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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Keep toting that Nation line everyone...

I love how so many people here honestly seem to think the only people in the country that have been 'brainwashed' are the reds. Certainly there is an element of uneducated people being brainwashed and taken advantage of to suite there higher political masters, but there are also very many people who truly believe in what there doing and have valid concerns. Everyone in this country (and you could argue everywhere in the world on different levels) is inundated with a different kind brainwashing propaganda from birth and dont forget it.

Also, cool it on the blood lust comments, I dont want to see people get killed on the streets of the city I live in and love no matter what and my apartment is inside the Ratchaprasong red zone, I work in Sala Dang and probably have dealt with this on a day to day level more than most of you. Keep a jai yen even when those around you dont na.

It would be good if we could have rational discussions with red supporters, but they rarely bring out any facts with any basis, go around in circles, and finally end up with "coup" or "elite".

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Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

Seriously Sao Jiang Mai, you may want to question your journalistic abilities. They have been telegraphing this behaviour from the outset. You'd have had to have been blind not to see it. Didn't you ever send one of your reporters to one of their meetings? It's been all hate all the time.

If only my garden grew like one of these threads AMAZING THAI VISA :)

I'm sure you are watering it dligently,......but you wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of bulldust that is on this site. :D

As for the FARANG tourists that you seem to dislike so much- they prop up the economy in this country, without them the economy will crash imo.

You seem to thing that Tourism is the main source of income for thais. Its not. Remove yourself from Tourist Thailand and go check the rest of it out......tourist schmourist.


I beg to differ, you forget all the things and jobs not counted as tourism industry but which would not have existence without the tourists. clothes, internet cafes in tourist areas, restaurants in tourist areas, shops in tourist areas, all the money sent normally by bar girls , gogo dancers, freelancers to their famillies, all the bars and discos aimed at tourists all the taxis who work exclusively off tourists, all the gem scams shops, all the beer bottles that tourists buy at 7/11, all the condoms bought, all the indian tailors, all the spas, relaxation parlors, all the foot massages , all the beach masseuses, all the motorcycle/ car rentals etc etc all these and more are NOT counted as tourism revenue but yet is totally dependant on tourism .... and its a HUGE part of the Thai budget.

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Will you get over the guest crap.

We live in Thailand. We support Thai families. We have Thai friends. We pay Thai taxes. We work with Thais. We employ Thais.

We are not guests.

Maybe on your next border run you will discover the door can close for you. You don't seem to comprehend that it doesn't matter if you work or pay taxes orhow many times you've renewed your visa. Everyone with a bank account pays taxes even if they are not residing in Thailand. Only when you have been granted Thai citizenship can you claim to be Thai. Where you reside temporarily only make you a temporary guest. You're visa only gave you a right to enter the country not a say in how it is run. Get over it. Face it, you're just visiting here!

If you don't like the rules, pack your bags and go back to your homeland.

Many of us farangs are exactly that, guest here. We have been invited by Thai institutions to work here. (hence no need for the border run you mentioned).

Do not expect any human to live and work somewhere without having feelings or opinions about the place. That is silly.

I hope that you respect the lives, families and feelings of your guess, or else you are a pretty terrible host.

Finally, many like myself are married with children. Those children, like mine, are Thai citizens. I hope you permit me to care and want the best for my daughter's and my wife's country without having to "pack my bags and go back to my homeland".

Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

OK. However, I can't understand any civilized person having any sympathy for them at all after Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran.

The only ones that have sympathy for them are the reds themselves - like their fan club here - time for negotiation is over and I hope the government realizes that the only way to win this is to go full out and destroy them once and for all

Thats a bit harsh...kill the innocent protestors in the camp that are sticking up for the rights whether they are right or wrong?

It never ceases to amaze me how farangs on thaivisa seem to think they know best about thailand and how to deal with thailands problems.

What is also very funny is that i have scoured the thai tv channels to seem some live coverage and all i can find is thai soaps and other nonsense things...yet thaivisa has thousands of high intelligent members going crazy about others people problems..If you are a farang with a thai passport then fair enough..its your problem as well you fellow country mens.

"Red Shirts haven't committed a crime. What they are doing is failure to comply with the law."


