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Message From Pattaya: Don’t Be Scared, Everything Is Normal


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Message from Pattaya: Don’t be scared, everything is normal

PATTAYA:-- part of Chonburi Province is now under a State of Emergency which is now being enforced in Provinces surrounding Bangkok to ensure that local branches of Red Shirt Protesters are prevented from travelling to Bangkok which now resembles a war zone in certain areas. Here in Pattaya life goes on and on Friday Afternoon we toured Pattaya to see the effects of the continuing problems

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And tell me... what is normal life in the "Worlds largest outdoor Brothel?"

Oh dear, do you live in BKK?

Errrr.... No offense, but I still feel safer in Bangkok right now than in Pattaya at its quietest time...

You've been reading too many stories.


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Excuse me sir but I do not live in Bbk but have been to Pattaya and if you have children than I wish you and them the best of luck. What would attract anyone to live there??

who on earth are you talking to? ok, you don't live in Bbk but you have been to Pattaya.

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Errrr.... No offense, but I still feel safer in Bangkok right now than in Pattaya at its quietest time...

No way, Bangkok is more dangerous for a foreigner with or without the recent problems,

make no mistake.

Still I probably feel safer walking arouund Bkk at Midnight then I would walking around

Hackney or Peckham.

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I live here because my wife lives here, and my friends live here too.

And you? Where do you live? Your Bbk is not likely to be understood by anyone. Must be somewhere extremely salubrious for you to be able to make derogatory comments about others. By the way, one of the rules on Thaivisa is "No Flaming".

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so because you've been here you know all the in's and out's about the place?

I live here because my wife and business are here but also because of the climate, the lifestyle, the facilities here, the numerous sights

and attractions (family orientated also), not to mention of course the good range of schools. Yes there are the other attractions here but to make your mind up after one visit is a bit narrow minded imo.


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Errrr.... No offense, but I still feel safer in Bangkok right now than in Pattaya at its quietest time...

You've been reading too many stories.


Nope... But I've been in Pattaya too many times, even working there for about one year.

Don't get me wrong please, I'm not looking Pattaya down... Pattaya fits for some people, not for some others like me. I feel safer in Bangkok than in Pattaya at any given time/event. That's all... Up to each of us to feel safe where we are comfortable, right?

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Errrr.... No offense, but I still feel safer in Bangkok right now than in Pattaya at its quietest time...

No way, Bangkok is more dangerous for a foreigner with or without the recent problems,

make no mistake.

Still I probably feel safer walking arouund Bkk at Midnight then I would walking around

Hackney or Peckham.

Sorry mate, I do not agree... You might have had your bad experiences in Bangkok, I had mine in Pattaya... :)

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It is really narrow minded of some countries governments to issuie such blanket warnings as "dont travel to Thailand" , if you arrive at Swampy and head straight to Pattaya, chances are you will never see a "redshirt" or any problems associated with them.

Yes by all means issue advisory notices, but they need to be a bit more specific, just avoid the protest sites in BKK - simple!

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Everything normal, :) Look at the photos.

  • Empty beach chairs, they must have got out early for that photo
  • clean strip of beach in front of the empty chairs. :D Maybe they went some other place with the name Pattaya.
  • Only one Baht bus in the photo. Sure it was Pattaya??
  • Baht bus almost empty.
  • Tout on the beach front. Ah that looks more like Pattaya

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Just think of Pattaya as a Disneyland for adults where everyone is fuc_kin goofy!!!

Goofy must be sore :)

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Tch Tch Naughty boy

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Errrr.... No offense, but I still feel safer in Bangkok right now than in Pattaya at its quietest time...

You've been reading too many stories.


Nope... But I've been in Pattaya too many times, even working there for about one year.

Don't get me wrong please, I'm not looking Pattaya down... Pattaya fits for some people, not for some others like me. I feel safer in Bangkok than in Pattaya at any given time/event. That's all... Up to each of us to feel safe where we are comfortable, right?

Fair enough, I feel safer here of course because I live here and I also do feel safe(ish) in BKK but only in the area's that I know.


It is really narrow minded of some countries governments to issuie such blanket warnings as "dont travel to Thailand" , if you arrive at Swampy and head straight to Pattaya, chances are you will never see a "redshirt" or any problems associated with them.

Yes by all means issue advisory notices, but they need to be a bit more specific, just avoid the protest sites in BKK - simple!

Agreed 100%.


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I lived near pataya for over a year, and never got in any trouble and i used to go into the town most days and nights.

Sure theres trouble if you go looking for it, but thats the same with most cities, theres some great places to eat and good things for kids there, i know theres the seedy side but you dont have to visit that side if you dont want to!

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Anybody know what caused the rather large bang/explosion heard in Huayai area about 6pm yesterday?

More than likely a snake climbing up an electric pole and causing a short, in turn causing the tranformer to trip a fuse, quite a frightening and loud bang and all too common in the greener areas!

I was standing next to a pole with a transformer on one day, actually watching a snake climb up onto the wires, i had no idea what was was comming next - lets just say - skidmarks a mile wide!!!! :)

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