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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

People around ducked and run away due to gun shot ringing out and the soldier fell to the ground, while those around scramble to regain composure and then carries the shot soldier to a van.

But in red propaganda eyes a soldier fell to the ground as he tripped when he jumped out of a truck, when they where on a picknick...invited by peaceful hippies.


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I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

Check your headphone and volume..


I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

I wish all those advocating violence form the first line of offence for Army and Reds... lets see how strongly they feel bout it...

They are killing people in the streets, it is *violent* anarchy...do you have any better ideas on how to handle what is seen in the video? Will talking to them nicely help?


I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

Send in the big guns to kill the families of the "kids drafted from the provinces". Too many people preaching violence here.

Everyone thinks they are right, but logic proves that everyone cannot be.

And yes, the beating and shooting of those soldiers is disgusting.

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

Check your headphone and volume..

He is brainwashed not to hear or anything that might be bad for the red propaganda. He twists dates and events to suit his brainwashing also.


I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

He was surrendering - wai-ing. You are one pathetic human being. :)

Half the population ???????????

You are living in a fantasy world you ....... little red ....... :):D:D:D:D:D

It's actually quite a few more than half, as you will see at the next election.

How do they go from 40% of the votes in the last election to more than 50% in the next election, with everything that they have done to ruin the economy and peoples lives over the last 6-8 weeks?

Simple...Vote-buying galore. This is their plan that is why they are calling for an early election. So, obvuse!

I really admire the nerve. Worth throwing to the gutters! How can anyone claim a red victory in the next election? This BS! Their Lord Thaksin is really somebody, a creator of zombies! Zombies for money and everything humanly negative.

Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

same people who ordered sondhi's shooting also ordered Seh daengs.

If you go back through all the four generals, one policeman and a poltiicain not living in Thailand stuff that was trawled to death by media and blogosphere over the Sondhi case I think you may revise that assumption



does anyone know if this poor soldier lived or died? How sad.

That was one of the most pitiful things I have ever seen on TV from any army in the world.

This country is getting more split minute by minute.

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

Check your headphone and volume..

He is brainwashed not to hear or anything that might be bad for the red propaganda. He twists dates and events to suit his brainwashing also.

Roger that!


I do not want violence, but if you do not knock this down now...and RIGHT now it will only get worse and more people will die.


democracy is what the fight is all about. freedom of the people to vote and elect a government of their choice,this and not the choice of the Armed Forces in Thailand.in this civil war the only losers are the Thais themselves. the Reds are this fighting for their lives because of the repression they are suffering under the rich and powerful this has been going on for hundreds of years and now they will not give up. The Prime Minister will have to resign and face the charges of the people. This is the work of the New World order and the Bushes and the Blair's Rothschild's and Rockefeller's of this world are destroying democracy. Is it is going to end I think not -- I wish it would . The UK now has a new government Thailand needs one to. don't blame the people who want change. twice the government that was elected have been deposed. back the reds

well said...

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" JFK

Tahksin is FAR from Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Tahksin is more like Bush/Cheney.


I just don't understand. It was agreed -- Dissolve parliament in October and new elections in November. Democracy in a nutshell.

But I really believe that there is a small group of very influential individuals -- on both sides of the fence -- who use the rhetoric of "Democracy" and "Morality" for no other reasons that to sway the masses to support their own agendas to usurp and consolidate power in order to further their own political and financial gains. The average Somchai on the street is a pawn in a game that is being played for much larger stakes.

The UDD should have disbanded, returned home, and gotten ready for the new elections. Democracy in action. But instead...

Those who wish to hold the reins of power are more than willing to achieve their objectives though violence and deception. And anarchy is but a tool to achieve their agendas -- a means to an end.

My heart goes out to the victims and families, both red and yellow, of this total absurdity. Unfortunately most don't have the capacity to understand just whom they are being victimized by. It's too difficult for most to see the big pictures as they play out the melodrama of their own humble existences.

For those who claim to be follow Buddhism, it would be a great time to start exercising compassion for your fellow countrymen. And if you truly wish to have Democracy, then let the democratic process play itself out...

Goodbye and good luck Thailand.

-- Sabbe sankhara anicca, sabbe sankhara dukkha, sabbe dhamma anatta

Hold on, the red spinners haven't had their chance yet. And they will speak up, because no matter how despicable the act, they will come to the rescue of the poor, peaceful farmers who only want democracy. And no doubt the defense will include one or more of the following: yellows occupied the airport. there was a coup 3 1/2 years ago. you're a farang and don't belong here so shut up.

EDIT: Jesus F Christ, I don;t believe it. Levelhead proved my point as I was writing and beat me to the post. :) is the only response

Talking about spin.

Isn't it ironic that every time an incident is fully caught on camera by the international press it turns out it wasn't the dirty reds after all.

