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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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Just a link of an interview of the now infamous Jeff Savage. Sry if i'm duplicating moderators but it is quite an amusing read:


Please send this guy home, please, please, please ...he's a complete ....fill in the blank.

Nice guy! If anyone knows where he is we have roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onion gravy tomorrow so would be great if he could stop by. If he's a vegan let me know in advance as I'll have to change the menu! No offence to vegans', not taring you with the same brush and I mean that! Just joking.

Andrew Drummond sounds like a fool but freedom of speach comes into call here so let the man have his say even if you don't sympathise with him. I for one don't!

Eh? Andrew Drummond is the interviewer, the name of the foreign criminal is Jeff Savage. Did you make an error there?

Obviously I did but I don't really care. However Jeff Savage sounds much more threatening

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Since it is not in my interests to have this guy be the poster child for Farangs living in Thailand it is impossible for me to have any sympathy for him. Even though I am not British or share any glee in destruction or violence, I know many people in Thailand will harden their views about possible threats from the non-Thais amongst them. I sincerely doubt that Red shirt leaders will be thankful for this guys support....he makes himself and others, who will be perceived to be like him, a target for those working for a peaceful society. That he came out and gave interviews, instead of quietly leaving the country is really adding insult to injury..

Just a link of an interview of the now infamous Jeff Savage. Sry if i'm duplicating moderators but it is quite an amusing read:


Please send this guy home, please, please, please ...he's a complete ....fill in the blank.

Nice guy! If anyone knows where he is we have roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onion gravy tomorrow so would be great if he could stop by. If he's a vegan let me know in advance as I'll have to change the menu! No offence to vegans', not taring you with the same brush and I mean that! Just joking.

Andrew Drummond sounds like a fool but freedom of speach comes into call here so let the man have his say even if you don't sympathise with him. I for one don't!

Eh? Andrew Drummond is the interviewer, the name of the foreign criminal is Jeff Savage. Did you make an error there?

Err coulda done ..yes the name of the guy is Jeff Savage ..but the original source of Andrew Drummond seems to come from the 'London evening standard' :


My humblist apologies as this link is also on Mr. Drummonds page, thus, the source is from this point ..err ...I think ... but that also says Andrew Drummond is the interviewer. Just trying to be helpful for the readers. Thx :)

- for saying things like this - like torture is a game - you are just as bad if not worse than the guy in the video and in fact show that you are yourself unbalanced, aggressive and possibly psychotic

Or, just trying to wind you up. You shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internt, you know.

I think this guy was simply stating what the violent red leaders were saying on stage. His red Thai friends told him about it if he isn't fluent, and he told the camera what was going to happen. It wasn't a complete shock really. I think the legally damning thing for him is that he was participating in an illegal occupation, when foreigners aren't even allowed to protest at regular rallies in Thailand. I would like foreigners to be able to protest at legal rallies, but I don't make the Thai laws.

Darn it JT, you're such a red apologist! :)

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

How right you are; I keep trying to tell the Thais that here in the US when they express their opinion. They should shut their mouths or get the heck out of my country. One guy at the temple actually had the nerve to talk about Obama. Too bad this is not like Thailand, I could have just punched him and no one would have said a word. :)

Your taking the pish I hope? Even the white people don't belong in the USA so maybe they should all go back to Italy, Ireland, the UK or whatever blade they crawled in from. I feel privalidged to be living here as I've never seen that kind of bigotary in all my 9 years living here and actually feel very welcome here. Please tell me your joking?

Elwood62 could you please take a reality check! There's a landing strip just down the road from me so please come back to earth

Of course I am joking; everyone has the right to express their opinion. However, some expats or tourists of european origin seem to think that just because you are not a national of a country, if you live there you do not have a right to express your thoughts.

Also, if you go back far enough "Thais" didn't live in Thailand either, so from your point of view should all Thais get out of Thailand who can not prove that they are some how connected to the original inhabitants of the region?

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

Are you saying there is no freedom of speech? He can't express his opinion? Most democracys at least allow you to express your opinion as long as you don't incite a riot.

Who in their life hasn't made a stupid threat of some kind? Even a silent threat in ones own mind without opening your mouth. There's a big difference between thought, the spoken word and action and that dude didn't act so why the hype? He's an idiot and if he really wants to set fire to something I'd be happy to give him my lighter in the full knowledge that the only thing he'd burn are his fingers!

is that your best effort at a defense?

