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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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if you can read thai, the below is from a red shirt forum, planning terrost attacks across the country!!

copy มาจาก http://www.saedang.freeforums.org/topic-t2080.html

แผนล้อมตัดเสบียง เรื่องเก่า ทหารคิดได้แค่นี้ เสื้อแดงไม่โง่หรอก แต่สลายการชุมนุมคืนนี้

ถ้าแกนนำเชื่อนะไม่แพ้แล้วยังชนะได้อีก !!!

Sat, 05/15/2010 - 17:52 | by เสรี ชน | Report topic

เมษา 52 เราปิดสามเหลี่ยมดินแดน ทหารล้อมยิงพวกเรา ปิดเสบียงไม่ให้ส่งไปที่หน้าทำเนียบได้ วีระยอมแพ้รักษาผู้คน

ทหารชนะ เพราะปืน ความ...ม !!!!!

เมษา 53 มาแบบเดิม ผมเห็นแต่แรกว่า เราควรประนีประนอม และตั้งข้อเสนอเรดแมปห้าข้อเพื่อ equate กับโรดแมปของนายอภิสิทธิ์ แกนนำไม่เอาด้วย เสื้อแดงส่วนใหญ่ไม่เห็นด้วย ไม่เป็นไร เอาตามส่วนมากก็ตามกัน

วันนี้ วิธีเก่าๆ ทหารปิดให้เสบียงเราเหลือน้อย โถ นึกว่าแน่วิธีของตำรวจโจร คิดได้เท่านี้เองหรือ แล้วจะชนะสงครามแดง ตลกน่า เสบียงในราชประสงค์ยังอยู่ได้อีกสองอาทิตย์เป็นอย่างน้อย หลอกได้แต่ทีวี กับสื่อไทย ก็ไปตระเวณ รปส มาดูแล้วอยู่ได้สบายๆ สื่อมันโง่เชื่อรัฐบาลเอง แผนนี้ฟันธง ทหารเหลวแน่ แต่เรื่องเข้าตี รปส คืนนี้ นี่ซีที่ผมหนักใจ

แต่ ผมมองโลกในแง่ดี ถ้าแกนนำเชื่อนะ เหอ่น่า ไม่แพ้หรอก ชิงลงมือเลย

1 ที่ทำดีคือ ใช้แซนด์วิชบีบ เช่น ที่ซอยรางน้ำ อนุสาวรีย์ชัย บ่อนไก่ โดยเฉพาะบ่อนไก่ใช้คนหนุ่มชุมชนแค่สองร้อยต้นๆ สามารถต้านทานทหารได้ดีมากๆ เพราะจักรยานยนต์เคลื่อนที่เร็ว กับอาวุธ homemade

2 เมื่อเขาจะฆ่าเราแล้วคืนนี้ ศอฉ ประกาศแล้วว่าเอาแน่ ถ้าเกิดจราจลทั่ว กทม พื้นที่นอกเขตทหารควบคุม จะทำให้ กทม ป่วนทันที ทหาร ตำรวจจะถอนตัวออกจากพื้นที่จำนวนมาก จราจลอย่างไรคิดเอง ทำเอง เมื่อทหารไม่ให้เราเข้า รปส ก็ไม่เข้าซี แซนด์วิชส่วนหนึ่ง จราจลส่วนหนึ่ง ทหารจะทำอะไรได้

3 สงครามมวลชนทั่วประเทศต้องลงมือแล้วคืนนี้ ไม่ต้องลงมือที่ศาลากลางที่มีเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารตำรวจคุมจำนวนมากก็ได้ ลงมือตามจุดล่อแหลมต่างๆ ทำพร้อมกันแปดจังหวัดจะทำให้ ศอฉ ทหารชะงักทันที ถ้าเพิ่มเป็น 12 หรือ 17 จังหวัด จะขยายวงไปทั่วประเทศ จะมีการเอาอย่างทั่วกัน ลงมืออย่างไรก็ขึ้นกับดุลพินิจของคนท้องถิ่นเอง ผมคิดว่าชาวบ้านมีหัวคิดและสู้ทหารบ้านนอกได้สบายๆ

