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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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Of course "That's different - they're criminals" - now, where have I heard that before?

If only you could hear yourselves!

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I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Absolutely, but while Thai's are good at non-activity as problem solver, westerners are taught to require action regardless of if it benefits the solution or not

Totally agree, turn the backs to them long enough and they will come up with enough to make them ashamed of themselves even

If the supporters of the Red shirt movement view the Bangkok protests as a failure, and truly believe the government is responsible for the deaths on April 10, it seems that a smaller more radicalized group, will be causing trouble for a long time.

Whether the current protests end in a bang or a whimper Thailand seems to be headed into a very uncertain future....Thaskin and others may be stoking the fires of discontent but it might not be in their control to put it out....

Might also be business as usual in Thailand... that's the way it is here.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

He's the good guy with the bag of tricks!!

The legitimacy of a democratic government & its laws are established at the ballot box, by the majority of voters.

The legitimacy of any government in a democracy is formed first and foremost by following the law. Voting is only 1 small part of the law.

The current government was formed in a completely legitimate manner, and followed the law in all details.

The Thaksin regime, by contrast, broke and disregarded the law, bribed and intimidated judges, and eviscerated the democratic institutions to such a degree that it necessitated a coup to restore it.

While the current government is totally legitimate, the Thaksin government was completely illegitimate. The red protesters should keep that in mind. They are not fighting for democracy, but tyranny.

A very succinct statement of my feelings also.


Well stated Gregb --- but you left out that the caretaker government under Thaksin wasn't legal in a constitutional way either!

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

I like the idea someone had about rounding up every soi mutt in the city and drop them all off at the protest sites.

As there appears the be a shortage of ghosts in which to spook them out, and the aliens appear busy with 2012, a few thousand soi dogs could provide the motivation needed to accept the roadmap.

Failing that I hear that a few hundred thousand centipedes dropped from helicopters would speed up negotiations.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

I like the idea someone had about rounding up every soi mutt in the city and drop them all off at the protest sites.

As there appears the be a shortage of ghosts in which to spook them out, and the aliens appear busy with 2012, a few thousand soi dogs could provide the motivation needed to accept the roadmap.

Failing that I hear that a few hundred thousand centipedes dropped from helicopters would speed up negotiations.

Fleas would be better and they are available in the billions... just a meaningless thought :D

Too little, too late...how many more times will it be a "last" and "an end"???

Cool guy, that's the suspense; Red Shirts /Abhisit soap Thai theatre. We are only in the ACT II, usually a theatre piece comprises 3 up to 5 Acts.

Enjoy, take an ice cream during the breaks....


I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

Let me guess, your existence is not in danger,you are not loosing money daily because of the reds - you may not be able to pay for school-fees for your child next term because of the reds - you do not stand to loose everything you worked hard for for years - if this mob is not cleared a.s.a.p. - think or at least try to think that a hel_l of a lot of peoples existence is put in real jeopardy by those terrorists

Does anyone know what about VEERA?? bloggers on CNN write he gave turned himself in, here the write he might have left the country, but the redshirts say he got stuck in Erawan hotels' toilet. so what's true??

A platoon fitted with odor-reducing face masks and plungers should be dispatched forthwith to find out whether Weera (there is no V in the Thai alphabet) has succumbed to the Siamese equivalent of Montezuma's Revenge. Actually, Weera says he'll turn himself in soon (do we believe anything any Red leaders says?). More probable, he's on a flight to Dubai to sit in daddy's lap and get some more C notes stuffed in his undershirt.

"To the residents in the area: please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to come in," Sunsern said.

Telling residents to leave? And go where? Please tell me they're joking. :)

The City can pay to put 'em up in decent hotel rooms elsewhere. Small inconvenience for possibly getting their neighborhood back, and being out of range of Reds eager to let loose with combat weapons in every direction.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Absolutely, but while Thai's are good at non-activity as problem solver, westerners are taught to require action regardless of if it benefits the solution or not

Totally agree, turn the backs to them long enough and they will come up with enough to make them ashamed of themselves even


Actually I do understand their general plight (ie. inequality), but knowing of their association, distortion, exploitation and manipulation by a certain fella in Dubai/Monteblackfella, I put on my headphones and blinkers to their arguements. I think a lot of underserving people are being duped (and I'm not saying all are innocent). Just my H.O.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

I like the idea someone had about rounding up every soi mutt in the city and drop them all off at the protest sites.

As there appears the be a shortage of ghosts in which to spook them out, and the aliens appear busy with 2012, a few thousand soi dogs could provide the motivation needed to accept the roadmap.

Failing that I hear that a few hundred thousand centipedes dropped from helicopters would speed up negotiations.

Fleas would be better and they are available in the billions... just a meaningless thought :D

Excellent ideas...just a little wind and everything will land on Silom Road.

I hope you're right but I think that unfortunately, if someone pulls the first trigger, all hel_l could break loose. Seh Daeng is reported to be more the just a little mentally unstable and he ain't going to go down without a fight. IF he has a stockpile of weapons hidden in the park and IF he has close to 500 blackshirt Ronin borderpatrol ninja warriors or whatever they are who are willing to die for him, then we could be in for a drawn out and very bloody urban battle. Think of where they can hide - all those side streets and buildings. Who's to stop the terrorists shooting at a defenceless guard in a luxury condo and taking over any building they want in the red zone. If I was a resident, I'd be wanting to get out of there. Don't forget, there are some very nasty b**tards down there with nothing to lose and they'll be looking forward to the fight.