Defence of who? Plenty of rocks on the beach maybe crawling under one would be a good form of defence? What's your point?

I think this guy was simply stating what the violent red leaders were saying on stage. His red Thai friends told him about it if he isn't fluent, and he told the camera what was going to happen. It wasn't a complete shock really. I think the legally damning thing for him is that he was participating in an illegal occupation, when foreigners aren't even allowed to protest at regular rallies in Thailand. I would like foreigners to be able to protest at legal rallies, but I don't make the Thai laws.

Get off this forum you pathetic slime.

This guy is living proof of the power of indoctrination. Sure, the so-called "red leaders" indoctrinated him, but who was it who indoctrinated (and paid) the leaders.

This is NOT a class war. It never was. It was a vile attempt by a vile man to destabilize Thailand in order to regain total control.

This Brit is a pawn. But he is still an enemy of the state. He has been brainwashed; he is now unstable; and he has become (potentially) a means of killing and destruction.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed

I agree. It's the only way to convince the world that Thailand is a freedom loving democracy.

I asked nicely for posters to stay on topic. Specifically regarding the issue of Britain and/or the colonial past. That includes it's own colonial past. These remarks and replies to them are off-topic and the posters will receive warnings.

You've got a point! This fool has seriously got traffic on his side so you gotta give the man some respect. And I'll give you some respect for letting this one go of the rails slightly.

No blood on his hands so maybe we should give the guy a break. I don't think you can use colonialist and anarchist in the same sentence so ignore what I just wrote. Unfortunately he is British but that's no fault of ours as d.....heads can be found everywhere.

He's bad press for Ferrang but we'll not be tared with the same brush as the authorities don't really give a sh..t about Thaivisa.com nor Mr Anarchy in the UK/Thailand.

Water under the bridge but if anyone knows him you should advise him to lay low for a week or two!

He joined the protest even though the government had stated that it was illegal for farangs to do so....

He admits prior knowledge to a crime that was actually committed...that makes him an accomplice to the crime.

In one video he is seen throwing some things at the soldiers......That is assault at least

These are the crimes that he has committed.....

The fact he threw stuff at soldiers and run to the back of the crowd giggling like a schoolboy or that he threw a stick on the ground and acted like a right idiot only reflects on his mental state.

Excellent points. Now the police etc. need to bring him in for interrogation and charges. AND they will search his hovel and his wife's in Isaan for any looted goods and drugs. What watch is he now wearing? He must have been hard up for cash, having earned little as a driver in England, and then accepting employment to ferry supplies to the red shirts in BKK from PTY. The idea of looting CW must have been most appealing.

Hence BTW part of the difference between Savage and Pattaya's average English hooligan/yob or wannabe. The latter have sufficient funds, most being mere tourists or long-term residents with relatively secure, even if temporary, income. Savage probably stayed on after he'd spent his nut and then, lacking education and skills, couldn't legally work in Thailand.

But then there's the unbalanced mental aspect. The important issues for the average benighted Pattaya English whatever would be footie, lager, birds, trivial Brit points of distinction, fish & chips, or personal macho. The idea of joining the Thai red shirts would be utterly nonsensical. Savage, OTH, went off the deep end in imagining himself as an oppressed Isaan Thai. (We often hear from farang TV members who think they've gone native and parrot what they believe their Thai gf/wives would think.) He was probably too weak to maintain his personal sense of identity and nationality in a foreign culture, besotted with a Thai wife.

Perhaps drugs were involved but probably not steroids as he claimed as he lacks the physique of a body builder. In the interview with Andy McGinley he certainly look to me as if he's had a few uppers. Who knows? In any case, drugs would hardly excuse him from responsibility, as he'd wish.

Looking forward to his apprehension.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed

I agree. It's the only way to convince the world that Thailand is a freedom loving democracy.

Both amusing comments. :)

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed

I agree. It's the only way to convince the world that Thailand is a freedom loving democracy.

Are you mad? Just catch him, kill him and then make up some incriminating stories in the name of democracy revealing several names. Torture's a waste of time as the tortured can always claim he/she gave his/her statement under duress.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed

I agree. It's the only way to convince the world that Thailand is a freedom loving democracy.

You really are a pitiful worm.

