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I Got Bit On The Hand By A Dog In Bangkok


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i work with dogs and farm animals (donkeys goats horses... and zoo animals) and also a year stint as small animal vet assistant for one year and owner of many yard and house dogs. dog bites get infected easily, they stay infected and they hurt like hel_l, even small ones. they cause soft tissue damage. saliva is one thing, teeth of a carnivore that pierce down in to muscle/tendons/ligaments are an other thing all togethr.

u can not test a live animal for rabies per say, the usual rule is quarantine and if the animal dies within ten days then u have a problem, so reasonable to go for the jabs and then if the animal dies, any other animals that have been in contact (including humans) need to be watched/quarantined/given the jabs.

again, if a dog behaves differently than usual, and bites (i.e. a usually placid dog bites u, or a dog staggers over to u and bites, ) that is a warning signal and preferable to get the injections. just because it has a collar in thailand (or in israel the same reasoning) doesnt mean it had its vaccines. there is not a high level of compliance in thailand for vaccinating dogs although actually, the vacciens are good for about two/three years so if the city got the dog in its rabies project (there was one in bangkok, dont remember the dates, can be googled) than the dog is more or less covered.

bte, some types of monkeys are vectors hepatitis B and some kinds, are vectors for AIDS... and a few other diseases; and their bites are horrible also... (been there, done that also)-- zoonoses are not to be taken lightly



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the usual rule is quarantine and if the animal dies within ten days then u have a problem, so reasonable to go for the jabs and then if the animal dies,

Only problem with that is, if you wait for ten days to see whether the animal dies, it may already be too late if the rabies virus has found its way to your nervous system. If it has, you will die a horrible death with or without the vaccine.

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Above poster is correct, only way to test is to kill the animal and autopsy the brain. And by the time you get the results it may be too late to start the vaccination scedule so even when it is planned to do thsi test the patient should start the vaccine series until the rersults are in.

Unless you can find the owner and verify that the dog was vacconated for rabies, you should go at once to a hospital and get the vaccine series.

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In US Embassy experience several decades ago every dog head sent for check was reported positive as nobody was willing to take a chance on having made a mistake so everyone had to take the shots anyhow. Get the shot series now.

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I once got bit by a monkey in Lop Buri. I went and got the rabies shot. Did it have rabies? I never did find out, but I am still alive with no foaming mouth. I can't see why anyone would play a guessing game when there is a way to be 100% sure you won't have any problems.

Edited by wasabi
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So did you get the rabies jab?

I am still totally perplexed by your hesitation. As someone else asked, why? Is it the money, is it a needle phobia? Why go to probably more trouble trying to get the dog tested instead of just getting a painless jab straight away?

By the way, I bet it hurts now doesn't it. I could not believe how sore my hand was with a seemingly small bite.

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Of course antiobiotics won't prevent rabies. Rabies is 100 percent fatal (OK there was one known case of a cure that I know of, but hardly worth mentioning.) You didn't mention what you know about the dog? Street dog? Were you able to talk the owner? Ideally sometimes owners can show a rabies vaccination to you (I know that ideal is rare). Probably too late for that. Might want to post in the medical section but I feel you have no choice but to go for rabies shots. Good news, word is they are not very painful these days.

I feel if you value your life you should go to the hospital ASAP.

Rabies: Bangkok's many 'soi dogs' are an eyesore and a nuisance, although they're rarely aggressive towards people – or friendly for that matter, which will probably be as much of a relief when you see the state of some of them! However, a rabid dog is a different matter and dogs do get infected from time to time in Bangkok. If you're bitten, or an open wound is licked by a dog or any other animal in Thailand (there are plenty of stray cats around too) then you should report to hospital immediately. A pre-exposure vaccination is available for this fatal disease, but if you are bitten by a suspect animal, you still need to get a series of post-exposure shots, and so the same caution should be exercised at all times, even by those who are vaccinated.

Yep it was a street dog chillin on the street, it had a collar. I saw someone today feeding it chicken bones. WHat do you think are the odds the dog has rabies and how long does someone who gets infected have to get a shot?

You know where the dog is, you saw it again today being fed chicken bones. If it were me, I'd take the dog to be quarantined and I'd get the shots. If the dog does have rabies, of course you have started the shots, plus, you have done a community service by isolating the dog for treatment or euthanasia.

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I didn't realize you can't test a live dog for rabies. Darned internet info isn't always accurate, I guess, big surprise. Anyway, if it was me, I would have gone to the hospital within hours of such a bite and I think most people would feel the same way.

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to clarify, the quarantine of the animal is not for the purpose of proving that the animal is rabid while making a person wait for getting the jabs. the purpose is to then, if the animal dies suddenly (not from stress or other illness) it is sent off to pathology and the brain tested for rabies. if positive, then all animals/people that have been in possible contact are either given jabs or quatantined and then given jabs..... depending on the country, current procedures and also the mammal in question. if found negative, the rest of the jabs are discontinued.

the person that was bitten should have , hopefully, gotten jabs within 24 hrs regardless of animal's quarantine status. quarantine also means, in the case of zoos or breeding places, that there is no livestock in/out for a specific time period until considered 'free' of the disease (rabies or whatever.).

this type of quarantine is is more a psychological activity for the benefit of the community: it shows that the community is doing something about the dog, but also recognizes that the dog has owners and , at least here, the owner has produced the dog liscense showing latest rabies vaccine.

even small bite wounds hurt horribly. have received several. cats bites are far worse ; but ive experienced hyrax bites in the legs (a large rodent), painful for at least a month, still have scars 10 yrs later; scratches by an angry baboon named mali; a large parrot almost took off my finger; endless cats, my own dog foofoo recently by accident while i tried to break up a fight stupid me; working with animals has its rewards :)) /



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If the OP still hasn't gotten the shots, by all means he should still get them. While most info you will find says get the shots ASAP, that doesn't mean if you have waited some days that the shots still can't prevent rabies. Obviously, the sooner the better, so no more procrastination.

