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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is practically a civil war and with war comes propaganda.

Don't be so quick to believe anything you hear.

And if you think that it isn't war and that it's just some 'terrorists' you've been duped by the media. It's been going on too long now. The country is split right down the middle, that's why they can't act against the reds, because it would result in real civil war.

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

*PHEW!* Farfetched, from reading your post, especially the second paragraph, it looks like you've been doing your own fair share of drinking! Take it easy dude and save your passion for cutting that big deal with prospective clients!

Edited by Redsunset
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For what it's worth, I believe the Director (or the person who authorised) of Chulla Hospital should do the honourable thing and resign for bringing so much shame upon himself by putting all his patients and staff in mortal danger when he openned his doors to a known terrorist group. Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility.

Did you forget to read the article? Protestors "forced their way in". So you're going to volunteer to be the next hospital director then Barky and face down and repel an angry mob? Get real!

As has been said before, the only way back for the reds now would be for the leaders to hand over all people involved in this shambolic raid. People might say that the yellow-shirts closing down the airport was bad (yes it was) but raiding a hospital !!!!!!!

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lols! Hammered, dude.... aren't you taking this a bit too far? This is merely a web chatboard, and not the international court of law. I'd focus on the work in front of you and turn off your computer! :)

Lots of time today dude. Wont have next week. This is a bad event too. Dont worry bout me man. Trips away coming soon

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

So your father in law is just another corrupt, none principled cop here like a lot of his colleges who are only good to collect bribes .. is that what you mean?

Sorry, but I've never seen " colleges' taking a bribe. I guess you meant people working for a college, is that what you mean?

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Thanks Redsunset... Just trying to get a handle on a few things...

ive seen a fair few posters claim that they want fair and democratic elections and at first i felt it was a just request...

Now there is a claim that it IS democratic... ide like a usefull reply to that claim... Shouldnt be too hard if the Red cause has any logic (minus the violence)

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Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

A clear description of the electoral system

But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

Thanks Herm... I was hoping for an honest attempted explination from a red supporter...

I hope ive offered a valid question to the reds... Lets have a reply that satisfies a valid question...

Logic does not resonate with the red shirts, while reality doesn't resonate with Abhisit!

Abhisit has to govern to a standard, with the realization that many of the allies that should be aiding him are fickle at best and betrayers at worst. If he doesn't stick to the path he's on it makes him no different than any other leader Thailand has had and the country cannot move forward. I believe he has been successful in removing or at least neutralizing some variables in this highly entropic environment. I think he's consolidated some other variables under his leadership and as each day passes, if he stays on course, I think other impediments to progress will see he may represent the best way forward. You may say I'm a dreamer....

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Better safe than sorry? Are you for real? The reds are jittery because they know what they are doing is WRONG. Wake up and smell the roses sunshine and stop making excuses for their illegal actions. Unbelievable. :)

Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

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"Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced on TV Friday that the efforts by the government and the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation have progressed a lot."

Earth to Abhisit, earth to Abisit... you are in danger or crashing with Pluto, turn right, quick! Turn right!!!

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Thanks Redsunset... Just trying to get a handle on a few things...

ive seen a fair few posters claim that they want fair and democratic elections and at first i felt it was a just request...

Now there is a claim that it IS democratic... ide like a usefull reply to that claim... Shouldnt be too hard if the Red cause has any logic (minus the violence)

Sounds like the claim in coming from ignorant people!

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lols! Hammered, dude.... aren't you taking this a bit too far? This is merely a web chatboard, and not the international court of law. I'd focus on the work in front of you and turn off your computer! :)

Lots of time today dude. Wont have next week. This is a bad event too. Dont worry bout me man. Trips away coming soon


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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

So your father in law is just another corrupt, none principled cop here like a lot of his colleges who are only good to collect bribes .. is that what you mean?

Sorry, but I've never seen " colleges' taking a bribe. I guess you meant people working for a college, is that what you mean?

When red shirts violate the law and the police stands idle by but they are very eager to stop cars and motorcycles what do you call this?

Just watch the traffic cops doing their checks or colleges ging to the bars once week collecting ...

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... but your not the only one, lannarebirth :)

Love for the red shirts a bit thin on the ground today! Wonder if they can muster up a few million to donate to charity between now and the evening news when footage of people being evacuated from Chula hospital does the rounds on the evening news...

Personally I think they can be easily duped into doing another similar PR disaster of a stunt again.

/edit wording reversed

Edited by Insight
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Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

A clear description of the electoral system

But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

The "we want democracy" is just a smoke screen.

We have been trying to get a clear answer of what the reds actually want for some time now.

No answers to date

Thanks Herm... I was hoping for an honest attempted explination from a red supporter...

I hope ive offered a valid question to the reds... Lets have a reply that satisfies a valid question...

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This entire episode has been stressful, but it is so interesting to see how many people spend so much time here getting involved in deep, meaningless, redundant conversations of re-hashed issues over and over again!

I'm not against good debate, strong convictions and progress, but there is a difference between that and wasting hours on a chatboard talking about the same thing over and over again because you have nothing better to do!!!!

At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

You don't like it then leave those who do to enjoy it.

Good lord, if you don't the show on the television, turn it off. If you don't like the country you live in, then leave!

(and just so you are aware, Redsunset, I am not talking about 'you' personally, i am using 'you' in general terms.)

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The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is practically a civil war and with war comes propaganda.

Don't be so quick to believe anything you hear.

And if you think that it isn't war and that it's just some 'terrorists' you've been duped by the media. It's been going on too long now. The country is split right down the middle, that's why they can't act against the reds, because it would result in real civil war.

Apparently you have been watching too much People TV etc ...

