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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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You don't even understand the most basic thing, yet you keep arguing.

It doesn't matter whether you watch or don't watch TV. What matters is whether you own a TV.

Yeah, I don't live in the UK, yeah. Makes you wonder, eh? Maybe I live somewhere else or something. Yeah. let's bet on it. Do you wanna bet where I live? Yeah... yeah... let's bet. Hmmm... I live on Mars, yeah. Oh no! I don't know anything! You Yellows have caught me out with your wit again! I'm not even living on this planet! Oh no! Let's grow up "live-at-home students"...

Yeah, I own a TV. I also have a job. I can't avoid paying tax on my income - the government take it from my pay-packet without my asking.

A fair deal as I see it as you probably use public facilities without asking

All this murder because a grubby little Abhisit clinging to illegitimate power would rather see his own people murdered than uphold democracy in an election.

The DIRTY Abhisit government KILLING civilians (51 so far) to CLING ON to an ILLIGITMNATE government in the name of THE LAW… Actually, I have the right and I can bring this man to an international tribunal after this. He killed 51 innocent people. He is the bad man in all this but his licking to the Crystal makes him think he can get away with it. He will fall very soon and so will his army.

Only a Brit would think the BBC is anything like the best TV broadcaster in the world. Others might not agree.

Yeah, because the essence of my post was The Guinness Book, right? Only a Yellow Shirt would bring that up. Hmmm... I say... funny how the Red Shirt leaders are living in five star hotels while the Yellows Shirt leaders are living in slums in Dusit Zoo Palace eh? 555+ Doesn't make sense, does it?

What does the red and yellow have to do with your lies and misunderstandings regarding the BBC? None at all. Which is how high credibility I give your posts from now on.

Only a Brit would think the BBC is anything like the best TV broadcaster in the world. Others might not agree.

Yeah, because the essence of my post was The Guinness Book, right? Only a Yellow Shirt would bring that up. Hmmm... I say... funny how the Red Shirt leaders are living in five star hotels while the Yellows Shirt leaders are living in slums in Dusit Zoo Palace eh? 555+ Doesn't make sense, does it?

What does the red and yellow have to do with your lies and misunderstandings regarding the BBC? None at all. Which is how high credibility I give your posts from now on.

So where do you get your unbiased information from?


Wow, you just posted clear propaganda, not even reds here tried to pretend that the other protesters huddling there are hurt. But here we have a video without explanation and inflammatory text doing the Fox News dance...cute.

All this murder because a grubby little Abhisit clinging to illegitimate power would rather see his own people murdered than uphold democracy in an election.

The DIRTY Abhisit government KILLING civilians (51 so far) to CLING ON to an ILLIGITMNATE government in the name of THE LAW… Actually, I have the right and I can bring this man to an international tribunal after this. He killed 51 innocent people. He is the bad man in all this but his licking to the Crystal makes him think he can get away with it. He will fall very soon and so will his army.

His licking of the what...?

If Abhisit wants to end this and he is so sure that nobody supports the red shirts, he should dissolve parliament immediately, call fresh elections. Nothing better than prove to the red shirts that he is indeed loved by the majority of Thais. And at the same time deal an embarrassing blow to them and making them lose face. He could even get an absolute majority, and that way the Democrats could rule alone, without needing the smaller coalition parties.

Unless of course it all goes wrong and Puea Thai ends up winning an absolute majority. But that would never happen, would it? :)

Well, it would if the political climate was such that opposition candidates were prevented from campaigning in their areas. Or vica versa. Personally, I thought Abhisit was on the right track with elections in November. A cooling off period - time to sit down and thrash out the electoral rules of engagement (agreement on how to curb intimidation / corruption etc) and then a normal election when everything had calmed down a bit. The way things are at the moment the country with no government at all for the best part of two months followed by a bitter and partisan election would seriously risk precipitating the country right over the edge into overt and outright civil war. I strongly advise you to read up on the origins of the 1936 - 39 Spanish War.

