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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders


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Of course, while it may require force to disperse the demonstrators and get very messy, ultimately this foot dragging provides the government with the opportunity to rescind its offer to hold early elections which would have come far too early under the Prime Minister's plan... Since none of the governments concessions seem to gain sincere responses from the reds (and who really expects sincerity from terrorists). Perhaps this is what the government needs to do whatever is necessary and come out smelling like a rose...

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This really is becoming more farcical by the day. The Government making more empty threats, the Red shirts making sillier demands.

I am waiting for tomorrow when the Red shirts demand Abhisit and Suthep to walk hand in hand the whole length of Sukhumvit, stark boll@ck naked, and then they promise to go home.

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, say well for the good of the country we will do it. They do it and then the Red Shirts say Ah but you went the wrong way!!!

Its ridiculous, country being held to ransom, Govt too weak to do anything.

Send the tanks in, enough of the procrastination. Red Shirts are deliberately taking the p!ss

completely agree give em 24 hours warning that army going and gonna use force hopefully women and children leave anyone that stays deserves all they get...........

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Time now for the Government of the People to actually get a backbone and wipe this riff raff off the streets and arrest the criminals responsible for this.

This is clear for everyone to see. Very clear.

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Then I predict that Reds will also request Yellows to charged / prosecuted before ending their rally ...

You might be joking, but you never know what those weirdos will think of next.

Only your 4th post in 3 years? Wow... the patience and self control...

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Maybe Suthep "surrendering" to DSI is the wrong word to use; maybe "reporting" to DSI is more appropriate as he is going in just for questioning relating to the complaint. Lot of Red Shirt "spin" of the story/event going on here. What has the Red Shirts leaders really concerned is that they must surrender/report to the police on 15 May--I'll be surprised if they report on that date and will continue to try to bargain for a deal which will let them off the hook. Heck, the Yellow Shirts weaved, dodged, and delayed until they pretty much got off the hook. I guess weaving, dodging, and delaying works well in Thailand.

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The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

Of course not, Suthep is basically the guy who runs the DSI. It's like Mickey Mouse surrendering to Disneyland. :)

Red to the core, eh? Nuttawut stated clearly, remember, if he turns himself in, the reds will leave. He made arrangements, and Nuttawut suddenly changed his stance. It really stands to reason that everything the red leaders have said is nothing but lies and deception. The veil has been uncovered.

Not at all. Suthep surrendering to his own department ..are you serious? It is like Mickey Mouse surrendering to Disneyland. Or Michael Jackson surrendering to Neverland. They should arrest Seh Daeng if they want to make any progress. But the army is standing 10 feet away from him and isn't doing anything. Maybe they don't want this to end?

Che, where you you get the idea that Suthep that DSI reports to Suthep???

I don't think so.

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Don't talk about something you only get a small selected part of info and not the real picture. I just had to open my window and I could listen word by word what Nattawut and Jatuporn were declaring some moments ago. Here what I understood from the life announcements:

The red leaders want to have equal treatment and no double standards. If they are to face terrorism charges then PM Abhisit and Suthep have to face equivalent charges for killing at least 21 civilians on April 10. Abhisit and Jatuporn have got parliamentary immunity therefore they can be charged but they don't have to turn themselves in before the house is dissolved. Suthep has no immunity so he has to be charged and has to turn himself in. Once Suthep is charged and turns himself over to the police, they will end the rally and the leaders except Jatuporn will also turn themselves in to deal with the charges. The red leaders demand a level playing field in the judicial process. There will be no reconciliation if the cases for ordering the killing of civilians on April 10 are not pursued against perpetrators.

The fact that Suthep turns himself in to the DSI was known already earlier. This is not enough for the red shirts because there is a very obvious conflict of interest.

Don't shoot the messenger - I stay out of political discussions and will not answer any comment; I just felt it was necessary to clarify and provide more facts of what is going on.

Thanks for bringing the truth to this thread . It seems according to the Nation trusted word :) that the reds are only after Suthep not the PM but you must know better

Problem is that like this , the protest will never end

I am worried for the future . Time to put some plywood on your windows LOL

There's multiple people on Twitter doing the translation. Here's the ridiculous part of it from their demands, as provided by TallForeigner:

If they are to face terrorism charges then PM Abhisit and Suthep have to face equivalent charges for killing at least 21 civilians on April 10

This is something they clearly have no problem doing. The red shirts look like absolute clowns now.

It'll be sad if it comes to sending in the forces to clear out the protesters, but at least the govt can rest assured that now will be met with lots of support. Meanwhile the reds can carry on making their idiot demands.

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Suthep goes to the CSU... If he has nothing to fear, what is the issue?

The DSI is handling the case for the dead relatives no?

What dead?

No. For me, no deaths, one unlucky guy being beaten and being burned in Sanam Luang. Only one guy by that day.

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Given the speed with which both Suthep and Abhisit called the Red bluff and agreed to the demand that they go to the Police, I speculate that the tables may have been turned and that it is now they who have someone on the the 'inside' of the Red sanctum/rectum.

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Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I disagree - so I'm a troll? of course everyone disagreeing with you 'must' be wrong? rolling in tanks in the middle of the Caital? last time I heard that done was Bejing - it would simply inflame Thailand and push it into civil war.

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I keep noticing that in a number of threads and various replies the phrase ' government / PM...order the killing of civilians' , keeps cropping up. Does anyone have evidence that at some point in the not too distant past the government sat down and ordered the army to go and kill civilians????

