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Due To Fly Over On This Friday (21st)...


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Hello all,

I'm expecting a 50/50 split here at least on whether or not I should come over to Thailand, but here's my story so you get a rough idea of my reasons and so on.

I'm 27, going on 28, and most of my life has been pretty routine - grown up in the South East of England and never really fit in with the ideas of my peers - I don't particularly enjoy the nightlife of my town and I don't hold to a lot of the mentality of the youth of today in this Country. In short, I'm pretty fed up of England and always have had this desire to escape. I've always held myself back out of fear, and it wasn't until last year that I found the courage to leave, which ended up in a one-month stay in Melbourne, Australia. I was planning to stay a long time but things didn't work out with my friend and I was pretty much forced to come home.

A couple of months after that I had a trip planned to Thailand for a friend's Wedding. At the time I wasn't thrilled to be going as I was trying to find a new job and get myself sorted out at home. I arrived with my friend in Bangkok and we were taken out by my older brother and friends to Nana to show us the seedier side of the tourist industry. I hated it - and both my friend and I were in agreement, we didn't like Bangkok. We then went to Lanta for the wedding and on to Samui and the full moon party the next week. I fell in love with the life so much that I stayed an extra week in Bangkok, and promptly fell in love with the city.

A month ago I headed back for another visit, and felt like I hadn't left (apart from the red-shirt situation, but this didn't affect our stay at the time). It was put to me that this time I really should move out there to work, and I wish I had just stayed - but with the current situation I'm also glad I didn't.

Anyway, I booked my ticket, and I'm heading out there to work. I have a few friends in Bangkok, a couple of English guys and a few Thai girls I know (and yes, they are just friends, not some go-go girls I think I can trust).

My lines are clearly defined:

I am NOT going out there to meet girls, or hook up with any girls.

I am NOT looking to buy property, or invest in anything which ties me to the Country.

I am NOT looking to get rich, just earn a decent wage for a decent life.

I will rent property, go out for dinner and drinks, and hopefully occasionally spend some time on some of the islands, but beyond that my plans are simply to work and enjoy myself.

I love Thailand, and I love the Thai people that I've met, and I would love to experience a bit more of the Thai life. I've read a lot on here about the downsides of Thailand, and my friend who got married has certainly told me a lot about it, too (he lived there for 8 years).

My main concern is this - the situation in Bangkok. People seem to be advising against travel, where as others are saying it's fine. Obviously I want to keep a level head about it all, but I also want to make sure that I'm getting the right information about it. So, people of Bangkok, is it still ok? Is it worth the move? I have enough to support myself for at least a couple of months whilst I look at work, and will be living around Bangna, around Bearing Soi Sib area. I've been assured it's business as usual in this area - and just want to make sure I'm making the right decision!

Thanks for reading this ridiculously long-winded post! :)

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I would estimate that 95 pc of Bangkok is going about it's business as normal (well, almost normal). There are certain flash points but it's actually difficult to stray into these due to the army check points.

Sure the situation can change at any moment but there are still lots of visitors wandering around, even Patpong has bars open and a few customers. Once you are 500 m from the 'life fire zone' things are quiet, eerily quiet

If you have a flight booked and you can't postpone the date by a few weeks or get a refund, you may as well come over and carry out your life's ambitions. Otherwise you might always regret it.


PS I didn't actually read through all your post, but I hope I got the gist of it.

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Hello everyone,

I hope you're all managing to survive nd stay away from the hardship in Bangkok..I was wondering if anyone would have any news as far as the Airport is concerned..I'm flying in on wed the 19th of May..I'm aware that the life situation is pretty unstable right now in Bangkok but what does it look like on the Airport side of it as for today..?! Also, if you would please, keep me posted on the next days coming about the Airport subject..Cheeers..!

Stay safe and try no to get involved..


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airport is fine. there are usually army check points. where is/what is your hotel? if u r catching a domestic flight, then no worries. protests are mobile now and can break out anywhere.

Edited by TheItaliann
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airport is fine, if any problems than airplanes might be diverted to don muand (closer to your place in nonthaburi).

nobody is going to keep you posting what's happening, but if you have chosen in your personal profile to get messages from the admin, than you will get occasional email on the current events.

dave, in the suburbs everyting is normal, there might be occasional problems with water or electricity, if things go further out of hand, but probably not more

Edited by londonthai
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Check the availability/validity of your travel/medical insurance, particularly medical. Many insurance companies will withdraw cover as a result of government travel warnings. Under no circumstances should you come here without proper insurance cover, even without the current difficulties.

If you are coming here to find work - forget it!! You need to have a job arranged before you get here. Unless you have special skills that are in need in Thailand, you are unlikely to find anything at all, never mind a job that pays a living wage. You will spend what money you have, and end up back home, like many many others before.

If you have sufficient funds for an extended stay, then do so by all means. You will enjoy it immensely. Don't expect more than that.

