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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Jerry --- you are Red. You have always excused the red threats of violence as "negotiations". You have failed to speak out against the red use of violence and instead have excused it as being needed for change and then added historical references to the French revolution AND to violent mobs using force as part of negotiations in France and other parts of Europe. It is when the reds get HURT that you speak about peace.

The reds had a great deal offered to them. They wanted elections. They wanted investigations into April 10th, they wanted and wanted. They were offered what they wanted then added more and would not go home. They called for violence and then vowed to fight to the death. You called it "negotiations". Now that they have the violence THEY called for from the red stage .......

Your claim to non-partisanship is not true --- one has only to read your posts. You are Red.

If asking for PEACE and no deaths is beeing red then I am red too and so is

most of the rest of the world , including a vast majority of thais .

Go on Jerry ....

Asking for peace and no deaths is Thai, but, Thaksin's red has come to mean armed insurgency, blowing up the country's infrastructure, invading hospitals, and is synonymous with M79 grenades, not to mention overt calls for destroying the country.

If you believe that the general Thai population, given their culture, supports any of this violence you are sadly mistaken.

Western models of downtrodden class upheaval tearing down the evil elite 'system' surely don't compute here, it ain't going to happen that way, and those who are comforted by such wet dreams are sure to be disappointed. Such a model fits here about as well as a group of Thai spiritual doctors in front of Wall Street waving their penis shaped talismans in an effort to cure the economic woes of the corrupt western financial system.

Very coloured description but you miss the basics

Tell me

Yesterday the ultra violent reds killed how many soldiers ?

And yesterday the "good" governement killed how many civilians ?

And today ?

Is the current PM trying to rival Thaksin on his Tai Bak massacre ?

Though colorful, I was addressing the basics. Yesterday's body count as a detail taken out of context is of little use to develop understanding, except perhaps as an emotive data point to back ones own preconceived views (for right or wrong). I can easily do the same.

To add context, ask what decisions might be made by a military taken off guard on April 10th by the assassination of their commanders and a surprise attack by a well armed undercover force. Do you suppose they might attempt removing the red insurgent commander (not sure they did) and apply force against the estimated 500 armed guards that may be mixed in with the innocent red crowd? I do.

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I just watched a BBC video on the net and they interviewed an English guy who had joined the protesters and was with them in their camp - <deleted> now we have some idiot foreigner joining this rebellion - thats just what we need to turn the locals against the foreigners......who is this <deleted>?

I think his name is Richard Cranium :):D

Sure reprimand for 'off topic' again but Oz has high profile politician named Richard Face. Bet he could fight better than the boy named Sue. :D

Actually, his name was J. Richard Face (how bad could the J. be), Labor member for Charlestown in the NSW gov't. From memory became Minister for Gaming and Racing, until found guilty of corruption which was hardly a surprise to anyone who knew the mongrel. Ex-plumber, turned copper, turned pol, turned convict. And you'd lose that bet.

Really... that's a good bit of work you did! Thanks

No work req'd. Knew him both personally and professionally (if you could call his work professional). Scum.


While serving in the Vietnam war kids where used to kill the good guys

facing a cute smile meant the death for many young US marines

A 10 year old child can kill just as well as a 20 year old

Blame his parents not the soldiers


Diogenes would have been quite at home in the LOS.

Due to TS's way of constantly lying, even when it is not necessary to, I have dubbed him the Anti-Socrates.

He refuses to speak truth.

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

Kids I understand...but whts wrong with women being there... women can protest in Thailand or its against rule?

In many parts of the world women serve in the forces

If a woman is in the front line, then she is there at her own peril

A very old and wise friend once said to me that the only reason the poor exist, is to support the rich. This is nowhere more evident than in the LOS.

Virtually every piece of reporting, every editorial from outside of Thailand in 'Farangland', they never fail to include a brief summary of why all this chaos is happening on the streets of Bangkok. it is a battle between the 'rural poor' from the Nth and Nth East and the Thai Elite who populate trendy downtown areas in bangkok. Down in my native country, Australia, the failed PM, Kevin Rudd, has been using this socialist rhetoric since he first campaigned for the job. 'Australian Working Families'.

It's all BS.

When Taksin was PM did I see all the Isaan Girls abandon the selling of their bodies in the Bars of Pattaya and stream home en masse to their poor villages, secure in the knowlege of a better and brighter future? Did I see the 1000's of Taxis, driven by battling Isaan fathers desert the streets of Bangkok and follow them?

