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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

"math was no your high point" And English wasn't yours, huh? :D

the missing "t" was a typo but at least I know the difference between Millions and Billions :)

Heard tonight the ISAAN WETSHIRTS on stage

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math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

"math was no your high point" And English wasn't yours, huh? :)

GOT 2 SMS from CRES just now, but my phone doesn't support THAI

anyone knows ifo about this???

Yes they looking for your advice.

THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :D

It only takes one

then the whole pyramid collapses

How can he get out of thailand

being such a well know person surely he would be spotted at out going immigration

On a Weng and a prayer, I guess that it was flu afterall and not a cold. :)

They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

Have you tried asking some of them? I assume you did, otherwise the above would be foolish beyond belief. Or dare I say, 'uneducated'..

We have been asking this question for weeks with NO result.

Why don't you tell us?

Please spare us the dissolution and we want democracy blather.

Tell us what policies they want to see implemented.

Kowchai mai?

I went to redland 3 times a few weeks back and spoke to a number of people. Mostly I just heard "we hate Abhisit" or "we love Thaksin". When I tried to talk about possible policies to help the poor I got shouted at and moved along. On another occasion I spoke to a lady in English, she told me that she had lived in England for many years, when I told her I thought violence was not the way forward she said "stupid farang, go and kiss Abhisit the farang-lover", foolishly I tried to speak to her about what ideas the red shirts had to benefit the poor, she started screaming hysterically at me and redshirt guards loomed over and manhandled me. A scary experience but I got out okay.

From my experience it is clear that most redshirts do not understand the electoral system of Thailand. It is also clear that democracy is just a word they have hijacked, nothing they do is democratic; they trample all over the democratic rights of others such as restricting their freedom to travel and go to work, a number of them sell their vote (I have seen this in person and it was caught on video, leading to the downfall of the Somchai government), they either participate in or turn a blind eye to extreme violence, they have repeatedly shown no respect for protestors holding a different view to theirs by attacking yellow shirt protests whenever they happened, attacking the Silom protest and intimidating the leader of the multicoloured shirts, their leaders were not elected and the leaders make decisions without consulting the grass roots of the movement.

On top of these things the redshirts come across as generally vile people; they cheer as people are injured, they attack ambulances, they raid hospitals, they lecture us on double standards but then want to dictate the terms of justice they face, they lecture us on equality whilst the leaders gorge on FatDonalds in airconditioned rooms whilst the rest much on somtam in the heat, they publish material which incites violence then try and defend it as freedom of speech, they insult our intelligence when every time there is a grenade attack they claim it wasn't them even though everybody but redshirts are attacked and one of their number boasts about his blackshirted army, they repeatedly change their demands like a spoilt child in a play pen, they have rejected a perfectly good opportunity to end this situation peacefully and proceed towards a fairer society and improved medias with an early election and finally they support an international fugitive who when he was PM bought elections through bribing MPs and the electorate, plunged to new depths for Human Rights and set new records for corruption and nepotism.

There comes a time when a line must be drawn. The behaviour of the reds does not deserve inclusion in the next step of democracy. The government must take the right steps to ensure the safety and freedom of all the people in Thailand who are not involved in anarchy and lawlessness under the guise of a protest in downtown Bangkok. They must also take steps to ensure that this cannot happen again.

I hope that the army do not go in guns blazing as firstly many innocent rice farmers would get killed and secondly because it would give more propoganda power to the reds. I hope that the red leaders can be caught and brought to justice, given long sentences.

I will stick my neck on the line and say that I WOULD like to see bloodshed, but only this. I would hope to see Seh Daeng tried by a Court Martial and executed by firing squad to demonstrate that this sort of insubordination that threatens civil war will not be tolerated. If this was the only other death in this situation I would be perfectly satisfied.

One of the best posts I've read in the last couple of months

Tallforeigners picture are well chosen propaganda pictures of peaceful red shirts, old people, monks and whats make me so sad, small children, who have no choice of their own to be in the red fort. This is the people the red leaders and Dear Leader wants to fight to the death, because of the selfish aim of the leaders. I say shame, shame, shame, one thousand times shame on you!!!!

Why not baa SHAME ON YOU ONE THOUSEND TIMES on the people who support a violent crackdown by a army ready do shot at protesters?

That the reds are terrorists is the propaganda here.


It's the same as you do in PALASTINA

What do i do in PALASTINA?

anti-red posters at this board becoming more and more detached from common sense and reality. their hate makes them crazy.

What does a mazeltovcocktail in BKK???? run away from duty???

