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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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The situation is not over, but one of the catalysts of violence is no longer there.

Many of the other Red leaders wanted to talk and sort things out...... but not him. b Al he wanted to do was fight and kill.

Look at the videos of him talking to reporters.

Agreed, but the question now is if his radical wing will regroup without him and also whether the government will be willing anymore to negotiate with the reds as they had their opportunity, and rejected it. I think it is clear most people in Bangkok want the red insurgents cleared out of their occupation zone ASAP. Patience has run out.

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Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

If you wish to consider yourself as nothing but a temporary tourist and continue this racist nonsense then that's up to you. Don't however lump the rest of us in with you as some of us and the Thais around us don't consider us Tourists.

Also people here like to express our opinions on a forum set up for foreigners without the constant droning of "if you don't like it then leave". I don't support the views of the person you were replying to however these comments annoy me a lot. If you don't like people expressing their opinion here then why don't you take your own advice and click close on the browser window?

I did not say he was MLK. I said they have CREATED one. This guy has been raised to the statud of saint by a bullet - like MLK. It's hard to beat dead saints. This government just lost the war.

Of all the facetious and asinine posts in this thread, yours truly takes the biscuit!

The martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King did not "create him" - he was already the leading Civil Rights leader in the US, a Baptist Minister with worldwide recognition and a Nobel Peace Laureate.

His assassination in no way is equivalent to the shooting of a treasonous general who was using violence & flagrantly flouting the law, to get his way.

Seh Daeng may well become the "red martyr", whilst I grant you one man's terrorist can be another man's freedom fighter, you slander the name of a very great man by making such a base comparison of this mutinous soldier with the man of peace.

Similarly, your understanding of dealing with low-level armed conflicts is way off the mark.

Rouge Out

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

With such disgusting attitudes as this, all i can say that Thailand has to be on the brink of civil war........what a pityful attitude. A man protesting for what he believes in and is coldly gunned down and some grub thinks it is ok., well i hope he gets his too.

A violent insurgency and illegal occupation is not a protest.

Fighting back when attacked and pushed out by military is hardly a violent insurgency.

A protest authorized and permitted by government is hardly a protest.  You want them to ask Thai govt if they can protest?  What do you think the answer will be? 


I just hope no one accuses the "green armbands" of terrorism after hundreds of them stormed a hospital, impeding medical staff from treating a patient with a critical gunshot wound to the (head/nape/neck/chest)

@tidarat said reporters earlier stationed at Dusit Thani and we all left after they heard explosion-like sound.

3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Nation TV @tidarat reported hearing explosion. As she was talking to Nation TV, audience could hear sound of gun shots.

4 minutes ago via TweetDeck

RT @Dany_k: RT @vaitor: soldiers running around at dusit thani. they seem confused // Wow...and these are the guys shooting....

7 minutes ago via TweetDeck

RT @jin_nation: RT @dowwow: M79 and M16 gun shots heard at Silom intersection

8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

Strange how most of the red apologists in this thread have less than 30 posts. Uncle Thaksin's PR department at work again?

Strange how jingthing is the only person in the world that says "red apologists" yet at least 5 different usernames used it in this thread.

You know it is against the rules to have multiple handles, don't you Jingthing?

I don't have a copyright on RED SHIRT APOLOGISTS. I only post under Jingthing. If you think differently, take your insane accusations up with the mods.

indeed, if you suspect that a member in here has multiple IDs you can report this to the moderators for investigation. This is more productive than an unsubstantiated public claim.


Smart move by the government to deny complicity here and blame it on ...a 'third hand', 'black hand', 'big fish', any fish, etc, etc.  

Divide and conquer  


every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

Didn't this crap start when the military removed an elected government from office?