Only a Brit would think the BBC is anything like the best TV broadcaster in the world. Others might not agree.

Yeah, because the essence of my post was The Guinness Book, right? Only a Yellow Shirt would bring that up. Hmmm... I say... funny how the Red Shirt leaders are living in five star hotels while the Yellows Shirt leaders are living in slums in Dusit Zoo Palace eh? 555+ Doesn't make sense, does it?

What does the red and yellow have to do with your lies and misunderstandings regarding the BBC? None at all. Which is how high credibility I give your posts from now on.

So where do you get your unbiased information from?

First mistake young paddawan, you think any source is unbiased. The trick is to know the bias and use multiple sources. Infact, much like the gene-pool and beauty, the more sources the better...

What i would like some comment on is this - when i vote for a person to represent me in government at home in Europe i would expect them to act with honour and if challenged to go to the polls to p[rove their mandate to govern I would expect them to go - I wish only to vote for strong honest people win or loose and accept the outcome ...

... and in case your strong and honest government didn't meet your demand of a premature poll - even if you besieged the downtown area of your capital for months together with several thousand of similarly dissatisfied citizen of said democratic country causing distress and loss of income to tens (or is it hundreds?) of thousand other members of said democracy - would you then consider your government weak and dishonest if they still didn't budge? - Maybe you would, but what if now you were one member of your European socalled democracy that weren't against the sitting government, but rather one of those fellow citizens that loose out very big each day your government allows you to keep preventing the capitals main business district from functioning?


So where do you get your unbiased information from?

First mistake young paddawan, you think any source is unbiased. The trick is to know the bias and use multiple sources. Infact, much like the gene-pool and beauty, the more sources the better...

I can't argue with that post.

The BBC is the most unbiased news agency in the world.

Actually, I'd say al-Jazeera (sp) is currently the leading main-stream news outlet for unbiased reporting. And I'm actually serious about that. They seem to be an excellent news organization.

Yes I will second that.

The BBC is the most unbiased news agency in the world.

Actually, I'd say al-Jazeera (sp) is currently the leading main-stream news outlet for unbiased reporting. And I'm actually serious about that. They seem to be an excellent news organization.

Yes I will second that.

His licking of the what...?

Crystal... You understand? Are you a communist? Trying to defame? I hope not. It's illegal you know.

No, I don't know what you mean. You better tell us what you mean.


Can't support any kind of killing but if one has to chose between bads - these sniper strategies the various parties seem to be using is to prefer over just confronting mobs head on with live bullets. I didn't know Seh Daeng well enought to have anything personal against him, but i can't help but wonder how many lives have been saved because he was taken out prior to the current offensive measures by the authorities.


Funny how Abhisit has repeatedly said, to CNN and BBC among others, that he will resign if he cannot solve the situation at Rajprasong. Well, the situation at Rajprasong has now escalated to a civil war across entire Bangkok and is about to spread to the entire country. Yet, he's still holding on to power. If he didn't promise things that he knows he can't keep, maybe this all wouldn't be.

No, I don't know what you mean. You better tell us what you mean.

I think we have an anti-royalist here. So bad these people. Why do you say these things? Are you starting an argument when there's no need for one? Don't be a soft lad 'TAWP', really. Do credit to yourself and start a grown-up's argument, okay? ;-)

Are you on drugs? You talk about that he is licking something, I ask what you mean he is licking. Now speak up or get out.

Funny how Abhisit has repeatedly said, to CNN and BBC among others, that he will resign if he cannot solve the situation at Rajprasong. Well, the situation at Rajprasong has now escalated to a civil war across entire Bangkok and is about to spread to the entire country. Yet, he's still holding on to power. If he didn't promise things that he knows he can't keep, maybe this all wouldn't be.

Funny how the red shirt leaders promised they would turn themselves in on the 15th no matter what happened...

If they wouldn't promise things that they know they cannot keep, maybe this wouldn't be.


