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this might be a little evil of me, but am I alone in wishing Thaksin would make a triumphal return really really quickly, like tomorrow?

...just to see how long he would last.

I too would totally would like to see Khun Thaksin make a triumphant return very quickly - red carpet treatment, the screaming pro-reds swinging their flags and pictures, tears coming down their cheeks.

Just to experience in person this one man with his vendetta - who never gave up - who had incited his followers with his passionate radio and satellite addresses in the beginning to mobilise his faithful followers and convince them to accelerate this charade which has been driving Bangkok and Thailand into the ground and polarising the country in such a way that they may not recover from for years to come.

This guy that had the power to make the serious and moderate red leaders walk away from the ever-so-close road map.

Whose power gave the hard-core reds the money and feelings of unlimited potential to desatabilise the country - and in which the ultimate cost would approach the unthinkable.

A man who new all to well that, in a country not ready for Western-style democracy, how his people and many (most?) Thais in the rural areas are easily swayed by toiken entitlements and by hard cash.

Yes, I hope he makes a grand entrance getting off the plane - and then - bam - he never makes it to the end of the tarmac. One man like Thaksin has been more that enough in the roller-coasting - but long and rich - history of Thailand. We can move on - but Thaksin is in the way and he has too much blood on his hands and has taken too much from his people for his own personal fortune and power-hungry greed with no regard to cost, lives or consequences.

If any of you pro-Red falangs want to tear apart anything I say - with your know-it-all, and oh-so mature overview and understanding of the situation, my son-in-law (military) just had a bomb blow up too close to him and he was rushed to the emergency room. It took hours to find out if he was going to be okay. This pressure and tension finds me unwilling to tolerate any more. I can just pray the next few days don't turn into sporadic attacks and non-sense and make it even more difficult for all of us.

he doesn't deserve to perish or be burned or buried on their soil. he is a man with no country in exile, so why not make some funeral arrangements that reflect that?

I'd favor ashes thrown in an unnumbered trash dumpster in Oakland Califorinia.

Or maybe sprinkled from a U2 plane over N. Korea...

Or just dumped in a Irrawaddy Pig stie...

Nah, I like pigs.

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My wife said banks up-country are closed today... is this true?

Bank holidays??? :)

The Thai government declared a two additional bank holidays for this week. This was done yesterday or the day before.


Hi Guys,

I will be arriving to Suwanabhumi airport tomorrow at 9.30 Pm. Do you think that I will have a problem in getting home to Jomtien. Are the taxis still running??

Cheers Rick

Is it really impossible to have any conversation without quoting whole thread in every-single-answer. If there is pictures they are also "quoted" sometimes even three...four or more on same page. What is wrong with you people, don't you really know what is thread about without quoting every answer in every your answer, less would be ok (just few words, or line or thing you're answering about, if really needed).

Quoting all shit makes reading/answering threads really, hmm..., shitty. Especially with low speed net, waiting quotes after quotes appearing. Oh my Buddha.

If this is intellectually overwhelming you then you should look for the exit.


All you need to know about curfew and state of emergency

Greg Lamphear talks to foreigners about state of emergency and curfew in Thailand



George I am in China so no you tube. Will I have ant problems arriving in BKK after 9 pm tomorrow?? The missus was going to pick me up but I guess that is out now

Cheers, Rick

Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

Three nights of Curfew will make little difference to Pattaya's problems but they may make a big diffence to Thailand as a whole. Do you want take the chance of having burning buildings in Pattaya. That would be more economically damaging.

Idiot: Are you in pattaya right now? There daily are shootings, fire accidents, crimes of all sorts, traffic accidents so abundant do you really think someone would put in the effort to burn something here? its as quiet as it gets. NO red shirts whatsoever. if there are incinerators so be it they will do their business with or without curfew.

