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Thousands Of Thai Protesters Defy Deadline To Leave

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still waiting for your definition, which, as per usual when red apologists get asked something directly, will never come. Just hard to believe that there is no action the reds can take which is not defended by some on the forum. "it's okay to (invade hospital / shoot rpg at hotel / bring children into hot fire zone / set city on fire) because (we're too lazy to work our way out of poverty / there was yellows in the airport / a coup in 2006"). pathetic.

Invade hospital yes and wrong

Shoot RPG at hotel . Any proof ? None

Bring children in hot fire zone . yes wrong

Set city on fire . A few tires yes , not city .

Shooting at civilians with live bullets : yes and wrong

Shooting 10 yo boy yes and wrong

Why dont you cut the BS and stick to facts


Set a city on fire -- FAR more than "a few tires" --- buildings, vehicles, molotovs thrown at troops and THREATS to burn it all down (that were issued even before the rally started)

RPG at hotel ----- hmmmm Reds control the area the RPG came from. Simply the prevarication of a red there!

"Civilians" is a misnomer. If you are actively participating in an armed insurgency (see the reports from the international press speaking of firefights .. prolonged firefights ... m79's etc)

Remember the child from the housing that was wounded when the reds hit it with THREE m79's --- THAT is targeting civilians. Shooting at people that are breaking the law and have been warned ... that isn't.

The 10y/o getting killed is TRAGIC but the troops were not wrong. The kid wasn't targetted and the troops were under attack by a vehicle.

More defintions from JD in CM! I must run off and get me a new pen and ink so I can pen it. I already have quite a collection. Maybe I'll drop them off at the book store in CM.

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Regardless of what the armchair generals on here think, moving their imaginarary tanks and soldiers around like Hitler was fond of doing , it takes real guts and a lot of conviction to man the barricades armed with catapults against a bunch of robo cop style fascists with modern weaponry if not the modern intellect to go with it . Would like to see some of you lot if push came to shove in your own countries . Fight them on the beaches ...I rather think not , more like scuttle away to another thirld world country to lord it and leave it to the poor bloody infantry as per usual .

Gregb: Did you ever ask yourself why a certain very important person was so adamantly against Thaksin? He certainly didn't care that much about money. There is obviously a different reason for that.

Yes, I did. I also considered how little I would care about money if I had "sufficient" (and if I had five times as much as Thaksin at his peak that would be more than sufficient).[/font]

Actually it was the other way around and Thaksin had more, albeit not five times more.


Aye its about time people started doing their own research and look behind the scenes.. The old guard have come up against the new and what they see is not to their taste at all. The usual pawns of the game are the General Thai public. At the same time the stakes have never been higher and so the tactics of both sides play out in front of the world.

On one side you have the current self appointed Government stressing that the "terrorists" cannot be reasoned with and showing various pictures supporting the terrible Reds actions and claiming they are holding the country to ransom.

On the other side you have claims of unjustified force where its sticks stones and handmade weaponry against the might of a modern army with plenty of pictures etc to support it.

Somewhere in all this there lurks the privateers undoubtedly on both sides.

When the yellows blockaded the Airport what was the response of the then government and why wernt similar measure taken as now ? Who had the ability to arrange such a thing even

The city is filled with smoke as is this website full of smoke filled posts and Propaganda on both sides... Somewhere behind all of this are the puppeteers quietly making the calls and pulling the strings.

When all seems in panic and chaos ask yourself WHO really has the most to gain and to lose here ? ( other than the normal Thai people )Look to the history of this country that they don't and will not teach in school, ask why the education system is so controlled and who benefits from it being this way....

Ask the question why in a modern and global world there has been a positive progressive attitude towards protectionism and closing the country down towards foreign investment. Internet site censorship and draconian measures reinstated when most other Asian countries are opening up Thailand is firmly closing itself off.What benefit is this to the general populous of Thailand ? Why would some wish to push their country backwards when all others in the region are surging forward isnt that just crazy ? surely a country that had such a healthy reputation at the beginning of this decade would have continued to build on its success and want to continue to be one of the leaders of the Asian economies.Who could possibly want to change all that and why ? what is there to be lost or gained by doing so ?

