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Thai Foreign Ministry Plays Down Speculation Of US Intervention

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The US is about as likely to intervene in this "two kids on a school playground fighting over lunch money" type of isolated violence situation as winged monkeys have the chance of flying out of my ass. :D

For the 'thick' that would be FAR LESS THAN ZERO percent. :)

I think the thai redz and the PTP totally over estimate their importance on the world stage to the point they first petitioned the UN for frickin' "peace keeping troops". :D It took the UN years of hand sitting to go into places in Africa where GENOCIDE was happening on a MASSIVE scale. To even begin to think they're just gonna fly in the planes full o' troops over here to this squabble is ludicrous.

Oh dam_n, I see the EU petition didn't go over too well either. :D

Perhaps Raul Castro, Hun Sen, Kim Jong-il, the ruling junta in Burma, or maybe Hugo Chavez are the next on the list to petition for intervention. :D Keep working your way down the countries and you'll eventually find someone who cares enough. Or not. ..

The mind wobbles at the self importance the reds seem to have. :D

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Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :D

Well, in that case, time for the Lao PDR to send it ITS troops to back up all the Isaan folks wearing red-shirts! :)

The last time the US (and it's allies) intervened in Asia, it had it's arse kicked. Besides, there's no oil in Thailand :)

Please read the original post. It was Amnesty International (not officially) who was asking the US to moderate...

You can't buy it. You can't steal it. You can't be given it. But you need it. Get yourself a sense of humour :D

The last time the US (and it's allies) intervened in Asia, it had it's arse kicked. Besides, there's no oil in Thailand :D

Please read the original post. It was Amnesty International (not officially) who was asking the US to moderate...

You can't buy it. You can't steal it. You can't be given it. But you need it. Get yourself a sense of humour :D

I have a very dry sense of humor, and I'm very sarcastic! But the Vietnam War wasn't a joke, many Americans about my age died there, for what? So I should say something demeaning now and that would be highly amusing? Ah, the way the English spell! That's humorous! :)


It is not the responsibility of the Americans to police Thailand. They certainly wouldn't send a force large enough to keep the two sides apart. I suggest you ask the Iraqis and the Afghans if the Americans bring peace to a country. I think that you'll find the Americans would be more likely to end up shooting protesters than the Thai army has been. They have zero tolerance for people running their roadblocks.


If this was the Vietnam era, the reds would have been seen as part of the Domino Theory from Vietnam and Americans probably would have gotten involved with our strong ally, Thailand. Different times. Besides, have you heard, America is BROKE. Better worry more about China.

If this was the Vietnam era, the reds would have been seen as part of the Domino Theory from Vietnam and Americans probably would have gotten involved with our strong ally, Thailand. Different times. Besides, have you heard, America is BROKE. Better worry more about China.

Which is why Weng is brought to the plate to blather his rectified communist platitudes over and over again.

Keeps China on the back foot, not knowing which way the real money will go.

To their philosophy or to their pocketbook...

As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

I was under the impression Los Angeles had the largest population of Thais. Where is there a larger population? BTW L.A. Thai have a very large Red Shirt support group.

now this is just a guess, but how about Bangkok. BTW Bangkok has a very large anti-red group :D:D:D


It seems to have eluded AI that many of the deaths here have been caused by M-79 grenades, American weapons being used by the rednecks. then again AI never were the fastest kids in the playground.


Many Thais are probably like many people around the world and want more than they presently have in a material sense, the type of government that fulfills their wants is probably not even a real consideration.. If all of the mentioned people were truly aware and informed of living conditions that uncountable people endure and die from, the wants list may be rearranged and possibly shortened. If Norway was thrown up as a working examples of cradle to grave care for their citizens, they would probably leap on that wagon. (Pretty good example to), Brunei, Saudi Arabia, etc, could be other options.

Of course, after you explain that Thailand does not have the required resources you will bust their bubble, again.

Many Thais are probably like many people around the world and want more than they presently have in a material sense, the type of government that fulfills their wants is probably not even a real consideration.. If all of the mentioned people were truly aware and informed of living conditions that uncountable people endure and die from, the wants list may be rearranged and possibly shortened. If Norway was thrown up as a working examples of cradle to grave care for their citizens, they would probably leap on that wagon. (Pretty good example to), Brunei, Saudi Arabia, etc, could be other options.

Of course, after you explain that Thailand does not have the required resources you will bust their bubble, again.

Of course they're going to need to find some pretty large oil deposits first.


Sateev; Making an uneducated/unthoughtful guess, the republicans will rise again and rumor has it they will suggest, mandate, moderate, interfere, etc, until the step on their di.k once more. Most governments would be fantastic if it wasn't for those pesky politicians.


But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

I was under the impression Los Angeles had the largest population of Thais. Where is there a larger population? BTW L.A. Thai have a very large Red Shirt support group.