No it started when Thaksin bought his way into office, then ignored the coalition government, skyrocketed executive power, ordered the extrajudicial killings of over 2000 people, cheated the treasury and the people out of billions of taxes. Most Thais cheered the 2006 coup. I would rather live under Thai military rule than Chalerm, Jatupron, Arisman, Nattawut, Veera or any other of the Red leadership and so, in my opinion would most Thais. Even better, a democratically elected government without the nouveau riche buying votes, parties and candidates.

It's no coincidence that the Red invasion was launched the day after the courts ruled against returning all of Thaksin's frozen assets. This is in no way a fight for democracy and freedom in any real sense in terms of leadership agenda.

Smart move by the government to deny complicity here and blame it on ...a 'third hand', 'black hand', 'big fish', any fish, etc, etc.  

Divide and conquer  

Divide and conquer is the maoist tactics used by the red shirts. Simply telling the truth is what the government is doing.

every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

He was on record as having admitted to training rebels to overthrow the government.

They have no legal right to occupy an important district of Bangkok and terrorize normal citizens. Next ...

But when they wear Yellow shirts Foreign MP thinks it is "good fun"...

every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

seh daeng - Add to iGoogle

39th most popular search in the past hour.

every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

If you are a supporter of due process how can you be a red shirt supporter?? isn't that an oxymoron

If he survives he'll be a Veggie.

No change then :)

Except he can be deemed as being posted on 'gardening leave', instead of just AWOL.

There are a lot of whining apologists out tonight.

Anyone who has dealt with the break-down of law & order will know that it was SOP in the colonies

to shoot the ringleaders of any violent demonstration that led to loss of life.

This red general was clearly the tactical leader of the violence by the reds' ronins

that has led to the deaths of many Thai citizens, soldiers & policemen.

After months of mayhem and civil disobedience a deal was struck last week, but evidently the egos of these

Thaksin bedfellows would not allow them to walk off the stage.

Instead they continued to eek out further humiliation from the present government

that has brought about this night's actions.

The general has reaped what he has sown.

Get over it and go home.

Reports said some UDD core members remained inside a container behind the stage surrounded by many guards.

can someone pick the whole container please? Forklifting will do ... :)

It's a bit like the wizard of Oz this, booming voices pumped to the stage - "Pay no attention to the man in the container. :D


every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

If you are a supporter of due process how can you be a red shirt supporter?? isn't that an oxymoron

read more carefully, i say clearly, I am NOT a supporter of the red shirts.


It's big news here in Europe, every week the headlines gets worse, expect more holiday cancellations from families that are worried.

I dont think Thailand can continue with this much longer.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.

Well said.

every time I ask a question or make a comment about this guy on TV i get attacked, but i want to know, has Sah Deang been accused of any specific acts of violence during these protests? I do not mean in general blaming him for the violent aspect of things, but specific charges like he was behind this bombing, or that shooting?

I am not a supporter of the red shirts, and sah deang seems like a whacko to me, but I am a supporter of due process. My instinct is to be doubtful of the usefulness of shooting people in the streets.

If you are a supporter of due process how can you be a red shirt supporter?? isn't that an oxymoron


You mean like all the supposedly moderate educated pro-democracy yellows here who write blood thirsty post after blood thirsty post?


I dont mean to sound insensitive but if all goes well he may at least have a job as an arobics instructor waiting for him.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.

Well said.

This argument about Farangs think they know better is crap, everyone thinks they know better. It reminds me of a great statistic, 80% of all men say they are better than average athletes.

Arrogance is a world wide trait throughout the centuries in all cultures.

"The others" include Adisorn Piengket, Visa Khantap and Visa's wife Paijitr.

less than 20 seconds ago via TweetDeck

Seh Daeng attack has overshadowed reports that Veera is leading quite a few red leaders in abandoning rally.

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

here we go ...

What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

I'm so pleased I'm not on my own. Tonight I have a house full of red friends of my GF. All good at the moment because these folks are hard working realists, not brainwashed by the wealthy have nots! ( you know that makes sense)

Lucky you

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