The Red media was not REPORTING on events. they were participating. That violates the mandate they have to serve the country so they were shut down. Red shirts are still getting their information out but no longer have access to a propoganda wing to support their illegal gathering.

While there is a deep divide politically in Thailand it certainly isn't divided down the middle. Recent polls suggest that even in Isaan only about 50% of voters agree with a call for the immediate dissolution of Parliament. That means perhaps 15% - 30% of the country would agree with the extremists amongst the reds.

It is clear that it would be a BAD idea to try for snap elections at this point in time.

The recent moves by the reds are tearing down what little moral support they ever have had ANYWHERE. The photos and videos of Sae Daeng's armed Ronin amongst them on April 10th, the video of grenade attacks coming from behind red lines at sala Daeng, the invasion TWICE of a hospital gets played up against the government's calm and measured responses. The reds lose all the way across the board on a daily basis.

Soon there will come a time when the government acts. the government will be able to replay these events and show how patient that they were, and that the time for patience had run out and nobody will condemn them.

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The whole situation with hospital is disgraceful, but really redshirts have a long, long way to go before they could be compared to Khmer Rouge.

The Khmer Rouge started up somehow and than developed into an evil killing machine that rivaled the Nazis - Pol Pot .... Hmmmmm Thak Sin ... Takki Pot .....

Edited by Herm
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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

You are really sick. I spent 4 years with my very sick father. In and out of hospitals. Many times he could not walk nor feed himself for weeks. If somebody came into a hospital where he was and did what they did last night, I would have gone home, got a gun, and shot them myself. I am NOT a gun advocate. Actually the opposite. But there are times when being able to defend yourself is good...and this would have been one.

You need to really think what you are saying here...very sick. You are a disgrace for sure....



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

It's so sad that people like you've got the right to post here. How can you dare to write such a post?

Have you aver heard what an ICU is? Can't you imagine how difficult it is to move all patients to other hospitals? Yes, people might die because the lack of treatment, a heart attack, or a post like yours. Shame on you.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Better safe than sorry? Are you for real? The reds are jittery because they know what they are doing is WRONG. Wake up and smell the roses sunshine and stop making excuses for their illegal actions. Unbelievable. :)

Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

PLEASE research politics in Thailand. There was NO DULY ELECTED body in 2006 at the time of the coup. There was an extra-constitutional caretaker government with a PM that had publicly resigned then came back ...

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The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt.

More press regarding the reds from the international media.... this time, from the apparently Thai government-controlled BBC


Thailand red-shirt protesters storm Bangkok hospital

Patients have been evacuted from a hospital in the Thai capital, Bangkok, after anti-government demonstrators forced their way into the grounds.


-- BBC 2010-04-10


Edited by ThaksinKharma
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It's so sad that people like you've got the right to post here. How can you dare to write such a post?

Have you aver heard what an ICU is? Can't you imagine how difficult it is to move all patients to other hospitals? Yes, people might die because the lack of treatment, a heart attack, or a post like yours. Shame on you.

You are missing one important fact here, any move through an outside environment of a patient within 4 day's from serious surgery increases the chance of infection considerably and therefor the reds have caused suffering and may be even the death of some patients

Edited by Herm
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... but your not the only one, lannarebirth :)

Love for the red shirts a bit thin on the ground today! Wonder if they can muster up a few million to donate to charity between now and the evening news when footage of people being evacuated from Chula hospital does the rounds on the evening news...

Personally I think they can be easily duped into doing another similar PR disaster of a stunt again.

/edit wording reversed

PR disasters don't hurt the Reds. The police do nothing and the military does nothing. The only one who cares is the government, but they are powerless.

These days if you want to do something, join the Red Shirts and then do what you want. Smile to the police and everything will be alright. They don't care.

Still, while all this goes on, the city operates as if nothing was happening. People just go about their daily business. The stock market goes up and the currency remains relatively strong. Only in Thailand. What a place.

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This latest "open mouth-insert foot" incident the reds pulled shows just how fragmented and difficult to control the different factions inside the red camp are becoming.

At last count they have about 24 or so "leaders". .. Although in reality only about 6 or so are the red propaganda machines who actually speak on stage. No one actually controls anything or anyone's actions and there is ZERO accountability to anyone when they make a blunder.

That is why there're incidents, followed up by finger pointing, denials, excuses or sometimes just outright lies from the stage at Rachaprasong.

  • We didn't authorize it. ..
  • We didn't direct them to do it. ..
  • He acted on his own. ..
  • It was 'fake reds'. ..
  • It was soldiers dressed as reds. ..
  • It was yellows dressed as reds. ..
  • It was Seh Daeng's 'ronin warriors'. ..
  • It was reds dressed as reds but they aren't real reds. ..

The pathetic excuses and constant back pedaling is almost tedious to follow .. ..

This hospital incident sure backfired in stirring up any public support for the red shirts, errr sorry strike red shirts as I see they are now the 'colorless shirts'.

The way they are going the next incarnation will probably be the 'brainless shirts'. .. :)

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Well It was easy to see through the governments accusations of them being terrorists. A moron could have done that. But for some reason the red shirts had to go out and do teriosm acts to make the government right. This is by no means being said to make the government look good they are no better just sneakier. If you don't believe me check your wallet. They just practise a quiteer type of terrorism and I might add much more rewarding for them. They don't have to camp out.

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Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

Thaksin-style (i.e. totally corrupt) government was legal ?


Duly elected...

–adverb1.in a due manner; properly; fittingly. 2.in due season; punctually.

The yellow crowd interrupted the political process - via the army - rather than work within the established system to advance their ideas for the next election cycle. The current situation(s) are the repercussions of that short sighted, ill-fated, illegal action son... do your homework.

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