Look further than the current TV coverage and do your homework, if you truly care for Thailand in any way you need to research what is at stake and what not only the motives are but what the prize and goal ultimately is.

Wake up there is a whole lot that isnt said or reported but its there if you care to do your homework.

This is the best post I've read. Everyone read it again and ask yourself WHO? WHO? WHO?


I think the revolution have been started. The defiance will be spread out to a whole country. It will be more difficult for the army to control the situation.


Army and Police should protect their people rather than an ambitious ruler. It is a big shame from the point of view of other country army if armed soldiers fight against unarmed civilian. This kind of army has no honor, they should bring lipstick instead of gun

Army and Police should protect their people rather than an ambitious ruler. It is a big shame from the point of view of other country army if armed soldiers fight against unarmed civilian. This kind of army has no honor, they should bring lipstick instead of gun

The ambitious ruler you support is Thaksin.

The reds are not unarmed they are violent thugs.

If you want some lipstick try to find a 7-11 your friends haven't looted.

No it didn't benefit him at all. He couldn't get paid. What is the point in having the largest mobile phone company in Thailand if you can't sell it someone, and you are about to have to shell out a ton of money for a 3g network. The other big family that wanted a mobile company had one. Did Singha want one? hel_l no. Red Bull Man? No way. 2bn is in the end of the day a lot of money.

In his business the foreign ownership rules were a pain in the ass, because he could never realise a cash profit and he was going to get squished if he didn't partner up with someone. He is not some family dynasty of mobile phone operators unlike many of the other large families.

Now as for industries that were being slated to be removed from protection. Take your pic. There was a certain bunch of families who apparently he wasn't too keen on since they didn't really back him in his set up of AIS. They didn't like him either because he survived 97 quite well, whilst they and several of their close associates got toasted well and truly.

Add in the fact that he arranged the issuance of the first new license in that industry for decades and you could see that possibly this got the attention of quite a few very powerful people in Bangkok. Some of whom had close family members in the Democrat party and also rather stupidly marched up with Sondhi and his mates the very first time they went into Government house and beat a hasty retreat when they realised that the time wasn't right.

Now this is all simply joining the dots to provide a financial reason why certain people might have wanted Thaksin out. It is all out there in various books and publications. Fortunately I travel a lot, so make a point of picking up books at the airport and have time to try to work out why this is happening to Thailand. Now do we really believe that the real reason for all of this fighting, a coup, legal issues, smashing an admittedly corrupt politicians wealth is all to do with bringing Thailand kicking and screaming into some dawn of clean politics? Clean politics in Thailand? Come on.

Or is it all just about money? I have a policy, that when all confuses me in Thailand, the logical answer is that someone is getting paid. As a policy it is cynical, but it has never failed.

Aye its about time people started doing their own research and look behind the scenes.. The old guard have come up against the new and what they see is not to their taste at all. The usual pawns of the game are the General Thai public. At the same time the stakes have never been higher and so the tactics of both sides play out in front of the world.

On one side you have the current self appointed Government stressing that the "terrorists" cannot be reasoned with and showing various pictures supporting the terrible Reds actions and claiming they are holding the country to ransom.

On the other side you have claims of unjustified force where its sticks stones and handmade weaponry against the might of a modern army with plenty of pictures etc to support it.

Somewhere in all this there lurks the privateers undoubtedly on both sides.

When the yellows blockaded the Airport what was the response of the then government and why wernt similar measure taken as now ? Who had the ability to arrange such a thing even

The city is filled with smoke as is this website full of smoke filled posts and Propaganda on both sides... Somewhere behind all of this are the puppeteers quietly making the calls and pulling the strings.

When all seems in panic and chaos ask yourself WHO really has the most to gain and to lose here ? ( other than the normal Thai people )Look to the history of this country that they don't and will not teach in school, ask why the education system is so controlled and who benefits from it being this way....

