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Thai Protesters Accept Pm Abhisit Election Roadmap, but refuse to go home

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And grow up, he said the 14th and said it to the entire world based on a measurable road map. Do the reds need to know the time of day or are they just hel_l bent on trying to hurt Abhisit because of the popularity he has gained while in power by demanding the EC decide on the date?

What do you not understand? Seriously. The Prime Minister can not set the date for the new election. He can only set the date for House dissolution. It's the Election Commission (EC) that then decides the date for the next election. So Abhisit saying that elections will be held on November 14th is meaningless, because he's not the one that will decide it.

Understand it now?

How many times do we have to repeat the obvious

House will be disolved at the requirement of parlimentary law

Can we please let this question be buried, and get on with solving the problem and not throwing more wood on the fire

You don't have to keep repeating anything. When the date has been set for the dissolution of the House, then the EC will confirm the date for the election, and the red shirts can go home. Unless the "issue" isn't the red shirts going home, but something else?

I guess the date will depend on how much the red shirts try to impede the roadmap. There was a caveat on the date for elections as you'll recall. Might take a little longer if all parties don't come to the table. I guess we'll see if red shirts want to be part of the problem or part of the solution. My money is on the former. Their fate is is their own hands really.

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I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

Not only are they not yet on trial, but the OAG prosecutors has not yet decided if they have enough evidence to support a prosecution of the case for forwarding to the Constitutional Court. It's a long road.

So, his comment about two lower courts already deciding on this is also false and it is still just at the stage of a recommendation from the EC who were threatened by the reds regarding this issue??? Am starting to wonder if TV should look to adding disclaimers to certain poster's posts. But looks like my fault for assuming some of what somebody says who is constantly saying untruths could actually be true.

For those who don't read newspapers:

- Thai Court ruled and accepted the case and forwarded it to the Election Commission (EC).

- EC ruled and accepted the case to be forwarded to the Constitution Court.

Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.

With some randomly selected news on the topic, just to confirm it:

Thai Court ruling: www.mcot.net/cfcustom/content.cfm?contentId=4995

EC (Election Commission) ruling: Google it.

Well, you can say what you want, but this is it. Abhisit has done what is possible and leaned over further than any politician ever before him and the reds are not happy (which was to be expected). They will not be happy unless a total pardon is given which is impossible. Thaksin is not happy because he would not be able to get back into power despite what his "medium" predicted.

Mr. Abhisit, it is time!

Nobody can put any blame upon you or the Thai government for any dead rand wounded ed's during a clean-up operation and the arrest of their leaders etc..

PLEASE do it tonight

They simply will and can not stop until they get what they want since they know, anything else will mean jail

Look at all of you. You've been calling for the government to kill its own people for over a month now. Now that a mutual agreement to peaceful reconciliation is almost worked out, the only thing you can think of is making one last call for violence and crackdown. Your call for dead and injured civilians isn't going to be answered.


No we have not, there may be a fringe element that has, but the OVERWELMING majority,

have only asked for Law And Order to be restored on the streets of Bangkok.

And noting that several dozen Reds seem bent on annihilation for the cause, it's not said lightly.

Besides he didn't CALL for dead and wounded, just that such could be expected

given the violent nature of the Red extreme elements, and that would not be reason for censure

because the Reds fighting the clean-up would take the lions share of blame, and that the red mismanagement

has made that obvious to the whole world, and most importantly the body politic of Thailand.

While you appear to remain oblivious to their suffering.

I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

Not only are they not yet on trial, but the OAG prosecutors has not yet decided if they have enough evidence to support a prosecution of the case for forwarding to the Constitutional Court. It's a long road.

So, his comment about two lower courts already deciding on this is also false and it is still just at the stage of a recommendation from the EC who were threatened by the reds regarding this issue??? Am starting to wonder if TV should look to adding disclaimers to certain poster's posts. But looks like my fault for assuming some of what somebody says who is constantly saying untruths could actually be true.

I believe this is where things stand as of April 20th. I don't know what progress has been made since then:

The EC earlier this month decided by a vote of 4-1 to seek the dissolution of the Democrat Party, haviong ruiled it unlawfully accepted a 258 billion baht donation from TPI Polene Plc in 2005 and misused the 29 million baht fund for political development.