นี่คือ การยุทธ์แบบผึ้งแตกรัง เสือ สิงห์ ช้างใหญ่แค่ไหนก็มีจุดอ่อน ผึ้งหรือมดแม้จะเล็ก รุมกันกัดหรือต่อยที่ตาหรือจุดอ่อนของสัตว์ใหญ่ สัตว์ใหญ่ยังล้มได้

โถ แผนโง่ๆ บีบให้อดอาหาร ตัดเสบียง คิดโง่ๆ แผนสลายชุมนุม เจอแผนผึ้งแตกรัง ต่อไล่ต่อยตาหมี ขี้คร้าน พรุ่งนี้ ประเทศจะเป็นอัมพาต ประกาศกฎอัยการศึกทั่วประเทศ ยิ่งประกาศยิ่งซุ่มโจมตี

เมื่อ เขาบังคับให้เราเป็นโจร ก็จงเป็นโจรเกียรติศักดิ์อย่างโรบินฮู้ดเสียเลย

วันนี้ คือ การวัดใจของผู้นำแล้ว

This is the insurrection that Thaksin and his mob have been planning and bankrolling for the past two years.

The first forum reaction on this artical translated by google:

You shall use plan Jakkajan cast is also available. During these leaders seek to transform into and out of the shelter to go to a year × group who gathered at the Din Daeng and Toei. To say that a fake stage as distractions. Cause a lot of fake to fool the soldiers into that I ครับ. Not a bad honor หรอก. Finally it enough soldiers to invade the stage to lead it finds and does not harm the people in it. Completed by the end of the lead group of soldiers to assembly then squeezed in the middle. Immediately and then capture them up Blockade, they give it some sense. Do not let it catch up to leaders in the cordon, although it will use helicopters, we sprinkle Out to be the leader. Beware of a lot.

1 ที่ทำดีคือ ใช้แซนด์วิชบีบ เช่น ที่ซอยรางน้ำ อนุสาวรีย์ชัย บ่อนไก่ โดยเฉพาะบ่อนไก่ใช้คนหนุ่มชุมชนแค่สองร้อยต้นๆ สามารถต้านทานทหารได้ดีมากๆ เพราะจักรยานยนต์เคลื่อนที่เร็ว กับอาวุธ homemade

red shirt plan to come out the area and sandwich/ suround the army, use the homemade weapons

2 เมื่อเขาจะฆ่าเราแล้วคืนนี้ ศอฉ ประกาศแล้วว่าเอาแน่ ถ้าเกิดจราจลทั่ว กทม พื้นที่นอกเขตทหารควบคุม จะทำให้ กทม ป่วนทันที ทหาร ตำรวจจะถอนตัวออกจากพื้นที่จำนวนมาก จราจลอย่างไรคิดเอง ทำเอง เมื่อทหารไม่ให้เราเข้า รปส ก็ไม่เข้าซี แซนด์วิชส่วนหนึ่ง จราจลส่วนหนึ่ง ทหารจะทำอะไรได้

redshirt plan to create caos across the country, use your imajination

3 สงครามมวลชนทั่วประเทศต้องลงมือแล้วคืนนี้ ไม่ต้องลงมือที่ศาลากลางที่มีเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารตำรวจคุมจำนวนมากก็ได้ ลงมือตามจุดล่อแหลมต่างๆ ทำพร้อมกันแปดจังหวัดจะทำให้ ศอฉ ทหารชะงักทันที ถ้าเพิ่มเป็น 12 หรือ 17 จังหวัด จะขยายวงไปทั่วประเทศ จะมีการเอาอย่างทั่วกัน ลงมืออย่างไรก็ขึ้นกับดุลพินิจของคนท้องถิ่นเอง ผมคิดว่าชาวบ้านมีหัวคิดและสู้ทหารบ้านนอกได้สบายๆ

นี่คือ การยุทธ์แบบผึ้งแตกรัง เสือ สิงห์ ช้างใหญ่แค่ไหนก็มีจุดอ่อน ผึ้งหรือมดแม้จะเล็ก รุมกันกัดหรือต่อยที่ตาหรือจุดอ่อนของสัตว์ใหญ่ สัตว์ใหญ่ยังล้มได้

red shirt around the country make the caos, you know what to do to make the army busy so cannot stay for fight in bangkok. ( this means bombs blatantly, arson etc)

