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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

Why focus only on Thaksin in this line of argument? The entire ruling elite are responsible for the chaos and work together to keep it the status quo. They want the people to kill each other in a civil war to decrease the demand on resources. They are playing each others supporters against each other and outside influences are fuelling the unrest as much as they can to keep everything destabilised so that when the inevitable resource crunch happens due to exponential population increase countries like Thailand will descend into mass murder first and ease some of the pressure that the rest of the world is facing. The elites are aware of this problem and are actively engaged in the process to protect their power and resources while the poor rural underclass does the dying and killing. Just look at Rwanda or Haiti for an example of what they are trying to achieve.

If the people of South Asia do the dying and killing that just means there is a longer term availability of resources for the rest of the world to over consume. The greatest part about it is that it all happens far away from the cosy sheltered world that they live in and the bulk of the work to produce the consumables is done by the peasants who are doing the dying and killing too. It's a fool proof plan and quite cheap to manufacture and keep going. The under educated and desperate poor are always keen to air their grievances and exact some form of revenge against society for the injustices they face on a daily basis and more so if they are given the financial support and infrastructure to do so by people at the top like Thaksin.

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Update: Kwanchai admits they did not assess the situation correctly. He never expected this, he says. Blames govt /via @terryfrd

Why didn't he expect this ?

Did Kwanchai along with the rest of the Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders actually think this was a football match or some sort of fun run ?

The government and the people are fed up with being held to ransom by a band of thugs who hi-lacked a decent grass roots movement so as to aid the megalomaniac Sino Thai Kleptomaniac Thaksin to pursue yet further looting and mass murder in Thailand to sate his and his acolytes lust for power and money..

Kwanchai you are playing with the big boys, sad to say your big boy is safe and sound many a kilometre away as no doubt Arisman, Weng, Veera and Jutaporn are too along with all the other wannabee robber barons.

You and your kind duped innocent pawns to shed blood and give their lives to enrich Thaksin and his acolytes even more all for a paltry daily wage.

Kwanchai, your account is now being rendered pretty bloody big is it not, can you will you pay it or are the pawns going to be paying the bill with their lives and their blood whilst you and your fellow cowards flee the scene to safety ?

Every action has a consequence, you had the chances to settle, you ignored those chances and kept on moving the goalposts, the final whistle has blown, no more extra time or injury time, the consequences are here sad to say.

The deaths on all sides are laid squarely at the feet of Thaksin and his acolytes like you.

Edited by siampolee
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Just seen on BBC World TV:

A US based Thailand "expert" stuttered and stammered his way through an admission that "the soldiers are in a very difficult position", and "soldiers need to defend themselves"; after being asked by the commentator if he thought human rights abuses were being committed by the government in using live ammunition.

So the BBC are now allowing expression of such opinions.

and this reply is NOT biased!

The BBC & CNN have been 100% behind the Reds giving biased and false information to the world. The difference here is that these are people's opinions, most who live in Thailand, and are not being read and seen around the world like CNN & the BBC. That my friend, is a big, big difference - Apples & oranges. CNN & the BBC have shown during these protests that they are totally unprofessional and have been spewing Red propaganda worldwide.

You how the news is, no more honest new and it is all about rating. They are out of business if there is no new and when this ends, then they have nothing to report other than boring stuff

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Protesters seized Thai Com satellite uplink station in Nonthaburi

Nation TV reported that red-shirt protesters stormed in and seized Thai Com uplink station at Kaewrai, Nothaburi, at 8:58 am Wednesday.

The station said no clash happened.

The protesters were building up bunkers with rubber tyres.

The Nation

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Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

You are so insightful. I bet you and you business friends are spot on the money. In fact I bet George W. Bush and those evil American capitalists are pulling the strings. Why can't I think of these things myself? Thank God we have brilliant people like you who can connect all the dots for us. Great post!

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Time to clear out the protest. Bring in the tanks and heavy equipment. Do a few F14 flyovers. This hopefully should clear out the women and children and non terrorists. Then deal with the armed element until they retreat home with their tails between their legs. Then we'll see if Thaksin skips paying them.

F14? Thailand is only a poor country. I don't think we even have 2nd hand F14.

Thailand a poor country ????


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so house prices in bangkok might come down then. good time to buy?!

Not the place for stand up comedy....people are dying and lots of innocent hard working Thais are currently trapped in the middle of this warzone just because they were forced to go to work in their hotels by management who refused to do the sensible thing and close up shop....See, for some this is not just a reality soap, but a terrifying nightmare...

