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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

I do not think that the government needs to tarnish Thaksin---he does a superb job of that all by himself. Actually it IS NOT about democracy and equal rights. And should (HEAVEN FORBID) ever regain power, the light will finally go on in your head. But by then, it will be too late.

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Thaksin obviously bought his welcome in Montenegro. So basically Montenegro responds to big money. Thailand has a lot of Thaksin's big money. Why can't Thailand make an offer Montenegro can't refuse to hand over the criminal using part of the seized money from Thaksin's money? Yeah, I know it won't happen, but that would be delicious.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

Seh Daeng, just before his demise: "The protests will end when Thaksin says they are over". Does that mean Seh Daeng tarnished Thaksin?

Thaksin is waiting for the topic we cant discuss on here. he's waiting for something to happen that changes thailand, so he can come back as the new messiah.

problem is he doesn't have the balls of mandela, or the support. at least he is a terrorism ignitor and revolutionist like cheguevara, the all mighty demagogue.

About time! Take no prisoners! Spare no wrath! Not after what his animal terrorists tried to do to me today. I am lucky to be alive. Please don't bury him on Thai soil. he's not worthy.

Thaksin is not Thai anyway. He is a Nicaraguan passport holder and a citizen of Africa. Well, that will be the case until his money runs out. But with Terrorism behind him, those countries allowing him to live and reside peacefully will arrest him as well.


I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Agreed. Thaksin is a "Dead Man Walking".

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

I don't know what he knows but I'll tell you what I know, No First World Country will extradite anyone unless

  • They agree with the charges
  • They agree that the sentence would not be greater than it would in the Country extraditing
  • That the Person would get a fair trial
  • And most important, that the Country the are extraditing to has a good Human rights record, with regards to prison conditions

On the 4th issue no First World country will extradite ANYBODY to Thailand as the prisons do not meet Human rights conditions

Regardless of what some of you think we are not all revengeful animals

Hmmm guess you just don't know what you are talking about!


Oct 29, 2009 8:54 pm US/Eastern

Fugitive Banker Extradited To Thailand

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) ― xl_31.jpg Click to enlarge 1 of 1A fugitive banker's long fight against extradition ended Thursday as he was put on a plane back to Thailand, where he faces charges of fraud that Thai officials say contributed to the 1990s Asian financial crisis. A fugitive banker's long fight against extradition ended Thursday as he was put on a plane back to Thailand, where he faces charges of fraud that Thai officials say contributed to the 1990s Asian financial crisis.

well, guess its time to call in my favorite mercenaries, black water! get 'er done!

Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

Rather than "knock" the OP I think what he is trying to say is that for a country that has a system that is built to entertain corruption, that incorporates it in to everyday life so that it is endemic throughout the country, what chance is there for someone who has the ability to spend billions of baht really getting his just deserts?

You can bribe your way out of any crime in Thailand provided you have enough money and contacts, and Thaksin has both.

Despite what we like to think, this still is a Third World country to all intents and purposes, full of corruption at every level apart from the level of the poor folk, who have no leverage as regards corruption because they do not hold any positions of office which enable them to fit into the system in order to be able to put their "snouts in the trough".

Irrespective of whomsoever gets into power, it will just be a matter of putting different coloured snouts in the trough and if the poor people ever do see something in the way of equality and handouts, it will just be the people in power giving them back a little of what has been stolen from them, quite probably in order to keep them quiet for a while until the status quo can resume.

I am afraid a radical transformation is needed throughout the whole of the country from top to bottom before it can ever be considered a democracy in which the government and people in office, including the army and police do what they are supposed to do and serve the country -- -- not line their own pockets.

The place resembles a banana republic through and through and the events of the past few months have shown it for what it is.

Excellent post

Updated: Ji Ungpakorn on anger

The Anger of the People is Justified

Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set of fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that Government buildings, banks, the stock-exchange, luxury shopping malls and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified.. why?


1. The Government and the army have repeatedly used armed soldiers, assassination squads, snipers and tanks to kill unarmed pro-democracy demonstrators since April. The death toll will easily reach 80 with thousands injured.

2. This state-sponsored violence against civilians was carried out in order that Abhisit’s military-backed Government could stay in power and avoid elections for as long as possible. It was never elected in the first place. The Government is a product of military and judicial coups since 2006.

3. The Red Shirts have repeatedly offered talks and compromises, yet the Government has answered with bullets.

4. In a Democracy, the people should be the ultimate decision-makers, not the military, the elites and the Palace. Any demand for democratic elections is totally justified, even if it disrupts shopping centres and luxury hotels.

5. Mealy-mouthed so called non-violent groups could never bring themselves to put the blame entirely on the shoulders of the Government, the military and Royalist elites, despite the fact that the violence was from the army. They never put their weight behind the huge struggle of the UDD leadership to try to maintain a peaceful and disciplined protest. This is because these organisations supported the coup in 2006 in the first place. They allowed the Government to claim that there would be no peace until the protests stopped.