โถ แผนโง่ๆ บีบให้อดอาหาร ตัดเสบียง คิดโง่ๆ แผนสลายชุมนุม เจอแผนผึ้งแตกรัง ต่อไล่ต่อยตาหมี ขี้คร้าน พรุ่งนี้ ประเทศจะเป็นอัมพาต ประกาศกฎอัยการศึกทั่วประเทศ ยิ่งประกาศยิ่งซุ่มโจมตี

เมื่อ เขาบังคับให้เราเป็นโจร ก็จงเป็นโจรเกียรติศักดิ์อย่างโรบินฮู้ดเสียเลย

วันนี้ คือ การวัดใจของผู้นำแล้ว

they say we terrorist so we going to be like robin hood. :) tingtong

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Has anybody else seen the news footage of the soldiers truck being ambushed, the few soldiers who were in it being pulled from the cab and the rear and then the soldier being shot by his own gun? Or is only me? (Is it an old video?)

Plenty seen it it. I posted it yesterday, plenty of comments


Thanks, I did see it yesterday. I was wondering if the soldier is ok. All the reports are that it is only civillians who have been killed because the red shirts are obviously not armed, well according to some! That's why i asked if it was an old video


Do you believe this kind of polls?You must be naive.What happen now in Bangkok is just the beginning what will happen in the next years.The north and north east of Thailand will never give up.

My family comes from Buri-Ram. B. I. G. family. I have watched the change in there views over the last few years and last few weeks. "Red shirt" has become a literal dirty word. Two weeks ago they spent their time watching soaps and videos to forget the problems. Now they are glued to the news and they want Abhisit to clean up this mess.

Surprise! I'm not naive, you are.

The problem is, it won't be the majority that will be rising up.

Just as is happening in Bangkok, small groups of red thugs will cause chaos around the country.

every incident of violence, every drop of blood, will be written on the stone of Abhisit's government, that is his portfolio forever :-(

sadly, this is exactly the trap that the reds prepared from the day one - they want 'blood' !

reds are screaming for democracy, yet how many of them today who has the heart for a better tomorrow, not even for a better future for the country ?


I for one will remember him as the one who cleaned up the unwanted infestation surrounding my home. And protecting me when I feel threatened by a bunch of law breaking thugs.

In my view the support for the Reds hardline stance is limited.

However Thais deplore the military shooting other Thais.

Actually I suspect that they would accept it, if the military action actually achieved anything and restored order but so far that has not been the case.

All good points.

In recent history, the Thais have seen the military take illegitimate actions on their own accord that end in the shooting of mostly unarmed protesters.

This time, the shirt is on inside out. There is a heavily armed illegal force in the streets, the military has been hesitant to take action, and a government in (marginal) control is trying to restore law and order while attempting to follow court issued decrees.

Although the script is new, Thais certainly have ample reason to be suspicious of military action and no Thai wants to see any Thai shot. The fact the the majority see such harsh action necessary to reestablish law and order is very significant. Even if the majority was 50.001 %, even if the pole is less than accurate.

Lets pray that whatever action is taken, it restores order with the minimum of human sufferage.

Do you believe this kind of polls?You must be naive.What happen now in Bangkok is just the beginning what will happen in the next years.The north and north east of Thailand will never give up.

My family comes from Buri-Ram. B. I. G. family. I have watched the change in there views over the last few years and last few weeks. "Red shirt" has become a literal dirty word. Two weeks ago they spent their time watching soaps and videos to forget the problems. Now they are glued to the news and they want Abhisit to clean up this mess.

Surprise! I'm not naive, you are.

I am constantly hearing this. It reminds me of the PAD protests. At first, most in Bangkok were supportive, but as it dragged on with marches through the city and to the Singaporean embassy, it became a big pain in the ass to the average Bangkokian which just wanted to live their lives. Then there was the airport travesty, where the PAD really lost most of their Bangkok support.

On Reds, I would imagine similar and I am hearing it time and time again as well. As you say, changing views over the last few weeks. People really, at the end of the day, want support from the government, but also very, very much want peace. Where, at one time, the PAD were the threat to this, now the Reds are the threat.

stills from a video filmed yesterday

clearly showing man in black with gun

I'd hazard the guess that is an AK-47, seems to have a curved ammo clip and the front barrel looks like one.