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airport is fine, if any problems than airplanes might be diverted to don muand (closer to your place in nonthaburi).

nobody is going to keep you posting what's happening, but if you have chosen in your personal profile to get messages from the admin, than you will get occasional email on the current events

Cheers for that..! that's kind of reassuring..Yeah,it wold uit me just fine since I will be stying in Nonthaburi..!

Yep, I'd done the former..thanks for the input..


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May i ask what work you intend to do there and how you obtained your W/P?

Ps dont forget ya flak jacket;)

I'm a yoga teacher for your information..

PS: I thought of bringing my motorcycle jacket ( with clevar protection enclosed ) and my Arai Helmet, just in case.. :)

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^^ this is terrible advice. you are a noob tourist. go somewhere without a civil war. many places in the world. who would come to bkk on vacation during all of this? 95% of the city is business as normal? L-O-L

Actually, their advice was much appreciated. They took the time to get the gist of my post and posted a sensible response.

I'm not a 'noob tourist', and neither am I coming for tourism, as my post outlined from the start. I have been to Thailand twice before, and both times have integrated myself with the Thai locals rather than follow the backpacker routes (thanks largely to my friends who were set up in Thailand at the time). I know how to conduct myself in Thailand - and I would hope I'm a lot smarter than some of these ridiculous farangs I've seen getting involved with the riots out there.

Now I understand your point were I new to Thailand - but as far as I can tell civil war hasn't broken out yet, has it? Doesn't someone moderate these threads for useless posts?

heebee - Yes, I have a couple of positions lined up. I say a couple, because one of them is a back-up plan should the first fall through. I'm certainly not coming over expecting to hand out a few CVs and find something, luckily I have a few good connections within the Thai community to help me out as well, should my plans really turn sour. If not, then yes, I come home. But I'd rather follow my dream than think about it.

Like I've said, most important is my personal well-being - I'm not going to head out to a war-torn Country if that's what it comes to. But keeping a level-head, it looks unlikely that is where this is heading.

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Do not come.

I am a retiree living here for a year. It has been my dream for 20 years to retire here. The love of my life is here and cannot leave for a myriad of reasons.

Once I get my finances shipped back home and my belongings shipped, I am leaving...never to return.

Personally, I think the Thailand so many of us have come love, is no more.

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^^ this is terrible advice. you are a noob tourist. go somewhere without a civil war. many places in the world. who would come to bkk on vacation during all of this? 95% of the city is business as normal? L-O-L

Actually, their advice was much appreciated. They took the time to get the gist of my post and posted a sensible response.

I'm not a 'noob tourist', and neither am I coming for tourism, as my post outlined from the start. I have been to Thailand twice before, and both times have integrated myself with the Thai locals rather than follow the backpacker routes (thanks largely to my friends who were set up in Thailand at the time). I know how to conduct myself in Thailand - and I would hope I'm a lot smarter than some of these ridiculous farangs I've seen getting involved with the riots out there.

Now I understand your point were I new to Thailand - but as far as I can tell civil war hasn't broken out yet, has it? Doesn't someone moderate these threads for useless posts?

heebee - Yes, I have a couple of positions lined up. I say a couple, because one of them is a back-up plan should the first fall through. I'm certainly not coming over expecting to hand out a few CVs and find something, luckily I have a few good connections within the Thai community to help me out as well, should my plans really turn sour. If not, then yes, I come home. But I'd rather follow my dream than think about it.

Like I've said, most important is my personal well-being - I'm not going to head out to a war-torn Country if that's what it comes to. But keeping a level-head, it looks unlikely that is where this is heading.

Hello David,

I'm not entirely sure what " noob " means in the english language but I do want to wish you the best of luck on pursuing your goal-s...As for me, I'm set out to find work in Thailand as well..So, this is going to be my 5th attempt although the previous 4 ones I've came over to discover-explore-visit and understand what it is Thailand about..Nevertheless, I'm still very much in love with it as I'm with my girlfriend :D In spite of everything..I'm just hoping that I won't have any unpleasant suprise on tuesday..!

All the best and happy trailers..! focus on your mission and don't give up that quick..!

Most of all safe travels to you all..Cheers, Ramdas.

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Hello David,

I'm not entirely sure what " noob " means in the english language but I do want to wish you the best of luck on pursuing your goal-s...As for me, I'm set out to find work in Thailand as well..So, this is going to be my 5th attempt although the previous 4 ones I've came over to discover-explore-visit and understand what it is Thailand about..Nevertheless, I'm still very much in love with it as I'm with my girlfriend :) In spite of everything..I'm just hoping that I won't have any unpleasant suprise on tuesday..!

All the best and happy trailers..! focus on your mission and don't give up that quick..!

Most of all safe travels to you all..Cheers, Ramdas.