I went to redland 3 times a few weeks back and spoke to a number of people. Mostly I just heard "we hate Abhisit" or "we love Thaksin". When I tried to talk about possible policies to help the poor I got shouted at and moved along. On another occasion I spoke to a lady in English, she told me that she had lived in England for many years, when I told her I thought violence was not the way forward she said "stupid farang, go and kiss Abhisit the farang-lover", foolishly I tried to speak to her about what ideas the red shirts had to benefit the poor, she started screaming hysterically at me and redshirt guards loomed over and manhandled me. A scary experience but I got out okay.

From my experience it is clear that most redshirts do not understand the electoral system of Thailand. It is also clear that democracy is just a word they have hijacked, nothing they do is democratic; they trample all over the democratic rights of others such as restricting their freedom to travel and go to work, a number of them sell their vote (I have seen this in person and it was caught on video, leading to the downfall of the Somchai government), they either participate in or turn a blind eye to extreme violence, they have repeatedly shown no respect for protestors holding a different view to theirs by attacking yellow shirt protests whenever they happened, attacking the Silom protest and intimidating the leader of the multicoloured shirts, their leaders were not elected and the leaders make decisions without consulting the grass roots of the movement.

On top of these things the redshirts come across as generally vile people; they cheer as people are injured, they attack ambulances, they raid hospitals, they lecture us on double standards but then want to dictate the terms of justice they face, they lecture us on equality whilst the leaders gorge on FatDonalds in airconditioned rooms whilst the rest much on somtam in the heat, they publish material which incites violence then try and defend it as freedom of speech, they insult our intelligence when every time there is a grenade attack they claim it wasn't them even though everybody but redshirts are attacked and one of their number boasts about his blackshirted army, they repeatedly change their demands like a spoilt child in a play pen, they have rejected a perfectly good opportunity to end this situation peacefully and proceed towards a fairer society and improved medias with an early election and finally they support an international fugitive who when he was PM bought elections through bribing MPs and the electorate, plunged to new depths for Human Rights and set new records for corruption and nepotism.

There comes a time when a line must be drawn. The behaviour of the reds does not deserve inclusion in the next step of democracy. The government must take the right steps to ensure the safety and freedom of all the people in Thailand who are not involved in anarchy and lawlessness under the guise of a protest in downtown Bangkok. They must also take steps to ensure that this cannot happen again.

I hope that the army do not go in guns blazing as firstly many innocent rice farmers would get killed and secondly because it would give more propoganda power to the reds. I hope that the red leaders can be caught and brought to justice, given long sentences.

I will stick my neck on the line and say that I WOULD like to see bloodshed, but only this. I would hope to see Seh Daeng tried by a Court Martial and executed by firing squad to demonstrate that this sort of insubordination that threatens civil war will not be tolerated. If this was the only other death in this situation I would be perfectly satisfied.

Nice one Nick. That's a Save.

I went to redland 3 times a few weeks back and spoke to a number of people. Mostly I just heard "we hate Abhisit" or "we love Thaksin". When I tried to talk about possible policies to help the poor I got shouted at and moved along. On another occasion I spoke to a lady in English, she told me that she had lived in England for many years, when I told her I thought violence was not the way forward she said "stupid farang, go and kiss Abhisit the farang-lover", foolishly I tried to speak to her about what ideas the red shirts had to benefit the poor, she started screaming hysterically at me and redshirt guards loomed over and manhandled me. A scary experience but I got out okay.

I wanted to refrain from posting on this issue as too many people are already expecting Thailand to function like the West when that will never ever be the case! Seriously, why did you even attempt this? This issue is almost all emotion and a twist of the truths and almost no rationale. The western mind not meeting the Thai heart. Don't go there and don't discuss it as a foreigner with any Thai. Just stay completely out of it.

I'm usually not so blunt but this is just clear as day.

I know what he's saying, they have no solutions or knowledge. but the above is a lesson in how to get shot or assaulted 101!

It sure is! Like wearing a T-Shirt asking for that in Thai. Only a total noob with not even her/his survival instincts left intact would do this.

math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

"math was no your high point" And English wasn't yours, huh? :D

the missing "t" was a typo but at least I know the difference between Millions and Billions :)

Except for the "M" and the "B" I don't see a difference between Millions and Billions :D

"normalcy" is CERTAINLY an acceptable word in English regardless of US, Canada or UK ... open a dictionary.

"A return to normalcy" was Warren Harding's campaign promise in the US Presidential election of 1920.

I prefer the English version "normality" to the American English "normalcy" but I would be grateful for either right now in The CofA

What we have in BKK is 'abnormality' or do people really believe it to be 'abnormalcy'?? :)

But let's all hope the city returns to normal ASAP!

agree. Let's hope all of this can be worked out through diplomity.


Gunfire and explosions herd in Silom near Sala Dang BTS.