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

I thought the reds wanted a truce. They are just back to their old demands. They don't understand compromise do they.
Update: Weng repeats the 3 red demands today, 1. Ceasefire and withdraw 2. Immediate Dissolution 3. End of SOE /via @terryfrd

Thaksin demands, Jataporn demands, Reds demand, Phua Thai demands

demand, demand, demand, or what?

what about us?

maybe we should demand they obey the law and go home

or would that be just more wasted rhetoric for the benefit of the red biased western media.........?


Do you believe this kind of polls?You must be naive.What happen now in Bangkok is just the beginning what will happen in the next years.The north and north east of Thailand will never give up.

My family comes from Buri-Ram. B. I. G. family. I have watched the change in there views over the last few years and last few weeks. "Red shirt" has become a literal dirty word. Two weeks ago they spent their time watching soaps and videos to forget the problems. Now they are glued to the news and they want Abhisit to clean up this mess.

Surprise! I'm not naive, you are.

The problem is, it won't be the majority that will be rising up.

Just as is happening in Bangkok, small groups of red thugs will cause chaos around the country.

i hope they do something stupid like all gather and burn down city hall or something, then the army can shoot or / and arrest them, i'm worried about a prolonged campaign of bombings, even so groups such as rakcm51s membershit are well known and if army has the momentum and conviction to round them its doable.


I just got this SMS from a Thai friend. "Tomorrow please don't go to any department stores around suburban (areas) such as Pinklaw, Rama 3, Bangkean, Ngamwongwan or Rama 2. Inside News said terrorists will shoot M79's into any public place located outside the Red zone to cause commotion."

There was no link in the SMS, but I thought I'd pass it along. My wife also got the same SMS from a different source.

Cheers, Hummy


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

where is he? i will go and tell him.......

to paramilltary killers!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many soldiers did they killed yesterday.......zero

How many civilians were killed,to many.

A bullshit story,you must be a member of the elite.

stills from a video filmed yesterday

clearly showing man in black with gun

anyone has this video link ?


Do you believe this kind of polls?You must be naive.What happen now in Bangkok is just the beginning what will happen in the next years.The north and north east of Thailand will never give up.

My family comes from Buri-Ram. B. I. G. family. I have watched the change in there views over the last few years and last few weeks. "Red shirt" has become a literal dirty word. Two weeks ago they spent their time watching soaps and videos to forget the problems. Now they are glued to the news and they want Abhisit to clean up this mess.

Surprise! I'm not naive, you are.

The problem is, it won't be the majority that will be rising up.

Just as is happening in Bangkok, small groups of red thugs will cause chaos around the country.

The reds claimed that the moment the army attacks them there would be a nationwide uprising - well here is their "nationwide uprising"

In the northeast province of Udon Thani, about 600 protesters gathered at a community radio station to watch a telecast from Rajprasong, while there were about 100 protesters in the northern province of Lampang.

Not an awful lot of them

I think one thing about the Isaanies that will stop this from becoming a bigger problem is their short attention span. Most of Isaanies are already bored and starting to realize that this may not be too good for their jobs in the tourism industry and their income.

They are very much like children. The leaders got their attention and Thaksin gave them pressies in form of money so they followed. They did not anticipate getting a whopping though.

The majority of those left are the even for Isaan standards really thick ones and the hardcore consisting of an accumulation of criminals that have been attracted by this like moths to the light and their leaders who are afraid to end up in jail or not getting their 50 or so million from Thaksin should they not succeed in toppling the government and re-installing him in power

It is time to clean up this mob

Has anybody else seen the news footage of the soldiers truck being ambushed, the few soldiers who were in it being pulled from the cab and the rear and then the soldier being shot by his own gun? Or is only me? (Is it an old video?)

Plenty seen it it. I posted it yesterday, plenty of comments


Thanks, I did see it yesterday. I was wondering if the soldier is ok. All the reports are that it is only civillians who have been killed because the red shirts are obviously not armed, well according to some! That's why i asked if it was an old video


the video is from Friday. on Thai facebook page viewers are posting RIP

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken???:)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

Are you and red parrot married?

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken???:)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

This is a statement based on nothing, but your feelings....Meaning that it's worth nothing....

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken???:)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

Show us the facts?


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

We don't even know if it was the army that shot him.

I would say to him face to face that he is an idiot.

He IS an IDIOT for going in between TWO groups shooting at each other UNPROTECTED. He is very lucky that he is not dead.