Ask the question why in a modern and global world there has been a positive progressive attitude towards protectionism and closing the country down towards foreign investment. Internet site censorship and draconian measures reinstated when most other Asian countries are opening up Thailand is firmly closing itself off.What benefit is this to the general populous of Thailand ? Why would some wish to push their country backwards when all others in the region are surging forward isnt that just crazy ? surely a country that had such a healthy reputation at the beginning of this decade would have continued to build on its success and want to continue to be one of the leaders of the Asian economies.Who could possibly want to change all that and why ? what is there to be lost or gained by doing so ?

Look further than the current TV coverage and do your homework, if you truly care for Thailand in any way you need to research what is at stake and what not only the motives are but what the prize and goal ultimately is.

Wake up there is a whole lot that isnt said or reported but its there if you care to do your homework.

You know, this time on, the whole tactical game by govt and reds has gone a teeny weeny bit out of control. Govt didn't expect that much resistance and reds (+Takksi) didn't expect their mob to go that mad. And to give the meal some spice, a couple of influential guys threw in their own force.

As we heard it earlier from CRES, and I do believe that: A couple of red leaders with some 100m Baht stacked in their bank accounts, yummy - that is worth a fight. Some have already purchased their new SUVs. Hmm, maybe too early. The stakes are high, indeed. End game for money politics. And the poor folks from Isan are used as blindfolded gunfodder again. Thailand will never change. I have not seen any improvement ever since I moved here in 92.

baby in a warzone is just WRONG!!!!!!!!!! what's up with you red murder!!!!!!

wow 66 deaths thaksin should be charged with.thaksin deserves life in prison after this is over.why are these fools putting their lifes on the line so thaksin can clear his name by getting his friends elected.it makes no sence to me.they are being paid to die for him wow.

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

That's what a human shield is - "don't shoot at us behind standing behind the red barricades because we have brought our children here."

Not even worth a reply if thats what you think a human shield is

Would you put your 5 year old in that situation? I would hope not. If bank robbers were shooting out of a bank would you bring your child to watch? Or I guess in your case you would ask to be invited in and look out the windows at the assault team and snipers.

baby in a warzone is just WRONG!!!!!!!!!! what's up with you red murder!!!!!!

wow 66 deaths thaksin should be charged with.thaksin deserves life in prison after this is over.why are these fools putting their lifes on the line so thaksin can clear his name by getting his friends elected.it makes no sence to me.they are being paid to die for him wow.

Authorities will shortly ask two close aides of Pojaman na Pombejra, ex-wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, to substantiate their recent cash withdrawals of Bt600 million and Bt800 million.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) said yesterday that massive amounts of money had been withdrawn by Akarat Changlao and Kanchanapa Honghern, respectively, on behalf of Pojaman.

The money was taken out of bank accounts in cash and left the banks in several vehicles.

On Sunday, the CRES issued a ban on financial transactions by 106 individuals and legal entities, including Thaksin and Pojaman.

A CRES source said individuals and legal entities suspected of helping to fund the unrest usually reported that they withdrew the money to buy expensive amulets and lottery tickets.

The CRES also found one of the red-shirt protest leaders had more than Bt100 million in bank deposits. He will be summoned to substantiate the sources of his huge income.

The unidentified leader was also found to have purchased luxury vehicles and two mansions worth at least Bt10 million each.

Another 20-50 names, including Jatuporn Promphan, another key protest leader, plus a major listed company in the real-estate sector, could be added to the blacklist.

Yes speaking of being paid. It will be interesting to see where this money trail leads.... Perhaps Pojaman was just covering tea expenses with the American Ambassadors wife?

I think the revolution have been started. The defiance will be spread out to a whole country. It will be more difficult for the army to control the situation.

You are very dillusional and should be under the care of a doctor. You dont seem to get it. The red shirts are a small minority, even in the north and north-east. The only reason people dont speak out against you is they are afraid of the violence you might use against them and their loved ones.

