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We are buying a new oven today, we are outside homepro now. i saw a sharp healsio steamoven. it looks really nice, but i am not familiar with this kind of oven, so i would be very grateful if someone has any advice!

thanks in advance!


yes, i have read most of them, but also looking for personal advice. i couldnt find a single comprehensive review on the net. so, thats why i am asking for advice from readers here.


Just a minute. You are buying a new oven today and are outside home[pro and now you think to seek advice? :D

A little late isn't it? :)

Personally I'd stick with what works and has done so for many years. :D


i was planning to buy a conventional oven, but saw this thing. i dont live in a big city, so dont see the selection very often. fortunately i have mobile net and could check up a bit.

the sharp healsio doesnt seem to be much sold in the west, but is popular in japan. a Japanese governmental agency voted it one of the 100 most innovative products for japan, dont remember what year, but not long ago.

i am sad to see a subforum turning into what looks like the general forum: silly comments like use google and comments not related to the subject at hand. often it boils down to a disrespect for the person one is communicating with, or to be more precise: the person one thinks one communicates with. thanks to those who didnt fall into that trap though.


If you are talking about Convection combination oven, they are great. They work on steam or heat or both together, save money on wastage. Like Roasting beef for example, cooks more evenly and less time.


I would love to have a steam oven... best for making bread.

Convection, best for roasting and good for some baking applications.

If it does both, you're in cooking heaven.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

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