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Economic Fallout

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Well being that Thailand has set the economic clock back 20 years with Thaksin and his charades (imho) any thoughts on just how badly this will effect investment and tourism in Thailand?

As if the current world economic crisis is not enough Thailand now has to deal with what appears to be a nation in turmoil on the verge of Anarchy.

Personally I think this will be a boom to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the Philippines and if Myamar opens up in the near future they will also reap benefit. How many here would think twice about property or investment in Thailand as a result of this latest fiasco?

Love Thailand and hoping for the best but I really believe what is happening will really hurt the country in economic terms.

Edited by losworld
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I don't think it has set them back 20 years. I think within 3 months of this finally being over Thailand will quickly go back to where it was before this all started. People have short memories and if Thailand suddenly positions itself as 'on the move' people will come back. Also don't forget the adage, buy when there is blood in the streets.

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The economic fall out can been seen in many countries, not only Thailand. As to the recovery rate here, I see many variables tied into the formula such as currency, labor, competitiveness, stability, business friendly, and more.

I found this interesting article on the Japan times today. For entire article go to; (www.japantimes.co.jp) business section.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Toyota to shutter Thailand plant

NAGOYA (Kyodo) Toyota Motor Corp. will halt production at one of its four factories in Thailand by the end of this month as part of the realignment of its global production system to improve profitability, company officials said Friday.

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hey what do u mean ?

this is a GrEaT time to buy thai real estate

and it's an even GrEaTEr time to sell


This crazy ness has cost me personally over a million baht this month, and i'm sure others have suffered much bigger losses!

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Turmoil 'will have big impact on confidence'



Published on May 17, 2010

The intense political turbulence in Bangkok has created concern among Italian investors, who had considered the Kingdom as one of the best destinations for investment under their Look East policy, according to the Italian Trade Commission to Thailand.

Commissioner Vincenzo Cale said yesterday that the political chaos could destroy investors' confidence.

"Although Italy has a Look East policy and considers Asean, including Thailand, as one of the most attractive investment destinations, the political instability and turmoil have encouraged Italian investors to look to other countries in Asean, mainly to Vietnam and Malaysia," he said.

However, Cale is confident that the political chaos will not affect bilateral trade growth as two-way trade has increased gradually since early this year.

According to the Customs Department, Thai exports to Italy grew by 36.01 per cent year on year in the first quarter this year to US$451 million (Bt14.6 billion), while imports from Italy rose 9.64 per cent year on year to $355.4 million.

Thai exports dropped 33.58 per cent last year to $1.3 billion. Imports last year dropped 7.97 per cent to $1.4 billion.

Major export products from Thailand to Italy are precious stones, air-conditioners, motor cars and rubber. Major import goods are machinery, chemicals and medical goods.

Despite the turmoil, to increase export opportunities to Thailand the Italian Embassy in Bangkok with the Italian Commission will organise the Italian Festival 2010 in Bangkok starting soon.

The festival and more than 20 activities will be conducted in different places from later this month to December.

Products and services that will be promoted at the exhibition are home decorative items; foods, restaurants and cuisine; arts and culture, including music, movies and performance; design; and education.

The Italian government has organised the festival in Thailand for nine consecutive years. This year's festival will mark Italy's 140-year bond with Thailand.

The first exhibition, "Italy Style-Dressing Home" on interior design is being organised for May 25-June 25 at the Crystal Design Centre (Atrium D).


-- The Nation 2010-05-17


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