For others who get bit if it is a pet dog, try to find the owner and try to get them to show you proof of vaccine right away.

If you get the shots started in time (usually within 7 - 10 days), you shouldn’t catch the virus at all.
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My Gdad was a prisoner of war in Changi and they were allowed a dog that they used to lick their wounds to prevent infection.

I was bitten by a monkey in KL and went for the rabies jabs; like humans monkeys mouths are pretty dirty and the scar took a while to settle.

Yes, that's right. dog's saliva works as a disinfection. It's like a home remedy. I went through that when I was a boy. When I had an accident, the dog came and licked the wound. I tried to chase it away, but my aunt said let it, it's like medicine.

Indeed, the wounds that were licked by the dog healed about two times faster than the other wounds.

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:) My first year i Thailand I got bit by a dog on my soi. Just a small nip on back of my leg. My girlfriend and all her friends insisited I get the rabies shot, said I would turn into a werewolf or something. I did go and get the shots. I always heard horror stories when I was a kid about big needles in your stomach. The New and Improved vaccine is given in arm as someone else mentioned. I have since found out that Rabies is rampant in Thailand . Consider it a rite of passage go GET the shots. Good news is if you are bitten again in the future you will only need to get 1 booster shot.


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Are you crazy? 'Never had a high school health class? By the time you show any rabies symptoms, it's too late. Everyone here is RIGHT (and how often do you see THAT happen on a TV thread??)

GO! Get the shots!! NOW!!! Don't even wait for the next commercial!!!!

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Looks like the OP posted this two days ago. Might as well end the thread now, since if the dog was rabid, it's too late for him. When infected, it can take as long as three months for symptoms to begin to show as well. For something as serious and as fatal as rabies, I'm amazed that people would spend queries posting here when for 500 baht you could get a physician's advice.

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For others who get bit if it is a pet dog, try to find the owner and try to get them to show you proof of vaccine right away.

Totally unreliable here in the land of fake pink pills - vaccine is also faked/outdated. But owner should cover your medical expenses.

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I just don't see the issue. It is an inconvenience and the Gov Hospital will only charge you 700 baht.

where does it only cost 700? I just paid 2008 BAHT and that was only for the first shot. They gonna try to charge me for the other 4 too?

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Also, I think I could probably get away with just skipping the rest of the shots. Shouldnt I dose by enough? Im pretty sure I was never even close to getting infected in the first place, 5 shots? Just seems ridiculous and another way for them to suck more money out of us.

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Oy vey, you can lead a horse to water. I think the OP has enough info now. Realistically, he is almost definitely OK (but not 100 percent certain of course) and I am sure we all wish him continued good health.

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Also, I think I could probably get away with just skipping the rest of the shots. Shouldnt I dose by enough? Im pretty sure I was never even close to getting infected in the first place, 5 shots? Just seems ridiculous and another way for them to suck more money out of us.

I'm trying to work out whether you are a troll or merely intellectually handicapped. Did you even bother to read the WHO link regarding post-exposure rabies treatment? Have you bothered to read, or are you capable of understanding the other posters here who have explained the nature of rabies and what happens to you if you are infected?

Shouldnt I dose by enough? Im pretty sure I was never even close to getting infected in the first place, 5 shots?

I haven't a clue what that means.

If you do decide to skip the remaining injections of your vaccination series and have become infected with rabies, there will certainly be a small and perhaps perceptible increase in the average intelligence of active Thaivisa forum members. And by all means, do go and try to bargain a discount for a few last bottles of Chang before developing hydrophobia.

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Also, I think I could probably get away with just skipping the rest of the shots. Shouldnt I dose by enough? Im pretty sure I was never even close to getting infected in the first place, 5 shots? Just seems ridiculous and another way for them to suck more money out of us.

I'm trying to work out whether you are a troll or merely intellectually handicapped. Did you even bother to read the WHO link regarding post-exposure rabies treatment? Have you bothered to read, or are you capable of understanding the other posters here who have explained the nature of rabies and what happens to you if you are infected?

Shouldnt I dose by enough? Im pretty sure I was never even close to getting infected in the first place, 5 shots?

I haven't a clue what that means.

If you do decide to skip the remaining injections of your vaccination series and have become infected with rabies, there will certainly be a small and perhaps perceptible increase in the average intelligence of active Thaivisa forum members. And by all means, do go and try to bargain a discount for a few last bottles of Chang before developing hydrophobia.

Get a grip dude. You are the troll. If I was a mod I would know exactly what to do with a foolish troll like you who is unable to understand the concept of what of trying to convet because he is such a conformist and blinded by cowardly fear and paranoia.

If you saw this bite, and actually read the part about having alcohol poured onto the wound immediately after the slight bite, maybe you would remotely sound like you have any claim to validity whatsoever.

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I wouldn't wish rabies on even the most annoying of trolls.

Cleaning the wound is no insurance. You may be a rebel, but why not continue the therapy, just in case?

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