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Hi TV net friends

If someone who knows what they are really talking about ( I dont thats for sure) can you help me figure out what I should do .....I would appreciate it very much

Here is my situation….

I live in Thailand full time and plan to live here in the foreseeable future

I am now 50 years old now and have a fairly new US passport

my 1 year, multi entry “O” visa .....(good for 12 month but really 15 months) stay is about to end

I get that by showing I support my 1/2 Thai child (letter from Thai mother) and show money (over 800K THB) in the Thai bank too

I don’t live with the child or the mother... the relationship didn’t make it but each year I sent money for support and I need to go make new visa soon

I have some cash (over 800K THB) in a Thai bank account for long time now

have it in a "fixed account getting earning .75 % interest"

also have another bank account..... not taxed gaining 2.6 per year interest (over 800K THB as well)

I like to go to Penang to make my visa and border runs which I must do each 3 months

I would like to have a multi entry visa and not have to leave the country if I don’t want though its not so bad and I do have a nice trip to Penang each 3 months

I would prefer to go there when I want not each 3 months though if possible

I live near Samui immigration

I don’t have a good income....my biz back home is slowed down so I cant show much income either.

Anyways I want to stay here for longer and want the option to take a trip now and then again but don’t want to really have to go out each 3 months but I am willing if I must too

It’s a drag but not a big drag for now as I am fit health wise but I am low on funds for sure so I want to get the most bang (time) for my buck if you follow me?

Before my health was bad and I was afraid to have to travel but I have recovered mostly and don’t worry about such things as much now


Over 50 and with proof of having 800,000 baht in a bankaccount in Thailand for at least 3 months, you can apply for a 1 year extension of stay based on retirement at your regional immigraiton office.

Just update your bankbook and also get a letter from the bank confirming your saldo. Do that the same day you go to immigraiton or the day before. At immigration you apply for a 1 year extension of stay, with as reason retirement. At the same time apply for a re-entry permit (signle or multiple). This will allow you to travel outside of Thailand without losing your permisison to stay.


With copy of ID card you could likely obtain a new visa of that type in Perth - but do not believe you will obtain anywhere closer.

You might want to consider application for retirement extension of stay using your bank account (although another poster had bad luck last week who knows about next week). Get letter of account balance from bank and application only costs 1,900 baht and a photo - if refused perhaps they will suggest change of account type for a few months or something - if not you have not lost that much and can look for visa again.


sorry i am slow....I dont get the advice yet?

i plan to go to Penang for a new visa


thats not the the issuse

i want to know which visa to apply for? and what to bring?

a retirment visa or a visa because I support my thai child where they give yo an "o" visa and I must leave each 3 months which isnt so fun for me?

please let me know what you think and what to do?

I dont like samui immigration so much and would like to stay out of that office as much as possible....thats for sure too


In both cases you will get a non-O visa, good for 90 days, after which you leave the country or you apply for an extension of stay at immigration. If you have the required money in the bank, you can do that now already. Only with an extension of stay can you stay longer than 90 days in Thailand.


Ok I am getting this slowly still...thanks for he help so far by the way

note: for now I am not willing to return back to USA to do make any visa work by the way

so that cuts out getting a retirement visa as I can’t get that in Penang right?

I hold a US passport and over 50 with more than 800K in the Thai bank for over a year

so now you’re saying…..I go to Penang and not ask for a 1 year "O" multi entry visa (like I did do last year and they accepted this easy)

Based on retirement or Thai child support?

That will be good for 15 months actually correct?

Before I paid 500 RM last time for the one year multi entry “O” visa

with that and they gave me 90 days per entry.

So now you’re saying instead go to Penang and just ask for a 90 day "O" visa... right?

Then later before it expires…. go see the friendly immigration service in Samui and they will offer me an “extension of stay” to this 90 day “O” visa and I pay them so much more money for this pleasure.

How much do they charge and what do I need?

I can prove I have 800K money in the bank sure.

How much do I give them for their extension of stay?

And they can make it so I can leave and leave from the country when ever I want for this time period of 12 months?

How does that work and how much does this cost each time I want to leave?

OK thanks


If your current permission to stay has not expired, you can go to immigration now and get a one year extension for 1900 baht.

You do not have to leave the country and get a new visa.

You will need your passport, and copies. Photos. Your bankbook and a letter from your bank showing that you have had 800k baht in the bank for the last 3 months. The bankbook and the bank letter must show exactly the same amount. I can't remember if there is anything else you'll need.

When you fill out the form at immigration it will ask you what the reason is for the extension. Put 'retirement'.