All I am saying is this: typical thai overreaction to make it look like they are doing something, that the govt has any clou what is happening, when in fact they do not have a slightest idea what their actual strategy is. closing the bars in walking street will surely impress the snipers in rajprasong I am sure. They will in fact be so scared by this demonstration of power that they will probably surrender.

good move pissit. we are impressed

If I'm not wrong, there were red shirt protests in Pattaya yesterday, as well as buildings reportedly set on fire. Maybe it's time to step outside the bar.

Dunno about Pattaya but I know the local red shirts assisted by a couple of delinquent gangs went down Chonburi Tesco-Lotus last night with a load of petrol and intent to burn it down. They hadnt counted on the security guards, shelf stackers and cleaners not fancying losing their jobs though and found not only the doors locked but a ferocious group of workers attacking them. Didnt last long until the red gangs fled.

Now why would any group that claims to rerpesent interests of the poor (yeah I know they dont really) do things that negatively impact on the poor. How many poor peoples jobs have been lost by these stupid red arson attacks ordered by rich Arismon and rich Nattawut?


Bit surprised to see Chon Buri included in the list of curfewed provinces as I thought that this was a PAD stronghold during their protests 18 months ago. Maybe the local red shirts also have yellow shirts in their closets???

Or they could just start holding real, non-rigged elections...

Nah. Crazy talk.

It is what we would like to see but the power-structure in the villages makes this impossible in the foreseeable future.

it does also help to identify those motherfuc,,,ers because they will be the only ones on the street besides the armed forces andpolice - do you understand the reasoning behind this?

Actually . . . that's total and utter <deleted>. If I was hellbent on torching buildings and causing general mayhem with impunity, I'd probably be respecting the curfew along with everyone else and then, once things got back to normal, I'd resume my nefarious activities.

And that Herm is the next phase.Stay tuned.

Have been to BKK for a few years and traveled to almost all parts of Thailand including North and North East.

I know many shop owners in my area, they are mostly Isaan, and many know me by name. I also shop at the local Thai market.

Lately,may be it's just me being paranoid, I have noticed some change in their attitude.

Nothing hostile but the smiles and overly friendly demeanor are gone.

It has not happened over night but has been going down for about a month or so.

In the beginning the feeling was like something was amiss, not right, not as usual but I could not put my finger on it at first.

Understandably, some of them if not all are upset by the latest events, but a little over a month ago there was no hint of things turning that nasty.

As a result I don't feel as comfortable as before going to a thai market, which was fun in the past when all was well.

Is it just my personal experience or there is something going on that I don't get?

I have never felt unsafe in BKK or in Thailand for that matter, now it is starting to change.

Let's wait and see.

I am a local here in my part of town.In the last few days Thais look at me like I have an extra head or am from outer space.Not my local friends in my street but almost everyone else (oh and its not just Thais.Farang look at me like I am strange as well) I hear mutterings behind my back and then if I am doing business I speak in Thai only.It settles them a lot.

We have many many strangers moving through our area due to bus routes coming here that are not normally here and I am wondering if the locals here feel threatened not just by the Reds but the idea they are being targetted for looting or worse.Its a sad time and very very tense.

I do what I am able and I am listening all the time.Smiles help.

Light,Love and Safety to all


I for one welcome the opportunity to stay home with my wife and the rest of the family. With work being what it is during regular days, the chance to stay home and actually enjoy being at home comes few and far between.

If the curfew helps minimize casualties and damage to property, then that's good too. If it helps the army and police do its job, then good for them. If it helps the government get things back on track even by a little bit, then I'm all for it. No point to going out and become another statistic or another variable in a very messy situation.


Alright Adolf, calm down.

Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

I hate to break this news to you, but the entire country is on its knees. I am taking it that being 'way over the top' that you're upset you will be able to perch your bottom on a bar stool only until 9pm?

There is a country to fix in case you hadn't noticed.

Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

I hate to break this news to you, but the entire country is on its knees. I am taking it that being 'way over the top' that you're upset you will be able to perch your bottom on a bar stool only until 9pm?

