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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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The farang anti-democracy posters seem to believe that democracy is extruded from the barrel of a gun, or pressed out from tank treads. It aint. That is the ideology of the Brute Force & Ignorance Tendency – once represented by the Nazis.

The legitimacy of a democratic government & its laws are established at the ballot box, by the majority of voters. It is irrelevant what farangs (you or I) think of the resulting regime (Mr T, et al). Sad that you & I didn't approve of Mr T. Real sad, but farangs should mind their own business, & let the Thais tend their own business.

The Thais made their choice, so that is clear. Comment is allowable, but what kind of arrogance is it that assumes certain farangs can make superior choices?

The tide is turning, I hope towards a stable democratic system. Whatever, farangs have no role except as commentators. This commentator has lived long enuf to remember Nazi bombs & guns. He can assure you anti-democrats & jackboot-likkers that those who fought against them were the democrats, those behind them were its enemies.

The Reds represent the majority that has been robbed of its democratic rights. Like it or lump it, they are fighting for restoration of those rights. It is a struggle between the ballot & the bullet, the majority & the minority; between democratic legitimacy & law-&-order legalism. May the majority win.

Vox populi, vox dei. OGT

Full of nonsense. Anyone who knows their history can recognise the voice of fascism in the Reds methodology.

Secondly, I'm tired of hearing people say that no farang has the right to make an argument about this situation. There are many - including myself - who have vested interests in this country WHICH BENEFIT LOCAL PEOPLE and who ALSO have Thai offspring.

To us, the issue is of great personal concern, we are not merely spectators, and our opinions matter to those Thais - both family, employees and employers - whose lives are affected by our decisions.

So quit the BS that just because you are a foreigner you have no right to an opinion. Not having a vote does not mean not having a voice - a voice that some people who do have a vote are concerned to hear.

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Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

LMAO ... this is insane thinking. They are no different than armed and barricaded suspects in a bank they attempted to rob. Very common for police to cut off power and anything else they can to make them uncomfortable.

But for other reasons they need to be careful and that is there are tons of business' in the area the illegal violent red mob can loot. And once they get inside these malls and such, you then are going to have fire fights inside these places if and when authorities move in. Plus these criminals will NEVER leave once they take up residence in these malls.

OMG! Sounds like the '79 Dawn of the Dead :)

Red Shirts Stand for Democracy & Thailand?!?!?

Look what they did to the 70 year old Democracy Monument ...

No respect for anything or anyone, except for the paymaster and his minions. Disgusting.

Red Shirts Stand for Democracy & Thailand?!?!?

Look what they did to the 70 year old Democracy Monument ...

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's authorities vowed Wednesday to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff.

Later on the same day Thailand's authorities vowed not to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff. :):D:D You couldn't make this stuff up could you!!!

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would not be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Sever food and water - now where has that been done before? - wasn't Germany in the Jewish ghettoes?

i think that a few human rights orgs will have something to say about that.

The same one's that condone drawing blood from children no doubt.

Difference is that these people have homes and they are free to return to them at anytime. Forcing your children to sleep on the streets so you can earn some extra cash isn't stellar parenting anyway.

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

I see. Another way to spread their hate and calls for terroristic activity. Totally understandable why their media was shut down. Most civilized countries would do the same if leaders called for a major city to be burned to the ground or calling for the killing of state officials. To a few people, thats a freedom that should be protected and well preserved. :)


I take full credit for the government taking this stance as it was ME who suggested they should cut supplies to the red camp and restrict movements in and out...I also applaud the PM and his cabinet for visiting the only website that counts THAIVISA.COM and reading my post...hahaha :)


(Ok, i am a farang working in Thailand- not Thai so I think differently but I need to make a comment) I don't expect any results to this. The "wet noodle" government has waited too long. In the beginning, why provide them "space" for their squatting of Siam center????? Why allow them to set up a stage in the middle of a busy street????? Why protect them at Luphini Park by placing cement barriers around their "protest border" (won't this keep the army from brining in tanks/ Hummers to dispose the "pests?????) No democracy around the world would have put up with this circus and I would hate to think if this was China.

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....


While its imperative to have information from as many sources as possible to obtain a clearer picture of the truth, and I understand that some things change so quickly that some new reports come in b4 other old ones that are late, I seem to be getting more confused all the time. 'We are going to crackdown'...'no we ae not going to crackdown'. 'We are going to cut off supplies' ...'no we are not going to....' 'We are going to surrender....' 'we are not going to...'???

I am wonering if this is some sort of new psychological propaganda to keep the populace so confused that the general public doesn't know whats really going on??? :)

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's authorities vowed Wednesday to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff.

Later on the same day Thailand's authorities vowed not to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff. :D:D:D You couldn't make this stuff up could you!!!

Double standards? Aren't all street protests illegal under the state of emergency? Or does it only apply if you wear a specific shirt color? :)

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

Maybe they want to say: Can you please wait outside for a moment while clean the place from some scum.

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

As I suggested elsewhere those residents affected by the forthcoming blackout should be put up in the any number of the empty hotels throughout the city caused by the red infestation of swaths of the cbd.

Costs to do so should be taken straight from the recently claimed T-money.