I doubt it's as bad as the tv pictures are making out. My gf and friends there about 2 hours out dont even know whats happening. Its still probably more dangerous driving through East Ham and Bracknell at night.

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Why focus only on Thaksin in this line of argument? The entire ruling elite are responsible for the chaos and work together to keep it the status quo. They want the people to kill each other in a civil war to decrease the demand on resources. They are playing each others supporters against each other and outside influences are fuelling the unrest as much as they can to keep everything destabilised so that when the inevitable resource crunch happens due to exponential population increase countries like Thailand will descend into mass murder first and ease some of the pressure that the rest of the world is facing. The elites are aware of this problem and are actively engaged in the process to protect their power and resources while the poor rural underclass does the dying and killing. Just look at Rwanda or Haiti for an example of what they are trying to achieve.

If the people of South Asia do the dying and killing that just means there is a longer term availability of resources for the rest of the world to over consume. The greatest part about it is that it all happens far away from the cosy sheltered world that they live in and the bulk of the work to produce the consumables is done by the peasants who are doing the dying and killing too. It's a fool proof plan and quite cheap to manufacture and keep going. The under educated and desperate poor are always keen to air their grievances and exact some form of revenge against society for the injustices they face on a daily basis and more so if they are given the financial support and infrastructure to do so by people at the top like Thaksin.

So this has nothing to do with politics and money. It's all about reducing the population to reduce global warming. Maybe they should have told the red shirts not to burn so many tyres then.

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Many people are going to be injured and killed today. You hateful people who are gloating over this fiasco should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm especially disappointed with our liberal far left gay members who have demonstrated their hate and are doing their best to stir the pot. WHY?

Well probably because Red Factions are the most violentl yanti-gay in the wholoe country.

Those most wasnting tolerance, draw the line at those showing them constant intolerance.

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Many people are going to be injured and killed today. You hateful people who are gloating over this fiasco should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm especially disappointed with our liberal far left gay members who have demonstrated their hate and are doing their best to stir the pot. WHY?

True many people probably will be hurt and killed but the alternative of doing nothing also has resulted in many people being hurt and killed. What I dont understand is why this operation wasn't carried out 6 weeks ago as it would have been in any civilised country.

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Dan Rivers forced to mention Red Shirts by CNN after expat pressure?

Sounds a bit like a petulant child to me at the end.

"The situation could get much worse unless a ceasefire is declared soon."

I don't think there's any doubt which side Mr Rivers is taking?


Forgot to mention: What colour shirt is Nattawut wearing? Does he look like he's telling the truth to you?

Dan Rivers is running around with Yellow tape on this helmet so what side he is reporting for.

Better to have Orange colour on his helmet if he want to be neutral reporter

That just tells you how out of touch with the situation he is.


Question: What bar does the CNN and BBC reporters hangout at in BKK? Maybe a few of us would like to fill them in with the facts, not their factuation with a Cinderella story with the REDS...

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I knew it!, Abhisit was actually born in Kenya!


Way to go, sparky.

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you can send messages of support or advise by SMS to Abhisit at 4899006

I sended this message: " PM ,do a speach on tv :" Message to the red shirts : dear friends to come,bring me the head of toxin and i will give you the confiscated 30 bilion dollar.End of message."

This is a verry simple sollution to a complicated problem .

"Defeed the enemy with his own weapons"

Simple ! Genial !

the real enemy and organisor is toxin ,his weapon is mega dollars.

And with this monney he sends red shirts to war.

BUT,half of his money is in the hands of the goverment !

So give the red shirts what they want ! (toxin money to improve their living conditions,fair demand)

Well PM,give them the (confiscated) toxin money ! (it serves for a good cours !)

Plus it is the cheapest sollution !

And you can be sure they have the brains to understand the deal !

No need for tanks and shooting innocent people ,just 1 head to roll !

The head of the only culprid in this dillema !

This advise is free , smart and safe !

Be smart !

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Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

First it was your missus telling you what to say, and now your 'business friends' :)

You're right about Thaksin though. Contrary to what a lot of people might claim, he is simply a catalyst and not the root cause, which is public dissatisfaction with the system. When Thaksin goes, somone else will take his place.

I have no time for tin-hat NWO conspiracy theorists.

But you are wrong about Thaksin. When the reds are a spent force the people upcountry will have the chance to see that Abhisit has done more for poverty in rural areas than ANY other PM ever. Some of that at the expense of the "elite" that so many reds on this board say he is.