I have just recently heard that Chicago now has the largest population of Thai in the U.S.

Yeah, I know..that's what I thought too.. Chicago?? :)

As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

I was under the impression Los Angeles had the largest population of Thais. Where is there a larger population? BTW L.A. Thai have a very large Red Shirt support group.

now this is just a guess, but how about Bangkok. BTW Bangkok has a very large anti-red group :D:D:D

I had replied; Thailand! But it didn't post for some web malfunction. Thailand is very divided, my wife went to military school and her family are sugarcane, potato and rice farmers, but not from Issan. They are not red supporters... It's not a black and white (red/yellow) issue. There are many shades, but there has been a polarizing factor, named Thaksin. He's a citizen of Montenegro now, why doesn't he sick to stirring up trouble there? Since he ran away from his "own' country to avoid a two year jail term. I understand that the farmers want a fair deal, it must start with their local "Poo Yai Baan." The rice millers, and all the corrupt "officials" in their home province... Creating anarchy throughout Thailand isn't the answer to the deep seated problems here. Just my opinion though, worth less than nung satang!

Edit: typo


It would be interesting for each Thai Embassy abroad to prepare a brief to their host country, explaining why the current situation here in the Kingdom persists. Then compare them to see how many different answers are received.

The USA is NOT going to get involved! Also, there is no way that Obama would be biased towards the reds. Obama is a slightly to the left of center moderate. He is no revolutionary. He would NOT support a movement using widespread TERRORIST tactics. His first move, to bail out Wall Street and General Motors, the American ESTABLISHMENT. He has MUCH more in common with Abhisit than Weng, trust me.

Obama is slightly left of center moderate. :) .You jest no doubt. The man is a Socialist! Anyway the thread to this point has not mentioned that Amnesty International is a British organization and they are the ones requesting that America become involved, which they will not.


The only way I can see that the US would have any interest of intervening is because the ruling mafia of the US is the elitist "brothers" to persons put in place in the current Thai-government. These are the hijackers of real democracy, and are puppets of a much stronger elite. This red-shirt rebellion is not part of their looting plans and since we are talking a lot of cheap human labour here and since its relatively stable here, there is a strong reason for this mafia to keep holding on to this place. A totally failed democracy outwards to the world would not be a good example - but rather to the contrary. Loosing this battlte would mean a total failure and a boost to similar powers in other democracies.

The looting I refer to is in part the scheme where they construct problems, waiting for people to demand a solution, and then giving their only solution that they have planned all along the way. This is how it works in all other democracies where media is part to blame together with the politicians with how they are limiting the scope of all discussion and how they will fix problems. In Thailand there is a whole lot of problems that media can create and the politicians can find their own suitable sollutions to. Lately it has been regarding the economy, thus giving poeple the sollution of IMF and by this they are able in the long run to keep poverty high by making pay-back plans that are never meant to be escapeable. How about the US and other countries can get sugar, rice and other commodities much cheaper, as part of paying back intrest on the loans that Thailand have made.

There is several good reasons to have your mafia-brothers in charge of a country like Thailand...


The only way I can see that the US would have any interest of intervening is because the ruling mafia of the US is the elitist "brothers" to persons put in place in the current Thai-government. These are the hijackers of real democracy, and are puppets of a much stronger elite. This red-shirt rebellion is not part of their looting plans and since we are talking a lot of cheap human labour here and since its relatively stable here, there is a strong reason for this mafia to keep holding on to this place. A totally failed democracy outwards to the world would not be a good example - but rather to the contrary. Loosing this battlte would mean a total failure and a boost to similar powers in other democracies.

The looting I refer to is in part the scheme where they construct problems, waiting for people to demand a solution, and then giving their only solution that they have planned all along the way. This is how it works in all other democracies where media is part to blame together with the politicians with how they are limiting the scope of all discussion and how they will fix problems. In Thailand there is a whole lot of problems that media can create and the politicians can find their own suitable sollutions to. Lately it has been regarding the economy, thus giving poeple the sollution of IMF and by this they are able in the long run to keep poverty high by making pay-back plans that are never meant to be escapeable. How about the US and other countries can get sugar, rice and other commodities much cheaper, as part of paying back intrest on the loans that Thailand have made.

There is several good reasons to have your mafia-brothers in charge of a country like Thailand...


sorry if repost, made me chortle.

tulsathit TR INN: Red guards captured a man "in Army uniform", interrogated him bhind Red stage, & found out he was one of them, albeit a drunken one

about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

2 days to go before the troops are discharged...

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

Don't think you can say it was the US alone in Kuwait.

be fair they did take Grenada by themselves :)

I hope amnesty in the same report requested that reds shirt guards to not use US made weapons against the army and police. Don't want double standards do we?