If my memory serves me right the PM ordered the rally to be dispersed in line with International standards.And was at the time very explicit that these were his wishes. Unless international standards include ordering the killing of civilians how has this phrase become accepted as the truth??

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Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I'm right thinking, and I'm a disagreeing :)

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Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I disagree - so I'm a troll? of course everyone disagreeing with you 'must' be wrong? rolling in tanks in the middle of the Caital? last time I heard that done was Bejing - it would simply inflame Thailand and push it into civil war.

You've made her point. It's the blood she wants and her cause needs. Its sarcasm, though poorly delivered.

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Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

I disagree - so I'm a troll? of course everyone disagreeing with you 'must' be wrong? rolling in tanks in the middle of the Caital? last time I heard that done was Bejing - it would simply inflame Thailand and push it into civil war.

However, do you agree that the Chinese DID solved the problem by rolling in the tanks?

Or do you care to disagree.

BTW Tanks (or APC as you call it) were rolled and destroyed on 10-Apr-2010. Want to see some photos?

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When Suthep 'surrenders' tomorrow, what will be the next demand?

Are the reds playing for time?

What outcome can they expect when they pack up and go home? Arrest of the leaders? What is the exit strategy for the leaders?

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I keep noticing that in a number of threads and various replies the phrase ' government / PM...order the killing of civilians' , keeps cropping up. Does anyone have evidence that at some point in the not too distant past the government sat down and ordered the army to go and kill civilians????

If my memory serves me right the PM ordered the rally to be dispersed in line with International standards.And was at the time very explicit that these were his wishes. Unless international standards include ordering the killing of civilians how has this phrase become accepted as the truth??

Your memory serves you well.

How has this phrase gotten to the point where it is now? Very simple: the red shirts leaders, and the red shirt apologists on this board, know full well that a lie, made large enough and repeated often enough, becomes the truth.

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Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

So? The redshirt charges are spurious, an attempt to throw up a smokescreen around their guilt. They attacked the military. they have been responsible for all deaths . The government and its officials committed no crimes. Frankly seems like the reds are stalling, the government should see that they have to be crushed by whatever means including aggressive actions in those regions where they are strongest. It is two bad the factionalism this afternoon didn't lead to the reds saving the government the trouble of undertaking a course that seems unavoidable.

What are you babbling about? Do you want me to pull up photos of 2 years ago when the yellow shirts attacked the army and the police? What about the grenade attacks that happened when they took over the airports? Held all the airplanes hostage for days? Why did they walk after 30 minutes? If the red shirts are terrorists, aren't the yellow shirts terrorists as well? And the government officials didn't commit any crimes? What about the Foreign Minister that played a big part in the airport hostage taking? So again, what are you babbling about?

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Actually, there is no double standard.

Many of the red leaders today were released on bail from 3 years ago, not 2 years like PAD leaders, and the red leaders' trials are still not visible on the horizon after even a greater time of waiting by the public to see them held accountable.

These thugs have been leading violence for a loooong time with, as of yet, no repercussions.

I believe they might have violated their bail conditions around 2,109 times:

From the August 6, 2007 The Nation

Six anti-coup leaders freed on bail

Six detained leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship are released on bail on Monday at 5 pm on a condition ordered by the Criminal Court that they will not lead any rallies or cause trouble concerning the national security.

So what is Police waiting to revoke their bail and put them under custody jail?

They could have revoked their bail the very next day, 3 years ago, when they went right back to leading the red rallies after being granted bail.

From the August 7, 2007 The Nation

Freed leaders join rally

Six detained leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) headed to a rally at Sanam Luang right after their release on bail yesterday evening amid cheers and laughter from 2,000 supporters.

Edited by indemnity
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Deputy PM to surrender to DSI on Tuesday.

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will surrender to Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday to testify against a complaint by victims of April 10 violence.

The decision came as red shirts leaders announced that they would end the rally at Rajprasong if Suthep surrendered to face charge.

Relatives and families of victims of the April 10 violence, led by opposition party Pheu Thai, filed a complaint with DSI against Suthep and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva for allegedly ordering the crackdown, resulting in death and injuries.


-- The Nation 2010-05-10


maby it is better not to write or speak about this annymore ?

Let us know when the reds are gone,thats all.

The rest is total unintresting.

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Suthep and Abhisit shouldn't have to face equivalent charges for anything. The reds are convinced that both are responsible for the killing and wounding of many on April 10. However, their "proof" as they call it, is from a video played by Arisiman which shows nothing but shadowy, blurred figures. That's not evidence at all.

The government has no problem blaming grenade attacks on the red shirts - without even blurry video evidence. So where is that evidence? Better a blurry video than nothing at all. :)

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Deputy PM to surrender to DSI on Tuesday.

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will surrender to Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday to testify against a complaint by victims of April 10 violence.

The decision came as red shirts leaders announced that they would end the rally at Rajprasong if Suthep surrendered to face charge.

Relatives and families of victims of the April 10 violence, led by opposition party Pheu Thai, filed a complaint with DSI against Suthep and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva for allegedly ordering the crackdown, resulting in death and injuries.


-- The Nation 2010-05-10


maby it is better not to write or speak about this annymore ?

Let us know when the reds are gone,thats all.

The rest is total unintresting.

I though RED say Police and not DSI.

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