Army and Police should protect their people rather than an ambitious ruler. It is a big shame from the point of view of other country army if armed soldiers fight against unarmed civilian. This kind of army has no honor, they should bring lipstick instead of gun

I guess mr. thaksin wasnt ambitious :):D ?

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

That's what a human shield is - "don't shoot at us behind standing behind the red barricades because we have brought our children here."

Not even worth a reply if thats what you think a human shield is

Would you put your 5 year old in that situation? I would hope not. If bank robbers were shooting out of a bank would you bring your child to watch? Or I guess in your case you would ask to be invited in and look out the windows at the assault team and snipers.


I think the revolution have been started. The defiance will be spread out to a whole country. It will be more difficult for the army to control the situation.

if the reds believe the same as you then i would say they will be in for a great surprise same as when they tried to set a stage up at R. U. and were run off by the local people. the reds do not represent anyone but the issan clans and they have no relationship with the thais in the south. I have only seen the parts in the hair of the reds hear as they are busy keeping their heads down.

You know, this time on, the whole tactical game by govt and reds has gone a teeny weeny bit out of control. Govt didn't expect that much resistance and reds (+Takksi) didn't expect their mob to go that mad. And to give the meal some spice, a couple of influential guys threw in their own force.

As we heard it earlier from CRES, and I do believe that: A couple of red leaders with some 100m Baht stacked in their bank accounts, yummy - that is worth a fight. Some have already purchased their new SUVs. Hmm, maybe too early. The stakes are high, indeed. End game for money politics. And the poor folks from Isan are used as blindfolded gunfodder again. Thailand will never change. I have not seen any improvement ever since I moved here in 92.

To be sure theres some serious money and no doubt further promises being thrown at both sides leaders. The regular people and that includes the army infantry many who are little more than adults of course are the main pawns in a far bigger picture. Recent events have moved the timetable forward and the urgency I think can be felt just by the mere absence of the obvious.

I would have to say though change will come, you cannot stop progress and once people get educated they start to ask questions and dont do what they are ordered to so blindly. The tighter the fist gets closed the more will slip through those same fingers, this isnt the 60s or 80s or even 5 years ago, this is now and as sure as there is fish sauce Thailand has already been changed, for better or worse I wouldnt like to say but things will not be the same. What is learned cannot be unlearned and even Thailand cannot stop information and technology getting to the people, sooner or later someone is going to have to embrace the change before the sheer resistance of it destroys all that it is good about the country. It is however unlikely to come anytime soon and i hope for clearer skies some time in the future.

You know, this time on, the whole tactical game by govt and reds has gone a teeny weeny bit out of control. Govt didn't expect that much resistance and reds (+Takksi) didn't expect their mob to go that mad. And to give the meal some spice, a couple of influential guys threw in their own force.

As we heard it earlier from CRES, and I do believe that: A couple of red leaders with some 100m Baht stacked in their bank accounts, yummy - that is worth a fight. Some have already purchased their new SUVs. Hmm, maybe too early. The stakes are high, indeed. End game for money politics. And the poor folks from Isan are used as blindfolded gunfodder again. Thailand will never change. I have not seen any improvement ever since I moved here in 92.

To be sure theres some serious money and no doubt further promises being thrown at both sides leaders. The regular people and that includes the army infantry many who are little more than adults of course are the main pawns in a far bigger picture. Recent events have moved the timetable forward and the urgency I think can be felt just by the mere absence of the obvious.

I would have to say though change will come, you cannot stop progress and once people get educated they start to ask questions and dont do what they are ordered to so blindly. The tighter the fist gets closed the more will slip through those same fingers, this isnt the 60s or 80s or even 5 years ago, this is now and as sure as there is fish sauce Thailand has already been changed, for better or worse I wouldnt like to say but things will not be the same. What is learned cannot be unlearned and even Thailand cannot stop information and technology getting to the people, sooner or later someone is going to have to embrace the change before the sheer resistance of it destroys all that it is good about the country. It is however unlikely to come anytime soon and i hope for clearer skies some time in the future.