Right about now the yellow spinners are having a hard time coming up with a story to explain the CNN footage of the shot Canadian.

Simple...Vote-buying galore. This is their plan that is why they are calling for an early election. So, obvuse!

I really admire the nerve. Worth throwing to the gutters! How can anyone claim a red victory in the next election? This BS! Their Lord Thaksin is really somebody, a creator of zombies! Zombies for money and everything humanly negative.

The only party to offer my wife money for her vote wasn't red, yet it is still in existence, how do you explain that?

I just don't understand. It was agreed -- Dissolve parliament in October and new elections in November. Democracy in a nutshell.

But I really believe that there is a small group of very influential individuals -- on both sides of the fence -- who use the rhetoric of "Democracy" and "Morality" for no other reasons that to sway the masses to support their own agendas to usurp and consolidate power in order to further their own political and financial gains. The average Somchai on the street is a pawn in a game that is being played for much larger stakes.

The UDD should have disbanded, returned home, and gotten ready for the new elections. Democracy in action. But instead...

Those who wish to hold the reins of power are more than willing to achieve their objectives though violence and deception. And anarchy is but a tool to achieve their agendas -- a means to an end.

My heart goes out to the victims and families, both red and yellow, of this total absurdity. Unfortunately most don't have the capacity to understand just whom they are being victimized by. It's too difficult for most to see the big pictures as they play out the melodrama of their own humble existences.

For those who claim to be follow Buddhism, it would be a great time to start exercising compassion for your fellow countrymen. And if you truly wish to have Democracy, then let the democratic process play itself out...

Goodbye and good luck Thailand.

-- Sabbe sankhara anicca, sabbe sankhara dukkha, sabbe dhamma anatta

Part of the agreement was for the reds to stop their protests ... looks like they haven't lived up to their part of the agreement.


I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

I wish all those advocating violence form the first line of offence for Army and Reds... lets see how strongly they feel bout it...

They are killing people in the streets, it is *violent* anarchy...do you have any better ideas on how to handle what is seen in the video? Will talking to them nicely help?

and killing them all (5000-6000) surely gonna help as per u...

I don't have a better idea thts why I am not giving any... and IMHO u haven't held a position of such authority in any govt or oderwise whr u can decide life or death of that many people... so pls refrain frm making comments like "send in the big guns and clean house" .... there are real people with families on both sides like u and me...

Hold on, the red spinners haven't had their chance yet. And they will speak up, because no matter how despicable the act, they will come to the rescue of the poor, peaceful farmers who only want democracy. And no doubt the defense will include one or more of the following: yellows occupied the airport. there was a coup 3 1/2 years ago. you're a farang and don't belong here so shut up.

EDIT: Jesus F Christ, I don;t believe it. Levelhead proved my point as I was writing and beat me to the post. :) is the only response

Talking about spin.

Isn't it ironic that every time an incident is fully caught on camera by the international press it turns out it wasn't the dirty reds after all.

Right about now the yellow spinners are having a hard time coming up with a story to explain the CNN footage of the shot Canadian.

I bet that news reporter shot himself! Just like Seh Daeng, who also shot himself.

Last election, reds got the most votes but NOT EVEN CLOSE to a majority. Next ... Red apologists, please use facts if you have them rather than lies.

PPP got 233 MP seats in a parliament with 480 seats in total.

How far they have been from a majority? And when it starts to be close to a majority? Can you explain Falang USA?


democracy is what the fight is all about. freedom of the people to vote and elect a government of their choice,this and not the choice of the Armed Forces in Thailand.in this civil war the only losers are the Thais themselves. the Reds are this fighting for their lives because of the repression they are suffering under the rich and powerful this has been going on for hundreds of years and now they will not give up. The Prime Minister will have to resign and face the charges of the people. This is the work of the New World order and the Bushes and the Blair's Rothschild's and Rockefeller's of this world are destroying democracy. Is it is going to end I think not -- I wish it would . The UK now has a new government Thailand needs one to. don't blame the people who want change. twice the government that was elected have been deposed. back the reds

well said...

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" JFK

Tahksin is FAR from Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Tahksin is more like Bush/Cheney.

Thanks for the first on the board to spell Gandhi right.... but then u spoiled it all with Thaksin .... lol


I just don't understand. It was agreed -- Dissolve parliament in October and new elections in November. Democracy in a nutshell.

But I really believe that there is a small group of very influential individuals -- on both sides of the fence -- who use the rhetoric of "Democracy" and "Morality" for no other reasons that to sway the masses to support their own agendas to usurp and consolidate power in order to further their own political and financial gains. The average Somchai on the street is a pawn in a game that is being played for much larger stakes.

The UDD should have disbanded, returned home, and gotten ready for the new elections. Democracy in action. But instead...

Those who wish to hold the reins of power are more than willing to achieve their objectives though violence and deception. And anarchy is but a tool to achieve their agendas -- a means to an end.