Yet now that the official protest has been drowned in blood and stopped, there will not be peace because there is no justice.

You know it is really hard to follow things around here if people are not going to keep us posters informed when it's opposite day... dam_n it all

I doubt most countries will buy the terrorism charges against Khun T. I suspect things will remain the same for him regardless of what happens in thailand. I think even if Khun T was dead this mess will continue....

It appears the issue is that you in fact do not and did not think before posting this drivel.

He has thousands of posts you could use as evidence to support the allegation.

 Dreaming again.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs. 

Ha ha ha ha   terrific  post.

More please :)

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

yes could be,the family of Tiang Chirathivat decsd (the majority owners of Central) have the kind of money that makes takki look a (relative) pauper

think you mean had. these people will have no influence if there is a real revolution.

and forget charges. new court will just laugh tear it up and start looking at medias that spout propaganda for dem/elite oppressors.

you guys just dream of thaksin day and night but never know real thai people so don't understand anything important about thailand.

you will start learn today I hope. lesson today, kill some poor farmers and make problem much much worse.

anybody on here stupid enough to say that bankok is better now than last night. :)

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

As this is only your second post, perhaps we can all overlook your extremely bad manners. :)

Now we're talking. Contrary to corruption charges, a lot of countries have the legal framework to arrest and extradite people wanted on terrorism charges. Thaksin can at least say bye bye to any first-world country for the foreseeable future - and maybe with a bit of luck see the inside of a jail cell very soon.

as long as justice is done he will be shaing that cell with abhisit.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

I agree. It was about Taksin a year ago but since then it has become about people wanting a fair deal and an end to the double-standards. They have been pissed on by the Thai elite since the year dot and now they have collectively realised that through democracy they have power. This is something us weterners take for granted so think about it for a second.


The rank and file reds (NOT the paid protesters and worse, the mercenaries on the red payroll in BKK) have legitimate complaints ...... but the show in BKK was about one thing and one thing only. Thaksin

I was hoping you had posted something else because I wasn't going to reply directly to the Giles U. post because quoting it would have made me sick. Jiles U. The Marxist that ran from Thailand to escape an arrest warrant (when turned in by his coworkers!) is one of the LEAST credible people I have EVER seen write a word about Thailand!

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Since you are "new", we'll give a break. Please check youtube for arisman's video urging supporters to bring empty bottles to bkk with them so they can fill them up with petrol. this was BEFORE they arrived - as in the beginning. They knew what they wanted, and now they have it.

And you do know about the Abhisit govt programs like free education, debt forgiveness for farmers, extension of Thaksins health care plan, program to cut-out middle men in rice sales, etc right? You did do your research before you posted so you wouldn't look like, well, uninformed?

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Agreed. Thaksin is a "Dead Man Walking".

I said the same, 2 or 3 years ago. He's like a zombie.


The following is an extract from an article from today's Nation Newspaper (I know, I know - not a great fan of Thaksin) The interesting part is where the Puea Thai Party confirm that Thaksin was heavily involved.


The defiant crowd presented another snag after Thaksin allegedly made demands that could not be met by the government. According to a government source, Thaksin, through his representatives, appeared uninterested in an early end to the red shirts' protests and riots as long as he did not get what he wanted.

"As long as Thaksin does not get what he wants, he won't let this end so easily," said the source. "His latest condition is that he wants not only amnesty in the different cases against him, but also have his passports returned. Those conditions cannot be met by the government."

Violence continued but with decreased intensity in Bangkok, with Bon Kai and Rajprarop remaining the most sensitive areas, where sporadic gunshots and explosions were still heard. The fatality toll since last Friday was 37, excluding Maj-General Khattiya Sawasdipol. Nearly 300 people are injured.

Thaksin's influence in the ongoing secret talks between the government and the red shirts was confirmed by another source from the opposition Pheu Thai Party.

The source, who is close to the ex-premier, said that certain Pheu Thai leaders and Thaksin's close relatives were also involved in the secret talks. In addition to other conditions, such as the date for a new election, Thaksin also made his personal demands.

"Up till now, there have been no positive responses to the demands. These include a return of part of assets from the asset-seizure case and a return of Thaksin's passports," said the Pheu Thai source.

The source also said that Thaksin has a "trump card" in hand that he would use if the talks fail.

"The real strategists [Thaksin's allies from the military] will play an underground game by staging sabotage acts in different areas throughout the city and other major provinces in order to pressure the government to accept Thaksin's conditions," the source said.


Also did you see all the denials that Thaksin gave to the international media today? In all the time that Thaksin was in power and all during the time that he has been in exile, not once has he accepted responsibility for his actions. It has always been someone else's fault but never, ever his. The nearly 3,000 deaths in his drug war was never his fault. The several hundred deaths of the Muslims who died in the military trucks was never his fault. The coup against him was never his fault. He must not have heard that the buck stops at the PM's desk.

