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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire


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I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

It is just a shop. What about the people who have been killed and hurt.

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Very sad indeed. These people were fighting for what??? Oh yes, democracy. The poor taking on the rich? Now look at all of the poor bastards who work in Bangkok (Centralworld and elsewhere) who will be out of jobs. It is bad enough that the reds were loosing credibility day by day, but now any ounce of creditability that they had left is long long gone.

Geee it's only an horrible fake naff shopping mall defacing what used to be a beautiful equivalent of venice!

I tend to agree. Bangkok has too many shopping malls anyways.

May they build a park in its spot. Dedicate it to peace and a greener Bangkok.

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Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

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a bunch of idiot farangs are grieving over some shopping mall being destroyed.

what about loss of life?

ever think about it??

Well the topic is about Central World, idiot.

No it isn't.

It's about political unrest in Thailand.

(I'll refrain from questioning your intelligence or insulting you with a derogatory term).

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

If you are a spokesman for the incumbent administration, would you be good enough to tell us when you plan to seek the legitimacy that only an open election can bring, then?

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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

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The good people of Thailand do not deserve the viciousness of Thaksin's red horde. May they all rot.

Thaksins red horde is a sentence with three words meaning a certain number of thai people

Thai people hurting Thai people

The people of Thailand do not deserve that the people of Thailand beat the people of Thailand

The good people of Thailand.

Which ones are the good ones?

No one is all good or bad - but anger which comes from dissatisfaction (for example when people disagree on politics) can arise in the heart of even the most harmless seeming granny, and cause a person to commit terrible deeds.

Simple good Farmers in red might be convinced that yellow is wrong and simple hard working people in yellow who love their King might be convinced that red is wrong.. that is irrelevant, because there is something wrong,and something right about both perspectives if you look at all the arguments.

It is because of 2 main things that such atrocities and injustices happen;

1. People Hate when they are angry, and get violent when they hate - they get angry when things dont fit with how they want things to be or not be.

People forget to see oneness and start allocating people into sectors and separating themselves.

Red shirts and yellow shirts dont exist really its just an assumption.

In the end there are only Thai People. Thats what was there before and thats what will be there after.

To say "May they rot in hel_l" is also not fair. Because they are Thai people too.

The people who burn things are making the same mistake as the soldiers who shot people.

Thai people too have forgotten this, and have slipped into the us and them mindspace.

They are Us, and we are them... there is no us and them.

The same anger which makes you say "may they all rot" is the anger which made those people burn the city.

If they weren't angry they wouldn't have done it.

Now you find yourself wishing for other living beings to rot - what then is the difference between yourself and others with harmful thoughts towards other beings?

I do understand the anger.. I cannot stand to see Humans being cruel to each other either. And this is what i am seeing.Not red shirts being cruel to yellows.. i see both sides being cruel to each other. And when its over there wont be sides anymore there just be Thai people again.

I've been reading destructive and flaming posts here for about two weeks now. Most of the posts here are shallow, partisan and myopic. This is what has caused these problems in the first place. This post is a class act. When you write something, compare it to this.......Because if we all don't, the world falls down the slippery slope of what we have seen in Bangkok the last few days. We are all the same', warts and all.

Put me on your ignore list


Sir, don't be so ignorant. No one makes you open up Thaivisa...no one makes you read the forums. I and other have the ability to learn from various opinions, get more information, and be able to filter out the "trash" that some people write on Thaivisa.

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

If you are a spokesman for the incumbent administration, would you be good enough to tell us when you plan to seek the legitimacy that only an open election can bring, then?

Just like the opposition. Take my words and twist them to your own agenda. Carry on!

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I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

You're having a laugh! next prime minister next riot! Thai's will always kick up a storm! "reds are basically peaceful" wake up and smell the coffee my friend!!!!

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

If you are a spokesman for the incumbent administration, would you be good enough to tell us when you plan to seek the legitimacy that only an open election can bring, then?

If you are a spokesman for the red shirts, would you be good enough to tell us when they planned to call off their protest once an offer for an open election on November 14th was presented on the table?

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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

It's just a shop?? You mean 2nd largest "shop" in Asia?? You really must have some sort of special logic. Not too mention other places that were destroyed.

Seriously. It's amazing that you are still defending these people.

Edited by thepodest
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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

Keep rubbing your temples in the corner and mumbling "Unelected unelected" and then show me any link that says that the current MP's are in their position via appointment or installation. I think you'll find that every single MP was elected by their constituents. Maybe another beer before answering?

People died because they protested? No, people died because they violently tried to cause anarchy, with grenades, bullets, burning tires, and molotov cocktails. But Im sure this sounds "peaceful" to you.

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

If you are a spokesman for the incumbent administration, would you be good enough to tell us when you plan to seek the legitimacy that only an open election can bring, then?

