peaceful' red comrades holed up in Bangkok.

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

Certain hospitals chose to become political by refusing to treat police injured by PAD, so it would be fair to say they become political targets before the redshirts came along.

When hospital become political targets, so have to wonder whether society has gone insane! Whats next Tony? The thai version of the Crystal Night! Search hospitals, schools, public places and go for military personnel! Whats next? The gays (CM 51)? How about those 'dirty yellows'? Thai society is on the brink of anarchy. The police of obviouly not doingher work!

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

Certain hospitals chose to become political by refusing to treat police injured by PAD, so it would be fair to say they become political targets before the redshirts came along.

The police aren't invading the hospital, it's the Reds who are laying seige to the hospital and wildly so to anything in sight or access, especially to anything that has the 'wrong' name. The Reds are the operatives of the PAD? Proxies of the police? Red apologists around here need to get their heads out from where the sun don't shine.

This reprehensible precedent of invading hospitals having been established by the Reds, I might wonder which other hospital(s) horribly may be somewhere on the Reds long and demented list of their present ruthless anarchy and violence which is unconscienably designed to destroy the Thai state.


I think it would help if posters looked a bit further than the removal of the various disrupting groups from the streets of Bkk.

Firstly they will re-groups elsewhere in the country in small groups........and.......

In the next 12 months there will in all probability be an election.

It is most likely that the winning coalition will be aligned with the "Redshirts" and their supporters.

So it might be useful to consider how current govt actions will affect the future of Thailand


in response to pube and and Kire, read my posts before you go and get your knickers in a twist, I don't say the searching of the hospital is right, I merely point out that it is the hospitals themselves that chose to get involved in politics be refusing to treat police injured by PAD, this is in response to the post that says it is the redshirts that got them involved, this is incorrect. Also if the hospital is allowing itself to be used by the military for purposes other than what hospitals are intended for, then again the hospital itself is getting itself involved in politics.

We reap what we sow gentlemen. No doubt all will come back on the reds at some point just as it is all coming back on the yellows right now.

p.s. where has the word 'invading' come from, as far as I can see theyw ere denied access then allowed access, they entered at the invitation of the hospital, hardly and invasion so lets keep the hysterics to a minimum, I think we can use the term 'invasion' for such things as taking over airports en masse etc. Drama queens on here are really unbelievable.

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

Certain hospitals chose to become political by refusing to treat police injured by PAD, so it would be fair to say they become political targets before the redshirts came along.

Can you please name the hospitals that refused to treat wounded?

BTW, How many PAD were killed that day?



Chulalongkorn Hospital has moved quickly to disavow doctors who refuse to treat sick or injured police officers, saying they could be acting unethically, and risk professional punishment.

Chulalongkorn hospital executives have disavowed moves by doctors not to treat injured police officers in a protest over the violent reaction to disperse demonstrators on Tuesday.

The hospital, which works under the auspices of the Thai Red Cross Society, has a duty to treat all patients regardless of their political leanings, hospital deputy director Tirapong Jaroenwit insisted yesterday.

p.s. where has the word 'invading' come from, as far as I can see theyw ere denied access then allowed access, they entered at the invitation of the hospital, hardly and invasion so lets keep the hysterics to a minimum, I think we can use the term 'invasion' for such things as taking over airports en masse etc. Drama queens on here are really unbelievable.

The hospital officials refused entry to the mob.

After some time the hosiptal said they would allow 5 people in.

As soon as the doors were opened, a large mob entered, illegally, against the will of the hospital.

p.s. acquiescence under threat is not considered permission. cut the drama, get some facts.

Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

Not forget the nobody-died-when-we-shot-a-them-show and the disappearing dead from last year.

Sickening murderous regime, could not even win an election with the help of the Junta.

The reds on this board get more and more desperate .......


So sad to have your own position yanked from under your philosophy

by the very people you are trying to support.

And yet STILL try and find something to justify that position.

p.s. where has the word 'invading' come from, as far as I can see theyw ere denied access then allowed access, they entered at the invitation of the hospital, hardly and invasion so lets keep the hysterics to a minimum, I think we can use the term 'invasion' for such things as taking over airports en masse etc. Drama queens on here are really unbelievable.

The hospital officials refused entry to the mob.

After some time the hosiptal said they would allow 5 people in.

As soon as the doors were opened, a large mob entered, illegally, against the will of the hospital.

p.s. acquiescence under threat is not considered permission. cut the drama, get some facts.



Seh Daeng

In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin,When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at,And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery—In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy—You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

Seh Daeng

In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin,When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at,And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery—In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy—You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

Why Gilbert and Sullivan never wrote about Thailand is a question for the ages.

Topsey Turverydom sure fits here!


Pardon my ignorance, but isn't Chula quite close to the Police Hospital? Given that, wouldn't it be somewhat logical to take combatants to different hospitals, as in PAD to Chula, Police to Police?

Im sure its been before but just noticed Al Jazeera has the shadowy black shirts mingling with reds again at Don Muang.

18 people wounded, of whom 16 are civilians and two soldiers. What did Al Jazeera say, who is responsible for this?