Some posts were edited or deleted due to excessive formatting. Just because your font is bigger, does not make your post any more apt. If you need to blow it up to five tiomes normal size to make a point then maybe you need to rethink your post.

Yes, (The) Clashes Continue (between members), Turning Central Bangkok (Thaivisa Forum) In Virtual Warzone

:D . Its amazing so many big egos fit in this one little forum :)

Thailand's intellectual enrichment... :D

Some posts were edited or deleted due to excessive formatting. Just because your font is bigger, does not make your post any more apt. If you need to blow it up to five tiomes normal size to make a point then maybe you need to rethink your post.

Could you give some consideration to deleting all posts of persons who can't master the quote function? Either that or come up with a quote function that even an idiot can master.

1. Has the government successfully surrounded the protest site so that water and food cannot be brought in?

2. How much water/food do the protesters have stock piled?

3. What leaders are still taking the stage/around Central World?

Looks like this thing could drag into next week/eternity.

The lack of real coverage of the events is astonishing.......especially on Thai TV (what a joke).

Hey common now ... there are two hot chicks doing their best one 1 of the channels

Have no clue what they are saying .... but hey now

Red shirts toughen demands

The red-shirt leaders Friday announced they would no longer compromise with the government and toughened their demands for the administration to comply with.

The red-shirt leaders demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to meet the five demands as following:

1) The government must cease fire immediately.

2) The government must withdraw troops immediately.

3) The government must lift the state of emergency immediately.

4) The House must be dissolved immediately.

5) Abhisit and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban must resign and must not be in the caretaker Cabinet.


-- The Nation 2010-05-14

When did they ever compromise?

yet another " we are only guest and not entitled to have an opinion " post YAWN!!!!!

They had to change tactics

The letters that spell "double standards" were worn out on their keyboards

It's a fact Sabai! When was the last time you showed your Thai ID card and voted? You can pump your self up with all your bravado but your opinion means nothing here except to your own ego.

Hey calm down man. This is just an expat forum where those obsessed with politics (me included) can spout off. We all know or at least I hope so that it means nothing in the big wide world. Same as at NM and all them other places. Blogland is like some pub where people can go and give their opinions uninformed or not to all and sundry. Sometimes rows even hjappen. Guess its better than a pub as no glassings or fights. Oh and Im sure no Thai person really gives a hoot wht we say on TV or NM or any other such place.

of course we are irrelevant - it's obvious - but the debate is fun (mostly)

If only my garden grew like one of these threads AMAZING THAI VISA :D

Your garden might grow better if you actually ever got away from your computer and went into the garden to tend it, your post count is scarey.

Even then you've probably got wifi and a netbook . :)

Yes actually, my yard has a sala that is wired up with electricity so that the notbook never runs out of power.....its where I post on my gardening forum from :D .

You chip me about my post count but theres plenty here who have posted well above what I do. I havent posted much this month at all, but since ur so closely watching me :D

Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

for james spitman

from Timekeeperpedia

i am sorry but i suspect you to have Red Head Syndrome

this syndrome manifests itself by aggressively, demeaning anyone who dares to speak badly of a red shirt supporter

it can be cured by a short posting holiday from Thai Visa to give you some time to practice courtesy to other posters

i am sure you have probably had one period of enforced rehab before, but multiple doses are often required for serious sufferers

sadly for some, red head syndrome can be a terminal disease

its predicted by experts in the country where it was first detected that there will be many deaths before it completely eradicated

its rumored a reclusive, meglomaniac, billionaire has isolated the cure for this serious psychosis but refuses to administer it for free for the benefit of the sufferers.

he expects to come to the country of its origin and make more billions from exploiting this red syndrome phenomenon

although the authorities would like access to a swift and painless cure for the sufferer's, they are reluctant to accept this billionaires extreme terms and conditions for the release of the cure to the infected masses

consequently they continue to work tirelessly to try stop this virus spreading any further and to try to contain it to one single area of contamination in the centre of Bangkok

government agencies currently have this area surrounded and is monitoring the inhabitants activities

its become apparent that one major symptom of the syndrome is the fear of being in enclosed spaces

some badly infected individuals have been trying to break out of this isolation area and have reacted violently towards their guards

its feared that some of the inhabitants of this isolation area will succomb to the violent effects that this syndrome can create within the host

for these sad individuals there can be no cure.