What an utterly, contemptible, despicable and miserable little sh-t Thaksin is. Wherever he goes and whatever he does, he leaves a very bad smell.

About time! Take no prisoners! Spare no wrath! Not after what his animal terrorists tried to do to me today. I am lucky to be alive. Please don't bury him on Thai soil. he's not worthy.

Thaksin is not Thai anyway. He is a Nicaraguan passport holder and a citizen of Africa. Well, that will be the case until his money runs out. But with Terrorism behind him, those countries allowing him to live and reside peacefully will arrest him as well.


I know the source of your quote. like it or not, its thats black and white. you are or you're not. if you are, you support order and the things that lured you to thailand's beauty. if you're a parasite, you...don't support any of that, and love terrorism, thaksin, greed, cheguevara, pol pot and destruction.

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Listen, if the red-shirts are only looking for a new election they WAIT for it, they don't come "peacefully" to throw 800 liters of their own blood on buildings, they don't throw grenades on skytrain stations , they don't kill people, and they don't block the economic centre of a capital city, because this is not peace, this is war!

Can you understand that, or are you so stupid to don't be able to understand something so simple. In any country - i mean democracy - in the world what happened during two months in Thailand would not have lasted more than two weeks! So, believe me, Thailand is not only a democracy - not perfect like all democracies but a democracy anyway - and this government is not the "worst" but probably the best you could have find in this kind of situation. No other country in the world would have wait that long to react, but when it's too much, it's too much. The red shirt movements was destroying the country and the government who has been widely patient had to act.

Now, if you want a new election, it's f+++ing simple: YOU WAIT FOR THE DATE OF THE NEXT ELECTION, like any democratic people would do, you don't put a country on fire because you want an election right now!

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Hehe, I really love when the trolls come out to play but in your case the skill level is clearly not up to par with some of the more experienced SP and bridge dwellers, but keep at it young lad you too might be a famous TV troll some day. You are so right I simply don't know why the PM did not offer up elections... ummmmmm never mind you'll never understand...

I dont mind for your so call troll if you re-structure your English vocabulary better.. There is nothing we need to understand.. you just need to know if there is somebody kill your family.. wife or anyone one day.. what will you feel?? Is a "democracy" country should take the cruelest action to kill the protesters? Use your mind and think properly.. Does the previous parliament take any action to hurt those so call "Educated" Yellow-shirt protester? Tell me... what is the different between devil and angel?

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Agreed. Thaksin is a "Dead Man Walking".

I said the same, 2 or 3 years ago. He's like a zombie.

He is already dead for a few weeks. There are lots of proof circulating in the internet. Just Google it if you do not believe me.


Thaksin or not Thaksin, those who incites others to commit arson and treason is considered a rotten apple within a society.

The Reds came in with 80,000 (maximum) crowd. Then as the money was only 500 to 1000 Baht, their numbers dwindled to 10,000 and finally down to 5,000 with 3,000 as women and children.

Burning and looting and shooting guns! Is this what they call a peaceful protest!? I call it insurrection and rebellion. And the leaders, heck! They are hopeless now. Their goal of dividing the army and police went sour as their sweat. Goodbye REDS. Hello to NEW Thailand.

Robert Amsterdam must also be include on the terrorist list for his involvement with Thaksin and his blatatnt terrorism.

Not using it here but that's my stolen avatar you are using!

Listen, if the red-shirts are only looking for a new election they WAIT for it, they don't come "peacefully" to throw 800 liters of their own blood on buildings, they don't throw grenades on skytrain stations , they don't kill people, and they don't block the economic centre of a capital city, because this is not peace, this is war!

Can you understand that, or are you so stupid to don't be able to understand something so simple. In any country - i mean democracy - in the world what happened during two months in Thailand would not have lasted more than two weeks! So, believe me, Thailand is not only a democracy - not perfect like all democracies but a democracy anyway - and this government is not the "worst" but probably the best you could have find in this kind of situation. No other country in the world would have wait that long to react, but when it's too much, it's too much. The red shirt movements was destroying the country and the government who has been widely patient had to act.

Now, if you want a new election, it's f+++ing simple: YOU WAIT FOR THE DATE OF THE NEXT ELECTION, like any democratic people would do, you don't put a country on fire because you want an election right now!

Unless you are on the side of the establishment, than don't have to wait at all.

Just order the dissolution of the winning party (twice), organize a military coup, change the constitution, sway MPs elected by voters of the opposition to switch sides with budget incentives and sit pretty at the top .:2 cents:.

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Agreed. Thaksin is a "Dead Man Walking".

I feel sorry for his body guards.. when this happens. Maybe they should just get up and resign and come home. For the rest of his life he will be looking behind. (At his prostate cancer)

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