Mr Waiyut said the prosecutors had not yet received the case from the EC. On receiving it, the panel will have 30 days to consider the case.

If the prosecution team agrees the EC has sufficient evidence to support its case, it would forward it to the Constitution Court for a final decision.

However, if the panel finds the EC's case is not strong enough, a joint EC-prosecution committee would be set up to review the case.


I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

we all know what he is and why he is here

so lets make him work hrd for it

just keep posting and make him answer to get his daily bread

as to EC commission rulings on elections

they mattered little to Thaksin when on February 24th 2006 he dissolved parliament and was required to have an election within two months

he had still not organised an election up until he was removed as self appointed caretaker PM on September 19th 2006 in a coup.

so much for the power of the EC commission over the PM

how can anyone take them seriously when they caved in minutes to an overweight wedding/karaoke singer ?

Do me a favor and educate me on the need to dissolve parliament. I am from the US and we obviously do things differently and it is never a good idea to have seats in the senate/congress open and only happens in extreme circumstances. How does the country run when you have no parliament for 30+ days? I am also assuming those voted in on the 14th will not take office on the 15th. In the US we have elections on Nov. 4th (I believe) and those elected don't take power until the new year. At no point is there a need or desire to not have anyone in those elected positions during the transition. In fact, part of the job of those leaving the position, due to vote, is to pull in those who won their seat ... obviously not always a nice process but...

I have lived in thailand my whole life and i also support the violence.

You support violence? :)

i think he means against small flying beagles.......

I meant i support violence when its against barbaric/idiotic anarchist, terrorist, and violent groups who brake the law for their own benefit and do not look at how it affects anyone else in society.

I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

Not only are they not yet on trial, but the OAG prosecutors has not yet decided if they have enough evidence to support a prosecution of the case for forwarding to the Constitutional Court. It's a long road.

So, his comment about two lower courts already deciding on this is also false and it is still just at the stage of a recommendation from the EC who were threatened by the reds regarding this issue??? Am starting to wonder if TV should look to adding disclaimers to certain poster's posts. But looks like my fault for assuming some of what somebody says who is constantly saying untruths could actually be true.

I believe this is where things stand as of April 20th. I don't know what progress has been made since the:

The EC earlier this month decided by a vote of 4-1 to seek the dissolution of the Democrat Party, haviong ruiled it unlawfully accepted a 258 billion baht donation from TPI Polene Plc in 2005 and misused the 29 million baht fund for political development.

Mr Waiyut said the prosecutors had not yet received the case from the EC. On receiving it, the panel will have 30 days to consider the case.

If the prosecution team agrees the EC has sufficient evidence to support its case, it would forward it to the Constitution Court for a final decision.

However, if the panel finds the EC's case is not strong enough, a joint EC-prosecution committee would be set up to review the case.

The Constitution Court has already accepted the case, as of April 28th. Google "Court to consider Democrat case". I can't post the link here because TheNation prohibits linking to the other popular newspaper in Bangkok. But it's the 1st result on Google.

I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

Not only are they not yet on trial, but the OAG prosecutors has not yet decided if they have enough evidence to support a prosecution of the case for forwarding to the Constitutional Court. It's a long road.

So, his comment about two lower courts already deciding on this is also false and it is still just at the stage of a recommendation from the EC who were threatened by the reds regarding this issue??? Am starting to wonder if TV should look to adding disclaimers to certain poster's posts. But looks like my fault for assuming some of what somebody says who is constantly saying untruths could actually be true.

For those who don't read newspapers:

- Thai Court ruled and accepted the case and forwarded it to the Election Commission (EC).

- EC ruled and accepted the case to be forwarded to the Constitution Court.

Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.

With some randomly selected news on the topic, just to confirm it:

Thai Court ruling: www.mcot.net/cfcustom/content.cfm?contentId=4995

EC (Election Commission) ruling: Google it.

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

I have lived in thailand my whole life and i also support the violence.

You support violence? :)

i think he means against small flying beagles.......

