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After living more years than I would want to admit in the LOS (Land Of Stupidity), I am starting to think seriously about something I've been contemplating for some time now. Getting the hel_l out of here.

A while back, what I did was use the Ben Franklin method of making a decision (I think it is Ben Franklin - could be wrong) and drew a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left, I put down the positives of living here and on the right the negatives. In my case at least, I came up with a lot more items on the right hand side than the left. I then started researching other "retirement havens" on the internet and Ecuador came up a number of times.

Here are some of the possible benefits I found over this place:

1) Better climate unless you like this steamy, muggy heat (actually you can pick the climate you like in Ecuador)

2) No annual air pollution (talking Chiang Mai now compared to most areas in Ecuador from what I can find)

3) No big drop in the value of your currency for Americans - Ecuador uses the US $ as its currency

4) Better wildlife, ecosystem, environment

5) Inexpensive (cost of living about the same)

6) Simpler residency requirements (money in bank, buy some property, or $800 a month retirement/pension)

7) Friendlier people (been told this firsthand by a few I have talked to who have lived in both countries)

8) Possibly better internet service (don't know this for sure but could it be any worse?)

9) More stable (can't say what the future will be for Ecuador but we sure as hel_l what is happening in Thailand)

10) Closer to the US for those who like going back every now and then

Probably some other things worth comparing, but that's my key list for now. I'm sure I'll get some replies from the diehards who still think this place has everything you could ask for but hopefully there are a few who are thinking like me or who have actually been to some other places they liked and could share their experiences. Let's see.


I've been to Ecuador. Nice place, friendly people. I don't know if that is correct about the USD as their currency of use. I don't think so. At the time I was there (1995) I never gave any thought to living there nor did I have use for the Internet so I can't comment on that.


Quito is clean, modern and even has casino gambling if of interest. Have good tailors and the restaurants off the main drag were good and reasonable. The youngsters still drag main at nights with their hot rods while looking for girls.


I was there in 1998. While riding a local bus in the south, the whole bus was robbed by youths at gunpoint. They took the local Ecudorian's shoes.

Quito, though lovely was dangerous. I didn't care for the Catholic mindset. It is a beautiful place and I especially liked Banos.

I've always felt much safer in Thailand but now things are different.


The positiives you raised certainly make it sound a very good option and worth more research. I think a lot of people feel the same as you, myselfe included and I have family here. I previously worked in South and Central America and liked it there. The majority of people are genuine and just the atmosphere with the Spanish feel is something special. The one worrying factor for me, especially with 3 kids is the constant fear of kidnappings which is a reality that happens daily. Also its not uncommon to be taken at gunpoint and held for a number of days while the perpertrators take your ATM and go to the bank each day until your account is empty. A few Red Shirts on the rampage is a Sunday School in comparison.


Never been to Ecuador, but seriously thinking about it.

These days even pitching up tent in the Gobi desert seems a better prospect than living in the Land Of Stupidity and being under house arrest each night.


Actually finding some positive info on Columbia from different forums on the internet. According to some who have either visited or live there, it's no more dangerous than Ecuador or any other country in the region. I do know they have some of the most beautiful women in the world. Here is a site to see what I mean http://www.tlcworldwide.com/tlc_site/previous.htm

Another possibility worth considering. Anyone recently been there?


During the last couple of years, I lived in Bogotá, Colombia for a few months, and also in Quito, Ecuador for about 7 months.

Quito seemed more dangerous than Bogotá, and certainly more dangerous than Bangkok. People don't tend to walk at night there. I was pleasantly surprised at how I can come and go at night worry-free here in bkk. Local people warned me many times about crime in Quito, and everyone (including myself) had at least one story of being mugged or robbed. Get a pizza delivered after dark, and notice the handgun on the hip of the delivery guy. Bogotá can also seem edgy, but at least there I could go out on foot at night, and walk home late with no problems at all. The people were friendly in both places, but especially so in Colombia.... there, they are outgoing-ly friendly... so much so that it made it my favorite country I've ever been to. But Colombia does cost more than Ecuador or Thailand. You are right about being able to pick your climate in Ecuador... this is due the mountainous terrain of the country, and it's equatorial location.

You should really look into Cuenca, Ecuador if you haven't already ... it's a smaller city there that has the best reputation in the country for retirees. It has clean air, cheap living, and less crime than Quito or Guayaquil. But if you have the money, look into Colombia.