You are right, Thailand has changed, of course. And information technology has done a good part of it as did dedicated young teachers and democrats.

I am just frustrated that all the progress that had been achieved during the last years is now destroyed again. In 2009 I was involved in research that took me to the North and Isan for many weeks - I was amazed by the bright understanding of the people for urgent problems connected to environment and water. I saw community projects, interviewed community leaders. Communication between them and BKK was good. And now the same people stand up for the criminal Thaksin and go to BKK and destroy it.

And with it they also destroy the relationship between intellectuals in BKK and folks in Isan. I am just saddened by what is going on. Deeply saddened.

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

Your CRAZY! No excuse for putting innocent child in line of fire. Did he ask to be there? In the U.S.A. they cite you for not having a child in a car seat!!!!

Agreed, all it would take is a soldier to not see the clearly that it was a child and to shoot. I think the father actually wants his child to die, then he can carry the body around with big crocodile tears. Disgusting redshirt f###!

The father needs the 200,000 baht "reward for dying", more than he needs the child...

You know, this time on, the whole tactical game by govt and reds has gone a teeny weeny bit out of control. Govt didn't expect that much resistance and reds (+Takksi) didn't expect their mob to go that mad. And to give the meal some spice, a couple of influential guys threw in their own force.

As we heard it earlier from CRES, and I do believe that: A couple of red leaders with some 100m Baht stacked in their bank accounts, yummy - that is worth a fight. Some have already purchased their new SUVs. Hmm, maybe too early. The stakes are high, indeed. End game for money politics. And the poor folks from Isan are used as blindfolded gunfodder again. Thailand will never change. I have not seen any improvement ever since I moved here in 92.

To be sure theres some serious money and no doubt further promises being thrown at both sides leaders. The regular people and that includes the army infantry many who are little more than adults of course are the main pawns in a far bigger picture. Recent events have moved the timetable forward and the urgency I think can be felt just by the mere absence of the obvious.

I would have to say though change will come, you cannot stop progress and once people get educated they start to ask questions and dont do what they are ordered to so blindly. The tighter the fist gets closed the more will slip through those same fingers, this isnt the 60s or 80s or even 5 years ago, this is now and as sure as there is fish sauce Thailand has already been changed, for better or worse I wouldnt like to say but things will not be the same. What is learned cannot be unlearned and even Thailand cannot stop information and technology getting to the people, sooner or later someone is going to have to embrace the change before the sheer resistance of it destroys all that it is good about the country. It is however unlikely to come anytime soon and i hope for clearer skies some time in the future.

I agree that change will and must come to Thailand. The big questions that seem to be destroying the city at the moment are who will lead the change and how it will happen. That's not to suggest that change wasn't and isn't happening in Thailand, it's that it's not happening fast enough for some, or perhaps the leaders of this movement have other objectives in play. Now this current demonstration could very well bring down the govt, but what's it to be replaced with? I'm sure that there must be capable people in the Red camp, but I haven't heard or read any constructive solutions to the plight of inequality in rural areas. As far as the current govt goes, it inherited an almost impossible mess that would really require a few miracles to sort. Well if your trying to sort that past and bring about change in a nation whose local and national govts are stepped in corruption, I'd say totally impossible. I'd say that the current PM has had the unlucky job of trying to deliver the mail with a pack of angry dogs nipping his heels. Yes change will come, maybe a new govt in a few months, maybe more grants to farmers and maybe some improvements in education and the rural infra-structure, but the real problems of Thailand will take decades to change. Destroying Bangkok is not going to help change happen any faster.

There is nothing else the government can do at this time. The reds have painted the government into a corner.

Look at the last 4 days. The government moves to contain the Rachprasong rally. Contain ---- not crackdown! The troops move in to the areas around the reds and the reds attack. They continue to come OUT of Rachprasong and attack. The troops have not moved into the rachprasong area. The troops are working on containing them and that is all.

Personally, I assume that the government thought that this would happen. The roudier, violent, and less well trained reds are coming out and attacking and this so far has kept the 'relatively' innocent grannies, women, and totally innocent children safer inside the main rally encampment while the troops deal with the more violent reds.