You do not need to leave the country as long as your current permission still has time left on it.

You would also ask for a multiple re-entry permit. It will cost 3800 baht and allow you as many entries to Thailand as you want during the year. No extra cost for each entry.


Post number 8 answers your questions.

No need to go anywhere other than the Immigration Office.

2.22 In the case of a retiree: Permission will be granted for a period of not more

than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) The applicant is 50 years of age or over;

(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application


hi again first thanks for the info

my current "O" multi entry visa is expired actually (I think)I am on month 14th i think

it expired (enter before) Feb 25th 2010

so can I still do what you are talking about? that would be great if I can thanks


"my current "O" multi entry visa is expired actually (I think)I am on month 14th i think

it expired (enter before) Feb 25th 2010 so can I still do what you are talking about?"

Yes, you can, as long as your current permission to stay is still good. That date should be 90 days from the last time you entered Thailand.

Sorry I can't help with a phone number. I think the numbers might be posted in the 'pinned' threads at the top of the forum.


good news....

today went in with bank letter, two pics of me and the orginal bank book just in case... also had all copies of passport, entry card, visa and stamps

got the form filled it out in 10 mins, handed over 8800 THB and waited...

they wanted me to come back in the afternoon but I told them I will wait now and they did the whole thing quicky fast I must say

by sometime after 12 noon i got my full 1 year extension!!!

thanks it was so easy and fast... wow

i must report in every 3 months(i had to ask they didnt tell me this) is all and not pay till 1 year more again

and I can entr and leave as I choose now... I like this... thanks

thanks all for your help and useful ideas :)

:) 8800 baht.

The new regime at Samui immigrations are worse than the old one.

It could be 5,000 baht plus 3,800 baht for multiple re-entry permit.



5,000 baht plus 3,800 baht for multiple re-entry permit

i think that is the costs and how they worked it out

i paid 8800 THB for sure I do know that

and they did not give me a reciept i think

i would like to know more about this?

please tell me???

did they cheap me or treat me fair or?

i thought it might have been 5500 THB for the whole thing possibly in Penang (550 RM) but not sure either

i never did this before and was suggested this way on the forum so I did it

they didnt make me see the Doctor or anything else

just the letter from the bank is all they wanted really and my passport O visa from 1 year ago


The fees are.

Extension.... 1,900 Baht.

Re Entry Permit.... 3,800 Baht.

Total.... 5,700 Baht.

So yes you were ripped off.

This is quite normal at Samui Immigration. You are not alone. :)


What you obtain at a Consulate is not the same thing you receive at Immigration and the price is not the same - legal Consulate price would be 5,000 baht for a multi entry visa (or equivalent in local currency). But Immigration cost of TM.7 extension of stay, regardless of time, is 1,900 baht. But you can not travel with that so would require extra expense of you do.


Hi you just said something I don't get lopburi3.

And I want to make crystal clear I understand all this….ALL!

I can see they over charged, me.

If I would have gone to Penang and asked for the retirement visa there I would have gotten it there and been able to stay in the country for 12 months uninterrupted?

And only paid 550 RM correct?

So was this a foolish way to handle things as I already planned a trip there anyways soon.

The thinking I thought was cool about this way I did…. was I didn't have to leave the country every 3 months like I had always had to before even though I had a 12 month O visa.

Each entry was only 90 days long before with my visas.

I realize I must now report to the Samui (or closest immigration office where I happen to be at the time.) immigration office each +-3 months and fill out a form at no charge.

I understand as of now I have an extension of my visa good for one year.

And I never need to leave the country for this one year period.

I can leave if I choose and I do have the official docs so this extension won't expire if I do leave and return again which I do plan to do sometimes.

Lopburi3 you wrote:

"But you can not travel with that so would require extra expense of you do."

I don't get it?

Your saying I must pay more for something if I want to leave?

I have already paid more I thought?

Please explain I think I am misunderstanding something



Penang Consulate issues Visas.

What you have is a 12 month extension of stay.

Not the same thing.

If you had been able to get a Multi Entry Non Imm O Visa from Penang which is doubtful you would have to leave the country every 90 days.

With your extension there is no need to.

However as you have a Multi Re Entry Permit you can come and go as you please.

After 90 days of continuous stay you must report your address to Immigration.

I realize I must now report to the Samui (or closest immigration office where I happen to be at the time.) immigration office each +-3 months and fill out a form at no charge.

You must report to Samui immigrations only.

You have a time frame of seven days before and after reporting day.

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