During the last couple of years, I lived in Bogotá, Colombia for a few months, and also in Quito, Ecuador for about 7 months.

Quito seemed more dangerous than Bogotá, and certainly more dangerous than Bangkok. People don't tend to walk at night there. I was pleasantly surprised at how I can come and go at night worry-free here in bkk. Local people warned me many times about crime in Quito, and everyone (including myself) had at least one story of being mugged or robbed. Get a pizza delivered after dark, and notice the handgun on the hip of the delivery guy. Bogotá can also seem edgy, but at least there I could go out on foot at night, and walk home late with no problems at all. The people were friendly in both places, but especially so in Colombia.... there, they are outgoing-ly friendly... so much so that it made it my favorite country I've ever been to. But Colombia does cost more than Ecuador or Thailand. You are right about being able to pick your climate in Ecuador... this is due the mountainous terrain of the country, and it's equatorial location.

You should really look into Cuenca, Ecuador if you haven't already ... it's a smaller city there that has the best reputation in the country for retirees. It has clean air, cheap living, and less crime than Quito or Guayaquil. But if you have the money, look into Colombia.

WeirdFishes, thanks for the interesting post. I think I can financially handle it, but could you go into a little more detail on the cost of living in Columbia? Some examples compared to BKK would be good.

Never been to Ecuador, but seriously thinking about it.

These days even pitching up tent in the Gobi desert seems a better prospect than living in the Land Of Stupidity and being under house arrest each night.

wise up and pull yourself together, thailand is safe !!

Never been to Ecuador, but seriously thinking about it.

These days even pitching up tent in the Gobi desert seems a better prospect than living in the Land Of Stupidity and being under house arrest each night.

wise up and pull yourself together, thailand is safe !!

Safety is just one issue. My original post, if you read it, didn't even mention safety as one of the criteria. You are obviously one of the Thailand diehards I referred to - I'm not. For me, there are many more things I don't like about this place than what I do, so I have decided it's time to bail out.

Hopefully, there are more who can share some insights to other places they have been and liked, rather than just making comments that offer nothing of importance.


I spent a month in Ecuador a few years back. Safety is definitely an issue. I met many travelers there and about 2/3rd's of them had been robbed. Either slit pockets, pick pocketed, or some other scam. I was with a couple and we had read the Lonely Planet page about the pick pockets in the main tourist square. We were all totally aware of what was going on. Guess what...they were pick pocketed. They held hands most of the time, watched everything closely...and found out they had been robbed. Amazing. My other travel partner had his cargo pants pocket cut by a razor...and his small camera was gone. Etc....

I hear ya on dealing with the craziness of Thailand. But I think you would be trading one kind for another. Cuenca is a nice, small town. Banos even smaller. A few expats, but I didn't find a lot of expat amenities there. Lots of things to do if you like hiking, biking, mountains, etc. But it is a very poor country...with it's own corruption issues...and environmental issues. Pretty much like here in LOS. Driving is crazy. After 2 months in Ecuador and Peru, I decided to cancel my dream trip of driving from the US to Tierra del Fuego. Way too many accidents. The people are nice for sure, but nowhere near as nice as Thai's...at least the Thai's that are not involved in the tourist industry!!!

TLC is a total scam. All the women are either paid a lot of money to attend, or at least get some really nice presents. I know a guy who went to one in Colombia. He was not happy at all. Great advertising though!

Same with International Living. They have vested interests with some real estate agencies. Be careful of what you read on their website.

A good place for info might be TripAdvisor.com? Lonely Plant has mainly backpackers, but you also run across an expat or two who might have some good advise on their Thorn Tree?

My recommendation is Argentina, followed by Uruguay or Chile. Maybe Brazil. But all have their issues. You need to go there for a few months and check it out before you make the plunge...

Best of luck!!!!


I was there for 2 months in 1998, I liked it alot, although I wished I could have visited Galapagos Islands and Guayaquil beach. I had no problems , but I mostly visted cuenca, Chimburazo, Quito, . They use us dollars too, but Ecuador is on the opposite side of the world, Near USA yes. Colombian students were studiying in Ecuador because they said colombia was dangerous. Well you figure if thats were all the cocain is then ya lol I was working with someone in january and said he was moving to Ecuador too. His mom bought a house over there, but he said he's bringing his thai wife to appy for a US visa also lol I prefer asian women though so south america isnt for me, although it has been my dream to visit machu pichu in peru make sure you check that out. safe trip.

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