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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm


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A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have been shot in the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribune.

You kidding me?

They shot him whilst he was being interviewed by an international newspaper???????

Is that according to an interview or during an interview?

Yes according to the IHT http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/world/as...ref=global-home

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BANGKOK — A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have taken a single bullet to the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribune.

Hopefully the wound is fatal and the poor bloody innocent pawns that the leaders from the back have put in the front line will now see the truth and depart .

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TAN says he is out of ICU as of 5-minutes ago but say he is still in critical condition. Tons of reporters at hospital as well as military surrounding hospital. They say it appears he was shot by a sniper from the BTS. As far as they know, no other people were brought to the hospital for injury. They also reported they could not go live to the scene because their feed had been cut. They did have a reporter outside the hospital they were speaking with, I assume by cell phone.

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Lots of the Reds think Sae Dang is a legend and protects them from the army. A bit of psych ops for the masses ! A tactical masterpiece by the army taking him out, give the red rumour mill time to work and people will be losing their will to fight leaving a smaller number of hardcore protesters left.

A HV round to the head, the guy is 99% dead !

Get a life! You've been watching to many movies.

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Getting such a high value target sounds too good to be true. I don't believe that, without this aggressive man the red movement would not have a leader who incites to violence and killings. So there are snipers in Thai army after all. Is this really verified?

says he was picked off during an interview...bet that caught them by surprise!

When you have the shot , you take the shot. It's really that simple.

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Thai Tv is saying Seh Daeng is dead

I'm a little worried how the reds will react if thats true... the rift is about to widen even further.

Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

Defending a terrorist. What a peach you are.

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Oh, who cares. Sorry if I offended media mogul Sondhi.

And if it isn't biased, then it must be the only truly independent news source in Thailand.

No one is independent, but The Nation, BKK Post and TAN (my wife told also ASTV) clearly separate News and Opinions.

that is enough for me....I get the news, I can agree or disagree with the opinion.

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Dissident Thai General is Shot; Army Moves to Face Protesters


Published: May 13, 2010

BANGKOK — A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have taken a single bullet to the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribun

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Lots of the Reds think Sae Dang is a legend and protects them from the army. A bit of psych ops for the masses ! A tactical masterpiece by the army taking him out, give the red rumour mill time to work and people will be losing their will to fight leaving a smaller number of hardcore protesters left.

A HV round to the head, the guy is 99% dead !

We will most likely never her about it

But someone in the Thai armed forces will be getting a medal in the back rooms this week end

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Thai Tv is saying Seh Daeng is dead

I'm a little worried how the reds will react if thats true... the rift is about to widen even further.

Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

Well. maybe he'll be a vegetable for the next 50 years and then everyone can be happy. :)

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khunjamespittman Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

So how do you classify the red Shirt Brigade leaders ?

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Thai Tv is saying Seh Daeng is dead

I'm a little worried how the reds will react if thats true... the rift is about to widen even further.

Would not be surprised if taking out Seh Daeng was the plan.

IMO he was a major clog in any road map negotiations

If he is out of picture, other red leaders might start thinking

"time to go home before we get the next bullet

no doubt, in a crowd of follow the leaders, if they take out that guy, the rest will collapse like dominoes. they don't think for themselves, so really picking him off was a good plan. without him they prolly can't plan a picnic, or manage an ant farm.

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.Urgent: ์Nation Channel has announced correction, saying doctors still attempting to save Sen Daeng's life.

Pull the plug... :):D:D:D:D

Give the general a taste of his own medicine...allow protesters to rampage and terrorize his room.

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i don't think a sniper picking off the opposition will go over too well in the international community.

maybe it was one of those black shirts that nobody knows? :) International Community will say< we dont like the violence while winking

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He could very well be brain dead. I think that's a difficult concept for Buddhist. My ex was an organ transplant procurer/transplant nurse for many years. She always said the most difficult cases were the Buddhist.

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The Nation: Urgent @jin_NT has called Seh Daeng number. One guy picked it up/said Seh Daeng was injured in the head and in ICU at Hua Chiew Hospital.

The news just gets better! :))

Disgusting haters here at this board.

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