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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

6a.m. Tomorrow CRES anounces that all employees must go to the Beer Chang brewery for a Piss up starting at 8pm tomorrow night. 6pm tomorrow CRES cancels the piss up in the chang brewery as it was beyond their organisational abilities to arrange but nevermind at 6am on Friday they will decide again what to do. :):D:D

Terrorists occupying central Bangkok for 6 weeks ... the government can't get their shit together and do something about it this country is going to <deleted> - it is not going to be, it already is a banana republic with the monkey's calling the shots

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"One of leading mobile companies refused to cut off its signal around Rajprasong area as asked by govt.

The company is concerned ab consumer protection law. Signal jamming could be done only for security propose like in the deep south"

source: The Nation

why is everyone so concerned about breaking minor laws in order to remove these people who are breaking other laws daily?

One leading mobile company is very close to Thaksin.....

In my understanding, based on "normal" countries they can't refuse anything when there is the emergency law. The normal reaction in first, second and third world countries is that police or army walk in arrest the manager and cut the area or even revoke the license.

Just walking in the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal in Rajprasong (and everywhere else).

"One of leading mobile companies refused to cut off its signal around Rajprasong area as asked by govt.

The company is concerned ab consumer protection law. Signal jamming could be done only for security propose like in the deep south"

source: The Nation

why is everyone so concerned about breaking minor laws in order to remove these people who are breaking other laws daily?

One leading mobile company is very close to Thaksin.....

In my understanding, based on "normal" countries they can't refuse anything when there is the emergency law. The normal reaction in first, second and third world countries is that police or army walk in arrest the manager and cut the area or even revoke the license.

Just walking in the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal in Rajprasong (and everywhere else).

How about a fourth world country?


It would rather nice if the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, PTP and the coalition (forgot anyone?) could agree on allowing something like the UN Independent Investigation Commission into the bombing death of Hariri in Lebanon - should include the myriad M79 attacks also. As Claudius said "let all the worms rise to the surface." Won't happen, but it would be sensible - particularly since Thailand has never itself been able to hold such a thing. It would be very difficult for the Reds to duck out of agreeing to such a thing.

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

Embassies --- self contained

Hospitals--- self contained

Nothing even close to a human rights violation in denying illegal protesters food and water in an area that they are illegally occupying during a state of emergency. They can walk out and get all the food and water they want :)

I do think than the US and British Embassies are in order, but for the Hospitals it is another question...Are the emergency Generators in order? Have they enough fuel to run during at least one day? And about water

I truly commend you on having so much concern for the hospitals. It's a shame that the Reds didn't have the same.

One leading mobile company is very close to Thaksin.....

In my understanding, based on "normal" countries they can't refuse anything when there is the emergency law. The normal reaction in first, second and third world countries is that police or army walk in arrest the manager and cut the area or even revoke the license.

Just walking in the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal in Rajprasong (and everywhere else).

Wow, you're quite the technician. Are you sure that walking into the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal? What about the signal towers, are they relevant too or just there for decoration?

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

Embassies --- self contained

Hospitals--- self contained

Nothing even close to a human rights violation in denying illegal protesters food and water in an area that they are illegally occupying during a state of emergency. They can walk out and get all the food and water they want :)

I do think than the US and British Embassies are in order, but for the Hospitals it is another question...Are the emergency Generators in order? Have they enough fuel to run during at least one day? And about water


1) Why did you mention embassies?

2) Why did you mention Human Right's Violations? (Like there is suddenly a new innate human right to conduct a violent insurrection in a city shopping district?)

Yeah --- Police hospital and Chula will be on a sepreate power line than the surroundings and yes they have active usable generators (If you lived in Thailand you'd know how often there are power failures!)

Maybe you are suggesting that the Red shirts would interfere with shipments of supplies under a Red Cross flag being sent to a hospital? hmmmm Nah they are nice non-violent people that would NEVER raid a hospital! That would NEVER block access to a hospital etc etc etc

Jerry I grow tired of your constant acceptance of any and all threats and violence made by this terrorist infiltrated and led crowd. They are violent and threatening and damaging a country I love. They did it last year with violence and now over a year later are doing it again ... why? For Thaksin .... it is sickening.

I truly commend you on having so much concern for the hospitals. It's a shame that the Reds didn't have the same.

So if the government cuts electricity and water, will the hospitals have to move patients again? I assume so. And what if one of the patients dies during the move? Will the government be responsible?


