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There Is An Intruder In Your House, In The Middle Of The Night


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If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends. simple

What happens if she is a lady boy and you don't realize till she is in bed with you?

lose lose situation :)

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If I see/hear something in my house (eliminate family) it has climbed a 7 foot wall thru thorn bushes, side stepped 3 crotch biting dogs, broken thru the security bars, and unlocked the door, I would go back to bed, its a ghost.

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it is common sense:

Anybody entering uninvited a locked house at night signs his death warrant.

The tenant cannot for sure see if the intruder is armed or not.

The safest is to shoot to kill, especially if wife and children are in the house.

Even more so if there are several intruders. If you just wound one, he could become a problem while you take care of the others.

As far as I know, if an intruder forced entry, the Law (it could also be the criminal procedure code) automatically grants the Tenant the benefit of assumed self defense.


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I once had the village drunk open my gate walk the 30 yards towards my kitchen and harass the wife for some money to buy more alcohol.

The guy was shitfaced and wouldn't leave her alone and would not leave the property.

I stood and observed while my retired cop self wanted to physically escort him off the property, but being the alien didn't want to give a Thai an ass whippin..

The uncle, the Thai cop, was called and came over and gave the drunk an ear full..an oral ass whippin' and told him to disappear within seconds or he really would "disappear".

I asked him as to what I can do being a alien when confronted with these situations.

His response was that as long as this guy was on my ( the Mrs. ) property I had a right to do almost anything that would get him off the property, including deadly force.

The key word he kept refering to was : " On your property ".

So, I would say that if you caught a burglar inside your house and felt threatened..you would have the authority under the Thai law to do what ya gotta do.

I would still suggest that you left the Mrs. ( or any Thai ) to do it as it would be less grief for all parties involved.

Still unknown what the Thai law actually says, but according to the Thai Police ( uncle ) the guy has basically signed his death warrant.


Thats what my thai police friends say,and when they are pissed they ask if i want a gun too lol

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Wonder if the smart ars*s thinking it's a joke would feel so blase if it was them. As for the "shoot them" brigade, how easy is it for a farang to get a gun here!!!!

IMO, if the guy is in your house, it's too late. Unless you're a martial arts expert, he'll probably do you if you attack him.

My advice is stay in the bedroom and barricade the door, call the police, and wait. Better to lose property than get maimed or dead.

Personally, I keep an axe in my bedroom, so if some bad guy tries breaking through the door, I can break his arms, but I wouldn't go out and face him.

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Be prepared the economical way without dogs and traps and moats: Install spotlights, police lights and one or two sirens at the outside walls of your house and easily to be seen (fake) video cameras > That all to be switched on at a hidden place next to your bed.

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Shoot him and dump the body outside in the road.

Tell the police you heard and saw nothing.

I absolutely agree here with PP. If don't have gun knife will do. Get rid of the body. Don't be seen. You know nothing.

However, you indicated that you have a wife. She's gotta go too....witness and all that.

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" Get them off the property" really doesn't sound feasible.

What, ask politely? No way I'm giving up my one advantage of surprise

I have hammers , stakes , etc planted around the property and I keep a nasty mean looking knife, purchased locally , clean of my fingerprints- for protection, after the fact.

I could not imagine letting myself or my family being so vulnerable as to get into a hand to hand fight with some <deleted> on Ya Ba with sticks and knives, if I could simply blow his head off - why give yourself the extra hassle? If they are in your home in the midlle of the night, they are up to no good!

I live alone, am a foreigner therefore not allowed to own a gun though I have seriously considered buying one illegally as I've always had guns.

So, my only defenses are the element of surprise and household tools. The mean looking knife (clean of my prints) is to plant on an intruder if they happen to be unarmed and I am successful in any, er conflict.

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Easy enough to get a sidearm, the problem is many who have a weapon, with intent to using it, are probably more a threat to their own family than any intruder. The real point is, with the relative low cost for the items I mentioned and diligent use, a burglar is not likely to target a house that is occupied. Now just so no one will think I am making light of a potential bad situation, If a burglar did manage to get thru the security we have in place, knowing we are home (cars in carpark, etc) then he has to ask himself, would this crazy farang have a weapon?, not will he use it.

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Identify (to make sure you're not about to shoot your maid or grandpa), shoot/kill (not more than two rounds), plant knife in hand is what police friends have advised.

Naturally, I'm not advising that myself.


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If I see/hear something in my house (eliminate family) it has climbed a 7 foot wall thru thorn bushes, side stepped 3 crotch biting dogs, broken thru the security bars, and unlocked the door, I would go back to bed, its a ghost.

Yep, that does it for me except the crotch biters could've been drugged.

For me it's simple. I'm in the house with my wife and children and another being intrudes he/she is given a choice : down on the floor spreadeagled or dead. I'll deal with the consequences after. I'd rather do jail time than bury my family.