Copyright 2010 Timekeeperpedia @ curesforredheadsyndrome (dot) com

Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

OK. However, I can't understand any civilized person having any sympathy for them at all after Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran.


democracy is what the fight is all about freedom of the people to vote and elect a government of their choice and not the choice of the Armed Forces in Thailand this civil war the only losers are the Thais themselves the Reds fighting for their lives because of the repression they are suffering under the rich and powerful this has been going on for hundreds of years and now they will not give up. The Prime Minister will have to resign in the face charges of the people. This is the work of the New World order and the Bushes and the Blair's Rothschild's and Rockefeller's of this world are destroying democracy. Is it is going to end I think not -- I wish it would . The UK now has a new government Thailand needs one to. don't blame the people who want change is twice the government that was elected have been deposed.

It seems to me that the problem is reds don't understand how the parliamentary system works or how vote buying is cheating and that those who engage in it cannot be called democratically elected.

so would you say having an army coup and removing the elected government and that government being elected again

but still not allowed to govern is democratic ,,,then i dont understand the system either...

Some posts were edited or deleted due to excessive formatting. Just because your font is bigger, does not make your post any more apt. If you need to blow it up to five tiomes normal size to make a point then maybe you need to rethink your post.

Could you give some consideration to deleting all posts of persons who can't master the quote function? Either that or come up with a quote function that even an idiot can master.

Then after you find one an idiot can master .. please work

even harder to find one a red shirter can master .... sorry ... too easy :)

I am not a guest. I am an expat. This is home. Nothing to go back to.

Well, an expat is a guest in Thailand (and quite a few other countries), meaning nothing to go back to is not really a good plan... :)

As a Farang with Thai wives and children

Business that pay Tax

and we employ Thai people

But sadly when this is all over

We will all go back to being nothing but guest in their country

This is the Thai way, so get used to it

Good judgment comes from experience,

and experience ... well, that comes from poor judgment.

I want to express my gratitude to ChiangMaiFun for being so inept as to fuc_k up every post he makes thereby making it impossible to make a reply. Otherwise I'd probably have been banned by now.

It's not too late if you keep posting in the same vein.

The Nation: Leaders told #redshirts that they must not do things on their own & if they dont listen 2 leaders, they'd B considered 'fake' reds.

In other words, the leaders, even though they promised they would take all responsibility for their sheeple, cannot really control them. There is no such thing as a fake red. Once they've been brainwashed into blind hatred, the leaders are still responsible for every illegal action they have done. Nice try trying to deflect responsibility for what may happen this evening. At this point, there are no innocents.

The red leaders are getting creepier every time they open their mouths. For those of us who remember Jonestown, is this just a bit eerie? Or maybe a little too Charles Manson-ish?

THE NATION: (18.34) Rajprasong stage returns to normalcy and leaders told protesters not to be frightened. "The time hasnt arrived yet."

That is rather creepy! Maybe their very own water source this evening will be a little more potent than early this morning. "Revolutionary suicide," as Jim Jones put it.

Notice protesters are using sling shots and petrol bombs. Army using live ammo and rubber bullets and tear gas. Protestors dead (shot). Camera men shot. Civilians shot ? Soldiers not ?

And they claim to be abiding by international rules ?

Hey, Washington crossed the Delaware river at night, and his troops did a sneak attack on German mercenaries in Trenton. Colonists won the battle, and not one Yankee was killed or injured in the battle. Got a problem with the fairness of that?

Battles are not pretty, and there aren't referees prancing around with yellow and red cards in their pockets. Just because your side (the Reds) are suffering more injuries and deaths than the security troops, doesn't mean diddly squat, except the troops are doing a better job.

Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

OK. However, I can't understand any civilized person having any sympathy for them at all after Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran.

So, you can't understand half of the population. That is not surprising. I've met Red-supporters, rich and poor and middle class, actually I've known many for years. They are good people who, frightening to some, support greater democracy and less military intervention in Thai politics. I've met a few Yellows too and some are also good people. The most rabid yellows seem to be the farangs who are unnecessarily afraid of being lifted off their pedestal.

