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Thais Dont Turn Off Their Phones ?


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Stickman says this week that Thais dont turn off their phones mostly except when maybe with someone entertaining etc . Or dont want to be reached by an ex BF or GF . Presumably they dont want to be interupted when on other business.

Or in the cinema ! Is this correct ? they all seem to turn them off in the cinema as far as i can see .

And that women suffer from lonelyness !

Do they really all need constant companionship day and night ????They cant do without the company of a gent ?


" Mr. Stick says: I think I am better qualified to answer this question than the Mrs. Any action which seems that it is "less than plausible" is cause for concern and anything where things don't seem right is worth looking into a bit more. Thais do not turn their mobile phones off. They leave them on in cinemas and they live them on when they go to sleep. The only time they turn them off is seemingly when they wish to avoid calls from one of their girlfriends or boyfriends. Quite simply, being hung up on and being unable to reach your loved one on the phone is a major red flag. I assume you are outside of Thailand and she is in the Kingdom.

Incidentally, let me add this. One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance. You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them. This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad. You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

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Stickman says this week that Thais dont turn off their phones mostly except when maybe with someone entertaining etc . Or dont want to be reached by an ex BF or GF . Presumably they dont want to be interupted when on other business.

Or in the cinema ! Is this correct ? they all seem to turn them off in the cinema as far as i can see .

And that women suffer from lonelyness !

Do they really all need constant companionship day and night ????They cant do without the company of a gent ?


" Mr. Stick says:  I think I am better qualified to answer this question than the Mrs.  Any action which seems that it is "less than plausible" is cause for concern and anything where things don't seem right is worth looking into a bit more.  Thais do not turn their mobile phones off.  They leave them on in cinemas and they live them on when they go to sleep.  The only time they turn them off is seemingly when they wish to avoid calls from one of their girlfriends or boyfriends.  Quite simply, being hung up on and being unable to reach your loved one on the phone is a major red flag.  I assume you are outside of Thailand and she is in the Kingdom.

Incidentally, let me add this.  One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance.  You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them.  This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad.  You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

Thais mostly DO turn off their mobile in the cinema. Some don't, but most do.

Quite a few Thais I know turn off their mobile when they go to sleep.

"Battery finished" is very common because they use second-hand copy-cat batteries.

Often they are just "taking a shower". Thai girls seem to spend several hours a day in the bathroom.

Sometimes public transport (e.g. khlong-boat, but even a bus) is too noisy to hear the ringtone

But overall Stick is right.

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for some reason, people around the world seem to have got the idea that being permanently accessible is vital...

I never caught on to that notion myself.


I do love my peace and quiet.

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Whats wrong with having your phone on vibrate only? i dont like having a ringtone blaring from my phone everytime i get a call and prefer the vibrate function only.

I also think very few people turn off their mobiles in the cinema, they just make it silent.

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Whats wrong with having your phone on vibrate only? i dont like having a ringtone blaring from my phone everytime i get a call and prefer the vibrate function only.

Me too. :D

An added advantage is you can ignore the caller and leave the phone silently vibrating without disturbing others.


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Incidentally, let me add this.  One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance.  You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them.  This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad.  You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

:D:o it is wrong to adress "You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone". STICKMAN should say "some of the thai woman" because not all of them got the same ideas as mention.

if "thai's got those negative behaviours, culture, lifestyle so and so" then, let it run..let them leave alone, so what for all of us here? we should remember that "nobody is perfect" is there anybody perfect in this forum? if so, then "I will claim my self god" :D:D

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One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance.  You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them.  This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad.  You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

This is just part of the wider cultural preference for having companionship. Thais - male or female - don't enjoy eating alone, for example. It just isn't any fun for them.

From what I've seen, it definitely isn't a good idea to leave a Thai female in a situation where she is stuck alone in apartment all day with no friends. She'll probably put on weight quickly from constant eating. The mia noi types who lived in my former apartment block usually ended up treating half the neighbourhood to meals, the cinema and bowling. Some ended up gambling. A few found that some local Thai guy would insinuate himself into her life and become a parasitical phee-chai.

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Whats wrong with having your phone on vibrate only?

Nothing, it's a good idea.

What lampard said was "and then not carrying it on their person"

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make noise?

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I'm more annoyed at the Thais who turn their mobiles OFF when I expect them to be available. Let's say you have a date at 8:00 pm and want to change it around 7:00 pm. Busy, no answer, out of service, whatever. It happens a lot.

That does sound right, though, about Thais not enjoying aloneness. I had a student who was known for spending long periods in his bedroom, alone. As if that were peculiar. Maybe he was hiding the fact that he was simply READING A BOOK.