I am stymied at how they plan to really proceed though. I don't see how they can move in from here. I also think that Sae Daeng's ronin will open fire on the hostages inside the red compound if the government moves in, in a bid to discredit the government.

I hope they have a plan that can give some safety to the grannies and children.

Has it occured to anyone in TV that the good General Seh Dang has trained well, the RD leaders, who have spread the training down the ranks. Look at the big picture people. They seem insane to us on the internet, but they have been very organized, very tactical, very self controlled, and the women, elderly, children have been kept in the center, or close to pathways to get to center of the compound when needed. Very strategic on their part, and very systematic in their activity day by day. Its the govt and military that are fully aware that the Reds have been trained by the best, and its the govt and military that acts more like the amateurs. Thats why he was taken out of the equation by a sniper. The probable thought being, if the general is dead, panic will sweep thru the RD camp and they will either scatter, or be confused and easily swayed or conquered. It appears that the general has instilled not only tactical training, but also fed their intestinal fortitude as well. Oh, and for the love of God, drop the infamy building of Tacksin. This grew far beyond one man oh so long ago. Live or dead, Tacksin is not the center of the Red universe. Democracy is. Some of you are right, Thai don't know what Democracy really is, but they have learned enough from the outside to know they want it, and when it comes to learning what all is involved with Democracy, the Reds and students are learning at an exponential rate. For you average iq and education farang, that means Thai are like dry squeezed sponges released in water. They are absorbing their fill, and Thailand will never be the same after this is finally settled.

Hate to tell you this mate.....This is all about Thaksin.... The Reds were about to accept the last offer of dissolution of the house and fresh elections....

It was Mr T who outrightly told them Not to accept, because there was nothing in this for him....Verra left as did other reasonable minded Reds, But remember Thaksin is paying the "leaders" 30 million baht each to do his dirty work and as paymaster ....his word is law......


I have not necessarily been a supporter of the Reds or the Bangkok Elites. Thus I feel a bit objective in motivation. The government is using snipers to kill the Red Shirts calling them the Red Shirts terrorists while they the Red Shirts are rural poor that have set up a protest site. The Thais lie to the point of deluding themselves. They will start a civil war. The red shirts are now dispersing throughout the city. The government has pursued a policy of violence while saying that it is the Red Shirts that are violent. Many of the media reports in Thailand refuse to acknowledge exactly who is killing whom. I saw one report where the army had warned the red shirts to leave because they were in danger of being fired upon by terrorists. Indeed they are!

I have not necessarily been a supporter of the Reds or the Bangkok Elites. Thus I feel a bit objective in motivation. The government is using snipers to kill the Red Shirts calling them the Red Shirts terrorists while they the Red Shirts are rural poor that have set up a protest site. The Thais lie to the point of deluding themselves. They will start a civil war. The red shirts are now dispersing throughout the city. The government has pursued a policy of violence while saying that it is the Red Shirts that are violent. Many of the media reports in Thailand refuse to acknowledge exactly who is killing whom. I saw one report where the army had warned the red shirts to leave because they were in danger of being fired upon by terrorists. Indeed they are!

Thank you for your great post. It brings quite a new light on the situation....

Now, can you please send a tweet to your Boss (now shopping in France) and tell him you did your job, and can he please send you the money?

Another way, is to go and collect it at Ratchprasong stage

Thanks again for you great contribution

Buddhist monks leading prayers with the reds? Err... non-violence, peace, compassion... who would have guessed this is a Buddhist nation.

The government has been very very restrained thus far, I do not know another county that would let 5000 people shut down a city of 16 million.. It's about time this ended.

your memory short. How about Suthep at cres and Anupong head of army in thailand, allow and encourage PAD to shut down this same city, Gov house and Airport.

They loved it then but not sure why, then not lovin it now! Som Nam Nah

Where do you get your information from..... perhaps you have a Thai wife..? Do your own research.....

Wow! The reds defied the deadline? I thought that they would pack up and go home peacefully :) .