There is a country to fix in case you hadn't noticed.

I was in Phuket and it seemed nobody could care less about the reds (although there was a grenade attack attempt) and most foreign tourists didn't even know the degree of shit that Bangkok was going through...

I have to go to Lom Sak in Petchabun province tonight. Does the curfew affect travelling out of province?

A curfew is a curfew. You have to be indoors in the prescribed times.

That may well be the case in many places but here in Chiang Rai there are still people out and about, I arrived on the 19th when apparently the curfew was in place but didn't know anything about it until I drove into town and the night market just wasn't there! Most bars are closed, 7-11 and Tesco are closed but people still have to get where they're going. There are cars, bikes and people out on the streets (ok well not exactly right now but that's because it's raining not because of the army on the streets)

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

well, then don't complain if you get into a bad situation. its there for your safety. After being lucky to live to tell about surviving lotus and the BKK bank sukhumvit yesterday, I can only say you're being an idiot ignoring the curfew.

1) I wouldn't complain

2) I am not ignoring the curfew

Jeez!, for the fifth time, I with a couple of other Thai people went to the end of the soi and came back. I didn't go looting, or cruising around the city. Take it easy and follow the thread before you call people idiots, please.

Nation says 9pm. Good news to try to contain and quell the remaining terrorists. Bring back Bangkok to some semblance of normalcy quickly.

I see all these quotes from farangs calling the protesters terrorist,probably these are ex pats on bloated salary's,I'm in bangkok and i can assure you that the majority of the Thai non elite in bkk are very sympathetic to the red shirts,not necessary with Thaksin

but what they see as a very corrupt system

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

well, then don't complain if you get into a bad situation. its there for your safety. After being lucky to live to tell about surviving lotus and the BKK bank sukhumvit yesterday, I can only say you're being an idiot ignoring the curfew.

1) I wouldn't complain

2) I am not ignoring the curfew

Jeez!, for the fifth time, I with a couple of other Thai people went to the end of the soi and came back. I didn't go looting, or cruising around the city. Take it easy and follow the thread before you call people idiots, please.

OK; not a very smart person. I know lots of farangs think that they're exceptions to the rules. This is called "elitism". Curfew means curfew. To the other end of town... To the other end of the soi... You're breaking it. Yes, I know others are, too. You can either be part of the solution, or part of the problem. Breaking the curfew makes you part of the problem. Congratulations.


no matter how long you are here , farang is farang end story . stay out of it not your plasce . and i dont mean shut up - no by all means express your opinion - but thats all it is _ Your Opinion


I don't see what the big deal is about sitting in for a few nights. Would probably do some of us good.

The only people I feel for (just a little) are those who just arrived on holiday. However, they should have known better than to come here with protests in BKK. A little homework would have saved them the hassle.

All it means is the Thais will jack up the prices on everything to make up for the lost hours of business. :)

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

well, then don't complain if you get into a bad situation. its there for your safety. After being lucky to live to tell about surviving lotus and the BKK bank sukhumvit yesterday, I can only say you're being an idiot ignoring the curfew.

1) I wouldn't complain

2) I am not ignoring the curfew

Jeez!, for the fifth time, I with a couple of other Thai people went to the end of the soi and came back. I didn't go looting, or cruising around the city. Take it easy and follow the thread before you call people idiots, please.

OK; not a very smart person. I know lots of farangs think that they're exceptions to the rules. This is called "elitism". Curfew means curfew. To the other end of town... To the other end of the soi... You're breaking it. Yes, I know others are, too. You can either be part of the solution, or part of the problem. Breaking the curfew makes you part of the problem. Congratulations.