If you are a spokesman for the red shirts, would you be good enough to tell us when they planned to call off their protest once an offer for an open election on November 14th was presented on the table?

You either know that is a mealy-mouthed reply or are too ignorant of the facts to be commenting.

And you know it, which makes your biased, blinkered, partisan input all the less meaningful.

Heads I win, tails you lose - choose wisely. :)

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Thank almighty God that Emporium, Central Chidlom, and Paragon have survived.

Will also say a prayer tonight in thanks for the original Villa Market surviving this rebellion.


Why didn't you pray for Central World? Then it wouldn't have burned down. :)

Nah, just part of the act we put on to keep the masses believing in organized religion (instead or hard work and investment). Shhh, don't tell anyone.


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I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

Seems like this posting is taking the Award of the Most Stupid Posting Contest.

I've lost the count on have many responds it got so far...

Exactly my point regarding the type of posters that frequent here. In the end they also will be targeted by the reds. Tisk tisk

Thank you TV

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The 'lets give peace a chance' brigade have decided to make me their poster child for all that is wrong with TV attitudes - fine. I am angry! Every single Thai i know, work with, and live with are angry. None of them are red or yellow, etc. They are Thai, and they have watched ignorant, paid for, terrorists burn down landmarks of their city. They have watched the black shirt militant wing of the reds fire grenades which have killed innocents and soldiers alike. They have watched a would-be dictator manipulate their country, while he and his family flee from the damage and danger they have wrought.

Anger seems to be the correct response to actions and attitudes such as these. The "lets all hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" crowd" are free to do that, but at the same time, there are CRIMINALS that have targeted your country, and they must be held accountable, and brought to justice.

Feel free to raise me up as the 'voice of intolerance' if you deem in necessary, but I know that none of the people I know were responsible for these atrocities, and they are all shocked and angry. Perhaps, just perhaps, they will now look upon corruption and 'justice for some' differently. Give peace a chance, absolutely.

If you are a spokesman for the incumbent administration, would you be good enough to tell us when you plan to seek the legitimacy that only an open election can bring, then?

If you are a spokesman for the red shirts, would you be good enough to tell us when they planned to call off their protest once an offer for an open election on November 14th was presented on the table?

You either know that is a mealy-mouthed reply or are too ignorant of the facts to be commenting.

And you know it, which makes your biased, blinkered, partisan input all the less meaningful.

Heads I win, tails you lose - choose wisely. :)

How in any way was my response biased? Was there anything in my reply that wasn't true? If so, please point it out.

Also, before you think I'm biased, maybe you should go through my post history. I've repeatedly condemned the actions of the yellow shirts as well.

Edited by dtarasin
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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

Not all the Farangs that come here would torch. Many here feed off those poor folks from cheap housing to cheap beer and cheap women. Is the reason why they came to Thailand to begin with. Is the reason they ranted against Thaskin the past 5 years. Tis the reason they are partly to blame for Bangkok burning. Tis partly the reason Farang will no longer be welcome or safe in Thailand. Quite a shame really. Thank you for nothing

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Surely not still with the star, obsession crusade nonsense Mr LaoPo? :D

....spoke the (one of the very few left) 4 star member, awarded by banned and returning member(s) with nick names;

You have a theory LaoPo. Don't confuse that for having facts. Maybe your theory is correct, maybe it is not. Frankly, nobody gives a sh1t about all this, besides yourself. Can you not find something in your life a little less trivial to be worrying about... :)

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CRES: Arsonists/terrorists May Face Maximum Penalty of Capital Punishment

                         Burn them at the stake at Rajasaprong

                                They're arsonists. They'll appreciate the irony  

An ounce of negotiation is worth a gallon of petrol.

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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

Keep rubbing your temples in the corner and mumbling "Unelected unelected" and then show me any link that says that the current MP's are in their position via appointment or installation. I think you'll find that every single MP was elected by their constituents. When? Citation needed ). Maybe another beer before answering are you buying??

People died because they protested? No, people died because they violently tried to cause anarchy, with grenades, bullets, burning tires, and molotov cocktails. But Im sure this sounds "peaceful" to you.

No. People (that's people - not some arcade game. People. Real people. Real family members to someone) died because they were shot to death by heavily armed militia.

As I keep saying, I'm no apologist for the Red-Shirts, but I do respect only democracy - not wealth profligated totalitarianism as is the current state of affairs in LOS.

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Nation Tweet quoting Thai Police Official - CW is in danger of collapse

Sir (Madam?) ... How dare you interupt the free flow of invective and insult with a factual post. Surely this must be against forum rules, isn't it? I've a good mind to report you to the mods! :)

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We're all pretty worked up about this, especially residents of the area, but any actual updates on the fire? There was a vid in the updates thread but I think it's from yesterday. Now I hear Big C is on fire too!

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