I meant i support violence when its against barbaric/idiotic anarchist, terrorist, and violent groups who brake the law for their own benefit and do not look at how it affects anyone else in society.

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. <snip>

I cannot think of a more idiotic and trivial thing than whining about the EC needs to agree to the 14th. The EC is going to go along with what is in the best interest of the country and the EC is not going to have A SINGLE issue with this date given the wide support.

Lets also remember the person spouting this nonsense is the same guy who swore up and down yesterday the democrats committed voter fraud instead of simply being accused of illegal contribution issues that certainly does not mean, even if held to be true, there will be a disbanding of the party.

He is also stating now the democrats are on trial for this now. Did I miss something or does he not understand what a trial is?

Not only are they not yet on trial, but the OAG prosecutors has not yet decided if they have enough evidence to support a prosecution of the case for forwarding to the Constitutional Court. It's a long road.

So, his comment about two lower courts already deciding on this is also false and it is still just at the stage of a recommendation from the EC who were threatened by the reds regarding this issue??? Am starting to wonder if TV should look to adding disclaimers to certain poster's posts. But looks like my fault for assuming some of what somebody says who is constantly saying untruths could actually be true.

For those who don't read newspapers:

- Thai Court ruled and accepted the case and forwarded it to the Election Commission (EC).

- EC ruled and accepted the case to be forwarded to the Constitution Court.

Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.

With some randomly selected news on the topic, just to confirm it:

Thai Court ruling: www.mcot.net/cfcustom/content.cfm?contentId=4995

EC (Election Commission) ruling: Google it.

"I read the papers every day and I believe every word they print." :)

And of course the lack of critical thinking to INTERPRET the news from multiple sources

is a UN-necessary part of forming rational views on the worlds happenings. No?

Wanna by a bridge in Brooklyn, it's in the newspaper too.

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

yes i have a source and yes its a secret

its not going to happen

trust me.

I have lived in thailand my whole life and i also support the violence.

You support violence? :)

i think he means against small flying beagles.......

I meant i support violence when its against barbaric/idiotic anarchist, terrorist, and violent groups who brake the law for their own benefit and do not look at how it affects anyone else in society.

It depends how you look at it - history is filled with 'terrorists' who are now respected politicians (i.e. the IRA and Nelson Mandala to name but two) - todays terrorists are often tomorrows respected statesman (depends who wins).

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

yes i have a source and yes its a secret

its not going to happen

trust me.

Unfortunately I agree – the elite will protect their own - not through justice but because of... bla bla bla

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

yes i have a source and yes its a secret

its not going to happen

trust me.

So you're suggesting that the Democrats won't be dissolved, because the decision is already made, right?

Obviously, that would be fraudulent, wouldn't it? Since the Courts making a decision without even having received all the documents of the case would be fraud. Therefor, you're accusing the Thai Consitution Court of fraud? You realize that it's a crime to suggest such a thing, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to hear your explanation as to why you think it won't happen.

And grow up, he said the 14th and said it to the entire world based on a measurable road map. Do the reds need to know the time of day or are they just hel_l bent on trying to hurt Abhisit because of the popularity he has gained while in power by demanding the EC decide on the date?

What do you not understand? Seriously. The Prime Minister can not set the date for the new election. He can only set the date for House dissolution. It's the Election Commission (EC) that then decides the date for the next election. So Abhisit saying that elections will be held on November 14th is meaningless, because he's not the one that will decide it.

Understand it now?

Could somebody tell me how to IGNORE deadsnoopy ? I'm tired of HIS misonderstanding of the whole situation!

LMAO, sorry but every time he posts this topic always comes up

I am so tempted to keep him blocked too but the stuff is sometimes pretty funny. But it is sad that he has such passion but keeps latching onto things he hears but has done little research or listening on the topic.

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened. If anyone got harmed during the move, you should put it on the bill of the hospital and its staff, since it was their decision to move the patients. The red shirts didn't harm any patients and neither did they ask them to be moved. But that's a discussion for another thread, not this one, so let's leave it at that and not go further off-topic.

