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Khunying Pornthip


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Anyone read the interview with Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunan - Thailand's leading forensic scientist - in the Bangkok Post's magazine today?

The police hate her for stealing their limelight and some of their power to manipulate cases depending on witness testimony. I think they'll shaft her in the end - they're trying hard enough as is it. If only Thailand had more people like her who'll stand up for what is right.

A quote from the interview:

"I try to fight for a good forensic science system in this country so that justice will prevail , whereas before, thugs could get away with murder because any witness would be too afraid to come forward or else they're paid off."

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Anyone read the interview with Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunan - Thailand's leading forensic scientist - in the Bangkok Post's magazine today?

The police hate her for stealing their limelight and some of their power to manipulate cases depending on witness testimony. I think they'll shaft her in the end - they're trying hard enough as is it. If only Thailand had more people like her who'll stand up for what is right.

A quote from the interview:

"I try to fight for a good forensic science system in this country so that justice will prevail , whereas before, thugs could get away with murder because any witness would be too afraid to come forward or else they're paid off."

Is she the same one who had the police all up-in-arms after the tsunami ? If I recall, her teams were taking the lead on the forensics work, and the Police didn't like it (as they wouldn't get as much publicity).

Kind of surprised she's lasted as long as she has. Hope she keeps up the good work (and hope I don't end up being one of her "customers").

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Is she the same one who had the police all up-in-arms after the tsunami ? If I recall, her teams were taking the lead on the forensics work, and the Police didn't like it (as they wouldn't get as much publicity).

Yes. The latest news is she was asked by the Justice Ministry to set up a missing persons identification centre, so now the police have announced that they are setting up an identification centre.

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Is she the same one who had the police all up-in-arms after the tsunami ? If I recall, her teams were taking the lead on the forensics work, and the Police didn't like it (as they wouldn't get as much publicity).

Yes. The latest news is she was asked by the Justice Ministry to set up a missing persons identification centre, so now the police have announced that they are setting up an identification centre.

You would think that the Justice Ministry would also be in control of the police ? Or are the inmates also running the asylum, as the saying goes.

I guess it's all about money, power and prestige. Don't want anyone else getting any, so we'll set up our own operation and try to steal the spotlight away.

Makes me wonder though. Which department would be better suited for setting up a missing persons ID center ?

A forensics ID center would normally ID people after their lifeless bodies were found.

A police ID center would (should/could) try to find people before they turn into lifeless bodies.

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Is she the same one who had the police all up-in-arms after the tsunami ? If I recall, her teams were taking the lead on the forensics work, and the Police didn't like it (as they wouldn't get as much publicity).

Yes. The latest news is she was asked by the Justice Ministry to set up a missing persons identification centre, so now the police have announced that they are setting up an identification centre.

You would think that the Justice Ministry would also be in control of the police ? Or are the inmates also running the asylum, as the saying goes.

I guess it's all about money, power and prestige. Don't want anyone else getting any, so we'll set up our own operation and try to steal the spotlight away.

Makes me wonder though. Which department would be better suited for setting up a missing persons ID center ?

A forensics ID center would normally ID people after their lifeless bodies were found.

A police ID center would (should/could) try to find people before they turn into lifeless bodies.

The legal ability to determine cause of death, time of death, and even the identity of a deformed body gives the ability to get guilty people off the hook...to direct investigations away from the guilty. The police are know to have accepted bribe money from those performing illegal acts. If the police control forensics this strengthens their hand in being able to protect those who bribe them and enables them to continue and even to increase corruption. The Justice Ministry may have some of the same problems but keeping the Justice Ministry at least gives some possibility that evidence won't be manipulated.

One point I would like to make clearly is: Who controls forensics is alot more important than just making face for this agency or that agency....it also has to do with either reducing corruption or enabling it.

Edited by chownah
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The police hate her for stealing their limelight and some of their power to manipulate cases depending on witness testimony. I think they'll shaft her in the end - they're trying hard enough as is it. If only Thailand had more people like her who'll stand up for what is right.

"The police" certainly all don't hate her. She has friends and enemies in the police, army, and business world, just like anyone else. It just sounds more dramatic to say that they all hate her.


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"The police" certainly all don't hate her.  She has friends and enemies in the police, army, and business world, just like anyone else.    It just sounds more dramatic to say that they all hate her. 


Well, "hate" was just a way of summing it all up. What the article actually said was, "And again she met opposition and criticism from the police, who have seemed to declare themselves her staunch nemesis."

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Kind of surprised she's lasted as long as she has. Hope she keeps up the good work (and hope I don't end up being one of her "customers").

I'm sure her Royal backing and honorific title Khunying has had a lot to do with her longevity.

A quite revealing thread on this topic, includes as a shameless plug:

Would the conflict with the police have anything to do with this other case in which she's clearly putting the finger on police for murdering a suspect??
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A forensics ID center would normally ID people after their lifeless bodies were found.

A police ID center would (should/could) try to find people before they turn into lifeless bodies.

Right. She is saying it's a three-step process: locating missing people, identifying corpses found by police and investigating the causes of the murders. And even Thaksin says the Justice Ministry should identify the corpses to "balance police investigations." But the police's lame justification for controlling the identification of corpses is that they have the staff available.

I think the real problem is the police don't want forensic experts getting a foot in the doorway and interfering in cases such as the recent one in which a suspect supposedly committed suicide by shooting himself five times.

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"The police" certainly all don't hate her.   She has friends and enemies in the police, army, and business world, just like anyone else.    It just sounds more dramatic to say that they all hate her. 


Well, "hate" was just a way of summing it all up. What the article actually said was, "And again she met opposition and criticism from the police, who have seemed to declare themselves her staunch nemesis."

Yes, and I was saying that "the police" aren't one faction with one 'anti Khunying Pornthip' mindset. It's not just her against the police... it certainly sounds nice and dramatic, but hardly is the whole truth.

No more true than 'it's the police vs. Chuwit' (who has plenty of tier 1 police allies)... or the 'army backs (insert influential individuals who shouldn't be named)' when in reality most of them have substantial army backing, just different factions.


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One point I would like to make clearly is:  Who controls forensics is alot more important than just making face for this agency or that agency....it also has to do with either reducing corruption or enabling it.

That is a very good point chownah. I hate curruption at all levels, but after being here for sometime I have just got used to it and on occasions used it to benifit myself. But I would prefer to see a fair society.

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