This is myth of the super-rambo-ninja-borderpatrol-CIA-trained-invincible-fighters with no fear of death and anywhere to hide...hel_l, not even the Green Berets blow their own horn that much.

Its a cleverly-played fiction on Seh Daeng's part to instill fear into the conscripted 19-year olds with shotguns.

If the Army move in with force, discipline and resolve the 'fearless ninja's (what a ridiculous misdescription) will do what all loud mouth bravado's do when faced with overwhelming force - disappear as fast as possible.

The key to that is to use a single regiment of proven troops, not some disastrous mish-mash of riot police, soldiers, traffic cops and meter maids all with their own radios and different agendas...otherwise you will get exactly what Seh Deang says - a bloodbath and a victory for the lunatics.

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" comes to mind.... :):D


Some channels are saying the government will cut off the power/water, others are saying they decided against it. Anyone know what's going on? Or are the government now split as well?

Jatuporn: We won't leave. Death is not as important as our human dignity.

Nothing but hot air from Jatuporn.

The images of Arisiman escaping from a rope or Khwanchai evading arrest and finally getting his hero burger at McDonald's contradicts everything Jatuporn says now. Come forward little man, face your terrorism charges and if found guilty take the consequence like a real man for once in your pathetic life and stop hiding behind the people you say you stand for, while you use them as your personal human shields. Jatuporn does not know dignity.


Oh, and could someone please donate some gas masks to the troops before they start firing tear gas in their own eyes again...

Jeez, even my 5-year old knows this one. :)

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

Jatuporn: We won't leave. Death is not as important as our human dignity.

Nothing but hot air from Jatuporn.

The images of Arisiman escaping from a rope or Khwanchai evading arrest and finally getting his hero burger at McDonald's contradicts everything Jatuporn says now. Come forward little man, face your terrorism charges and if found guilty take the consequence like a real man for once in your pathetic life and stop hiding behind the people you say you stand for, while you use them as your personal human shields. Jatuporn does not know dignity.


I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

I like the idea someone had about rounding up every soi mutt in the city and drop them all off at the protest sites.

As there appears the be a shortage of ghosts in which to spook them out, and the aliens appear busy with 2012, a few thousand soi dogs could provide the motivation needed to accept the roadmap.

Failing that I hear that a few hundred thousand centipedes dropped from helicopters would speed up negotiations.

Nah, they'll eat them. Truly.


Holy moly. I have lost all sympathy for reds. Even the poor pawn peasents. Go home! Otherwise you are guilty by assosiation.

I simply cannot accept that reds threaten to burn and pillage the shopping malls, and they they say they are peaceful. There is no "3rd hand" there is 1 hand, and it is connected to a coward who cannot face his own justice.

My angry side says: "Shoot 'em all". My intellectual side says Cut power, Cut water, and use all sorts of non-lethal force. Tear gas, water cannons, noise polution, whatever is available. Barracades? Ready to alight.?... soak em in that figher fighters foam stuff and bring in cranes and pull them apart.

Many complain that Abitsit is ball-less. But in reality he is clever. He has given the reds enough rope (time) to hang themselves. Public sentiment has shifted. Global sentiment cannot ignore the truth. Clever, really.

Try to enforce the law 3 weeks ago as opposed to today.... think about it. What is the perception in the local populus and the global community. The world is much more ready to accept a use of force (non-lethal?) than 3 weeks ago.

I am also happy to let reds stay forevery (non-violently) and die of old age in their "red city" stay there until you turn to dust for all I care. But I understand that the area they occupy is not thiers to occupy and that they are hurting other thai citizens in they occupation.

I hope that the gov can find a way to force them out without loss of life.

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

Let me guess, your existence is not in danger,you are not loosing money daily because of the reds - you may not be able to pay for school-fees for your child next term because of the reds - you do not stand to loose everything you worked hard for for years - if this mob is not cleared a.s.a.p. - think or at least try to think that a hel_l of a lot of peoples existence is put in real jeopardy by those terrorists

Hey look, I really do understand your? position but think the govt...both sides, has to be very careful in its moves....it could even get a lot worse. No offence, but I think I would rather lose a bit of material wealth than see people hurt/killed. I think its just at a crucial time where the hothead will loose out. Jai yen krup!


At this point the reds have less than they did on March 12, if they go home they have to admit the whole protest was a huge failure, and lots of the top leaders will be looking at prison terms even longer than Thaksin's.


Found this v. recent photo of 3 Reds leaders in a huddle. Add your caption. Here's mine:

Oh brother, too much MSG in that coagulated pig's blood soup this morning - need a few Red Bulls to get my caffeine quotient up to normal. Hey, who's turn is it to buy rice whiskey for tonight's pow wow?


I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

Let me guess, your existence is not in danger,you are not loosing money daily because of the reds - you may not be able to pay for school-fees for your child next term because of the reds - you do not stand to loose everything you worked hard for for years - if this mob is not cleared a.s.a.p. - think or at least try to think that a hel_l of a lot of peoples existence is put in real jeopardy by those terrorists

Still not worth killing for.

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