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you can't kill him coz you will be charged with murder

You are wrong! If it is night time - and your WIFE...not you, has a gun and permit - you can kill him if he is inside the house! I think you may have a problem killing them on your "property " but inside your home is a different matter. If you actually shoot them, it may again raise problems. The Thais tell me to wash my hands in petrol to remove the powder residue, and get the wife to fire a spare shot - apparently one of the first things the BIB do, is to swab your hands for gunpowder.

You really need to think of it in a way as "Am I prepared to let someone come into my home and slaughter us all, me the wife and kids? To me the, the answer is simple, if I kill the bastard and save my family, and even if I spend 25 years in clink - then it has been worth it, no doubt about it!

ermm.. arai nah?

let me get this straight -

1. you saying i am wrong

2. you saying the man of the house can act but blame on the wife after that (if your wife get jailed, what would you do?)

3. you saying you wouldn't mind be jailed for defending your family in which i do too (but you would blame on the wife first?)

so.. erm.. :)

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Be prepared the economical way without dogs and traps and moats: Install spotlights, police lights and one or two sirens at the outside walls of your house and easily to be seen (fake) video cameras > That all to be switched on at a hidden place next to your bed.

If you put a few video cameras out front, it would seem that a thief would have to ask himself if you also have a security system. They would probably move on to easier pickings if not targeting you specifically.

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Be prepared the economical way without dogs and traps and moats: Install spotlights, police lights and one or two sirens at the outside walls of your house and easily to be seen (fake) video cameras > That all to be switched on at a hidden place next to your bed.

If you put a few video cameras out front, it would seem that a thief would have to ask himself if you also have a security system. They would probably move on to easier pickings if not targeting you specifically.

Agreed, but unfortunately it also advertises that you have stuff worth thieving.

Can't beat razor wire round the perimeter 3m high wall, machine gun towers at each corner of the property, rottweillers patrolling after dark, 700 V DC welcome mat, anti personnel mines down the hallway and a .357 magnum on the bedside table.

Sleep tight, but don't forget your door key or the system neutalisation code. :)

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You really need to think of it in a way as "Am I prepared to let someone come into my home and slaughter us all, me the wife and kids? To me the, the answer is simple, if I kill the bastard and save my family, and even if I spend 25 years in clink - then it has been worth it, no doubt about it!


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Easy enough to get a sidearm, the problem is many who have a weapon, with intent to using it, are probably more a threat to their own family than any intruder. The real point is, with the relative low cost for the items I mentioned and diligent use, a burglar is not likely to target a house that is occupied. Now just so no one will think I am making light of a potential bad situation, If a burglar did manage to get thru the security we have in place, knowing we are home (cars in carpark, etc) then he has to ask himself, would this crazy farang have a weapon?, not will he use it.

A burglar going into an obviously occupied home doesn't think anything, he doesn't have the brains to think, and he is probably very desperate and aggressive.

More reasons to end this situation quickly.

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We got robbed a year & 1/2 ago. I was foolish & just latched the back door. They jumped the 1& 1/2 meter fence & popped the latch open. only 3 meters to the door( now fence higher with barb wire & 9 meters to door-door locked.) After the event The head investigator told us get a gun train to kill. If anyone breaches the fence shoot the perp dead as dead man don't talk. Make sure the wife is the one that takes the kill shot (or give her the gun after the deed is done & shoot another round anywhere to transfer gunpowder flash. We use a military flare gun also for ships so when the offender gets hit they can die in a very horrible way. I got rid of the 38 as I don't want the shell to go to my neighbors house. Since 4 of 5 are in the pokey it has been quiet. That & we have 4 random patrols a day now & not by security guards!

The usually buy out of killing someone in LOS is roughly 50,000 baht.

Note if you are going to pull a gun on someone you best use it. If they are crazed they will do you in a second with your own piece.

An electric fence not much help. Thai Kamoies don't read warnings & are stupid enough to check by touching. Unless you got a heart stopper fence- they just go up a pole & jump into your property. Hopefully I never need to use force & would only use if I am under siege. The bad part of killing would be having to live with yourself after-wards.

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Easy enough to get a sidearm, the problem is many who have a weapon, with intent to using it, are probably more a threat to their own family than any intruder.

Statistically. ( S. Levitt/S. Dubner; FREAKonomics) a family in the US with a gun in the house suffers less child mortality than a family with a pool.

In Thailand where there are no laws (enforced ) about having fences around pools, the danger would increase.