Didnt realise sharpened bamboo stakes where US made weapons... :)

Are you sure? Better check with the US Patent Agency. :D

The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

You are surely fighting the windmills now

The only way I can see that the US would have any interest of intervening is because the ruling mafia of the US is the elitist "brothers" to persons put in place in the current Thai-government. These are the hijackers of real democracy, and are puppets of a much stronger elite. This red-shirt rebellion is not part of their looting plans and since we are talking a lot of cheap human labour here and since its relatively stable here, there is a strong reason for this mafia to keep holding on to this place. A totally failed democracy outwards to the world would not be a good example - but rather to the contrary. Loosing this battlte would mean a total failure and a boost to similar powers in other democracies.

The looting I refer to is in part the scheme where they construct problems, waiting for people to demand a solution, and then giving their only solution that they have planned all along the way. This is how it works in all other democracies where media is part to blame together with the politicians with how they are limiting the scope of all discussion and how they will fix problems. In Thailand there is a whole lot of problems that media can create and the politicians can find their own suitable sollutions to. Lately it has been regarding the economy, thus giving poeple the sollution of IMF and by this they are able in the long run to keep poverty high by making pay-back plans that are never meant to be escapeable. How about the US and other countries can get sugar, rice and other commodities much cheaper, as part of paying back intrest on the loans that Thailand have made.

There is several good reasons to have your mafia-brothers in charge of a country like Thailand...

Please... The US is the second largest rice producer in the world and produces it's own sugar. Every heard of C and H sugar. It stands for California and Hawaiian Sugar Corp. Where do you come up with these "facts?" Maybe you should try living in the People's Republic of China, where there is true freedom and equality for all the people! :)

Thailand is at no risk of intervention by either the US or the Eu or the UN, all three recognize the current government as legitimate and have normal relations with the current government. No outside country or the UN/EU will interfere in the internal politics of the Kingdom.

The rural poor certainly have some legitimate issues but the red-shirt movement that is so violent and NOT interested in much more than a fight between upcountry Elite and BKK money isn't credible at all.

I hope in the near future that the rural poor (from all over Thailand) divorce themselves from this violent faction that has duped them and begins a real political movement to see a measured and sustainable increase of wealth in all of Thailand.


No Western government who actually studied the situation (and yes, they actually study the real situation, not simply listen to biased news reports as many TV members do) will involve themselves in this terrorist uprising.

The UDD has absolutely no interest in helping the rural poor or their supporters in general, and there is no benefit for a foreign government to become involved in this internal conflict. There is only 1 purpose here, and that is to recover the career paths for all those loyal Thaksin military and police officers who bet their careers on Thaksin's continued reign but were sidelined after the coup. They have currently lost everything with no hope of ever attaining the spoils they were promised, and this violent war is the final result of desperate men with nothing left to lose. They will of course try to bring Thaksin back if they are successful in overthrowing the current government. They may or may not succeed with that.

The reason the reds are killing people over a few months for elections has everything to do with Anupong retiring, and the US among others understands exactly what is at stake. Somebody will lose come August. Right now, that appears to be the reds. If the current coalition government is still in power then, those who bet their careers on Thaksin will likely find themselves at a dead end with no hope of advancement.

This uprising is for the benefit of Thaksin and his entourage. It has nothing to do with democracy and nothing at all to do with helping the poor. The US only becomes involved when it clearly is their national interest. Helping a few corrupt Thaksin officials to take over control of the Thai armed forces from a few other corrupt government officials yields no benefits at all to the US. They have great relations with the Abhisit government already.

I just wish the reds would start to realize how they are being duped by their leaders. I hate to see these poor people abused in such a manner. Their legitimate concerns will never be addressed through the UDD. They need a fresh start.

But don't expect the US to take a side here. They will remain decidedly neutral.


kasit himself is a pure joke.

ministry of thaksin hunting. what a moron.

His appearance at any international community is a real shame to Thai people.

The US wont get a hand in Thailand mess. Their benefits obviously lie with the elites as it has been for a century.

If by miracle the Reds gain some control over the country, they'll still need the US support.

In term of supriority, the US is far above any political group in Thailand.

They only talk to the winner.

kasit himself is a pure joke.

ministry of thaksin hunting. what a moron.

His appearance at any international community is a real shame to Thai people.

The US wont get a hand in Thailand mess. Their benefits obviously lie with the elites as it has been for a century.

If by miracle the Reds gain some control over the country, they'll still need the US support.

In term of supriority, the US is far above any political group in Thailand.

They only talk to the winner.

I think all governments will only talk with the winner.

It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

To be fair, the US has spent a lot of money to arm the Thai military over the years, but as for training them to do anything useful, well Farang just can' t understand the Thai way of doing things, can they.

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