The Abhisit government is illegal 'panchine', that's why he won't call an election. He'll lose if he does. I've been a Labour supporter for 18 years in the UK but notice how Gordon Brown stepped down to allow a new coalition to form (from the ballot box) a new government - a good move for the people. Actually, GB called for an early election - he could have waited but he didn't. That's a true democracy - lessons to be learned, as L42 would say. The Yellows have lost big time. Soon, their little slaves will be their bosses. Hehehe…

G.Brown did not call for an early election. The last Labour government ran for the full 5 years, which is the maximum term allowable. He is probably kicking himself for not calling an election shortly after he took over as PM when he was still popular.

As for the result of the election, he was quite willing to try and cut a deal with the Lib-Dems and others despite losing popular support i.e. not biggest party anymore and with Lib-Dem - Conservatives talks still ongoing. When it became obvious they couldn't get it on, he resigned abruptly.

All the political horse-trading and machinations were not very edifying, but thankfully democracy prevails over mob rule in the UK despite all its faults.


It's a power struggle - nothing more nor less. Redshirts all talk about 'democracy' but they come across like a group of 10 year olds discussing shagging. . They really have no idea what they're talking about. If they really wanted democracy they'd have taken up Abhisit's offer of an election in November. Abhisit - for all his faults actually understands what a democracy is supposed to look like. And he knows you cant' have it without time to cool off, sort out the logisitics, campaign and hold elections in an atmosphere that isn't viscerally tribal and overshadowed by ongoing violence The sort they have in proper functioning democracies in other words.

But no the redshirts can't wait a few months - and the mask slips. This demand for immediate dissolution while they attempt to break down civil society is nothing but an attempt to create a power vacuum (anarchy) that they can manipulate for their own ends. I used to be quite sympathetic to the red shirts. - but I'm utterly sick of them now. I"m just sorry that so many are dupes of the cynics who run them.


Please inform us how to differentiate between a person in black, possibly carrying arms, that is crawling behind cover towards the army and a person in black, possibly armed, that is hiding or crawling behind the cover after being hit by a bullet. Infact, seeing the film, I would guess he got hit by 3 rubber bullets or has minor through-and-through wounds, atleast the initial hits, due to the way he moves. But we can only speculate.

Here is a tip: get your behind down to the barricades and try to ID who is doing what at 100-200m distance. Easy, isn't it?

Fire only if you can place a clear shot at an armed terrorist and when it is clear that your shot will not hit any innocent bystander. Don't fire at random just on suspicion into an area because a wearer of a black shirt who looked like up to no good was seen nearby somewhere there.

Isn't that the international standard?


Where are you born?

Remember the G8-summit in Italy when the Carabinieri killed a protester carrying a fire-extinguisher?

International standard, what is that?

"International standard"? That is one of Abhisits favorite standard phrases next to "in accordance with the law" Never heard of that phrase? Are you not following the news and government statements?

Abhisit then deemed it necessary to invoke the emergency decree over Bangkok. Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban has been appointed to supervise the emergency rule.

"We want to facilitate other actions to restore peace and order. The actions will be in accordance with the law and international standard," Abhisit said in a TV-pool broadcast.


"CRES emphasised troops are following the law and international standard practice in handling with the crowd but the protest leaders used armed supporters to attack security checkpoints and during the officials' operation, Mr Sathit said.

Acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn added troops are largely outside the Ratchaprasong rally site and at their checkpoints but they were attacked by armed protesters, so they had no choice, but to respond to the attacks.

Mr Panitan reiterated security forces will use live ammunition only to protect their own lives and the general public, as well as to stop armed groups from attacking people."


And what says the The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)?

Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials:


9. Law enforcement officials shall not use firearms against persons except in self-defence or defence of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury, to prevent the perpetration of a particularly serious crime involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person presenting such a danger and resisting their authority, or to prevent his or her escape, and only when less extreme means are insufficient to achieve these objectives. In any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable in order to protect life.