Burning down the second largest shopping mall in this region was not an act of democracy. Nor did it have anything to do with freedom of speech. And it was most certainly not connected with the protocols of peaceful protest.

It was an act of terrorism carried out in an attempt (a vain attempt) to destabilize the country.

The perpetrators are not above the law; they are below the law.

In order for successful societies to move forward, sacrifices must be made.

Those who step out of line in a small way must be given a slap on the wrist. This applies to speeding or parking in restricted areas.

But those who attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society must be dealt with in ways far more severe. Not only does this serve as a deterrent, it also eliminates the scum who are unable to fit in with (and come to terms with) modern reality.

Please understand that I am not advocating violence. All I am advocating is a firing squad. Clean, simple and quick.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed

I agree. It's the only way to convince the world that Thailand is a freedom loving democracy.

You really are a pitiful worm.

Burning down the second largest shopping mall in this region was not an act of democracy. Nor did it have anything to do with freedom of speech. And it was most certainly not connected with the protocols of peaceful protest.

It was an act of terrorism carried out in an attempt (a vain attempt) to destabilize the country.

The perpetrators are not above the law; they are below the law.

In order for successful societies to move forward, sacrifices must be made.

Those who step out of line in a small way must be given a slap on the wrist. This applies to speeding or parking in restricted areas.

But those who attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society must be dealt with in ways far more severe. Not only does this serve as a deterrent, it also eliminates the scum who are unable to fit in with (and come to terms with) modern reality.

I think the poster was actually being sarcastic. I hope the poster was only being sarcastic.

Furthermore you talk about the law, and then say you would do very nasty things to them.

Now I detest what they did, but would this not make you the same as them?

Those who step out of line in a small way must be given a slap on the wrist. This applies to speeding or parking in restricted areas.

I agree entirely, the corect punishment for 'shouting you mouth off like an idiot' which is a minor offence should probably be a fine of about 1000 Bt, maybe 2,000 Bt depending on how much he earns.

Repeating something you heard is not a serious crime unless it's something which comes under the lese majeste laws.

when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

How right you are; I keep trying to tell the Thais that here in the US when they express their opinion. They should shut their mouths or get the heck out of my country. One guy at the temple actually had the nerve to talk about Obama. Too bad this is not like Thailand, I could have just punched him and no one would have said a word. :)

Your taking the pish I hope? Even the white people don't belong in the USA so maybe they should all go back to Italy, Ireland, the UK or whatever blade they crawled in from. I feel privalidged to be living here as I've never seen that kind of bigotary in all my 9 years living here and actually feel very welcome here. Please tell me your joking?

Elwood62 could you please take a reality check! There's a landing strip just down the road from me so please come back to earth

Of course I am joking; everyone has the right to express their opinion. However, some expats or tourists of european origin seem to think that just because you are not a national of a country, if you live there you do not have a right to express your thoughts.

Also, if you go back far enough "Thais" didn't live in Thailand either, so from your point of view should all Thais get out of Thailand who can not prove that they are some how connected to the original inhabitants of the region?

My faith in you is restored! You probably wouldn't be surprised as to how many people think like your previous post and yes your right! You live in a country so you should have the right to express your opinions but beware of the consequences. "Of course I am joking" Many people on this forum would agree with your comments so I'm happy to know you were taking the piss.

Have a good night

Farang go home.

This is a fight by Thai.

Farang should not get involved.

Oh Rucharee, who could you blame it all on then?

Whilst it is sad that he got involved, there were 10s of thousands of Thai's there also.

Believe me, having one foreigner didn't dilute the innate Thainess of the whole protest.

Farang go home.

This is a fight by Thai.

Farang should not get involved.


Could all foreigners go home.

This is a fight between Thais.

Foreigners should not get involved.



Hasn't this gone on for far too long? 24 pages of posts of people's opinions!

Threats of violence, insults, and now racist postings by someone who obviously should be using a Thai language site and not just because they can't use the English language properly.

Are we changing anything by fuc_king about here? Any constructive comments available?

I think this guy was simply stating what the violent red leaders were saying on stage. His red Thai friends told him about it if he isn't fluent, and he told the camera what was going to happen. It wasn't a complete shock really. I think the legally damning thing for him is that he was participating in an illegal occupation, when foreigners aren't even allowed to protest at regular rallies in Thailand. I would like foreigners to be able to protest at legal rallies, but I don't make the Thai laws.