The real story of today has turned out not to be yet another imposed then ignored deadline. obviously water and electricity will never be cut off to thousands of residents, two hospitals, and other non reds.

The real story is weera.

obviously after missing 4 days there is an excellent chance that he has not only been deposed, but that he may be held against his will. IF this is true, it would signal a coup within the Red high command, and that talk a couple of days ago about a new level of leaders taking over might in fact have truth to it.

and that raises the question as to what are the objectives of the new leadership, and how do they differ from the past?

revolutionary movements have a history of consuming their own leaders (eg the French Revolution). sometimes what follows is a far more radical version of what preceeded.

at this delicate moment, that certainly wouldnt be helpful. lets hope there is an alternative explanation.

Too little, too late...how many more times will it be a "last" and "an end"???

what effect if reds don't have electricity and water ?

just no Mr T on the big screen :-)

they are all farmers and get use to no light after sunset ! they are more familiar in the dark then we do !


Don't read too much into this announcement not to cut the power, mind games to give the reds some false comfort.

The phones are key to this, not the water.

Keep sending them sms like "do you know what time it is, what does your shadow look like in the mirror, we can help you escape, those voices you hear night after night are only in your head, can you smell something burning?" and so on.

But, my wife is Thai and is much more cautious than I am. It will be her decision when we go. She has really been cursing - calling the Red Shirts every name she can think of in Thai AND English.

I vote to deputize your wife, give her the rank of Major General, and put her in charge of the troops needed to clean out the Red infection of downtown Bkk. We need someone like her - sounds like she's got guts - a heck of lot more resolve than the wet dish towels like Anapong who are dress up each morning like top brass, but are acting like blanched asparagus.

I vote to give her the rank of Generalissimo and let her rule the country the next 30 years. I am sure she is doing the job better than any other government....Really it can't get worse or?

Or maybe Thailand can rent a General from Myanmar?

Anapong is in his way worse than Sae Daeng.....At least Sae Daeng is doing what he is paid for.

Both sides are in a situation where they can't really win, they can only do their best to avoid losing! The Govt cannot round up the protesters and arrest them - the police and army are reluctant to do so and, even if they did, the political fallout would tend to favor the Red side.

On the other hand, the Reds can't really bring the government down directly, so they have to either provoke the army or police into an attack (as they did on April 10) or just get everyone so fed up with the current impasse that the army or the coalition partners kick out the PM and the current cabinet, either with a coup or though a parliamentary realignment.

So, both sides are playing a waiting game. Despite the announcements from both sides, it's unlikely that either side will really make a move. They have more to lose by acting then they have by waiting. The Reds and the Government are each staring at each other and waiting for the other to blink. :)

Spot on I think. This thing has got much bigger than both sides expected and now the stakes are too high. Neither side wants to make the first move towards outright violence because then they will be branded the aggressors. Both sides are trying to push the other side to react first. It's going to drag on for a while yet.


cutting off water and electricity would be not good but using extremely strong flood lights from all directions to blind them and show them that they're already in prison would do a much better job. Those who move out, take them away, fingerprint them, check their IDs and make sure they're not going back again. Get the sonic system behind the lights and beam it onto the stage only, increase the volume gradually. Only those on the stage can hear them, even drop when it is over 120 decibel. Back and forth, back and forth until they run like cockroaches from the rain.

They were voted for, and they represent their electorates.

They may have been voted for, but the only thing they represent is their bank accounts.

proof please

The real story of today has turned out not to be yet another imposed then ignored deadline. obviously water and electricity will never be cut off to thousands of residents, two hospitals, and other non reds.

The real story is weera.

obviously after missing 4 days there is an excellent chance that he has not only been deposed, but that he may be held against his will. IF this is true, it would signal a coup within the Red high command, and that talk a couple of days ago about a new level of leaders taking over might in fact have truth to it.

and that raises the question as to what are the objectives of the new leadership, and how do they differ from the past?

revolutionary movements have a history of consuming their own leaders (eg the French Revolution). sometimes what follows is a far more radical version of what preceeded.

at this delicate moment, that certainly wouldnt be helpful. lets hope there is an alternative explanation.

agree your statement and rationale ! especiall the possibility of radical changes !

one point completely disagree - please don't line up these reds with the French Revolution !! although my history was so dame bad :-)

don't even consider there are leaders in this incident, as no one responsible for anything. they only denial, pointing finger of individual acts and fake apologies !

The real story of today has turned out not to be yet another imposed then ignored deadline. obviously water and electricity will never be cut off to thousands of residents, two hospitals, and other non reds.