Army boys can be seen running towards Silom Rd with riot gear and big guns.

math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

"math was no your high point" And English wasn't yours, huh? :)

GOT 2 SMS from CRES just now, but my phone doesn't support THAI

anyone knows ifo about this???

Yes they looking for your advice.

Then the fun would be over in 5 minutes and there would be a new topic to blog about

"normalcy" is CERTAINLY an acceptable word in English regardless of US, Canada or UK ... open a dictionary.

"A return to normalcy" was Warren Harding's campaign promise in the US Presidential election of 1920.

I prefer the English version "normality" to the American English "normalcy" but I would be grateful for either right now in The CofA

What we have in BKK is 'abnormality' or do people really believe it to be 'abnormalcy'?? :)

But let's all hope the city returns to normal ASAP!


Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

My deepest respect


BULLSHIT BULLSHIT they are there because they have been paid by Thaksin you reds can not win, you have shown your real colors - did the innocent women at the BTS platform deserve to die ?

Suggest if you feel so sorry for them why don't you go and join them now ? and spare us your drivel

Have you done the math? 200 Baht per day (some people are saying 500 Baht), but let's assume 200 Baht. Times 60 days, time 100,000 people at the peak ...that's more money than Thaksin ever had. Doesn't add up?

200 * 60 * 100 000 is 1 200 000 000, right?

1200 million baht, 1.2 billion baht.

You claim that is all he had? You either failed at math or reading newspapers regarding his wealth.

2 explosions just heard at Sala Daeng.

That's what I mean as worse it gets and as more we know as earlier we know when to go. It's effects all of us! Cheers

Gunfire and explosions herd in Silom near Sala Dang BTS.

Army boys can be seen running towards Silom Rd with riot gear and big guns.

Yes, very regular explosions and probably some gunfire at Silom. I'm not planning to head outside to check it out though!


Glad I took care of my embassy errands instead of waiting 'till next week (so the wife could go shopping).


math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

"math was no your high point" And English wasn't yours, huh? :D

"redparrot" you really have got the BEST name for yourself, there haven't you? :):D:D

redparrot is always in desperation like the 3 stooges. figuratively speaking, if a red shirt was shot down as often as redparrot is on this forum, there wouldn't be anyone left standing at Ratchaprasong.

Have you done the math? 200 Baht per day (some people are saying 500 Baht), but let's assume 200 Baht. Times 60 days, time 100,000 people at the peak ...that's more money than Thaksin ever had. Doesn't add up?

math was no your high point I assume he can pay that from petty cash

Wish I had a billion baht in petty cash. But at that rate the protests will be going for another 6 months.

Gunfire and explosions herd in Silom near Sala Dang BTS.

Army boys can be seen running towards Silom Rd with riot gear and big guns.

Yes, very regular explosions and probably some gunfire at Silom. I'm not planning to head outside to check it out though!

Then stop posting and let the brave ones in :)

Gunfire and explosions herd in Silom near Sala Dang BTS.

Army boys can be seen running towards Silom Rd with riot gear and big guns.

Yes, very regular explosions and probably some gunfire at Silom. I'm not planning to head outside to check it out though!

Leave it to the stupid Red to even provoke army more so they even become more determinant to shoot them if something happens

Gunfire and explosions herd in Silom near Sala Dang BTS.

Army boys can be seen running towards Silom Rd with riot gear and big guns.

Army running toward the incident on Silom Road. Must be the terrorists again. Maybe in for a long night.

There was a woman killed on Silom by a grenade...... oh wait that was the reds.

Nono, that was FAKE reds of course!! :)

Can we agree at least it was a real woman?

Have you seen the corpse [by yourself]? © :D

There are rules against men being alone with female corpses! :D

So....????.....18:00 has come and gone.....whats happening.....or is it cry wolf again ??

CRES will be on TV just before midnight saying:

"Hah! We tricked you again! I bet you all believed it!"

just posted in another closed thread: "CRES Declares Emergency Decree in 15 Additional Provinces"

anyone know which provinces?

what effect will it have?

will helmet laws be enforced?

Nah, but you know what, don't dare be a farang and drop a cigarette butt on the floor.

7:15 the red shirts just sealed off Chid Lom, I am not sure why, I do not see any police

Maybe they take the duty from Cres now

The Nation: A high-ranking govt source has told us that "crackdown is unavoidable now".

Sorry to see it come to this. This is what many of the red leaders wanted and they just might have it now. I hope Jatuporn and company are happy with their wishes.

7:15 the red shirts just sealed off Chid Lom, I am not sure why, I do not see any police

I thought the army said they would try to decrease the red zone? Now it's the red shirts increasing the zone?

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