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Chiang Mai Visa Help For Gf, Can Anyone Take A Look At The Scenario?

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Hi there, this is my first post so id better start by explaining the situation. Im 23, male, from the uk, been to Thailand 7 or 8 times now and well, this time somehow ended up falling in love. Spent novemeber until end of march with my Gf in Chiang Mai. Were trying to get her a visa at the moment and there's a few areas we are a bit stuck on. Im looking for someone who can either have a look at the secanrio, or alternativly someone who is based in Chiang Mai who she might be able to show the documents to? We are trying to get a uk holiday visa so she can visit from the 15th of june until 15 september.

Known each other since Nov, lived together for 6 months, phone records of contact everyday since march 28 between us, emails can be provided, i have about 10k in the bank at the moment, i dont own my own house but my mum has agreed to provide her with accomodation. We have print outs of pictures of us together, what else, she has a letter from her employer. Me and my mother aso have letters of reference from the local vicar.

My questions are

1 - Is £10000 enough to sponsor someone for a 3 month visit? will the visa pass with my bank statements?

2 - She is worried that because she has nothing in the bank the visa will be refused, Because i am sponsoring the visa... it is only me who needs to provide bank statements yes?

3 - Can she hand in the application in Chiang Mai or does she have to take it to bangkok?

Any help regarding these matters would be gratefully appreciated. Im very new to this Visa field and am finding it very difficult to get to grips with.

Many thanks, Jac.

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Don't panic fella its very straight forward, I will not give you any advice as there are a host of experts who trawl this forum who will reply to you shortly. If you can read and write then you will not require an agent, hence they can be expensive and do not guarantee success, the forms are straight forward 10k is ok just they will want to see as much evidence backing up your claim of a relationship, and most of all a reason for your GF to return to Thailand...! Good Luck the experts are right behind me...!

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Cheers, regarding the reason to return her employer is going to provide evidence that she has a job to go back to? she also has family (mother, father and brother) in kanteralak. Is this enough?

Shes only 20, and i just feel like she really needs someone to sit down and help her through it. Shes heard so many horror stories of people getting rejected.

Thanks for your kind words anyway! Where are you based?

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Cheers, regarding the reason to return her employer is going to provide evidence that she has a job to go back to? she also has family (mother, father and brother) in kanteralak. Is this enough?

Shes only 20, and i just feel like she really needs someone to sit down and help her through it. Shes heard so many horror stories of people getting rejected.

Thanks for your kind words anyway! Where are you based?

I'm in Buriram, I've been for four months have thai wife and going back to UK next Sunday. Just waiting for settlement visa for my Wifes son.. Check UK border agency website and look through the guidance notes on Visit visa its pretty straight forward, you can fill in all the paperwork and download the relevent forms and covering letter she will just sign her name. And explain that you have filled out the form on her behalf as her sponsor. Also check out some other threads by typing in visit visa in the search button, it will bring up many scenarios regarding previous experiences of others in the same boat. My best advice is get a A4 WALLET booklet so you can put in all your paperwork and forms in chronological order. And include a contents page refering to all the different documents you will include in your application. This will ensure to the Entry clearance officer that he can open the application and sift through with ease. She will need to submit the application as she will require her biometrics to be taken at the VFS office in Bangkok same day she submits. I'm not sure if it can be done in Chiangmai..? Good luck others will post for sure www.vfs-uk-th.com check out the latest requirements...!

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In order for the application to succeed your girlfriend not only needs to convince an ECO that the trip is reasonable and affordable but that she will return home at the end of the trip, and that is the most important one, in my opinion.

OK you can prove your relationship, explain in the sponsors letter how you met and give details of the time you spent together in Thailand, photos are fine, but not too many and see if you can give back up proof of the times and dates. Did you travel overseas at all, that would help.

If she is going to stay in your mothers home then yes provide a letter from her though I personally wouldn't bother with a letter from the local vicar as I doubt very much if the ECO would take too much notice of it.

Not having money in her bank account is not really important, after all that's why you are sponsoring her, and you just need to prove that it's appropriate for you to sponsor her, it's clearly affordable and bank statements are fine, even on-line ones as they can check them.

The only concern I have is the three month visit especially as she is going to provide a letter from her employer. Three months is a long holiday when someone is working, of course I don't know her circumstances, but if I was an ECO I would take some convincing. She really needs to show a compelling reason to return, with strong, provable, ties to Thailand. She needs to outline her plans for the future which needs to be backed up in your sponsorship letter, I would advise against writting a "War and Peace" novel, it's needs to be snappy yet informative.

Unfortunately she will have to travel to Bangkok to submit a hard copy of the application and supporting documents, even if she applies on-line, as her biometric details need to be taken.

I personally wouldn't want her to show the app to somebody in Chiang Mai, some people are not what they seem, there are some rouges out there.

Good luck, if you need further pointers, you are in the right place.

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The ECO will be looking for you to demonstrate your relationship is subsisting and genuine as claimed I see no issues here.

A letter from the company will help but :

If a company can do without an employee for 3/6 months the ECO may doubt she is a valued employee.

Funds are excellent cannot see any issues plus you have accommodation etc.

She must apply in person at UK/VAC Bangkok.

If you require any help feel free to contact me we have an office in Pattaya/UK good luck.

I cannot see any major issues or problems as long as what you have said is correct.

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I know from experience that she will need to show a reference letter from her employer, a minimum of 6 months payslips dating back 6 months from her visa application, plus a bank account book again dating back 6 months prior to her visa application in her name that shows money going in and living expenses coming out.

This is proof that she is actually employed, is earning a wage and has a job to return to.

If not possible, you have big problems and the odds are that the visa application will not be successful.

If this girl is not employed, how has she been supporting herself over the last 12 months? These are the questions that will be asked, so be prepared with some credible answers backed up with documental proof.

Or: if your girlfriend is in study, college, uni etc, than proof of her attendance and how she can drop out for 6 months will suffice.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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I know from experience that she will need to show a reference letter from her employer, a minimum of 6 months payslips dating back 6 months from her visa application, plus a bank account book again dating back 6 months prior to her visa application in her name that shows money going in and living expenses coming out.
Not necessarily. As said by others, if the OP is paying for the visit then it is the OP that has to show he has the finances to afford it.
This is proof that she is actually employed, is earning a wage and has a job to return to.
The problem, again as said previously, isn't proving that she has been employed; it is whether the ECO will believe that her employer will really grant her three months holiday; most Thais only get two weeks.
If not possible, you have big problems and the odds are that the visa application will not be successful.
A trawl through the archives will show that plenty of people have successfully obtained a visit visa for their Thai partner when that partner has had no proof of employment or income; again it depends on the individual circumstances.
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