Bold added for focus.

Hacked from the Basic Principles above and bolded: to prevent the perpetration of a particularly serious crime involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person presenting such a danger and resisting their authority, or to prevent his or her escape, and only when less extreme means are insufficient to achieve these objectives.

That's really it in a nut shell. In spite of all the best offers being given including the elections they wanted, the Red Kwai (and used with intent because they is what some of them are, with apologies to Winnie who constantly shows on this site that there is diplomacy in Essan) have continued to push their agenda of destroying Thailand unless their thief Thaksin is returned to power with Police and Army control. Thankfully the biggest threat in that equation, in that the work of the murderer Sae Dung to get Army control has been halted.

CRES and DSI need to hold to the agenda they have. Lock them done and try and minimise casualities to themselves, the civilians and the Reds women and children, including giving free right of passage for women and children to leave. The rest at a minumum arrested and chained and nothing less. Thats the Kwai's call...lao de khon khap.

And the point of that is also the labelling which all media including this site needs a kick up the ass for. A couple of days ago the murderer Sae Dung was the "Warrior". Now this collection of protestors and assorted scum are "protestors". Some are but the rest are brought goons and thugs carrying out terrorist acts to force anarchy all for the sake of a thieving scumbag overseas. The path of dealing to these "terrorists" should be held to at whatever the cost, and hopefully in human toll that can be minimised.

All this murder because a gruby little abisit clinging to illegitimate power would rather see his own people murdered than uphold democracy in an election.

Hello Troll, Who said Abhisit wouldn't have an election? If you'd been paying attention, you'd know that he openly offered, in April, to have an election 13 months before he needed to, according to the Thai Constitution. That wasn't good enough for the Reds. Then Abhisit offered to hold elections 15 months earlier than he needed to. That was accepted by the Reds, but then Thaksin informed some of the hotter heads, via back channels, that was not acceptable. So then there was silly stalling tactics for a week, while the offer was still on the table (and most Red leaders were still saying Abhisit's offer was acceptable). Meanwhile Red leaders were having deep rifts, as evidenced by their closed meetings for many hours at a time. The hot heads prevailed (Weera went AWOL), and then the offer was rescinded by Abhisit, and now we have the current imbroglio.

Anyone who still insists Abhisit is in power illegally, clearly doesn't want to acknowledge the truth of the matter. Abhisit became PM according to the same coalition-building wranglings by which his predecessors came to power, Thaksin included.

The current situation is sad, but fully attributable to the militant factions of the Reds.

Here's a partial list of the lies the Reds have tried to push past the rest of us:

>>>> Protests would be peaceful

>>>> There would be a million attendees

>>>> There would be 10,000 monks

>>>> There are no black shirts with combat weapons

>>>> ok, if there are black shirts, they're not with us

>>>> ok, photos of them fraternizing with Reds must be photoshopped

>>>> Anything bad that appears to happen by Reds, must be outsiders dressed as Reds (they tried that - even before the protests began)

>>>> Reds accept Abhisit's most recent offer, but protests aren't abandoned.

>>>> Reds reiterate their acceptance the following 2 days, but some hotter heads don't go along. Thaksin and the hot heads prevail.

>>>> It's not about Thaksin.

>>>> Leaders say publicly they won't ask for amnesty or bail, but privately they insist on it.

>>>> Won't confirm whether ID's are being confiscated.

>>>> Admit protesters are being paid, but payments are apparently defered until it's deemed the right time by protest cell leaders - thereby keeping protesters from leaving when they want to leave.

>>>> Reds only use slingshots and throw rocks

>>>> Any grenades coming from Red camps must be a mistaken assumption.

>>>> All protesters injured or killed are innocent and, at most, lightly armed.

. . . . . . . and the list goes on.


For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck

For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck


The army reported only 1 injured soldier on the day this happened, and he was injured at Rajprasong. So my guess is that the soldier in the video is "playing dead".

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