When this thing first started, I told my wife it is easy to chase the Red Shirts out, just do more or less what Abhisit is proposing for this evening. She told me I was crazy (she says this a lot), and that you can't just cut off water and electricity to an area where other people live and where there are two hospitals (Chula and The Police General Hospital). I had to back off of my argument and agree with her.

Now, this is what Abhisit is threatening. Given I am now educated, I have to believe like the Red Shirts that it is a bluff.

Cutting off the electric and water to the protesters doesn't matter, they have plenty of stock on hand. But cutting it off to the residents forces the residents to leave the area.

That way, there will be no "collateral damage" should the shooting start again.


that was my thought as well

What do you do with all the people in Chula Hospital and The Police General Hospital? If you force them to leave, how is that different from the Reds' invasion of Chula Hospital?

I think the difference is twofold. First, it will not be hurriedly done, and without the staff in fear for their lives. Methodical evacuations occur during natural disasters, hospital fires, and in cold climates when the boiler gives up the ghost; the staff is trained in procedure. It's hard to train against being in fear for your life. This is proactive, not reactive.

Second, with the hospitals closed, they will not be available to the red shirts should they be needed. But I hope that, as a humanitarian gesture, that at least a skeleton staff be left in case of injuries to red shirts and/or soldiers.

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

Maybe they want to say: Can you please wait outside for a moment while clean the place from some scum.

I would guess that anyone living in the middle of this circus with its loud speakers and random searches would be thrilled to think that the government was finally taking steps to give them their homes back.

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

But clever, intended artwork (that is approved and accepted) is a separate topic from disgracing this property and symbols of their country. you cant do that to gov't or private property without consent. its still discrespect. in fact what i saw on the video wasn't clever but just looked splattered, not unlike the blood they threw.

I think the difference is twofold. First, it will not be hurriedly done, and without the staff in fear for their lives. Methodical evacuations occur during natural disasters, hospital fires, and in cold climates when the boiler gives up the ghost; the staff is trained in procedure. It's hard to train against being in fear for your life. This is proactive, not reactive.

Second, with the hospitals closed, they will not be available to the red shirts should they be needed. But I hope that, as a humanitarian gesture, that at least a skeleton staff be left in case of injuries to red shirts and/or soldiers.

Nice; a skeleton staff taking care of broken bones. :)

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

As I suggested elsewhere those residents affected by the forthcoming blackout should be put up in the any number of the empty hotels throughout the city caused by the red infestation of swaths of the cbd.

Costs to do so should be taken straight from the recently claimed T-money.

unfortunately the T money is already fully spent: GT200, Balloon, submarines, new anti-riot equipment, mercedes benz for VVIP....

Red Shirts Stand for Democracy & Thailand?!?!?

Look what they did to the 70 year old Democracy Monument ...

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's authorities vowed Wednesday to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff.

Later on the same day Thailand's authorities vowed not to sever food and water supplies to opposition protesters camped in the heart of the capital as hopes faded for a resolution to the crippling standoff. :):D:D You couldn't make this stuff up could you!!!

I think that Thais understand Thais... much better than we or the world ever could, can or will. Somehow all this quagmire of threats, counter threats and indecision makes sense to both sides... there are no secrets here, everyone one knows what everyone else is doing. Try complaining to a Thai about another Thai and you will feel like the loser. Yes they will agree with you, but come face to face with the accused Thai... it's another story, and so in the lyrics of Bono: "There is no fiction that can truly fit this situation" It's priceless... something to tell the grandchildren about :D

Another flawed argument (strawman again) and just a flame ......

In no way does the poster state he wants shooting to begin and he did say "should the shooting start again".

And why would the shooting start ???

Why? Probably Sae Daeng again .. you know the red shirt listed as a terrorist by the government that talks about killing people with grenades? Or wait ... maybe another redshirt that called for violence from redshirt stages like Arisman. Then again, there are Weng and Jatuporn and Veera and Isaan Rambo that have all called for violence from the red stages .... yes .. WHY would the shooting start again?

The point being .... you called the poster a "psycopath" and suggested he said and believe things that are not in his post.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...


If the supporters of the Red shirt movement view the Bangkok protests as a failure, and truly believe the government is responsible for the deaths on April 10, it seems that a smaller more radicalized group, will be causing trouble for a long time.

Whether the current protests end in a bang or a whimper Thailand seems to be headed into a very uncertain future....Thaskin and others may be stoking the fires of discontent but it might not be in their control to put it out....

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

Gads ... NOTHING the reds do seems to upset Jerry.

Try going to the US and spray painting the Washington Monument and see what happens Jerry. I can't speak for France but in the US you go to court immediately. If your graffiti is threatening the government .....

Thailand isn't France (or London or New York). In Singapore they'll cane you even if you are an American youth, for grafitti..... This is Asia and there are consequences for behaviour.

I take full credit for the government taking this stance as it was ME who suggested they should cut supplies to the red camp and restrict movements in and out...I also applaud the PM and his cabinet for visiting the only website that counts THAIVISA.COM and reading my post...hahaha :)

Do you want some-one to come by and give you a price on widening your doorways so you can still get your head thru??

No, I agree. How the f... did they manage to get all those tyres/poles etc in there in the first place beats me....did they discover a tyre mine inside the barricades? :D

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