My heart goes out to the victims and families, both red and yellow, of this total absurdity. Unfortunately most don't have the capacity to understand just whom they are being victimized by. It's too difficult for most to see the big pictures as they play out the melodrama of their own humble existences.

For those who claim to be follow Buddhism, it would be a great time to start exercising compassion for your fellow countrymen. And if you truly wish to have Democracy, then let the democratic process play itself out...

Goodbye and good luck Thailand.

-- Sabbe sankhara anicca, sabbe sankhara dukkha, sabbe dhamma anatta

so pls refrain frm making comments like "send in the big guns and clean house" .... there are real people with families on both sides like u and me...

No, they are not like you and me...we are not pulling people out of trucks and beating them.

Hold on, the red spinners haven't had their chance yet. And they will speak up, because no matter how despicable the act, they will come to the rescue of the poor, peaceful farmers who only want democracy. And no doubt the defense will include one or more of the following: yellows occupied the airport. there was a coup 3 1/2 years ago. you're a farang and don't belong here so shut up.

EDIT: Jesus F Christ, I don;t believe it. Levelhead proved my point as I was writing and beat me to the post. :) is the only response

Talking about spin.

Isn't it ironic that every time an incident is fully caught on camera by the international press it turns out it wasn't the dirty reds after all.

Right about now the yellow spinners are having a hard time coming up with a story to explain the CNN footage of the shot Canadian.

The reproter was shot with a non-lethal rubber bullet. He was dressed in black, nothing to identify himself as a reporter. Those army kids are under tremendous pressure and under live fire from people dressed in black. Was it unfortunate and wrong. Yes.

Could it have been avoided if he was dressed as he was supposed to have been? Yes.

Your turn- unless your contract forbids you from any criticism at all.

Talking about spin.

Isn't it ironic that every time an incident is fully caught on camera by the international press it turns out it wasn't the dirty reds after all.

Right about now the yellow spinners are having a hard time coming up with a story to explain the CNN footage of the shot Canadian.

The guy is caught in the middle of a gun fight. What is there to explain?


Not wanting to be extremely cynical, but one must presume if a true crackdown hasn't yet arrived with true legal and moral right, that Abhisit is actually thinking how he can win the next election, not solve the problem.

I mean do you believe any politician when they say 'I am putting the country first."


This is all just taking waaaaay too long. Can we just push the fast forward button pleeeeaaase!

I can't remember why all this is happening again? Something about parliament, re-election, rights for the small citizen, a guy named Thaksin, 70+ billion baht.....blah, blah, blah.....


I don't see how anyone can watch that video and call them "peaceful protesters" I think the army is showing way to much patience here. Forget rubber bullets. It's time to bring out the real hardware.

DISGUSTING!! These are just kids drafted from the provinces into the Army no?

This pretty much seals the deal for me...send in the big guns and clean house....NOW!!

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

People around ducked and run away due to gun shot ringing out and the soldier fell to the ground, while those around scramble to regain composure and then carries the shot soldier to a van.

But in red propaganda eyes a soldier fell to the ground as he tripped when he jumped out of a truck, when they where on a picknick...invited by peaceful hippies.


Had he been shot you would have seen it in the news already claiming "soldier shot".

It seems everyone is getting shot in the head, he appears not to be shot anywhere, no blood at all.

Sorry, perhaps you see blood, can you point out where it is ?


Talking about spin.

Isn't it ironic that every time an incident is fully caught on camera by the international press it turns out it wasn't the dirty reds after all.

Right about now the yellow spinners are having a hard time coming up with a story to explain the CNN footage of the shot Canadian.

I bet that news reporter shot himself! Just like Seh Daeng, who also shot himself.

Not only did that reporter do it to himself, but far from the reds, alone in front of the army he said " help me..." than shot himself again for good measure.

No blood..... looks like he fell out of the lorry and took a hard landing.

If you are part of an army who is shooting and killing civilians then you have to expect the rest of the civilian population to be pretty much anti-army.

Most farangs cannot understand this and its why you see all these "shoot them up" calls, but this is Thailand and the army is a known problem and is tolerated by the people, but if they step over the line the people will turn against them, as you see in that video.... normal people upset and wanting to stop the army from killing more people.

This takes the biscuit. What a disgrace to the human race.

Last election, reds got the most votes but NOT EVEN CLOSE to a majority. Next ... Red apologists, please use facts if you have them rather than lies.

PPP got 233 MP seats in a parliament with 480 seats in total.

How far they have been from a majority? And when it starts to be close to a majority? Can you explain Falang USA?

My Windows calculator tells me they were 8 MP seats short of a majority! Count in Newin's seats, who cheated his supporters by siding with Thaksin before the election and then jumping ship to the Democrats ...and you've got a majority. Maybe that's why the Democrats are so reluctant to hold elections?

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