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I had a student who was known for spending long periods in his bedroom, alone.  As if that were peculiar.  Maybe he was hiding the fact that he was simply READING A BOOK.

He must enjoy reading ver sad stories, judging by the amount of tissues that he uses. :o:D

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And that women suffer from lonelyness !

Do they really all need constant companionship day and night ????They cant do without the company of a gent ?


Incidentally, let me add this. One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance. You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them. This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad. You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

My Mrs goes back to her Mum and Dad's village near Chaiya Phum when i come back to the UK. With her 5 brothers and god knows how many Neices and Nephews, chickens, dogs and water buffalo, she has all the company she needs!! The only thing is, even on a clear day up there, the reception to her mobile is bad but when it rains there's no chance of getting through. I have even got the number of the only payphone in the village but you can't get through to that sometimes either.

As for moving her to the West QUICKLY. Chance would be a fine thing, the British Embassy are taking forever at the moment to process our visa application. :o

Mr BoJ

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From what I've seen, it definitely isn't a good idea to leave a Thai female in a situation where she is stuck alone in apartment all day with no friends. She'll probably put on weight quickly from constant eating. The mia noi types who lived in my former apartment block usually ended up treating half the neighbourhood to meals, the cinema and bowling. Some ended up gambling. A few found that some local Thai guy would insinuate himself into her life and become a parasitical phee-chai.

So if you take your Thai girl back home to live in UK suburbia then she is going to be very unhappy ? as she wont have any Thai or farang company AT ALL ! recipe for disaster ????If she is going to be bored in LOS with no company then she will be double bored in her new UK or european surroundings?

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So if you take your Thai girl back home to live in UK suburbia then she is going to be very unhappy ? as she wont have any Thai or farang company AT ALL ! recipe for disaster ????If she is going to be bored in LOS with no company then she will be double bored in her new UK or european surroundings?

Very likely, especially with an upcountry Thai woman who doesn't speak much English. Thais really need company. I only know of one guy who took a new Thai wife back home to live in an apartment with no Thais in the neighbourhood. Two weeks later she was on a plane back to LOS. She just couldn't take the loneliness in the daytime.

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my husband moved to the uk 15 months ago & spends approx 16hrs a day alone working at home (artist) he loves his own space & enjoys being by himself, when we lived together in thailand he rarely went out except to work & always felt overcrowded at partys & bar situations, so there goes that theory that ALL thai people love company & hate to be alone. :o

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Well, waddaya know: Thais are like Brits are like Yanks are Chinese are like Taiwanese are like Frogs are Like Nips are like Thais, when it comes to these bloody irritating devices.

Can't stand 'em myself - arrogant time interrupters.

Only use the land-line for emergencies (read: fire, broken legs or death).

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My mobile is always on. Here at my place, we hardly use the land lines - unless working hours - as the lines are in our office, not in the house. So, it's kind of important to have my mobile on.

Also have my mobile in silent mode when it should be - meetings, cinemas, boring callers, etc. So I can text them back "I'm busy".

I too enjoy being alone once in a while. I can spend hours reading without being interrupted. In fact, I love it. So much for needing company at all times. :o

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but seriously though, moving on to far more important things...

I bought my Ex Tgf a cell phone for her sick buffalo up north....

The buffalo never even turned the ###### thing on.

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I don't get what not turning your cell phone off has got anything to do with loneliness.....

I never turn off my cell phone unless I'm in a cinema. I don't answer it if I'm having dinner with family, or if I'm out on a date. People will know to text me if it's urgent that I be reached shall I refuse to pick up.

I dunno, I'm just not in the habit of turning it off. Maybe I'm just weird, maybe not....

Oh BTW, I love how people seperate the Taiwanese apart from the chinks. I do appreciate it though! :o

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And that women suffer from lonelyness !

Do they really all need constant companionship day and night ????They cant do without the company of a gent ?


Incidentally, let me add this. One of the issues with guys who want to hook up with a Thai woman is distance. You can send them as much money as you want, but Thai women just don't like being alone - it really is a foreign concept to them. This is a BIG reason many farang / Thai relationships go bad. You need to either move to Thailand or move her to the West QUICKLY!"

My Mrs goes back to her Mum and Dad's village near Chaiya Phum when i come back to the UK. With her 5 brothers and god knows how many Neices and Nephews, chickens, dogs and water buffalo, she has all the company she needs!! The only thing is, even on a clear day up there, the reception to her mobile is bad but when it rains there's no chance of getting through. I have even got the number of the only payphone in the village but you can't get through to that sometimes either.

As for moving her to the West QUICKLY. Chance would be a fine thing, the British Embassy are taking forever at the moment to process our visa application. :o

Mr BoJ

No matter how hard it rains, it will not affect a mobile phone

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