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

Then you have absolutely NO understanding of karma (like most Thai's actually) go read the Dhammapada and try to vision a larger picture at work rather than advocating violence against either side - Om Shanti

''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

yes i have a source and yes its a secret

its not going to happen

trust me.

So you're suggesting that the Democrats won't be dissolved, because the decision is already made, right?

Obviously, that would be fraudulent, wouldn't it? Since the Courts making a decision without even having received all the documents of the case would be fraud. Therefor, you're accusing the Thai Consitution Court of fraud? You realize that it's a crime to suggest such a thing, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to hear your explanation as to why you think it won't happen.

sorry its a secret protected by client/attorney privilage


Does the court have a date to which they must make a ruling? Do the court also decide the punishment and if so, is that a different phase? And does a trial actually or hearing actually take place or is evidence and defense submitted by paper?

Does the court have a date to which they must make a ruling? Do the court also decide the punishment and if so, is that a different phase? And does a trial actually or hearing actually take place or is evidence and defense submitted by paper?

ask the dead dog, he seems to have all the answers ..........except the result


I detect a sense of disappointment amongst the Maoist/Trotskyite red supporters (you know who you are) that this situation now has a chance of working out peacefully. A minor detail here, a legality there become important - whereas previously legalities were to be brushed aside as inconveniences.

Don't think of it as a loss for your massive egos - rather, (hopefully) a win for Thailand.

And grow up, he said the 14th and said it to the entire world based on a measurable road map. Do the reds need to know the time of day or are they just hel_l bent on trying to hurt Abhisit because of the popularity he has gained while in power by demanding the EC decide on the date?

What do you not understand? Seriously. The Prime Minister can not set the date for the new election. He can only set the date for House dissolution. It's the Election Commission (EC) that then decides the date for the next election. So Abhisit saying that elections will be held on November 14th is meaningless, because he's not the one that will decide it.

Understand it now?

Are you sure give what has transpired. I don't know but, the goverment has made several decrees relating to state of emergency short of declaring martial law. Does SOP still apply under these conditions.

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened. If anyone got harmed during the move, you should put it on the bill of the hospital and its staff, since it was their decision to move the patients. The red shirts didn't harm any patients and neither did they ask them to be moved. But that's a discussion for another thread, not this one, so let's leave it at that and not go further off-topic.

No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened. If anyone got harmed during the move, you should put it on the bill of the hospital and its staff, since it was their decision to move the patients. The red shirts didn't harm any patients and neither did they ask them to be moved. But that's a discussion for another thread, not this one, so let's leave it at that and not go further off-topic.

No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?

Did he die because of his condition? Or as a result of the hospital staff deciding that he should be moved?

So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened. If anyone got harmed during the move, you should put it on the bill of the hospital and its staff, since it was their decision to move the patients. The red shirts didn't harm any patients and neither did they ask them to be moved. But that's a discussion for another thread, not this one, so let's leave it at that and not go further off-topic.

No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?

Are you really going to ask him this? Obviously he has no problem with 100+ people storming his home and searching for soldiers because they saw food delivered there and certainly has no problem with being stopped on the road, pulled from his car and searched by the reds too. So, obviously he will have no problem with his dad dying if at the hands of reds. Bottom line he believes the reds know more about and care more about patient care than the medical staff.


but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

yes i have a source and yes its a secret

its not going to happen

trust me.

So you're suggesting that the Democrats won't be dissolved, because the decision is already made, right?

Obviously, that would be fraudulent, wouldn't it? Since the Courts making a decision without even having received all the documents of the case would be fraud. Therefor, you're accusing the Thai Consitution Court of fraud? You realize that it's a crime to suggest such a thing, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to hear your explanation as to why you think it won't happen.

sorry its a secret protected by client/attorney privilage

Timekeeper, dude you sound inane.... like a silly wannebe spy...

Remember that movie TRUE LIES with the car dealer who was posing as some silly secret agent to try and sweep Jamie Lee Curtis off her feet from her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger? He was actually trying to show off when he was just a nobody? Timekeeper you are that actor!!!!!

Now stop playing Dick Tracy and join us at the adult table here! :)

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