I am happy to say that my BF stayed home today when he saw smoke ...

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Update: Kwanchai admits they did not assess the situation correctly. He never expected this, he says. Blames govt /via @terryfrd

Why didn't he expect this ?

Blaming the government for what?Playing hardball.

If you want to play with the big boys you will have to take the consequences if you lose,otherwise you should have stayed home.

It sounds like this guy thought he was on summercamp in Bangkok. :)

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I thought the reds were a huge majority in Thailand.

Now the army is moving in around Ratchaprasong, there are a couple of small groups of reds protesting.

Where are the thousands on the streets? Where is the uprising?

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Is it any wonder why foreign journos end up getting hurt? :)


Thats how they get the pics and commentaries that all of us armchair generals can remark on :D

It is interesting how the CNN and BBCrap have started to take different attitude in the last 18 hours or so....maybe the bosses back in the studios started to take a bit of notice of the biased tripe that was being previously shown

IMO they changed their viewpoint because they no do not feel protected by reds

REDS were giving the free and easy access so the reporters would report what

the reds wanted them to report. Was great crap of the highest degree

Now that better pictures are from the military point of vew, the reporters slant/take

on things has changed.

In now way is it because people complained about type/bias reporting

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Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

The puppeteer strings are very long here in Thailand.....

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To all the senior and advanced members of this forum who are cheering the government's decision to murder its citizens; you sicken me. Is your desire to go shopping as important to you as it is to Thaksin and his family?

Why can't this highly intelligent "pseudo-elected" government find a better way to disperse this ignorant rabble? This action puts Thailand's government into the noble company of Myanmar, Iran, and China for repression. It takes them 2 ½ months to decide what to do and their decision is to kill the protesters?

It is sad that one man or a small group of men can spend a relatively small amount of money to convince or persuade 5 to 10 thousand people to bring their families to Bangkok and risk their lives to further his agenda. Why can't the "elected" government do the same?

Without the poverty that exists in this county there would be no one for Thaksin and his like to manipulate. These people have been ignored by the politicians and "elitists" of this country and only one person has given them any small amount of attention, unfortunately it is Thaksin and he is using them to further his self interest and corruption. Why can't this government learn from his example, in a positive way? Why can't they promise education and prosperity to these people instead of bullets, jail terms, and further poverty?

Sorry but without "the why" there wouldn't be a "this thread."

The government have not only promised, but in some cases are delivering, free health care, education, and many other programs to help the poor.

They also offered elections.

Even with all of these offers, the "poor" protestors continued to attack the army with guns, petrol bombs and grenades.

What would you suggest the government do?

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Let's see if Thailand can make itself a pariah state today by taking the body count above Tiannamen Square. About 350 ought to do it.

Shameful day for Thailand and shameful to read all this vitriol.

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Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

Ozzieman, Yours is one of the most perceptive and at the same time the most chilling comments I have read on this forum.

I fear that your friends may be right.

ozzieman/bulbous just how many sign-in names do you have? :)


Why do I need more than one

some times I am not right and I admit it

But if I am right then the end results are something that no one want to believe can happen

Is your intention to try and destroy the credibility of any one that speaks what you can not agree with

puppets come in many forms and there are many on the posting

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for the hundreds of current red sympathisers inhabiting this site, those who are still here but have been re-incarnated and for those who have permanently fallen by the wayside.

especially for all of you who said that Abhisit would never have the support of the Army, Navy, Air force or the Police

here's something just for you


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Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

I didn't know Lumpini Park had a Grassy Knoll?

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BBC showing APCs and water cannon in action.

Looks like this is the end.

Sorry for the poor dupes who thought they were protesting for democracy (which they already have).

We now know this was all about power and money.

Hats off to Abhisit!

Agreed. There was some controversy how ole GW Bush got elected the first time but we didn't screw up our whole country because we didn't like him. Now how he managed to get elected twice is another story. The reds lost my respect when they took over the hospital. It's ok to protest if you have solutions, not act like animals because you didn't get to chew on your bone.

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for the hundreds of current red sympathisers inhabiting this site, those who are still here but have been re-incarnated and for those who have permanently fallen by the wayside.

especially for all of you who said that Abhisit would never have the support of the Army, Navy, Air force or the Police

here's something just for you

:):D:D LOL yeah ok lets see that is going to happen after all this is settled down and the muderous rampage of the government is shown for what it it cold blooded MURDER unarmed civilians shot in the head unarmed medics shot unarmed journalists shot and targeted

we will see who is eating humble pie

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