One month ago, when the government invoke the emergency law, Abhisit promised restore normalcy as soon as possible and without any losses. How its going?

p.s. where has the word 'invading' come from, as far as I can see theyw ere denied access then allowed access, they entered at the invitation of the hospital, hardly and invasion so lets keep the hysterics to a minimum, I think we can use the term 'invasion' for such things as taking over airports en masse etc. Drama queens on here are really unbelievable.

The hospital officials refused entry to the mob.

After some time the hosiptal said they would allow 5 people in.

As soon as the doors were opened, a large mob entered, illegally, against the will of the hospital.

p.s. acquiescence under threat is not considered permission. cut the drama, get some facts.


I will bear this in mind next time certain posters say the PAD did not force the airport to close, cheers.

p.s. where has the word 'invading' come from, as far as I can see theyw ere denied access then allowed access, they entered at the invitation of the hospital, hardly and invasion so lets keep the hysterics to a minimum, I think we can use the term 'invasion' for such things as taking over airports en masse etc. Drama queens on here are really unbelievable.

The hospital officials refused entry to the mob.

After some time the hosiptal said they would allow 5 people in.

As soon as the doors were opened, a large mob entered, illegally, against the will of the hospital.

p.s. acquiescence under threat is not considered permission. cut the drama, get some facts.


I will bear this in mind next time certain posters say the PAD did not force the airport to close, cheers.

Please feel free --- then read the reports from the AOT -- that do not in fact blame the PAD, and DO in fact blame the AOT chief on the scene.

Comparing apples to oranges and supporting any thing the reds do .... ugh ...


Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

From the latest News Posting

A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

Kirkkiart Kulthonbodi came to the Democrat head office at 4 pm.

He said he joined the rally on Tuesday and was told he would be paid Bt200 or Bt300 a day.

He said he has not received any money so he and 24 friends decided to go home but they did not have money.

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

From the latest News Posting

A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

Kirkkiart Kulthonbodi came to the Democrat head office at 4 pm.

He said he joined the rally on Tuesday and was told he would be paid Bt200 or Bt300 a day.

He said he has not received any money so he and 24 friends decided to go home but they did not have money.

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

I think maybe they are Fake Reds talking about Fake payments

May be even what to go to a Fake home

Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

From the latest News Posting

A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

Kirkkiart Kulthonbodi came to the Democrat head office at 4 pm.

He said he joined the rally on Tuesday and was told he would be paid Bt200 or Bt300 a day.

He said he has not received any money so he and 24 friends decided to go home but they did not have money.

The man said 18 of 25 men from Phichit had their ID cards seized by some rally organisers.

I think maybe they are Fake Reds talking about Fake payments

May be even what to go to a Fake home

dont believe everything you read!! especially in this country

but go with it, if it suits your cause!!


Not forget the nobody-died-when-we-shot-a-them-show and the disappearing dead from last year.

Sickening murderous regime, could not even win an election with the help of the Junta.

Are you for real?

Did cellphones get invented last month?

Where is all the pictures of hundreds of dead from last year?

hundreds of dead? did i say something like this? are you for real?

Thaksin and other red shirt leaders claimed it last year. Remember?


Contrary to widespread reports by the ultra right wing pro-american Al Jezzera, The Heroic Thai People's Library Army - AKA - THE UDD (Ultimately Dumb and Dumber) - are clearly not armed in anyway shape or form.

"Apart from most of them (THE UDD) having a right and left arm attached to their shoulders, they carry no firearms of any kind. I am aware of the video being spread around the internet, but that is nothing but Democrat propaganda. The footage is from a children's birthday held by Mrs. Arisman earlier this year" - Mr. Arisman stated earlier today.


I believe if you want to advertise on tv the owners can put together a nice package of banner ads and other goodies.

Speaking of Arisman, and since it appears that you have his ear, do you mind asking him to quit wearing our beloved man utd shirts please, can I suggest a scouser home kit as it just seems much more natural.

Thanks in advance. :)


just looked at WWW.REDSHIRTSTHAILAND.COM check it out guy the masked bloke with the pistol in his hand ( according to them) i s attending a birthday party for arismans son :) look at it yourself is this a spoof site or real

just looked at WWW.REDSHIRTSTHAILAND.COM check it out guy the masked bloke with the pistol in his hand ( according to them) i s attending a birthday party for arismans son :) look at it yourself is this a spoof site or real

Must be a spoof, unless the Arisiman family allows a kid's party in the street and allows thugs to brandish firearms. If that is the case, Mr and Mrs Arisiman should have their children taken away immediately and both jailed for child endangerment. On the other hand, looking at the UDD and their extreme violent nature, I would not be surprised in the least.


I will bear this in mind next time certain posters say the PAD did not force the airport to close, cheers.

Please feel free --- then read the reports from the AOT -- that do not in fact blame the PAD, and DO in fact blame the AOT chief on the scene.

Comparing apples to oranges and supporting any thing the reds do .... ugh ...

Suggest you follow your own signature, have a brain. Your premise is that the airport could have remained operational in the middle of those protests. And I suppose you would suggest that our lovely shopping malls near the current mob are closed of their own choice, not as the result of the mob.

The propaganda from both sides is ridiculous. They want to overthrow the monarchy, they want to bomb the emerald buddha, we are only peace-loving people in search of democracy, ....

I would think (hope) most of us realize that 90% of the statements from both sides are 90% bs.

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