Half the population ???????????

You are living in a fantasy world you ....... little red ....... :):D:D:D:D:D

So let's have an election then. OK?

Some posts were edited or deleted due to excessive formatting. Just because your font is bigger, does not make your post any more apt. If you need to blow it up to five tiomes normal size to make a point then maybe you need to rethink your post.

Could you give some consideration to deleting all posts of persons who can't master the quote function? Either that or come up with a quote function that even an idiot can master.

Good idea! I can't fathom it and I'm pretty computer literate and received a post-degree education - so I must be an idiot too (you do not need to confirm this point thanks) - but no matter - it is esoteric, arcane and not user friendly and many of us can't figure it out - it should automatically delete the earlier posts OR highlight those posts that should be deleted.

Keep toting that Nation line everyone...

I love how so many people here honestly seem to think the only people in the country that have been 'brainwashed' are the reds. Certainly there is an element of uneducated people being brainwashed and taken advantage of to suite there higher political masters, but there are also very many people who truly believe in what there doing and have valid concerns. Everyone in this country (and you could argue everywhere in the world on different levels) is inundated with a different kind brainwashing propaganda from birth and dont forget it.

Also, cool it on the blood lust comments, I dont want to see people get killed on the streets of the city I live in and love no matter what and my apartment is inside the Ratchaprasong red zone, I work in Sala Dang and probably have dealt with this on a day to day level more than most of you. Keep a jai yen even when those around you dont na.

It would be good if we could have rational discussions with red supporters, but they rarely bring out any facts with any basis, go around in circles, and finally end up with "coup" or "elite".

Maybe you could point out all those facts you made in your condescending post?


3 M79 grenades hit Sala Deang BTS Station; at least 2 injuries reported 5 minutes ago via Digsby

Yet another nice sample of the very peaceful ongoing rally in acheving the peace and democracy for poor farmers. Bad bad BAD ABHISIT!!!



One of the best things Thailand could do with their education system is start teaching "civics" in their classes so when the young adults begin to vote, they will know how the system works-that you just don't go to the capital city as a mob and take over an airport, government gounds, or the business center (hospitals included) to get your way. there is a certain procedure to follow and you can't keep re-writing the "rules". Next, (a no brainer) give more attention to the north and Isaan with better schools, and subsidies for the farmers. And in the city, up the minimum wage and limit the hours to 40 hours - not working 6 days a week at 8-10 hours for peanuts. (of course the business people won't like this). After this is over, I hope (can't mention his name) comes out and makes a big speech about UNITY and scolds the population like children.

I agree with most of this BUT its implementation is extremely unlikely in the near future. The education system is one of the main ways the elite keep the plebs in their place - learn how to wai, learn who your "superiors" are, know your place i.e. the bottom. Never mind all that academic stuff, you don't need that. "Reading is boring."

Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Call a spade a spade

They are not insurgents ... they are terrorists

Especially all those red women and children... and let's not forget the elderly that are there as well. They should be the first ones gunned down right? :)

As for the FARANG tourists that you seem to dislike so much- they prop up the economy in this country, without them the economy will crash imo.

You seem to thing that Tourism is the main source of income for thais. Its not. Remove yourself from Tourist Thailand and go check the rest of it out......tourist schmourist.


I beg to differ, you forget all the things and jobs not counted as tourism industry but which would not have existence without the tourists. clothes, internet cafes in tourist areas, restaurants in tourist areas, shops in tourist areas, all the money sent normally by bar girls , gogo dancers, freelancers to their famillies, all the bars and discos aimed at tourists all the taxis who work exclusively off tourists, all the gem scams shops, all the beer bottles that tourists buy at 7/11, all the condoms bought, all the indian tailors, all the spas, relaxation parlors, all the foot massages , all the beach masseuses, all the motorcycle/ car rentals etc etc all these and more are NOT counted as tourism revenue but yet is totally dependant on tourism .... and its a HUGE part of the Thai budget.

You seem to forget

Thais are great mathameticians

Many times I have heard them say

"There are three kinds of economists, those who can count and those who can't.

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