This guy amazes me... he says he has a business in this country and he pays taxes (as if that makes him entitled to a different status... read his first post above where he says that he has little to fear in this country) and he openly admits to breaking curfew (breaking the law... read his first post above), he shows no empathy toward the situation (only complains that the government is causing him an inconvenience... read his first post above), and then he tries to say that his initial post was not a "complaint" and that he did not "ignore" curfew??? Well, read his first post above and make up your own mind.

What I don't get is this... does he really believe that without a curfew the government could of kept the fire starting. looting, and rioting at bay? Does he really believe that without a curfew the government could of reduced more damage to the economy of Thailand? Does he really not get that BILLIONS of baht worth of property, supplies, and equipment have gone up in smoke? Does he not get that millions have lost income and thousands have lost jobs? Does he not get that many have lost their LIVES?

I'm embarrassed for him. It is really sad.


In practice, of course, curfews are not perfect. Usually they mean that people cannot move from one area of town, or in and out of a town, easily, due to police and army checkpoints. It doesn't mean you can't go out and move around your own street or maybe a street or two away. But doing so does entail some risk, if by chance some patrol catches you. If you're a foreigner and not far from your house, chances are they'll just send you home. But I wouldn't count on it, and anyway everything really is closed, so there's nothing really to see.

I think here in the upcountry, there's little risk of getting shot or something like that, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I went out wandering about right now that I could end up being detained and hit with a hefty fine.

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

well, then don't complain if you get into a bad situation. its there for your safety. After being lucky to live to tell about surviving lotus and the BKK bank sukhumvit yesterday, I can only say you're being an idiot ignoring the curfew.

1) I wouldn't complain

2) I am not ignoring the curfew

Jeez!, for the fifth time, I with a couple of other Thai people went to the end of the soi and came back. I didn't go looting, or cruising around the city. Take it easy and follow the thread before you call people idiots, please.

OK; not a very smart person. I know lots of farangs think that they're exceptions to the rules. This is called "elitism". Curfew means curfew. To the other end of town... To the other end of the soi... You're breaking it. Yes, I know others are, too. You can either be part of the solution, or part of the problem. Breaking the curfew makes you part of the problem. Congratulations.

Yes, father... So glad there are all of these sages on here... we didn't cause any problems, so therefore were not a part of the problem... My goodness. Is every cop in the world preaching law and order on this board? In a country where laws are really just guidelines? There are lots of laws. Few of them are strictly followed. I am not advocating breaking of curfews. Nor am I advocating whore establishments, black smoke belching trucks and buses, cops on the take, or any of the myriad of laws not observed here..... My whole point, once again for the reading impaired was that the curfew was over the top, and has proven to be in the last 36 hours. Well, gotta run for supplies now. Everybody needs to be inside and scared by 9PM


Actually, i suspect one of the main reasons for a curfew is so that the authorities can mop up the mess and clean up the muppets who want to flaunt the law,

but if you feel comfortable flaunting the law in the same vain as the the redshirts...go for it

hope you dont get shot :)

Actually, i suspect one of the main reasons for a curfew is so that the authorities can mop up the mess and clean up the muppets who want to flaunt the law,

but if you feel comfortable flaunting the law in the same vain as the the redshirts...go for it

hope you dont get shot :)

not quite the same vain as the red shirts though is it. :D


curfew has nothing to do with treating anyone like a child. There are hard men out there- the ones who killed trained soldiers and demolished big buildings (or do you believe Central world was brought down by an urchin throwing a molotov?)- they have not taken the bus back home. The night is when special operations guys are going after them- the press has reported 5 raids- and we may never know details. Not a good time to be out lest you get caught in the middle.


Are you sure that you aren't 12 yrs old as you're acting a bit like one throwing a strop over this. You may be 1 can short of a six pack if you can't comprehend how serious the situation has been and the need to take drastic measures by the government.

Since the curfew came in there has been a semblance of normality and the chance to clean up the city without the threat of terrorists mingling amongst the masses in the small hours. Why not pop on down to Central World tonight or maybe Lumpini around midnight and see how you get on...

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

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