The real story is weera.

obviously after missing 4 days there is an excellent chance that he has not only been deposed, but that he may be held against his will. IF this is true, it would signal a coup within the Red high command, and that talk a couple of days ago about a new level of leaders taking over might in fact have truth to it.

and that raises the question as to what are the objectives of the new leadership, and how do they differ from the past?

revolutionary movements have a history of consuming their own leaders (eg the French Revolution). sometimes what follows is a far more radical version of what preceeded.

at this delicate moment, that certainly wouldnt be helpful. lets hope there is an alternative explanation.

The girlfriend's watching MCOT tv and they just said that Weera wanted to do a deal with the government and end the protest. Something about he got permission to do some unfinished business with family and fled the country. Part of a big deal with government.

Sorry it's a bit confusing but that's all she said.


1) Why did you mention embassies?

2) Why did you mention Human Right's Violations? (Like there is suddenly a new innate huan right to conduct a violent insurrection in a city shopping district?)

Yeah --- Police hospital and Chula will be on a sepreate power line than the surroundings and yes they have active usable generators (If you lived in Thailand you'd know how often there are power failures!)

Maybe you are suggesting that the Red shirts would interfere with shipments of supplies under a Red Cross flag being sent to a hospital? hmmmm Nah they are nice non-violent people that would NEVER raid a hospital! That would NEVER block access to a hospital etc etc etc

Jerry I grow tired of your constant acceptance of any and all threats and violence made by this terrorist ilfiltrated and led crowd. They are violent and threatening and damaging a country I love. They did it last year with violence and now over a year later are doing it again ... why? For Thaksin .... it is sickening.

I have tried to stay technical.

The Embassies ...because Red can re-connect on their normal electrical or water supplies. Hospital same: all connections are outside as you know and visible, at the difference of some countries where everything is underground

NGOs ....because, as you know, the Public Relation battle is ongoing in the International medias and plays an important role.

You stress too much. There is no other meaning than technical observations.

cutting off water and electricity would be not good but using extremely strong flood lights from all directions to blind them and show them that they're already in prison would do a much better job. Those who move out, take them away, fingerprint them, check their IDs and make sure they're not going back again. Get the sonic system behind the lights and beam it onto the stage only, increase the volume gradually. Only those on the stage can hear them, even drop when it is over 120 decibel. Back and forth, back and forth until they run like cockroaches from the rain.

hmm . . . army's LRAD ( long range audio device ) already been occupied as karaoke :)

One leading mobile company is very close to Thaksin.....

In my understanding, based on "normal" countries they can't refuse anything when there is the emergency law. The normal reaction in first, second and third world countries is that police or army walk in arrest the manager and cut the area or even revoke the license.

Just walking in the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal in Rajprasong (and everywhere else).

Wow, you're quite the technician. Are you sure that walking into the offices and unplugging every cable will cut the signal? What about the signal towers, are they relevant too or just there for decoration?

Believe me it is possible for the army and it was done in other countries.

Unlike the internet it is a centralized system, if only the accounting computer fails the net is down.....the towers are there and you have a signal but you can't call anymore, I am sure some technician will cooperate as well.

Remember the last coup within short time all the TV stations were on standby and CNN was switched off.

The army might not be able to switch it off in an orderly way but if they don't care any damage they can switch it off.

As well the signal towers work with electric + backup batteries which don't last forever.

"One of leading mobile companies refused to cut off its signal around Rajprasong area as asked by govt.

The company is concerned ab consumer protection law. Signal jamming could be done only for security propose like in the deep south"

source: The Nation

why is everyone so concerned about breaking minor laws in order to remove these people who are breaking other laws daily?

Are you getting your info from the Tweet section of the nation online?. if so please post this. the information from that source is often invalid. jeez they've been posting thaksin is dead for weeks.

I truly commend you on having so much concern for the hospitals. It's a shame that the Reds didn't have the same.

So if the government cuts electricity and water, will the hospitals have to move patients again? I assume so. And what if one of the patients dies during the move? Will the government be responsible?

Did they move the patients back or is the presence of the red thugs in the area still preventing that? Or did they suddenly become peaceful / trustworthy enough to ensure they (reds) won't pull another ill-advised (stupid) invasion?

cutting off water and electricity would be not good but using extremely strong flood lights from all directions to blind them and show them that they're already in prison would do a much better job. Those who move out, take them away, fingerprint them, check their IDs and make sure they're not going back again. Get the sonic system behind the lights and beam it onto the stage only, increase the volume gradually. Only those on the stage can hear them, even drop when it is over 120 decibel. Back and forth, back and forth until they run like cockroaches from the rain.

hmm . . . army's LRAD ( long range audio device ) already been occupied as karaoke :)

Normal Karaoke is already very cruel, let my staff sing on the LRAD and Bangkok is empty.....