Get off this forum you pathetic slime.

This guy is living proof of the power of indoctrination. Sure, the so-called "red leaders" indoctrinated him, but who was it who indoctrinated (and paid) the leaders.

This is NOT a class war. It never was. It was a vile attempt by a vile man to destabilize Thailand in order to regain total control.

This Brit is a pawn. But he is still an enemy of the state. He has been brainwashed; he is now unstable; and he has become (potentially) a means of killing and destruction.

He must be caught. He must be tortured in order to find out what he knows. And then he must be killed.

Heh Andrew.....you could beat him with a copy of the Daily Mail (Mr Savage is unlikely to read this paper by the way).....prior to your "ultimate solution".

Farang go home.

This is a fight by Thai.

Farang should not get involved.


Could all foreigners go home.

This is a fight between Thais.

Foreigners should not get involved.



Hasn't this gone on for far too long? 24 pages of posts of people's opinions!

Threats of violence, insults, and now racist postings by someone who obviously should be using a Thai language site and not just because they can't use the English language properly.

Are we changing anything by fuc_king about here? Any constructive comments available?

Please Rucharee turn your computer off and go to bed and just as a jesture of goodwill I'll do likewise. I bet even your Thai brothers don't like you so get on ya bike and off ya trundle. Sweet dreams and if you don't like freedom of speach don't logon!


Farang go home.

This is a fight by Thai.

Farang should not get involved.


Could all foreigners go home.

This is a fight between Thais.

Foreigners should not get involved.



Hasn't this gone on for far too long? 24 pages of posts of people's opinions!

Threats of violence, insults, and now racist postings by someone who obviously should be using a Thai language site and not just because they can't use the English language properly.

Are we changing anything by fuc_king about here? Any constructive comments available?

Thanks for correcting my English.

You are better than my ECC English teacher from South Africa.


The guy is a nob and it would be fun to take the piss out of him, but he probably doesnt deserve to be raped to death in a prison. However if he gets thrown out of Thailand he only has himself to blame

He joined the protest even though the government had stated that it was illegal for farangs to do so....

He admits prior knowledge to a crime that was actually committed...that makes him an accomplice to the crime.

In one video he is seen throwing some things at the soldiers......That is assault at least

These are the crimes that he has committed.....

The fact he threw stuff at soldiers and run to the back of the crowd giggling like a schoolboy or that he threw a stick on the ground and acted like a right idiot only reflects on his mental state.

Excellent points. Now the police etc. need to bring him in for interrogation and charges. AND they will search his hovel and his wife's in Isaan for any looted goods and drugs. What watch is he now wearing? He must have been hard up for cash, having earned little as a driver in England, and then accepting employment to ferry supplies to the red shirts in BKK from PTY. The idea of looting CW must have been most appealing.

Hence BTW part of the difference between Savage and Pattaya's average English hooligan/yob or wannabe. The latter have sufficient funds, most being mere tourists or long-term residents with relatively secure, even if temporary, income. Savage probably stayed on after he'd spent his nut and then, lacking education and skills, couldn't legally work in Thailand.

But then there's the unbalanced mental aspect. The important issues for the average benighted Pattaya English whatever would be footie, lager, birds, trivial Brit points of distinction, fish & chips, or personal macho. The idea of joining the Thai red shirts would be utterly nonsensical. Savage, OTH, went off the deep end in imagining himself as an oppressed Isaan Thai. (We often hear from farang TV members who think they've gone native and parrot what they believe their Thai gf/wives would think.) He was probably too weak to maintain his personal sense of identity and nationality in a foreign culture, besotted with a Thai wife.

Perhaps drugs were involved but probably not steroids as he claimed as he lacks the physique of a body builder. In the interview with Andy McGinley he certainly look to me as if he's had a few uppers. Who knows? In any case, drugs would hardly excuse him from responsibility, as he'd wish.

Looking forward to his apprehension.

Mmmmm, yes I see....and tell me of his relationship with his mother... :)


The majority of you here are talking absolute childish nonsense, you act like you are all 9 years old again.

The guy in question was a nobody, you idiots have now inadvertently made the troll famous.

24 pages dedicated to a troll is unbelievable when there are so many really serious things happening in Thailand, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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