Former PM taksin believes that out of chaos will come order, his order, he will return as the Messiah and save the country from Civil War and economic ruin. And that would be fine if it were true. But it is not.

This is just another struggle and battle for power, money, influence and control. The Poor. or more aptly the Pawns, are just the expendable players in a game of political chess. A game that has been underway since Siam became Thailand.

What can be said that hasn't already been said.

Diogenes would have been quite at home in the LOS.

Check your history and see who was responsible for changing Siams name its very interesting. He was from the so called elite

think about it DH.

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

No ... the Reds need to stop sacrificing their young to Thaksin!

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

I just watched a BBC video on the net and they interviewed an English guy who had joined the protesters and was with them in their camp - <deleted> now we have some idiot foreigner joining this rebellion - thats just what we need to turn the locals against the foreigners......who is this <deleted>?

I think his name is Richard Cranium :):D

Sure reprimand for 'off topic' again but Oz has high profile politician named Richard Face. Bet he could fight better than the boy named Sue. :D

Actually, his name was J. Richard Face (how bad could the J. be), Labor member for Charlestown in the NSW gov't. From memory became Minister for Gaming and Racing, until found guilty of corruption which was hardly a surprise to anyone who knew the mongrel. Ex-plumber, turned copper, turned pol, turned convict. And you'd lose that bet.

Thanks for qualification Mick. I'm a Newcastle boy from Oz previously married to one of the journo's who busted him. I'll go ya on the bet though skippy. What odds?? She'll be right anyway cobber.

You take the bust for 'off topic'

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.


btw -- I saw plenty of footage of armed reds yesterday on TV here in Thailand. The assertion that something MUST have video is assinine. Feel free to take a look at the local press for more information.

(The bullets came from the place where the reds were and the police were not .... but hey ... if you are Red you'll blame the police anyways!

Your video dont show any red shooting M79 or M16 . That was the question yes ?

The public opinion is turning away from your master .

Pity you dont sense it .


While serving in the Vietnam war kids where used to kill the good guys

facing a cute smile meant the death for many young US marines

A 10 year old child can kill just as well as a 20 year old

Blame his parents not the soldiers

Good guys... may be they didn't believed u were gud enuf... no justification is enuf...

If a child is willing to kill himself thn u must be wrong ...


There is very little in the international press. They don't care about it.

What they do have is usually along the lines of "the reds are unhappy because Abhisit came to power through a parliamentary vote". Democracy - the reds don't understand that.

Internal strife weakens Thailand, so what you are suggesting is surrender to them? I suppose you are suggesting that the south should be handed over to Malaysia because that's what a few people down there want?

And then the sealer - because I have a different opinion to the reds, I am in danger? Yay for RED DEMOCRACY.

The first story on Yahoo news is Thailand.

Yes. They are reporting on the violence. International news sources love violence.

They do have the standard statement - "They claim his coalition government came to power through manipulation of the courts and the backing of the powerful military."

Am I supposed to get my knowledge of the Thai situation from these international news sources?

BBC did not show the video with evidence of protesters attacking thai soldiers, CNN mentioned it. Why.?

The law firm defending Thaksin is based in London. Does this mean anything?


it means he will never be able to visit in person

he is banned from UK

some sense exists in the world after all..........

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :D

Indeed it is .

Who put the women and children there in the first place? Duh... I get sick of these posts. Always blaming the wrong person!

Did your parents do this to you?

Its amazing the amout of people that have problems with the simple task of 'joining the dots'. Let me see, would I lead my innocent children & other loved ones into a dangerous situation? :)

There are many on the is posting that say this is okay

Tell a red shirt he should be allowed to do something

and if he gets killed

are you not guilty for his death also

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

Probably best sums things up from all the posts.

Bottom line, these days are a tragedy for Thailand and noone will be proud of what they have achieved or not. It is all a disaster in the end.


Red shirts firing weapons...

Ok? Is that good enough?

Footage from the 10th of April. Come on, get real. :)

And what are you suggesting has changed over the couple of weeks in between then and now?


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...


As I'm typing this, my family in the north and northeast are praying that our Siam can be one again. We are all Thais, I still believe our blood is stronger than water...Just please stop the killings already!

Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

So to be overly clear, you are saying that someone most likely residing in the red shirt camp fired this bullet?

So there are absolutely NO misunderstandings - this is a photo taken through the hole in the wall towards where it came from.

The second photo is compass next to the hole, showing which direction it came from.

Building is on Rajaprarop Road, which is facing the southern enclave directly to the south ~ 500 m.

That's nice work Tomaz but you can't put clear evidence right in front of these people and expect them to see it for what it is. To them black is white always or something like"fake reds" must be behind it and so on........

That's a little too close mate be careful!

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

My guess is that the press dont want to be shot at , which is no risk if they stay on the side of the soldiers

and a great risk if they go inside the red camp .

Simple ...

But reds assured their safety??!?!?!?

There is one famous Red Shirt General who will disagree with you

Red shirts can not keep even them selves safe

and he has a hole in his head to prove it

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

No ... the Reds need to stop sacrificing their young to Thaksin!

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

Life is cheap here... I dunno the circumstances of the 10 year olds wounds, I really don't think that the soldiers were targeting a kid. He just happened to be there. It could have been me going through Din Daeng intersection yesterday ... I got lucky.



I have said this before on a forum, all DEVELOPING COUNTRIES go through a stage where the rural is more "poor" than the "city folks". It is a natural process. If you are American, think of what the rural life was like back in the 1930's and '40's--there were no rich farmers then. And have you seen the rural life in Laos, Cambodia or in Kenya ? They are worse off. Even my Isaan friend said to me that life is better in Isaan that it was when he was a boy..at age 15, his village finally received running water and electricity in the early 1980's. True, if we compare Isaan with Europe or North American, the people will look deprived--but there has been progess. But like my buddy from Isaan, he has moved to the cities to have a better life. The same story as my American grandparents. I am not saying things are perfect or equal between the metropolitan and rural areas, I am saying it takes time and GOOD LEADERSHIP. I really felt the educated Abhisit could make a change but with this circus going on, I feel the next elections will bring in another "thug".


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

I dont see on that old video any red shirt shooting . That was at a time when reds

10th April were all in red .

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

No ... the Reds need to stop sacrificing their young to Thaksin!

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

I have to agree but what is worse killing a child just for the fun of it or to prove a point. Leave or we will kill your children. Thailand has gone mad. The prime minister has his balls in the vice and the UN will soon start turning the screw.

Instead of constantly criticising my posts, cheering flamers, and making cringe worthy sleazy come-ons to the female members of this forum, why don't you post something intelligent for a change ?

:D So rich coming from you. If you actually read what is being written here rusty, virtually everyone is critising your posts, you are truely a very troubled man person.

Priceless that you are asking me to post something intelligent :D:)

Mate, if I showed the posters on this forum the sick, sexually perverted PM you send me a few weeks ago, there wouldnt be any doubt about who the troubled person is.... :D

lets see it.........


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

I dont see on that old video any red shirt shooting . That was at a time when reds

10th April were all in red .

Come on.

Who is it then? Tell me.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

Would you go and take a photo and video of someone who WILL shoot you if you do?

Why so many photos of soldiers shooting? Cause people dare to take photos and videos of them, knowing they won't get killed for it.

Then again even if the redshirt blew your head off, you'd still deny they use any weapons beyond footclappers...

Are you going to tell that to the dead reporters? Yes, reporters died last night in the army fire.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

Would you go and take a photo and video of someone who WILL shoot you if you do?

Why so many photos of soldiers shooting? Cause people dare to take photos and videos of them, knowing they won't get killed for it.

Then again even if the redshirt blew your head off, you'd still deny they use any weapons beyond footclappers...

:):D:D . Cut the BS . The red shirts never shot anyone . Thanks

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

Would you go and take a photo and video of someone who WILL shoot you if you do?

Why so many photos of soldiers shooting? Cause people dare to take photos and videos of them, knowing they won't get killed for it.

Then again even if the redshirt blew your head off, you'd still deny they use any weapons beyond footclappers...



I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from, the one that shoots and kills is the one responsible. The army is shooting around wild and blind without even having a clear target. That's not what the army should be doing, I'm sorry. Either they have a clear target or they stop shooting.


Please learn Thai Culture



Rule 34 in the unwritten Thai motor traffic act, to be used when a Thai has an accident with a Farang

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