Thanks Ramdas, I appreciate that, and good luck to you, too! Hope all works out well for you!

And thanks to everyone else for posting, as well. I'm going to have to keep in touch with my friends out there and see how they feel about it - they are talking about going away for a long weekend when I get there to get away from Bangkok for a few days - so that might be the best idea. I'm certainly hoping that this situation improves - yes, selfishly - but also for the good people of Thailand. This is certainly a sad time for them.

I have a few days yet - if the situation hasn't improved, or has indeed got worse, by Wednesday, then I'm in agreement with my friend over there that we'll postpone my trip until things have died down a bit.

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Hello David,

I'm not entirely sure what " noob " means in the english language but I do want to wish you the best of luck on pursuing your goal-s...As for me, I'm set out to find work in Thailand as well..So, this is going to be my 5th attempt although the previous 4 ones I've came over to discover-explore-visit and understand what it is Thailand about..Nevertheless, I'm still very much in love with it as I'm with my girlfriend :) In spite of everything..I'm just hoping that I won't have any unpleasant suprise on tuesday..!

All the best and happy trailers..! focus on your mission and don't give up that quick..!

Most of all safe travels to you all..Cheers, Ramdas.

Thanks Ramdas, I appreciate that, and good luck to you, too! Hope all works out well for you!

And thanks to everyone else for posting, as well. I'm going to have to keep in touch with my friends out there and see how they feel about it - they are talking about going away for a long weekend when I get there to get away from Bangkok for a few days - so that might be the best idea. I'm certainly hoping that this situation improves - yes, selfishly - but also for the good people of Thailand. This is certainly a sad time for them.

I have a few days yet - if the situation hasn't improved, or has indeed got worse, by Wednesday, then I'm in agreement with my friend over there that we'll postpone my trip until things have died down a bit.

When I was 28 I was busy working, not dreaming of living a life in Thailand. I am glad I had never been to Thialand until I hit my mid 30s or I know I would have packed in life in the UK then. The last 10 years of earing would have not happened. I would be broke! But, maybe I would be a more rounded person instead. Who knows. For sure 10 years in the UK vs in Thailand seems like a no-brainer to me now. I would have to be tied up to stay in the UK. I hope you have more than two months wages in the bank. But best of luck mate.

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When I was 28 I was busy working, not dreaming of living a life in Thailand. I am glad I had never been to Thialand until I hit my mid 30s or I know I would have packed in life in the UK then. The last 10 years of earing would have not happened. I would be broke! But, maybe I would be a more rounded person instead. Who knows. For sure 10 years in the UK vs in Thailand seems like a no-brainer to me now. I would have to be tied up to stay in the UK. I hope you have more than two months wages in the bank. But best of luck mate.

A lot of my friends are the same - they have jobs they half-enjoy and that give them a good wage - a couple of them have managed to make a good career for themselves and are happy going along and heading towards the future they've always had planned - marriage, kids, house, etc. Now I'm not taking a dig at that, I'm honestly jealous of people who are happy in anything they do, it shows they are grounded and probably find more success everyday than I do. But it's never been me, and I've always been drifting. For 8 years I worked in a shop because it was a comfortable little groove that I had found - nothing new really happened very often, but I was happy enough. Then I left to get more money in a call centre - and the same thing happened. Then the opportunity arose to go to Australia, so I did. That never worked out (for various reasons) and I was forced into a position - I had no one else there so I came home. Then I went to Thailand, fell for it and came back to find a job so I could save to go back. I worked in a miserable little call centre position again and was not happy, but had a goal. I went to Thailand and I can't figure out why I came back again (it was a combination of fear and uncertainty). Now I realise I just can't stay in the UK. I've got a taste of what else is out there and I want more.

As far as I am concerned it is a no-brainer. The UK is dried-up at the moment. I think it will improve and I hope the new Government can turn this Country back into the proud nation it once was, but it takes more than just a few new policies. People here are so tightly wound up, and there is so much conflict (ironic now, considering the current Thai situation) as well as just plain misery that it's getting me down. The other night me and a few friends went out for a nice dinner, had a few drinks and a laugh, came out to walk to the car and nearly got attacked by a group of teenagers just because they wanted someone to fight them. It just made me realise, 'what am I doing here?' I don't like the lifestyle, and a lot of the people are getting me down.

Thailand is the choice for two reasons. I love the pace of life and the people I've met, and I have friends there. There is a third reason - for travel it's ideally placed for me - Hong Kong is top of my list to visit next, and Japan holds a great deal of fascination for me.

I really hope the situation in Bangkok sorts itself out - but I'm not holding my breath. The fact remains, UNLESS civil war breaks out, the worst that will happen for me is I will have to delay my flight. That's all. I'm still coming over - it's just a matter of when.

Thanks all for the well-wishing, I really hope all of you currently there are getting on ok and there is a resolution to this problem soon!

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