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We got robbed a year & 1/2 ago. I was foolish & just latched the back door. They jumped the 1& 1/2 meter fence & popped the latch open. only 3 meters to the door( now fence higher with barb wire & 9 meters to door-door locked.) After the event The head investigator told us get a gun train to kill. If anyone breaches the fence shoot the perp dead as dead man don't talk. Make sure the wife is the one that takes the kill shot (or give her the gun after the deed is done & shoot another round anywhere to transfer gunpowder flash. We use a military flare gun also for ships so when the offender gets hit they can die in a very horrible way. I got rid of the 38 as I don't want the shell to go to my neighbors house. Since 4 of 5 are in the pokey it has been quiet. That & we have 4 random patrols a day now & not by security guards!

The usually buy out of killing someone in LOS is roughly 50,000 baht.

Note if you are going to pull a gun on someone you best use it. If they are crazed they will do you in a second with your own piece.

An electric fence not much help. Thai Kamoies don't read warnings & are stupid enough to check by touching. Unless you got a heart stopper fence- they just go up a pole & jump into your property. Hopefully I never need to use force & would only use if I am under siege. The bad part of killing would be having to live with yourself after-wards.

Sensible post and good info. Me and Mrs Pikey have been told pretty much the same. We have a licensed Remington 870 pumper easily to hand in the bedroom and in the proposed strategy (God forbid) it would be me that'd do the fatal deed, then Mrs Pikey would fire one into the ceiling (warning shot as mentioned previously) whilst I washed my hands. I also have a cleaned cheapo BB gun in a plastic bag as our "self defence" card that would be easily placed on the lowlife.

Now this is all well and dandy. It's not internet posturing as people who know me will testify, but if the scenario played out in reality, I am not 100% sure I could go through with it and if I did, I'd be a mess after it. Let's hope that it never happens but if it did, that the sound of the gun being racked or the sight of my dog in the garden, scares them off. Sleep tight everyone. :)



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Sensible post and good info. Me and Mrs Pikey have been told pretty much the same. We have a licensed Remington 870 pumper easily to hand in the bedroom and in the proposed strategy (God forbid) it would be me that'd do the fatal deed, then Mrs Pikey would fire one into the ceiling (warning shot as mentioned previously) whilst I washed my hands. I also have a cleaned cheapo BB gun in a plastic bag as our "self defence" card that would be easily placed on the lowlife.

Now this is all well and dandy. It's not internet posturing as people who know me will testify, but if the scenario played out in reality, I am not 100% sure I could go through with it and if I did, I'd be a mess after it. Let's hope that it never happens but if it did, that the sound of the gun being racked or the sight of my dog in the garden, scares them off. Sleep tight everyone. :)



Well, now that you have posted what your intentions are in this situation for the world to read, it could seem to play out into a possible premeditated murder prosecution. Unk what would happen here under Thai law, but you just sunk yourself anywhere in the western world.

I hope you now change your scenario and hope that no one who investigates it sees your previous post.


Not saying that it would ever happen mind ya..

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Sensible post and good info. Me and Mrs Pikey have been told pretty much the same. We have a licensed Remington 870 pumper easily to hand in the bedroom and in the proposed strategy (God forbid) it would be me that'd do the fatal deed, then Mrs Pikey would fire one into the ceiling (warning shot as mentioned previously) whilst I washed my hands. I also have a cleaned cheapo BB gun in a plastic bag as our "self defence" card that would be easily placed on the lowlife.

Now this is all well and dandy. It's not internet posturing as people who know me will testify, but if the scenario played out in reality, I am not 100% sure I could go through with it and if I did, I'd be a mess after it. Let's hope that it never happens but if it did, that the sound of the gun being racked or the sight of my dog in the garden, scares them off. Sleep tight everyone. :)



Well, now that you have posted what your intentions are in this situation for the world to read, it could seem to play out into a possible premeditated murder prosecution. Unk what would happen here under Thai law, but you just sunk yourself anywhere in the western world.

I hope you now change your scenario and hope that no one who investigates it sees your previous post.


Not saying that it would ever happen mind ya..

gpdjohn, I know you are ex-LEO or something, at least very familiar with firearms thru work experience - I read previous posts on similar subjects where you have contributed and have a lot of respect for your views. I am somewhat more naive, having never been in a dire situation. However, I am old enough, wise enough and at least a little bit situationally aware that I don't believe that we are living in a paradise where every wai and smile is sincere. My belief is that as Thailand rapidly flushes itself down the toilet, there will be more desperate people looking for a few baht to survive and naturally, the "haves" will be targeted by the "have nots". I don't really see anything wrong with posting on a forum some speculation of a possible scenario? Maybe I should edit to say Mossie 500? :D

UG, we know each other and if you care to visit I will show you that I am not a man prone to BS. Mrs Pikey is a wicked cook also but it'd have to be Thai rather than a burger.....



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Yep, they can be killed, but as others have said, let the missus present the licensed weapon to the cops. By the by, what's the going rate for a 9 mil Beretta nowadays?

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