Well since the reds claimed a million would come that means that with 5000 remaining, 995,000 have gone home.

remaining only 4999 since Veera (one of the 3 red shirt leaders) also left together with the 995,000

I wonder how Mr Thaksin wants to be remembered by history?

THe classic yellow rethoric .

When they see they are losing the contest , they bring in Thaksin

I am Not a Yellow...or any colour, but even I can see that Mr T is behind all of this....if anyone cannot see this, well , I feel sorry for them...

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

I can only hope that I don't know you in the real life, that I never met you, and that I will never meet you.....I am disgusted by your post

You never know you luck,may be good maybe be very bad

somtampet.....if you type into Google; 'define human shield', you will learn something, and be one step closer to the 'elite'.

Or does your alliance to the Reds require you to be this challenged?


The peace lovers' arms smugglers have been busted:

Court orders jail term and a fine for weapon smuggling criminals

BANGKOK, 17 May 2010 (NNT) - State authorities have arrested those behind cases of weapon smuggling and stealing of military arms for protesters of the anti-government United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD).

Deputy Commander of Metropolitan Police Command Centre and the Deputy Spokesperson of the Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), Police Lieutenant-General Songpol Wattanachai gave a press conference on the progress of the case against suspects arrested for weapon smuggling and stealing of military arms for UDD protesters.

He stated the court sentenced all suspects to an immediate six-month to two-year jail term and a fine.

Pol Lt Gen Songpol has also warned those who sell used tires to the protesters in order to set up big fire in public that they will also be charged for instigating unrest.


I agree that change will and must come to Thailand. The big questions that seem to be destroying the city at the moment are who will lead the change and how it will happen. That's not to suggest that change wasn't and isn't happening in Thailand, it's that it's not happening fast enough for some, or perhaps the leaders of this movement have other objectives in play. Now this current demonstration could very well bring down the govt, but what's it to be replaced with? I'm sure that there must be capable people in the Red camp, but I haven't heard or read any constructive solutions to the plight of inequality in rural areas. As far as the current govt goes, it inherited an almost impossible mess that would really require a few miracles to sort. Well if your trying to sort that past and bring about change in a nation whose local and national govts are stepped in corruption, I'd say totally impossible. I'd say that the current PM has had the unlucky job of trying to deliver the mail with a pack of angry dogs nipping his heels. Yes change will come, maybe a new govt in a few months, maybe more grants to farmers and maybe some improvements in education and the rural infra-structure, but the real problems of Thailand will take decades to change. Destroying Bangkok is not going to help change happen any faster.

To be sure its going to take an awful long time to eradicate corruption on such a scale, but id say you should begin by showing people that NO ONE is above the law and state by upholding judgments and treating both sides with the same unwavering justice. No one let out of the country when its plain they are awaiting sentence. No police let off for killing innocents, no politicians allowed to continue when found to take bribes, no pardons for naughty boys etc. Yes the whole society will need to be changed and taught to take responsibility for its actions but it begins with showing the less fortunate that no one can get away with blatant law breaking. Its a case at the moment of sheer frustration by some and egging on by others and the fact that nothing was done about the previous occupation of the airport that sends out a clear message. If they can do it so can we, well they are wrong but then again if there had been examples made the last time there probably wouldn't be the situation right now.. the yellows etc showed the power of the mob and im sure the airport was looted and would have been just as violent had the Govs reaction at that time been the same. It wasn't and so its clear to a lot of Thais there is one rule for one and another for others. This cannot continue if there is to be any hope for change. Because something is very hard does not mean you shouldn't strive to put right what is obviously so very wrong, in fact it makes it all the more important to strive for and some have obviously thought its literally worth fighting for.Unfortunately they are probably fighting for the same corruption to continue albeit under a different guise. One day someone will step up but its unclear who that person might be at the moment. If anything right now Thailand need a Gandhi type figure who understands, really loves the poor and has a simple but honest wish to do what is right for the people. The current PM or the other factions dont have such a character that is clear.

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