So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

I think there is no doubt Seh Daeng was not armed......but I guess for some on this forum as long as 100 are armed the other 10,000 are asking to be shot.....I used this word on another thread


Just a tad slanted

"real bullets used by soldiers and M79 grenades fired by unidentified assailants."

This article should have clearly been marked "opinion" as it cannot be classified

as objective journalism

Seh Daeng was ALWAYS armed, he said as much.

Unless you think an officer's automatic pistol

in a open air hip holster is not a weapon.

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

World renowned for being unbiased, not politically controlled - very funny. I take it you didn't follow the BBC's coverage of the UK election ? They are most certainly capable of being unbiased, however they are not beyond reproach. They are very capable of incredibly sloppy journalism at times. Often retracting sensationalist headlines and changing them the next day after being bombarded with complaints reminding them of the facts.

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken??? :)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

Dream on :D

In the northeast province of Udon Thani, about 600 protesters gathered at a community radio station to watch a telecast from Rajprasong, while there were about 100 protesters in the northern province of Lampang.

that is your support - remove the 0 which leaves 8% and this would be optimistic


Do you believe this kind of polls?You must be naive.What happen now in Bangkok is just the beginning what will happen in the next years.The north and north east of Thailand will never give up.

My family comes from Buri-Ram. B. I. G. family. I have watched the change in there views over the last few years and last few weeks. "Red shirt" has become a literal dirty word. Two weeks ago they spent their time watching soaps and videos to forget the problems. Now they are glued to the news and they want Abhisit to clean up this mess.

Surprise! I'm not naive, you are.

The problem is, it won't be the majority that will be rising up.

Just as is happening in Bangkok, small groups of red thugs will cause chaos around the country.

The reds claimed that the moment the army attacks them there would be a nationwide uprising - well here is their "nationwide uprising"

In the northeast province of Udon Thani, about 600 protesters gathered at a community radio station to watch a telecast from Rajprasong, while there were about 100 protesters in the northern province of Lampang.

Not an awful lot of them

I think one thing about the Isaanies that will stop this from becoming a bigger problem is their short attention span. Most of Isaanies are already bored and starting to realize that this may not be too good for their jobs in the tourism industry and their income.

They are very much like children. The leaders got their attention and Thaksin gave them pressies in form of money so they followed. They did not anticipate getting a whopping though.

The majority of those left are the even for Isaan standards really thick ones and the hardcore consisting of an accumulation of criminals that have been attracted by this like moths to the light and their leaders who are afraid to end up in jail or not getting their 50 or so million from Thaksin should they not succeed in toppling the government and re-installing him in power

It is time to clean up this mob

nothing happening in chiang mai either. . (c photo on cm forum)


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

Are you and red parrot married?

i think redparrot is deadsnoopy re-incarnated........

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken??? :)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

Then why did they only get 36% of the vote last time around? Look here:


That's about 14% less than a majority, and about 44% less than you're claiming. I'm sure out of the 36% Mr. T bought half of those.

Please do some research before you speak.

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken??? :)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

"Probably" "That's a fact"

If 80% of the rural population support the Thais (that would be going on 40 million people), why couldn't they only get 100,000 max at a protest. Why can they only get 10,000 MAX (70% from Bangkok) at the protest now? Why can't they get anyone supporting them at town halls AROUND the country?

"Probably", you don't know what you are talking about. "That's a fact".


Do you notice Wayne Hay is wearing a bullet proof vest and a helment.

The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

where is he? i will go and tell him.......

This indeed shows people being indescrimately shot, which is unacceptable. However, what it does not show is who is doing the shooting. The only videos or photos that I have seen which clearly show who has shot/attacked who are ones that show redshirt guards with guns, grenade launchers and involved in lynchings.

Shooting an unarmed reporter whilst he is down could only result in terrible PR for the government, so why would they do it? A redshirt sniper shooting a reporter when he was down would result in terrible PR for the government, his motives for this would be obvious.

"Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken??? :)

The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

That's a fact!

Then why did they only get 36% of the vote last time around? Look here:


That's about 14% less than a majority, and about 44% less than you're claiming. I'm sure out of the 36% Mr. T bought half of those.

Please do some research before you speak.

Notice how the muppet emphasizes "this is a fact" :D

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

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