Both sides are in a situation where they can't really win, they can only do their best to avoid losing! The Govt cannot round up the protesters and arrest them - the police and army are reluctant to do so and, even if they did, the political fallout would tend to favor the Red side.

On the other hand, the Reds can't really bring the government down directly, so they have to either provoke the army or police into an attack (as they did on April 10) or just get everyone so fed up with the current impasse that the army or the coalition partners kick out the PM and the current cabinet, either with a coup or though a parliamentary realignment.

So, both sides are playing a waiting game. Despite the announcements from both sides, it's unlikely that either side will really make a move. They have more to lose by acting then they have by waiting. The Reds and the Government are each staring at each other and waiting for the other to blink. :)

Spot on I think. This thing has got much bigger than both sides expected and now the stakes are too high. Neither side wants to make the first move towards outright violence because then they will be branded the aggressors. Both sides are trying to push the other side to react first. It's going to drag on for a while yet.

I agree as well. I have read a lot of radical ideas from posters here about how to retake the area some involving snipers, the army, bombs etc etc There is one thing you can always bet a politician will do and that's to cover his own arse and that is why there is no way Abhisit will send in troops to sort it out. He knows that if they went in the Reds would love it and he also knows that after the political fallout he would be out of a job, then the Reds shirts have got what they wanted namely a new Government. It aint going to happen folks.

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

Jerry the young,

History is made by those who build monuments, not by those that scrawl graffiti on them.

cutting off water and electricity would be not good but using extremely strong flood lights from all directions to blind them and show them that they're already in prison would do a much better job. Those who move out, take them away, fingerprint them, check their IDs and make sure they're not going back again. Get the sonic system behind the lights and beam it onto the stage only, increase the volume gradually. Only those on the stage can hear them, even drop when it is over 120 decibel. Back and forth, back and forth until they run like cockroaches from the rain.

hmm . . . army's LRAD ( long range audio device ) already been occupied as karaoke :D

they could use it more effectively. :)

They bought those that can point out a single person from a couple of hundreds meter away. 3.5 million a piece (not sure if I remember exactly).


Another topic of chest puffing and no conclusion. If all the Red scumbags don't go home Abhisit will hold his breath until he turns blue! So there ...


One more thing that no-one has mentioned: Pratunam is full of little sois running off in all directions. It would be almost impossible for the army to block them all off. Trying to isolate the area won't cut off their supplies and will just inconvenience the local residents. The only thing that would break up the protest would be to cut off their funds. Even if they would continue to protest without being paid, they need to pay for food and other supplies. Without money, the protest would wither and die.

Both sides are in a situation where they can't really win, they can only do their best to avoid losing! The Govt cannot round up the protesters and arrest them - the police and army are reluctant to do so and, even if they did, the political fallout would tend to favor the Red side.

On the other hand, the Reds can't really bring the government down directly, so they have to either provoke the army or police into an attack (as they did on April 10) or just get everyone so fed up with the current impasse that the army or the coalition partners kick out the PM and the current cabinet, either with a coup or though a parliamentary realignment.

So, both sides are playing a waiting game. Despite the announcements from both sides, it's unlikely that either side will really make a move. They have more to lose by acting then they have by waiting. The Reds and the Government are each staring at each other and waiting for the other to blink. :)

Spot on I think. This thing has got much bigger than both sides expected and now the stakes are too high. Neither side wants to make the first move towards outright violence because then they will be branded the aggressors. Both sides are trying to push the other side to react first. It's going to drag on for a while yet.

I agree as well. I have read a lot of radical ideas from posters here about how to retake the area some involving snipers, the army, bombs etc etc There is one thing you can always bet a politician will do and that's to cover his own arse and that is why there is no way Abhisit will send in troops to sort it out. He knows that if they went in the Reds would love it and he also knows that after the political fallout he would be out of a job, then the Reds shirts have got what they wanted namely a new Government. It aint going to happen folks.

I do think the same, but there are still some small probabilities that somebody has a "genius" idea or that an non wanted incident occurs.

However I do also believe that there is somthing "cooking" underground,... Just a feeling that there are some tough discussions.

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